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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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30405060 No.30405060 [Reply] [Original]

Beta launch in March
Exchange listing in March
Several other updates coming in March as promised by the team
Devs are rock solid and meet all deadlines
More than 50 years of combined experience in their fields
Funds are locked, so no rugpulling (they wouldn't do it anyway, as they are doxxed and are honest, hardworking people)
3.6 million dollar market cap, believe it or not
Like Unibright but better
Unibright's market cap is currently around 50x bigger than Katalyo's
50 times bigger
50 times

Many complete shitcoin scams have market caps that are 5-10x that of Katalyo's, and mind you, unibright has far from topped, just like the rest of the market is just only getting warmed up. And why is Katalyo's market cap so low, you might ask? - Truth is, no one knows. Guess it's drowned in a sea of shit, but it will resurface and shine like the gem it is.

This is one the last true gems of this bullrun. Yes, you can probably make 12-15x on many projects, but this one is a minimum 50x guaranteed. That only requires for Katalyo to reach a 145 mil market cap, which is lower than unibright's current mcap, and we're not even halfway through this crypto season. Even 100-200x is well within reach if the market really goes nuts like in 2017/18.

If you can't do a bit of DYOR and see what I'm getting at, then you don't deserve to make it, anon. Sorry.

The Katalyo team:

(Notice their educations and previous jobs). These people are very competent. Way too competent for Katalyo's market cap to remain this low for much longer.




It's been ignored by many for a while, like most good projects do in the beginning. You might want to grab a good bag of these before people start noticing and before the beta release later this month.

Thank me later.

>> No.30405276

Brought 15k, not selling till $20

>> No.30405285

Another biz shitcoin that's done for

>> No.30405328

I already 3x'd my money on this but fuck you nigger and your rajeesh street shitting tier shilling threads

>> No.30405363

Which one is it?

>> No.30405508
File: 12 KB, 731x193, kektalyo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>3.6 million dollar market cap, believe it or not
when the pasta is outdated

>> No.30405621

I’m in this will pump with the supply

>> No.30405819

Easy 10-50x during alt season

>> No.30405890

i believe you because you are definitely not OP

>> No.30405909

Nope. It's a wrong number. There's only 8.5 million tokens in circulation, and times 0.4026 (current price), it's 3.42 mil mcap. So yes, a little off, but I don't feel like updating it all the time. A 100k more or less doesn't matter.

Imagine seeing a project like this, with doxxed devs with very good CV's, at this low a market cap.. And you don't fill your bag. Kek. Ngmi.

>> No.30405967

He's not, though, I'm OP. There's more than one holder of Katalyo FYI. We got a nice tg group, you should join, fren.

>> No.30405995

maybe try to not samefagging, someone could actually listen to you!

>> No.30406231

The other anon isn't me. I don't switch between IP's. I could use my phone and tether a connection to get a new IP, but that's literally it. And I don't use my phone's internet unless I'm away from home or my land line is fucked.

>> No.30406754

Overbuyed, team releasing tokens soon, expect dump, sage

>> No.30406917
File: 38 KB, 1060x524, overbuyed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Listen, Randeep... It's far from overbought. Here's a screenshot of the 3D RSI. 62 at present. It's ramping up for some fun times.

>> No.30406966

>TA on lowcap shitcoin which is not even needed for product

>> No.30407354
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>not needed for product
I've made tons of money doing TA on small caps. It's a fucking myth that it doesn't work. As long as you use the higher time frames (6h and above), TA is perfectly fine. Trading psychology is trading psychology, and the same patterns go again and again, with both big and small caps. You fell for a meme, Ranjeet.

>> No.30407545

>I've made tons of money doing TA on small caps. It's a fucking myth that it doesn't work. As long as you use the higher time frames (6h and above), TA is perfectly fine. Trading psychology is trading psychology, and the same patterns go again and again, with both big and small caps. You fell for a meme, Ranjeet.

>> No.30407920
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>not a single fucking argument
>only greentexting my words
What a comeback. I'll better sell all my Katalyorinooes now.

>> No.30409417
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I sold at 43 cents, would have held if you 2 same pajeets didn’t spam this shit garbage constantly. At least try to make it sound like your different anons

>> No.30409573

Probably the best and safest buy right now. Right before lots of news hits, and the use cases are the most needed in Blockchain. If they pull this no code thing off this will be a be a top 50 instantly.
You all know this will moon.

>> No.30409974

You sold the most solid, undervalued gem in all crypto right now, right at the start of the biggest bull run in human history, right before at least 3 major pieces of news hit, in the most bullish month for the project........ All because you don't like how a few people take about the project on an anonymous basket weaving forum???

>> No.30410305

>he sodl at 43 cents
Ngmi. Sorry, anon.

And you might also want to go see a shrink, cause we're not the same. And you really wanna go see a shrink EOM when you realized what you missed out on.

We're in the same tg group (which is public - join us), but we're not the same.

People said the exact same shit when I was shilling the crap out of eRSDL, and look at it now, kek.

>> No.30410377

You really are subhuman spammers who make less a year than my kids niece does in a month

>> No.30410471

all this shilling stinks of curry

>> No.30410589
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I'm whiter and more intelligent than your entire bloodline combined.

>> No.30410651

Stop I need bigger bags this is about to fly

>> No.30410745
File: 787 KB, 1400x1186, IMG_20210201_001445_394.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We're in a temporary dip from yesterday. Do what you need to do anon.

>> No.30412226

We're in it for the keks, and the doe.

>> No.30412278

This isn't overbought.. it's literally in the formation to moon, especially with upcoming news this month.
Token release is not until summer.

>> No.30412876

Why hello there my Croatian friend

>> No.30413049
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>> No.30413212

Is 1K bag enough

>> No.30414491

It'll do at least a 20-50x from here imo so you're good with whatever you can afford

>> No.30414767

Big buys coming in