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File: 90 KB, 256x256, EBA4BE76-06C9-44B5-B52A-103BA9F99E14.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
30422784 No.30422784[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

He was unironically a good economy based president wasn’t he...

>> No.30422810


>> No.30422829

yeah, but normies didn't care about that.

>> No.30422865

>rich guy who's good with money is a good economy president
Imagine my shock. Also, he was just a good president in general, probably the best we've had in a very long time.

>> No.30422984

no he was a complete retard. I hope he starts up celebrity apprentice again though

>> No.30423078

Beard Trump NEEDS to happen

>> No.30423108

who cares about that the real importance is the potato toy

>> No.30423119

Fuck, I miss him so much bros. And I'm not even American.

>> No.30423144

the US economy is definitely in the toilet and Xi took full advantage of those 4 years. Please elaborate.

>> No.30423154

Exploding deficits are BASED and REDPILLED when Trump does them

>> No.30423175


His policies were a++

Considering how hostile the media treated him he did alright. He needed to fuck off with his social media tho

>> No.30423197

We fucked up so hard.

>> No.30423242


Ehh..its impossible not to do this now. No matter who was in charge...covid was just a killer here

>> No.30423301

No, but Obama was the beggining of the end. Not him.

>> No.30423319

Ask me how I know you're both politically and economically illiterate.

>> No.30423335

He was fucking up burger town every second of his presidency for his own hubris. The fact they let him tells you they don’t give a fuuuuck about you. The fact you worship this puppet makes me sad for you. But not for too long. You retards deserve worse

>> No.30423344

He knew the score, but had the attention span of a 14 year old. The end result was he made things infinitely worse.
He was ironically an accelerationist.

>> No.30423350

He was a based retard and he will be sorely missed.

>> No.30423352

his policies were on point. NPCs just can't stand seeing someone non-PC representing them, they'd rather kill themselves and their civilization.

>> No.30423366


in terms of rhetoric, yes. he correctly identified a lot of problems that previous presidents either didn't identify, or (more likely) were afraid to say out loud.

in terms of results, not really. yes, he got rid of some red tape and made us more competitive on the tax landscape, but he never shrunk government spending, and advocated for even lower rates to enable greater deficit spending. the budget and trade deficits were huge under trump.

>> No.30423414

he said the stock market would crash under creepy joe and here we are

>> No.30423418

> Business & Finance

>> No.30423427

We will take care of ourselves best

>> No.30423454

short term sure, but wrecked the economy in the long run

>> No.30423479


>> No.30423482

fpbp /thread

>> No.30423549

They had to shut down the entire world to hurt his economy

His foreign policy was great too, fuck the EU and forever wars

>> No.30423550

Is this country over?

>> No.30423554


>> No.30423557

>muh economy
Trump was ironically the last president in history who tried to keep the US as a nation, now it's cursed to become an economic zone condemned, collapse and balkanize under the weight of "diversity" in the next 30 years.

>> No.30423559
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Yes, but there's not much else good you can say about him.

>> No.30423605

He was the best. 2017-2020 optimism almost felt like pre-9/11 for a while there, if not for the kvetching of the israeli bipoc tranny horde.

>> No.30423622

>His foreign policy was great too
great for anybody but usa

>> No.30423651

Yes my friend, like a pheonix we must arise from the ashes. Don't take the vaccine, it's depopulation. Crypto is great, but don't forget to prepare for SHTF.

>> No.30423763

Balkanization would be good
Every four years we dance around the fact that our politicians continue to polarize us into one of two camps, and that other camp is the wrong camp. Please ignore the existence of other camps which closer align with your positions and values. They are not relevant. There are only the two camps. You must choose one.

>> No.30423766


>> No.30423773

well no, he just got out before the music stopped.

>> No.30423813
File: 12 KB, 225x224, tarp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>BuT HeS a BuSiNesS MaN He KnOwS bUsInEsS

>> No.30423839

lol, cucked by multiple leaders on world stage. china dominated him. america first meant america last.

