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30410292 No.30410292 [Reply] [Original]


Is /biz/ familiar with Harry Dent's ideas on the financial asset bubble and incoming deflation and debt de-leveraging?

>> No.30411747

this guy is a fucking idiot.

>> No.30412312

He gets bashed a lot but each time I ask someone to give some basis for why he's dumb I get a typical smoothbrain response like "muh gold". So nah fuck you.

>> No.30412890

Pretty based and I'm betting on a movement that would benefit from him being right, so I give him my cosmic energies.

>> No.30413306

shut up, Pete

>> No.30413620

What I should start bringing into this discussion are the conditions that led to the Great Depression, since Dent's main argument seems to be that similar conditions appearing now means we'll end up in a similar outcome.

>> No.30413919

he's been recked in every single debate he's been in

>> No.30414145

How was he rekt in the Schiff debate?
Schiff was pure emotion, zero evidence in that debate whereas Dent brought facts and statistics, i.e. actual fucking evidence.
Each time I see Dent get fudded, it makes me think he's actually hitting a nerve because people don't want his predictions to come true, not because they won't come true.
I haven't seen the other debate but I'm not expecting much better than the Schiff one.

>> No.30414980

14:20 fucking lol

>> No.30415682

answer this >>30414145

>> No.30416529

He contradicts himself about Gold / Silver and 2008. He talks about money printing only going into blowing up financial asset bubbles. That's not the case this time. 1.9T incoming to the real economy. This isn't 2008. The inflation threat is real. Having said that, The Fed still has a hand to play in suppressing the short term debt market. The bubble is going to get bigger short term. Metals will be supressed, not crash until the bubble bursts.

>> No.30416858

what actual evidence? It's been a while since I saw it, but he mostly provided data supporting the existence of a massive bubble, which no one argues against and claimed we currently have low inflation (using stats with the offical everchanging definition of inflation instead of e.g. 1980 cpi formula), while most comoditity prices increased like crazy in a short time lately. he also expects fed to behave rationally and not print retarded amount of money just to pretend that everything is ok

>> No.30417037

Well what would you have put your money in if you were worried about the great depression? Genuinely wondering. I've made some nice money on stocks and have a house, but I want to protect myself from an asset bubble. Both crypto and precious metals seem to be inflating as well....

>> No.30417073

He's a best selling author...

You're a nobody posting on an anonymous image board on Sunday...

Why exactly should I trust you over him?

>> No.30417140

>He's a best selling author...
Why would you think that means anything?
Oprah is a best selling author and shes one of the dumbest niggers on this planet.