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30438041 No.30438041[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>good looking
>6 figure hell
>autistic as fuck
>drug problem but been clean for a year

I got my shit together last year. decided to stay single and fix the drug problem.

im on hinge and have 3 matches. irony is I don't know how to talk to girls to text them. what the fuck do I even message them about? one chick im digging I talked about cats. the other unmatched me after I sent him the clown Pepe and I talked about crypto. why are girls like this?

>fell for the just be yourself bro meme
am I really doomed to be a NEET, in my parents basement bag holding rubic until it moons with no friends or cute gf to share it with? I can't.

>> No.30438100


>> No.30438109

how did you get into drugs without socializing lol wtf retard

>> No.30438261


If your Good looking and have 6 figures and drugs women should be chasing you

You must be lying

You could be ugly and a mcdonalds worker but if you have drugs women will try fucking you for them

>> No.30438285

I literally went to crack houses or on the street where I can find any nigger to help me.

so I only learned nigger lingo

doesn't help with women game.

this girl im texting I told her im in a middle of a job change so we can plan our date later but I honestly want to text her but I don't know what the fuck to say. Iwe just talked about saving a cat from a shelter

>> No.30438297

What drugs?

>> No.30438328


He is lying if he had drugs he could just go to a strip club tell a girl he has drugs and they will trying following him home to blow him for the drugs

>> No.30438335

Why would you want a gf, there are so many bad ones that itll leave you further behind where you are now and cripple your mental health more

>> No.30438358

haha this, thought the same thing,

also op gain cool experiences, hiking, rockclimbing, and then youll have cool shit to talk about and watch stand up so you can work jokes into the convo

>> No.30438404


Why are you talking about jobs and shelter cats if yiu have 6 figures

Do you have a car?

What kind of car?

>> No.30438412

Texting girls is a meme just talk to them in person

>> No.30438414
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>the other unmatched me after I sent him the clown Pepe and I talked about crypto.
Holy fuck I'm dying, you really are autistic
Find an non-neet hobby that girls also do, get good at it, then go to a meetup an talk to people. You'll find one naturally this way

>> No.30438432
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they are on hinge. i have 20+ matches but everyone of them i have to lead the convo.

there’s this one girl i want to go hiking with and another that i want to go cat adopting with. do i not text them unless it’s a date plan or should i be maintaining communication?

what do i say besides what’s up

i’m not lying i’m seriously autistic

>> No.30438453

this. you need a group of bros to hang out with and experience life before you settle with a gf. they will keep you sane when she inevitably flips out for the most random of reasons, and fucks you over in ways you haven't even imagined.

>> No.30438487
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If yow nigger lingo and have drugs you Dont have to be rich or good looking you just need the drugs and you can get women that look like this

>> No.30438494

where to find bros?

>> No.30438501

I wish I had answers OP. I've been in several mediocre relationships, but I have no idea how. I've been single for 6 years now. I'm a relatively good looking software engineer who has no problem talking to women, but aside from apps I have no fucking idea how to meet women without harassing them. Even normies are having trouble right now. There's nothing particularly wrong with you. We're heading in the same direction as Japan with most of our young people chronically single and not having children.

>> No.30438560
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He claims he does drugs

Women like drugs they date black men just so they can get free hits off of a blunt

>> No.30438561

the world is majorly fucked, bigly

>> No.30438599 [DELETED] 
File: 762 KB, 1096x1711, CC550E44-12CC-4EE6-A8F6-02B7561BD434.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this bitch blocked me after i sent this

i don’t want to fuck up my other matches desu. am i supposed to be talking to them before i date or solidify my first date first ?

IV heroine

this one girl led the convo she’s a fucking cutie but autistic too asking to watch anime together and adopt a cat

i have a tesla

>> No.30438665

that's the easiest part. find a sports, art or any activity you enjoy, go sign up at your local club and go there every week to practice. make sure it's the start of the season when you join. and that's it.

>> No.30438672


You sound like a mess

Women Dont want to go hiking

They want to go out to eat they want to play with hard cocks they want to drink alcohol and do drug.