>> No.30423850

he had the balls to put tariffs on chinks. when "both" (((sides))) screech in hebrew and work together to throw you out, you know you're doing somethin right.

>> No.30423866

you cunts are fucking loons

>> No.30423868

Hi Trump tranny.

>> No.30423897

>divides the nation like nobody before
>keeping nation together
cultism is a hell of a drug,daily reminder that people that say that are the same that say this>>30423763 "Balkanization would be good"

>> No.30423939

Versus Joe Biden who is a literal Chinese puppet

>> No.30423949

Dont you understand that stability in the middle east is good for the economy?

>> No.30423969

You mean the tariffs that didn't affect china in any way but fucked over US industries so hard even fox news had to report on it?

>> No.30424086

>good with money

>> No.30424098
File: 50 KB, 405x344, economists in disbelief.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Give it ten years and there'll be a section on the Trump economy in Econ 101 courses, specifically how it BTFO the predictions of every single mainstream economist and Peter Navarro's "fringe" theories were proven 100% right

>> No.30424115

>donald "my children are jewish" trump
>stable for middle east
>bought by saudis, allows them to cause havoc in yemen
>bought by israel, bombs iranian general on their behalf, trying to escalate shit
do you have any help lines for cultists?

>> No.30424124

Are you absolutely sure you know how tariffs work?

>> No.30424138

it's a gradual process. give it enough time and domestic steel production would realize greater efficiencies and develop a cheaper product.

the alternative is to move full steam ahead with the service economy meme. a two tier system: spic-nigger-mulatto slaves in retail and at warehouses, and a tech-managerial ruling class that will be outsourced to other countries as they become sufficiently advanced. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/minimum-wage-2019-almost-half-of-all-americans-work-in-low-wage-jobs/

>> No.30424215

>He was ironically an accelerationist.
This. Suckdems are now eating it with Biden in office.

>> No.30424250

No there won't. Warren Harding had the most spectacular exist from the WW1 recession imaginable yet that chapter is completely buried. Inconvenient history is erased.

>> No.30424321


>> No.30424335

This is unironically the only political issue I even care about anymore

>> No.30424340

>continue quantitative easing and cheap lending throughout presidency
>lower corporate and income taxes substantially further reducing the tax base
>dramatically increase government expenditure overall through military spending

He was ok but don't trick yourself into thinking he did any favors for the overall foreign policy or long term longevity of America as a whole. He added a crack cocaine rush to the stock market and oversaw the largest transfer of wealth from the working class to the rich in the past 100 years.

I give him a D+.

>> No.30424422

No, he spent more in 4 years than Obama in 8. The "good stock market" was just the FED money printer. Obama deported more illegals too btw. The only good thing he did was not start another war.

>> No.30424436

I found this video pretty interesting about the subject

>> No.30424440

Trump also explicitly promoted rising home values.

>> No.30424442

As a European I also believe Trump was the best president the US had in many many years.

>> No.30424468
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Who was responsible for not just creating but heightening the division? I think you could argue it wasn't entirely due to Trump, just saying.

>> No.30424525

Fair point. He's literally only remembered for the Teapot Dome scandal which is fucking bullshit.

>> No.30424558
File: 1.39 MB, 754x986, Ron-Paul.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not really.
Burgers fucked up by not electing pic related in 2008, who would have been the best economy president the US has quite possibly ever seen. Instead you pick a stuttering nigger followed by cheeto that barely beat a cackling war criminal, followed by a corpse that's owned by china.

Good job mutts.

>> No.30424596

>make entire ideology around "fuck normal fuck whites fuck straights fuck men"
>gain media and institutional support for this ideology
>people in said categories understandably pissed
>"hey pissed people im with u guys fuck the sjw's lol am i right? chynA"
>suddenly president
>"it was his fault for dividing us we were the good guys we were bringing everyone together including those rancid putrid filthy evil straightoid whiteys we were gonna end racism n shit"

>> No.30424598

always has been

>> No.30424675

he didnt start it, but he sure as hell made it worse

>> No.30424690

Spectacularly based. I worked for the campaign and it was the most exciting time of my life... followed of course by permanent despair/depression.

