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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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30412896 No.30412896 [Reply] [Original]

I lost 2000$ with this shit.

>> No.30413045

The world need to know

>> No.30413196

I had over a grand sitting in there, thank god I only put a bit of my portfolio in
i-is there a victims tg where I can cope for a while?

>> No.30413268

Notice to me: NEVER listen to Anons on /biz/ again

>> No.30413316

How can u fall for this shit lmao are you sub 60 iq?

>> No.30413786

I listened to some Anon here yesterday

>> No.30413847

Just buy blue chip crypto. It’s all about to go up.

>> No.30413885
File: 34 KB, 753x502, king_of_nigeria.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm scared. Can this happen to uniswap. ?

>> No.30414103

This can always happen.

>> No.30414387

>Putting your money on the comment of some random dude you've never seen in your life on a board known for their trolling and scams
>"Oh my god, I was being deceived"

>> No.30414488

This is the real answer. Getting rich slow is still getting rich. Buying a .01 cent rug pull vibe might MIGHT be a 1000x, but yeah. Viking Finance. it is 2017 rn. Get paid.

>> No.30414735

That was your first mistake

>> No.30415288 [DELETED] 


Sorry for the loss but Anon what do you say about Mochimo.org

>> No.30415333
File: 67 KB, 236x154, 1607477460362.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

top fucking kek BSC is the saddest place to throw your money

>> No.30415478

this board is spammed by pump and dump groups, maybe 10% of the posts on here are worth reading, if that

>> No.30415765

Fuk man i just woke up and saw this and i had 7k in this

>> No.30415788


Literally loooks like shit

if he fell for this he is a fucking potato

>> No.30415883

Layer 2 on Thursday. Get some eggs

>> No.30416044
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>> No.30416098


>> No.30416234

imagine not being in thorchain

>> No.30416250

Vikingswap refugee channel (or slat mine)
t me/joinchat/pZ9Km-5p97o0M2Yx

>> No.30416458

>all this fud
rubic vibes... buying more.

>> No.30416518
File: 50 KB, 692x877, photo_2021-03-07_20-28-31.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys if we all buy the dip the devs might come back plz guys

>> No.30416549

products now, what will be coming? its a a pearl

>> No.30416571
File: 19 KB, 1280x180, photo_2021-03-07_20-25-56.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop selling you idiots!!!

>> No.30416577

True, I am going back to ETH

>> No.30416748
File: 95 KB, 705x640, 1599832974623.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>We wanted to create something Goose didn't have
>They don't let us copy them anymore so.....

>> No.30416797
File: 14 KB, 292x249, teehee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Technically it didn't rug. The "dev" that just forked goose said they wouldn't be developing it anymore. Of course they were never going to in the first place, but that's neither here nor there.
You didn't get rugged, you bought something with no value and now it's current value reflects that.

>> No.30417060

seems like a good time to buy

>> No.30417183

you can't even sell because "price impact to high" lmao

>> No.30417298

Imagine having to actually code instead of copy and pasting Egg? Kek

>> No.30417330

Their logo was a horned helmet. What did you expect?

>> No.30417463
File: 87 KB, 1070x720, RoastGoose2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It didn't rug. It bled out. I'd wager that almost all of the money went into goose. Which will likely die in two weeks too. Viking was basically GG0. The value of GG1 is already plummeting, the APR is down over 90%. The writing's on the wall.

>> No.30417567

should've seen the writing on the wall. You were warned.


This message goes double to anyone still in goose btw if you're above two-digit IQ and can put two-and-two together by briefly going through those transactions

>> No.30417613

>The writing's on the wall.
the proof is in the pudding

but GG2, GG3...GGX will always pump at the begining, you can disagree until the cows come home

>> No.30417691


I have aPhD but don't get it? Do the Devs dump theeir holdings? Values are 0 most of the time

>> No.30417944
File: 24 KB, 864x274, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here is an example

>> No.30417960

Why are you acting like rugs don't exist on ethereum?

>> No.30418045

the density of rugs is way higher on BSC, don't be disingenuous
It's way more of a crypto casino where you have to keep your eye on the charts all the time because everything can dump in literally 1 minute

>> No.30418756

>keep coins normally on something safe like beefy for regular returns
>watch for shitcoins regularly
>look for reputable coin pair with high return on their platform, avoid any farm staking the shitcoin
>set up LP on Pancake, farm
>harvest every few hours, immediately sell shitcoin, reinvest as LP sometimes
>watch for 1-2 days, pull out, back to beefy
I don't get how you guys just leave your shit there, this way you still get >10% daily in many cases at a much lower risk. Just stop trying to x2 daily