No more dates to the shelter pick a steak house not cats

>> No.30438718

Ok this was pretty good bait. You really had me going.

>> No.30438749

>They want to go out to eat they want to play with hard cocks they want to drink alcohol and do drug.
underage b&

>> No.30438759


You Dont own a car do yiu

And you Dont have 6 figures

I caught you in a lie

Are you asking women to pick you up in their car to drive you to a animal shelter to adopt cats?

>> No.30438768

ok i would've already done that if it weren't for the fact that for the past FUCKING YEAR everything has been cancelled
wanted to play in a hockey men's league :(

>> No.30438790
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>have you heard of this thing called rock climbing? I tried it, I did not climb on any rocks. You climb on the side of cliffs! Talk about false advertising. I told my friends I climbed rocks all the time as a kid, and now I’m tied to a rope dangling on the side of a cliff with shit in my shorts.

>> No.30438795

it's not worth it. None of them will ever truly love you.

>> No.30438819

no that's not me anon. i think you're replying to the wrong guy

>> No.30438842

Try this:
1. Fuck what consoomers opinions, but don't just despise them like a dickhead complaining about everything, have a solution for them (for example in order to avoid consumer-cloth-hell I stick to well fitting black basics)
2. Work out, this boosts your health, mental health and helps you staying clean as it gives you natural drugs + also you gain cofidence and less ugly
3. if possible join some kind of assossiaction, sports club for example, maybe just foosball table club, where you meet the same people over and over again.
4. don't stress yourself with that gf thing, if your mind is fucked like now your just gonna ruin everything anyways by lying or not being able to keeping thinks honest and clean because of your missing confidence

>> No.30438881


You got a Tesla

That s a Good thing

Your t I Dr profile should say you want to be next big business man you bought a Tesla.

Instead of asking the girls to go To a animal shelter ask them to go to a fast charging station with you then a steak house.

>> No.30438925

you talk to them

>> No.30438933

Does OP own a car?

>> No.30438943

>the other unmatched me after I sent him the clown Pepe and I talked about crypto. why are girls like this?
>why are girls
anon, wtf did you mean by this?

>> No.30438967

spare me this gay shit. im here to make money.

>> No.30439034

are you less autistic in person? i am like this, very autistic through text but not in person. i just say hi give a compliment say im not about texting but would like to take them out to dinner drinks brunch whatever, offer a time and say let me know if it works for you. ya maybe thats autistic but i literally do all of that in my first message and then that way i spend zero effort online texting or games or whatever and then luckily im good looking so they say yes sometimes and i just go and its less bad in person. if youre autistic in person too tho then idk ur just finished

>> No.30439039
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he really is autistic

>> No.30439044
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OP lied he is ugly broke and has no drugs

Women do anything for drugs

>> No.30439066
File: 640 KB, 1125x1537, 8EEDA6CD-EDE3-4874-B77D-29BC0364ED22.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here’s the girl that blocked me and unmatched after i sent a clown pepe

i’ve been in relationships in high school but i don’t get the dating game after school and college

i literally worked out all last year only fucking men are admiring me now

i’m at the crossroads where i pique women’s interest but i have no idea how to go from matches to a date. or what to do for a date in COVID. my hobbies are anime and crypto and biz

i have no frens except you guys and i’m in pandemic city (new york)

what do i talk to them about after i match

>> No.30439098

oh jesus. what the fuck. that is not how you talk to girls.
talk to them about life and the here and now not this shit kek

>> No.30439109

are you in a populous city? 3 matches so far is a red flag. im a 6/10 and still get way more matches on hinge.

>> No.30439125
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Hi anon, I'm a woman, single, and into crypto. I like a lot of nerdy stuff, cats, painting and heavy metal. How old are you? Do you live in the US?

