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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 902 KB, 1080x1349, BXYCrRYBq8T.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3041927 No.3041927 [Reply] [Original]

Why do so many people lie about money and women ?

We all know money's important, because we need it to:

>pay our water, electrecity and other bills.

> get/buy food

>for clothes, better housing.

>for faster transportation, better healthcare and much more.

I also want to tell you guys that I'm not jaded and I don't browse /r9k/ nor /pol/.

And we also know that the majority of women nowadays don't go for guys who are struggling financially nor ugly men.

Women (18 and older) want men who are confident assholes, douchebaggs, men who have their lives and finances in order.

They want men who at the very least have their own car/motorbike and an apartment (at least a dorm room).

I've honestly had to learn the hard way that women (18 and up) don't go for a guy who's a "work in progress".

These are examples of what I mean:




Okay, so why do a lot of people still lie about how crucial money is for your life and for getting women ?

I'd really appreciate your advice on this post.

>> No.3041933

Fuck up beta

>> No.3041967

Posts like this make me realize how lucky i am
>6ft aryan australian
>lifted since 16
>75k USD in crypto
You betas make me feel good about myself so theres that.

>> No.3041997

1. People with no money want to make themselves feel better by downplaying its importance.
2. People with a lot of money who also have depression can't use their wealth to cure it, so it can seem useless to them.
3. They're stupid and even if you gave them money they couldn't think of anything productive to do with it.

>> No.3042014

>Calling some random guy a "beta" even
though most of what he's saying is true.

You guys are full of shit.

>> No.3042021

6'5 aryan masterrace. I'd kill myself if I woke up at 6 foot tomorrow morning. Seriously.

>> No.3042035

>being this obsessed with your height

>> No.3042044
File: 20 KB, 269x480, caught u mirin .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*laughs in chad*
u mirin brah?

>> No.3042064

Confidence can get you any woman.

>> No.3042172

legit nice body bro. some people have weird fucking physiques but you got that 300 look desu.

75k is weak though just saying

>> No.3042181

75k usd is weak at 20? Come on duuuude

>> No.3042197

Women are practically retarded and little of what they do makes any sense, seriously. They're not more able than a dog to even conceptualize the idea of going for a guy who's a work in progress. So just get money and don't worry about it.

>> No.3042213

I wouldnt say its weak, its above average but not impressive to people who know people who were millionaires before leaving their teens.

Itd be super impressive to poorfags though for sure which most normal people are.

>> No.3042266

I'm hoping my 19 BTC will get me there eventually

>> No.3042291

i dont know maybe its because im a richfag

75k aint shit in crypto but if you told me you had earned it legit then i would be impressed

>> No.3042299


Yeah wtf. Most normies are negative $75K.

>> No.3042392

u a manlet for that one brone

>> No.3043503

Whos the girl in pic , thats all i care in this thread

>> No.3043514

> Anonymous (ID: XNfSv+2D) 08/13/17(Sun)00:18:41 No.3043503▶
>>>3041927 (OP)
>Whos the girl in pic , thats all i care in this thread

do you use this thing called jewgle

right click search image

or drag into image search

>> No.3043533

you're all a bunch of faggots, seriously