>> No.30424727

Not actually though, good stock market based but not economy based

>> No.30424736

*kremlin hand-rubbing intensifies*

>> No.30424742

stock market =/= economy

>> No.30424851

He never did, and you don't know what bankruptcy even is.

>> No.30424900

>identity politics focused on punishing white people for being successful and stripping society of important moral fiber is forced on people by academia and media
>many people (particularly white people) are understandably bothered by this and elect a populist that addresses their frustrations
>brainlets accuse said populist of being purposefully divisive when he was only the public consciousness response to thought policing jewish garbage

>> No.30424907
File: 179 KB, 1165x846, 1567484194825.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Trump divided the nation
>not the transexual communist shitskins
you need to go back

>> No.30424943
File: 549 KB, 2186x1478, 1615077042303.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He was alright

>> No.30424968

What is the, "economy". The record minority unemployment rate?

>> No.30424974

I know people get lumped in with the trump cult but I do think he was the best president in a very long fucking time.
The only things I didn't agree with was the syria strike, fracking and I'm forgetting one other thing but overall very decent.
I would say 9/10 for these times and 7/10 if we review all presidents.
The last ones were so fucking bad though, all he had to do was don't start wars and focus on the economy to be better which is what he did.

>> No.30425042

Well, prepare your bags for your next trip to Afghanistan or some other shithole with the Biden administration in

>> No.30425088

if opposing woke ideologies designed to uproot western society and radicalize people against their own fellow citizens is "divisive" and "making it worse" then so be it, we sure as fuck weren't unifying under that ideology when it throws half the country under the bus

>> No.30425134

what country are you from oh enlightened Chang?

>> No.30425178

He's retarded but his unreliability and flip flopping made him a great accelerationist. There's a reckoning coming to wester society and the longer we delay it the more painful it will be. The debt-based ponzimonics of our current system must be changed.

>> No.30425177

t. someone who doesn't actually watch RP a.k.a. larper.

>> No.30425190
File: 224 KB, 954x1600, 1613685182407.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so should i just blame wypipo who elected him?
or that will be division?
you need to go back
two more weeks fellow pede
>then so be it
glad you agree that he was dividing people, see even people like you can see the truth

>> No.30425245

People like you who call him retarded never tell me why, you are cowards who want to like him but are pressured to say that because of group pressure and the news.

>> No.30425253
File: 1.35 MB, 493x498, tenor.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

quick! name 3 economic policies from the trump presidency

>> No.30425265

Trump did bring the troops back, or at least he tried to. Army generals went around his back to violate his executive order and lie about how many troops we had in the middle east.
Biden has lied a lot more than trump ever did.
>I will raise the federal minimum wage
Turned into "oh I actually meant the minimum wage of federal employees, not the federal minimum wage"
>I will take a hard stance against Xi and putin
Turned into "the uyghur internment camps in china are just a cultural difference that we need to overlook"
>I will cancel $50,000 of student debt per debtor
Turned into only $10,000 the day he got into office, and he then said "I never had any plans to cancel student debt"
>I don't plan on starting any wars
Turned into "mostly peaceful" air raids and bomb strikes in syria
>I will make no deportations in my first hundred days in office
Turned into twice as many deportations in his first thirty days as trump had
>I will make healthcare affordable for all
Turned into an executive order removing limits on insulin prices raising the cost ten times over
>No more kids in cages
Turned into reopening child containment "overflow facilities"
There are many more such cases.

>> No.30425332

Are you Jewish?

>> No.30425381

lowering taxes for the first 4 years that will increase yearly for the next 8, plus increasing spending precovid thus creating yuge deficit

>> No.30425402


The Last President

>> No.30425419


What is it with republicans and sucking this mans dick so hard? Jesus fucking christ. Can't go 10 seconds anywhere without some incel worshiping this regular dude..

>> No.30425456
File: 289 KB, 1516x440, the bush years.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

zoomers don't remember what a nightmare the Bush II presidency was (and Obama's was just an extension of it). Trump was a breath of fresh air in comparison. pic related is the best summary of the Bush yeas I have found.