>> No.30439126
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>> No.30439146

talk to them about themselves
also yeah wtf 3 matches in NYC I live in fucking hillbilly town. switch up your profile maybe its autistic too

>> No.30439156

See if OP talked about steak houses
Drugs and how hard his cock gets he would have a chance

Instead he us asking women tondrive him to a animal shelter to adopt a cat

They must think he is a big fucking loser

>> No.30439157

showw tits

>> No.30439171
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Bro, normies unironically think pepe is a (((racist))) symbol. Unfortunately you will be very hard-pressed to find a girl who doesn't think so. Also crypto is spooky internet money to normies that's associated with the dark net and drugs, so I'd avoid talking about it unless she brings it up.
>am i supposed to be talking to them before i date or solidify my first date first ?
Ideally you'd ask her on a date after establishing you have something in common to talk about. Preferably within a couple of days of matching.

>> No.30439173

anon this is cringe. you have to realize that the world isn't 4chan, far from it. you need to learn how to be a normie. otherwise you won't make it with chicks.

>> No.30439239


Do you own a Tesla car?

If you own a Tesla car you should of sent a pic of you standing in front of it not a clown pepe

>> No.30439243

>Bro, normies unironically think pepe is a (((racist))) symbol. Unfortunately you will be very hard-pressed to find a girl who doesn't think so. Also crypto is spooky internet money to normies that's associated with the dark net and drugs, so I'd avoid talking about it unless she brings it up.
This isn't the problem, the problem is that he went about it in an autistic way. You either have it or you don't. He's autistic or overthinking and being way too over the top with his texts honestly.

>> No.30439248

just make small talk and set a date.. take her out for dinner/drinks

>> No.30439271

man...I suck at making money, but can always get women...we should work out a trade anon.

>> No.30439273

>i literally worked out all last year only fucking men are admiring me now
Oh okay so attracting is not the problem.
Well with women the thing is, you don't talk about them "about" your shit. You talk to them about completely random bullshit, it's only important that you talk like some kind of entertainer. Like some people play the cool chad, I'm more like the crazy scientist, others act like wise men and some play the asshole. As long as it's some kind of entertaining character they dig it. Just don't fake anything. Know your inner entertainer. Infinite pussy, just not every pussy. Only those who dig your entertaining style.
For writing with them via Tinder, guess what you're fucked. You really need to be a man of words for that shit. Your words gotta dance man, can't learn that in a few days.

>> No.30439292


I think is poor and ugly

>> No.30439317

find a shared activity you can both do and talk about herself while doing it

>> No.30439323


>> No.30439339

This dude gets it.

>> No.30439362


He doesnt want to offer dinner drinks and fuck

He offers them to drive him to a animal shelter to adopt a cat

I Dont think OP has a car

>> No.30439382

Also never ever talk about stocks or money, to noone. Not to your friends, not to your girlfriend not to your parents, not even to your bank clerk or whomever you want to tell it. You can tell if they ask, but don't get specific. You can tell your girl that it's your hobby after you got together, never before. That's worse than talking about your ex. Trust me.

>> No.30439447


Everybody likes eating good food in a Restaurant

That s what he should of offered not a trip to the animal shelter to see a bunch of animals on their way to get euthanized.

>> No.30439464

You're probably not enjoyable to be around. Start there.

>> No.30439489

This is a very good way to put it

>> No.30439518

I actually am dying terminal pancreatic cancer, I’ve been trying to make money to leave to my family since I’ve been so sick I haven’t worked in 2 years.

I don’t anyone cares but if you feel like helping this fucker out you would be helping me leave something to them.


>> No.30439521

this is it right here bros. they don't tell you this shit where i'm from.
i already do what you are suggesting almost instinctively but nobody has ever put it into words.
thank you

>> No.30439534

that is embarrassing dude what are you doing

>> No.30439579


He wanted to take her hiking and To a animal.shelter not dinner and drinks

His personality is off

Even women that go hiking with their boyfriend hate hiking they just go hoping to get deep dicked in the woods by the rocks.

>> No.30439632

This isn’t real.

>> No.30439681

true most of the women i have known are lazy and don't really want to do hiking
my goal is to find one that is into fitness, at least to some extent.

>> No.30439683


Start going to bars and clubs. Start walking over and talking to girls you think are hot. Keep doing this until you get good at it. This is like any other skill, shortcuts don't really work and the best teacher is practice.

