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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 51 KB, 709x595, 1573260905260.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
30418178 No.30418178 [Reply] [Original]

Lets say I have my 12 words private key but lost the specific order, how many tries will it take me to get the right order? what's the math for this?

>> No.30418371

2,400,000 tries

>> No.30418380


>> No.30418400


>> No.30418407

Really? Only 12 tries? Cool

>> No.30418413

what's the formula?

>> No.30418434


>> No.30418484

whose wallet are you trying to break into?

>> No.30418486

69,420 tries

>> No.30418531

12! = 12 * 11 * 10 * 9 ... * 1 = 479 million

>> No.30418532

how the fuck does that happen? you have the key stored somewhere safe but managed to fuck up the order? but even in such a strange case, the worst it really takes is a bunch of guesses

>> No.30418542


>> No.30418554

You only can try 3 times if miss you lose your coins forever, so you have 3 chances with 144 possibilities, be wise before trying anything.

>> No.30418603

>144 possibilities
It's 12+12, not 12*12, retard

>> No.30418626

how come
contradicts that formula?
for instance you have 2 words and have to fit in right order, you only have to make 2 guesses for instance

1. a
2. b
1. b
2. a

>> No.30418634

479..... million tries.

>> No.30418643
File: 39 KB, 600x600, 1612273307916.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this. you're fucked OP, if you give me the seed words I might be able to help you.

>> No.30418702


>> No.30418751

its 12 to the 12th power
so roughly 8,916,100,448,256
good luck

>> No.30418779

*1 God damn it

>> No.30418789

At least 3

>> No.30418802

Hope this is bait

>> No.30418831

Basically nothing in computer time

>> No.30418841
File: 62 KB, 1079x514, Screenshot_20210307-131010_Calculator.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These are called permutations

>> No.30418846

3 tries for a seed? huh? How?

>> No.30418849

No, it’s factorial. There are n! distinct arrangement of n distinct objects. OP is fucked.

>> No.30418863

2^2 is 4
but you only need to make 2 guesses?

>> No.30418889


>> No.30418938

That's a lot of tries

>> No.30418945

someone tell me the exact formula is it
fuck is it

>> No.30418974

OP give me your disarranged seed, I create a script to try every combo, we split the amount in your wallet.

>> No.30419024

jesus christ you are a dumb

>> No.30419034

Bro, it’s 12!, that is the exact formula.

>> No.30419046

this is doable and even a health exercise OP. get going!

>> No.30419068


what is the exclamation mark, what's the math called for this?

stop troll what am i gonna do

>> No.30419082
File: 37 KB, 960x774, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here OP I do math for you
(You could also just save time and do (n!) but that's boring)

>> No.30419094

2! 2 * 1. = 2


1. ABC
2. ACB
3. BAC
4. BCA
5. CAB
6. CBA

3*2*1 = 6



10. BCDA
11. BDAC
12. BDCA

13. CABD
14. CADB
15. CBAD
16. CBDA
17. CDAB
18. CDBA

19. DABC
20. DACB
21. DBAC
22. DBCA
23. DCAB
24. DCBA

4*3*2*1 = 24

>> No.30419102

How do you mess up the specific order, did you write each word onto a flashcard and then shuffle them

>> No.30419101

FACTORIAL jesus what country are you from

>> No.30419113
File: 14 KB, 230x307, 1614986307014.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Contact me if you want to recover it, it will cost you of course

>> No.30419116

OP chances are you wrote them down in some order and forgot the order. But it's probably something easy like left to right and top to bottom. Just try all the obvious ones first and you will get it in 2 tries IMHO.

>> No.30419140
File: 46 KB, 1280x720, what.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what am i gonna do!

>> No.30419164
File: 41 KB, 960x774, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whoops I fucked up here

>> No.30419200

It's 12!

You have 12 choices for the first word, then 11 choices for the second word, then 10 choices for the third word etc. So it's 12x11x10x9x8x7x6x5x4x3x2x1

>> No.30419207

they weren't kidding about matt education, didn't they?
we were tought factorial in like 8th grade

>> No.30419233


>> No.30419260

oh hey, it's the wrong thumbnail issue.

>> No.30419273

I was tripping. What causes that?

>> No.30419276

no, contact me, the original Bizfag49k@protonmail.com

>> No.30419288

so you wrote down the words in the wrong order? how did this happen?

>> No.30419369

holy shit the people in this thread who cannot do basic math is ridiculous, I pray you are all only pretending to be retarded

>> No.30419389
File: 19 KB, 279x312, 1614953232589.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The absolute state of burger education

>> No.30419399
File: 54 KB, 200x200, Then perish.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You didn't put in into a notebook or something?

>> No.30419405

>asking someone who's obviously retarded for his reasoning
don't be cruel anon

>> No.30419469

if you have the 12 words, you're alright. less than a day on a decent pc to crack it.

