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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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30435103 No.30435103 [Reply] [Original]

You guys really don't understand what's going to happen, do you?

>> No.30435320

My portfolio is split between two of these coinz

>> No.30435371

What do you mean

>> No.30435373
File: 832 KB, 596x599, 1603143922954.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice, which ones?

Either PNK & UNN
or KAI & SHR

>> No.30435535

red pill me on the pajeet coin

>> No.30435573
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Pls dyor fren

>> No.30435607

You got me bro, it's PNK and UNN

>> No.30435629

I have a 30k stack of UNN am I going to make it

>> No.30435670

PNK and UNN obviously, the chadfolio.

>> No.30435678

You'll be able to buy a Tesla EOY. Nice car honestly - could probably pick you up some pussy. So yeah, I guess in a sense you will have made it.

If you hodl for a longer time you could buy a house.

>> No.30435696


>> No.30435703

It's P&D, isn't it?

>> No.30435707

Is 11k UNN and 110k HOT the ultimate poorfag combo?

>> No.30435713

Well shit better increase to 50k

>> No.30435747


11k UNN stack isn't bad. It's an OK suicide stack I suppose. No idea what HOT is, I apologize

>> No.30435773

I feel bad for anyone that doesn't at least understand what PNK does

>> No.30435813
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A pre-owned Tesla, I apologize. I should have clarified.

ALSO, if you guys want to check out some other REALLY cool projects I would suggest DYOR on LTO, KTLYO, and BONDED

>> No.30435864

Cool, I was thinking about grabbing more but waiting a little closer to launch

>> No.30435887

you stink of curry

>> No.30435915

Nice, I think this price is pretty solid honestly.

Unless the market just completely fails tomorrow

>> No.30435967

OH SHIT YOU CAN SEE PART OF HER BUTT HOLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.30436051


>> No.30436074

I'm just uneasy, this is the first time I've grabbed a coin before launch, and I am poorfag.

>> No.30436122

I wouldn't be worried about it. The integrations, investors, and partnerships UNN has are actually hella solid.

This could be a pretty huge project in the future.

>> No.30436326

nice dubs

>> No.30436346

is kleros really gonna go anywhere? I’ve bought it multiple times and lost money each time

>> No.30436404
File: 313 KB, 500x550, am i retarded.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

redpill on UNN bros, I already hold a bag of PNK. should I consider a bag of UNN aswell?

>> No.30436407
File: 609 KB, 571x485, 1614700858127.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you sir

>> No.30436455

I would,

AVAX integration, PNK integration, backed by Alameda, and product release is very very soon (this quarter).

This could very well be a billion-dollar project as DeFi progresses

>> No.30436514
File: 566 KB, 708x1000, chink mind control.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but what does it do?

>> No.30436600

stop ogling bowsers asshole you gay ass degenerate

>> No.30436693

Kleros looks pretty cool. open source dispute mediation system? winner of a EU commission award so it's legit. team is all doxxed hmm. very interesting.

>> No.30436780

now THATS a man

>> No.30436845

literally nothing lol

>> No.30436859

Kai will melt faces while changing the whole cryptosphere. Bags packed to the max

>> No.30436878


It provides insurance for gas, collateralization ratios, smart contracts, and will have a secondary market feature in which insurance policies can be sold off.

As an example, if the gas to send tokens from one address to another is 50 gwei, an active yield farmer who wants to pay no more than 70 gwei over the coming 30 days could buy a gas protection contract with a cap of 100 gwei and cover amount of 5 ETH for 30 days. Thus, over the next 30 days, any gas exceeding 70 gwei for qualified transactions can be claimed against the 5 ETH cover amount. The protection will cover the buyer until either the 5 ETH is used or the 30 day expiration has passed, whichever occurs first.

>> No.30436915

jack dorsey follows their team on twitter too

>> No.30436954

>It provides insurance for gas, collateralization ratios, smart contracts, and will have a secondary market feature in which insurance policies can be sold off.

no it doesnt

>> No.30437020

I have one SHR, will I make it?

>> No.30437043

that's a woman

>> No.30437057


You're right it doesn't.

>> No.30437061

What does PNK do?

>> No.30437157
File: 50 KB, 300x300, bouncing ears.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks, I'll also read the whitepaper. seems neat so far

>> No.30437172

really? damn the plot thickens heh.
union protocol looks decent too. I'll look into these in more detail tomorrow thanks dudes

>> No.30437193

It fluctuates around 6-9 cents

>> No.30437194

How does a McChicken sound ?

>> No.30437212

Dispute resolution in the crypto sphere

>> No.30437232


>> No.30437240

it’s a game where groups of players are randomly selected and given a question and they have to guess how everyone else will answer, you win money if you guess correctly

>> No.30437353

the four bags of holding

>> No.30437408

Yes sir

>> No.30437438

Just be aware that the token price is a notorious under performer. The project is solid and is already a working product that's been used for cases. So, just expect to hold it for a while.

>> No.30437823
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dont forget about these fuckers partnering with PNK

>> No.30439275

alright cheers for the heads up