>> No.30439724

OP is a idiot a 5/10 guy that is not fat can be like I like driving my Tesla and smoking weed on their tinder and they would get 200 girls swiping for them

>> No.30439744

I dont understand americans
I'm a literal fat fuck and I get sex on a regular basis, have had actual girlfriends that lasted years

>> No.30439743

what do you do if they are all closed from lockdowns?


>> No.30439775


Even women that got to the gym only do so to stay in shape for deep dickings

>> No.30439825


You probaly tell women you have a hard cock and Dont expect them to go hiking or to a place where they euthanize anals

>> No.30439845

damn you are probably right.
maybe i should rephrase what i had said.
my goal is to find an 'outdoorsy' type

>> No.30439878

This is bullshit, I've known plenty of women who are into aerobic sports like I am. Actually, trail running is the only way I've met women in a long time. I lost my virginity on the Appalachian Trail.

>> No.30439883


What state are in?
.everything in my state is open

>> No.30439906

Yeah. I'm an electronics hobbyist and every gf got wet seeing me work on my stuff, but go a bit into the details and she'll fake interest for 1 minute, and then you'll only annoy her. They just care about the surface.
If you're kinda autistic read "How to make friends and influence people", it helped me quite a bit. Let her do the talking and ask about her day.

>> No.30439937


They Dont want to go on nature walks
Women want to go to restaurants

You live with your mom?

>> No.30439940

very fucking jealous of that anon. FUCK.
i live in cuckcanada ontario unfortunately. i hate it here. fucking cold six months out of the year. everybody is brown, hardly any white people left. i need to move.
i might shed a tear unironically

>> No.30439944

Nah, I just talk to them normally, go out with them, by the time they're in my car im already making out and slipping my hands down her shurt to feel her boobs

Average cock length snd thickness, wish it was bigger

>> No.30439966

I have a theory. Men crave a girlfriend that worships them, and women define love as giving service to men. Showering them with hugs, cuddles, praise and affection. HOWEVER! women only want to do this to a guy she deems not an asshole or threat, or else she will be on guard, shittest or block you. If you seem like an insecure or selfish guy she will not feel safe around you and just treat you like a little bro.

>> No.30439984
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>sending pepe memes to girls

Fuck you anon, use your six figures and just buy hookers

>> No.30439990


Are you OP?

>> No.30439993

i'm not talking about nature walks. i'm talking about overnight camping

>> No.30440003

You know you can literally order meth online and have it delivered to your door right?

>> No.30440027


Unless you have a very good reason to stay where you are (e.g. taking care of a family member), move to a state where there aren't any lockdowns. All the hot girls where you are who aren't retarded or antisocial have already moved to Florida and Texas anyway.

>> No.30440042
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Forget about sex, forget about expectations. Just plan a fun day, and be a gentleman. Show her a good time, like you would your little sister. Be your self, be relaxed, but don't give away the deeper shit. Just Have Fun.
Good luck - You deserve it.

>> No.30440049

>>30439984 he doesnt even want to spend money to take them out to eat

>> No.30440054


>> No.30440097

i live in canada bro. trust me, florida and texas sound absolutely lovely.
i fucking hate my pathetic country so much

>> No.30440102

This this this. Women LIKE normies. If you’re self-aware enough, you’ll figure out how to fake being a normie and finally get that puss.

>> No.30440128


You still live with your mom?
.women Don t want to be in the woods sleeping in a tent unless they think they are going to get railed by a hard cock

Women hate camping they only pretend to like it to have sex in the woods

>> No.30440199

bro i've literally met girls that actually live in their car and do expeditions into the woods and portage and shit.
not every girl is like what you are suggesting

>> No.30440207

Heres the solution OP needs to forget about women and get himself a large dog

The dog will enjoy nature walks camping and hiking

>> No.30440228

>How to win friends and influence people
The summary of this book is "pretend to be happy and give people fake complements." I don't have any interest in oblivious happy normies. I want to meet sad femanons who are awake like I am. Before anyone says "muh no wimen on the internet", they do exist. I've met them before. But again I have no idea how to actively meet them. It just kinda happened.