>> No.30425467
File: 335 KB, 510x505, 1615143926011.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cuk id

thank you kek lmao

>> No.30425475

You seem extremely reluctant to wonder why someone like Trump would be elected in the first place. That's my point. In terms of dialectics he's the publics reaction to the current political space, which if you haven't noticed is purposefully shitting on the most successful group in America.

>> No.30425476
File: 36 KB, 318x496, 1092043120402245.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He was unironically a good economy based president wasn’t he...

>> No.30425485
File: 75 KB, 530x500, 1614980195390.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you need to go back

>> No.30425494

imagine having to close down your Casino because it's not profitable lol. the odds are in your favor nigga how the fuck does your Casino go bankrupt

>> No.30425495

>believing unemployment statistics
>not knowing what debt is

>> No.30425508


>> No.30425516

me too, he was pretty funny and very iconic

>> No.30425564

No I'm from bong land

>> No.30425627

be glad your generals arent bootlickers, donald "i dodged the draft multiple times" trump has 0 knowledge about the military, war, geopolitics and alliances, his "orders" should be ignored, glad they did
good thing about USA is that presidents can be kicked out after 4 years, so the damage can and some of it has been reversed, plus trump was a good wake up call for wypipo whos feelings get hurt over nothing, there are worse things than being called a racist and that was trump, enjoy this revelation, doubt you will

>> No.30425716
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>> No.30425762


>> No.30425763

The only people that hate him are bitches that got their feelings hurt. Policy wise, he was the best thing in decades. Energy independence for the first time in 80 years. His only problem is he was not aggressive enough. The crybabies over mean tweets and the Marxist media can die in fire.

>> No.30425774
File: 204 KB, 1080x2340, Screenshot_20210307-221549.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Picrel fkn LOL. He showed them chinks amirite

>> No.30425840

Anyone who says otherwise is NGMI

>> No.30425845

>"I never had any plans to cancel student debt"
>twice as many deportations in his first thirty days as trump had
Unironically based

>> No.30425889

The media really did a number on you, damn

>> No.30425899

>Policy wise, he was the best thing in decades
for russia and china, he was a god send

>> No.30425941

>so should i just blame wypipo who elected him
Why stop now?

>> No.30425960

sounds like you ran out of arguments, better watch some fox, maybe youll get new ones

>> No.30426000
File: 62 KB, 900x900, scott_adams_dilbert.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every day Trump is out of office, his term looks better and better.

Don't forget to buy my book, How to Fail and Still Win Bigly


>> No.30426008

There was nothing to argue in the first place
You put a bunch of baseless opinions, zero facts

>> No.30426041

Yeah, Biden will be even better!

>> No.30426087

How's the "Foxconn 8th wonder of the world" going?

>> No.30426157

>if only....you knew, you know... that thing. Come on, man.

>> No.30426227

same way incel chuds arent the majority of people, same way wypipo triggerers arent, you are just too dumb to realize this, so you follow echochambers who tell you the world is against you, while in reality it isnt, youll realize this when youre older or when you have sex
i told you to come back with an argument from fox, not an opinion
two more weeks and china will invade taiwan and russia will conquer europe, its in the plan fellow Qcumbers, shouldve voted drumpf(btw i love russia and china, they are based, they as I hate m*slims and gays, lmao)

>> No.30426268

He was the only one to survive atlantic City in 2008 dumb faggot. Chapter 11 is restructuring

>> No.30426367
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Beards are not a great hedge against hairloss, but xBTC is a great hedge against BTC market dominance.

Here endeth the lesson.

>> No.30426416

>wypipo whos feelings get hurt over nothing
Don’t worry about it, we’re almost done needing you people, we just need to keep you placated a little longer by making you think you are valuable and appreciated.

>> No.30426460

He did what a good Keynesian would do but I don’t like Keynesian economics. Wish he were president instead of the geriatric patient suffering from cognitive decline that we have right now.

>> No.30426466

Yep. If covid didnt happen, Trump had an easy reelection