>> No.30419484

it would be faster to just get a software to bruteforce it for you otherwise it would take too long

>> No.30419523

479 million possible keys is easily doable, especially if you cache the lookups for the words, this can be calculated in under a few minutes

>> No.30419609

It happens when two files are posted within the same second on the same board iirc.
If you went looking, you could find the other file somewhere in a thread on this board that has the thumbnail from this image, but the file of the thumbnail you see now.

Happens more on the faster boards like /a/ when there's more files being posted, first time I've seen it on /biz/.

>> No.30419720

It’s 12!
12 factorial

>> No.30419735

That's pretty cool thanks for letting me know

>> No.30419905

Exactly, this is truly not that big a deal. It wont run in a few seconds or anything, but its not like it will take years either.
Someone probably already wrote software to do it...

>> No.30419934


Something like this happened to me but I could never really give a good explanation. I shared a nude on /b/ from a skype mutual consensual masturbation session (no face just her ass). And the image that was upload was of some random anime girl. I have never saved anime images ever. Was the only genuine creepy thing that has happened to me on 4chan. This happen like 6-8 years ago, I still think about why this happened.

>> No.30419965

I got your back jack.

>> No.30419990

Not sure if serious. You can't be this braindead.

>> No.30420021

could someone write me a python script that prints all possible 479m possible outcomes in a textfile?

it should ask for my 12 words, then print all the possible orders.. how long would this take?

>> No.30420027

I found it lol but the thumbnail wasn't swapped maybe because its a gif.

>> No.30420031

Board gods were based with this one lmfao

>> No.30420144

12! Tries. A shitty computer can do that in a less than a day.

>> No.30420167

damn that's kinda cool. i've never seen that on /biz/ before. and when i've seen it on /pol/ i always thought it was some specific gif lmao

>> No.30420226

Explain to me immediately you nigger how the fuck you have the words but lose the order. You didn't write them down in the order you got them or what the fuck????

>> No.30420266

you're fucked

>> No.30420374

First year comp sci major here, OP. I could make a wicked factorial program that autogenerates all the permutations into a txt file. My fee is 10% (that's a percent symbol) of whatever is in the wallet.

>> No.30420382

gtfo pleb

>> No.30420395

12*11*10*...*1 = 479001600 tries

>> No.30420429

that's a big file

>> No.30420550

>(that's a percent symbol)

>> No.30420562

post the words and im sure an anon will help

>> No.30420575

You swallowed that bait.

>> No.30420640

Even if you did this, all the permutations would have to be manually entered

>> No.30420654

why would you need to have it in file?
if each word was 8 letters let's say the whole file would be around 50 GB

>> No.30420730

How interesting.
I'm not sure exactly why it happens.

>> No.30420761

here you have some word list permutations

>> No.30420853 [DELETED] 

there are 10 numbers 0-9
any 3 digit number consists of 3 numbers thats 10^3

there are 12 seed words
any 12 long seed phrase is 12^12 possible phrases 8.916.100.448.256

>> No.30420963
File: 30 KB, 600x370, 2D7C9FE7-4473-49D0-8421-C6C45E9388F5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

72,9 times


== 27 (double = sign means its programmer language)

== 72,9

People that say a round number, are lying. You can never know how many tries because its random.
So it can be 79 or 80, hence the 0,9 , so more likely to be 80

Basic math actually, its called agribra

>> No.30420979

Didn't read the thread so someone probably already told you, but the formula is 12!
Or, in layman's terms, 12*11*10...*1
Or 479,001,600

>> No.30420990

digits can repeat, these words can't

>> No.30421026
File: 57 KB, 1024x827, 1611355044902.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they weren't kidding about matt education, didn't they

>> No.30421041

>(that's a percent symbol)
fuckin lel

>> No.30421048

for you

>> No.30422375


>> No.30422832
File: 239 KB, 442x446, 1614531505649.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesnt know what a fucking factorial is

>> No.30423954

Why you stealing people's magic internet money bro. We all know that ain't your seed

>> No.30424100


>> No.30424286

no need to yell

>> No.30424441
File: 32 KB, 498x498, pep.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based and reddit pilled

>> No.30425150

that will generate a massive file of multiple gigabytes.

>> No.30425336

Heres a small script in perl

sub permute {
my($str, $l, $r) = @_;
if($l == $r) {
print join(' ',@$str)."\n";
else {
for(my $i = $l; $i <= $r; $i++) {
my $temp = $str->[$l];
$str->[$l] = $str->[$i];
$str->[$i] = $temp;
permute($str, $l + 1, $r);
$temp = $str->[$l];
$str->[$l] = $str->[$i];
$str->[$i] = $temp;
my @arr = (
permute(\@arr, 0, scalar(@arr) - 1);

>> No.30425783

Easily doable with a computer.