>> No.30440252

Talk about your life experiences that you found funny or interesting. Link those experiences to wider ideas. Talk about what interests you and explain it the way you would teach a child. Then touch her thigh, and if she doesn't back off then you kiss her

>> No.30440255


Women that live in their car like drugs and promiscuous sex he should of offered them weed

>> No.30440320

The answer to Op is he needs a large dog and not a girlfriend

the end

>> No.30440353

>6 figure hell

>> No.30440391

fair enough bro. i hear where you are coming from.
i'm not ruling out restaurants and things like that. of course that should be the first thing you do with someone of interest.
i'm just saying that it'd be nice if i can find a girl who wouldn't shudder if i said we are going camping

>> No.30440411


Okay yeah that blows. If they even let you leave the country maybe go to one of those "digital nomad" spots in Costa Rica for a few months. Do a fuckload of yoga while you're there, that's another easy way to meet attractive women.

>> No.30440482

>digital nomad
i will look into this. never heard of it. and why costa rica? i already like doing yoga so there you go.

>> No.30440553

thanks based chad.

i became autistic and a shut in after my older brother killed himself because of his schizophrenia in 9th grade. i blamed my self for not being able to save him and always playing vidya instead of trying to understand his mental illness. i’ve been a train wreck since

i lived in r9k for a while until i came to biz and somewhat made financial success

>> No.30440597

>If they even let you leave the country
how fucking crazy is it that anyone at all is uttering this in the western world? what the fuck went so wrong?

>> No.30440670

>HOWEVER! women only want to do this to a guy she deems not an asshole or threat, or else she will be on guard, shittest or block you.

Close but she wants all those qualities just not perceived towards her. Its fine line to give off those and yet make her feel as if she is safe.

>> No.30440696


I kind of hate that term but if you go to a place that specifically mentions it you're a lot more likely to meet women who don't look at you like you're from Jupiter if you say you trade crypto. Costa Rica because it's lousy with places like this and relatively safe for Latin America. Bali is a good option too, especially if you like yoga, but obviously further away and more expensive.

>> No.30440786

getting a girlfriend is hard as fuck. i tried to talk to 23 girls on match.com over like 3 years and none of them wanted to talk to me for more than like a day. one of those girls even had autism and asked me if i had it. i'm not even fat or bald or anything

>> No.30440851


>> No.30440898

>the other unmatched me after I sent him the clown Pepe and I talked about crypto.
>I sent him

>> No.30440911

There you go.

Have you tried therapy about it? Like I haven't even had a troubling childhood besides my mom being a stupid bitch, but just talking to a psychologist I've fucked a few times really gave me a new perspective enabling me to settle for a gf instead of just swiping all the time on tinder and comparing. Can't change the past but from now on you got it all in your hands.

>> No.30440930

OP, your first step would be to ignore everything this pajeet is saying. Reddit spacing, random caps, this kids straight retarded. Your next step would be to first socialize with random guys so you can get a taste of what it's like to be a normie, then move on to women as they get you to be awkward naturally so practicing socialization with guys is a good stepping stone to that. ygmi

>> No.30441063
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You're forgetting where we are. I'd bet 1Eth this guys a curryfaggot.

>> No.30441469


Im a older guy (42) but have Good looks
And decent car nothing flash just a Toyota Corolla

But since i stay in shape and make around 55k a year I get tons of women aged 18-28 trying to get serious with me

But since my Dick is always hard and im always down to pay fir a chain restaurant price dinner I always get girls

Women like restaurants and hard cocks

If your too cheap to even order a pizza and you suffer from erectile dysfunction women wont like you.

>> No.30441515
File: 283 KB, 640x796, 7D5B73F3-6B05-4984-9848-9103B944801E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I can empathize with you a little bit. The key to keeping girls interested online is to keep them talking about themselves. Find something about them that you genuinely want to know about, but just know with how boring most people in general are you might have to grasp for straws to find something. You should read pic related, there’s a few chapters on the subject of getting people to like you just because you can listen to them. Changed my life.

>> No.30441567

Thanks for your opinion Pradesh