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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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30409560 No.30409560 [Reply] [Original]

Viking swap just closed shop. Pull out any funds that you might have

>> No.30409982

so pretty much all swap clones are dead?

>> No.30410058

Not mouse.farm

>> No.30410172

Why lie? Wasn't a rug, they just ended it because they didn't have any competitive advantage over goosefarms layered farming.

>> No.30410584

antirug project check it out, is in ico sale


>> No.30410965

>just buy buy DIAMOND HANDS
>hehe we gave up on our project because it was too much work
you deserved to get scammed.

>> No.30411036

Goose pretty much killed them all with layered farming, you can just join new layer every week instead of getting rugged somewhere else

>> No.30411092

lul I sold my position initially @ 40 and made pretty decent amount of money swinging till 15. However OP is a faggot that couldn't even tell the truth.

>> No.30411175

tell me more anon
do I buy goose now in anticipation of the new layer in a few days?

>> No.30411237

If you want a good point, buy EGG at start of layer 2. Forget about layer 2 and focus on getting as much EGG as you can during the launch (EGG drops hard due to people selling for new token)

>> No.30411290

Honestly I'd wait. The next layer won't be live for a bit. I recommend going for the swap of the week and then jumping on the next layer. My bet is on mouse.farm

-Based /biz/ dev
-Still early
-Previous mooning experience with TOAD
-Has a fuckton of meme magic, literally every thread has at least trips.

>> No.30411300
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>> No.30411349

Mouse.farm will perish

>> No.30411451

>$6 to 0.6

>> No.30411504
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>> No.30411565

It boggles my mind how you pajeets will continue shilling obvious rugpulls every single time one of these obvious ponzies rugs. You have no shame.

When attacked, you faggots just counter with having made x10. Good for you, but stop trying to get people to buy your bags so they can get rugged too.

>> No.30411789

Dev looking to reinburse buyers of the first round, since it looks like someone had access to the smart contract before the webpage was live, first pump was literally based off of the Dev burning his supply, second just from /biz/ hype. EVERYONE has been saying that the pump will come when the listing arrives, which should be next week. Enjoy FOMOing

>> No.30411886

holders with VIKING that dont want to sell at 90% loss, squirrel.finance still has a farm open for next 5 days.

farm free NUTS whilst you can (good APR you might even make more than sale price rn)

>> No.30411993

don't the viking devs know the goose devs IRL? that doesn't sound like it'll bode well for people buying into egg. they could very easily pull the same trick as viking did where they pretend to have new features in the works only to then pull the plug.

>> No.30412024
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Right right, I forgot the typical argument about something having happened (the dev didn't do it though!) and then the dev makes an announcement so telegram retards believe they didn't get rugged at all. Sorry Rankesh, I'm not going to participate in your ponzi.

>> No.30412072

its the same devs lol

>> No.30412090
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>> No.30412114

Apparently they had a fall off when EGG announced they weren't making the layered farming code public. But who the fuck knows. After layered farming I took out all my initial out of EGG after the first pump post layered launch, cause that code ain't public and DeFi is already high risk. I still hold a lot of EGGS though, so not trying to spread any FUD

>> No.30412118


>> No.30412355

Ahh fuck, lost $150 on this shit - not too much money, but feels shit I got rugged.

>> No.30412560

>cause that code ain't public
The money part is. It's a fucking blockchain ffs.
The brains part isn't. Funds are safu

>> No.30412845

I exited when it fell to 8, tallied up everything and lost about 120, but it could have been much worse.

>> No.30413019

I'm not saying funds aren't safe on like an average pump part, I'm saying the interaction and minting of the layered tokens isn't public, the EGG burning mechanism isn't public and that code hasn't been audited. It's fine, but not as secure as the OG EGG. Devs had made me quite a bit of cash, so I actually trust them. Unlike VIKING who literally just cost me some 200-300 dollarinos

>> No.30413169

Presale buyers dumping like with every token. It'll be on the bsc yield page on monday so expect a big pump.

>> No.30413192


holders with VIKING that dont want to sell at 90% loss, squirrel.finance still has a farm open for next 5 days.

farm free NUTS whilst you can (good APR you might even make more than sale price rn)

>> No.30413205

Wow what a surprise!!! xD

>> No.30413303

how do you fucks fall for these obvious scams?

>> No.30413370

You Ranjeets have no shame

>> No.30413379
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You told me we were going to Valhalla, that NFT was coming, and a new partner

>> No.30413398

They weren't around the Bitconnect days

>> No.30413464

not the brightest bunch

>> No.30413490

they buy into it knowing its a scam but they overstay because of greed and lose money
I rode waifu, gboy, feet and viking, as long as you sell early its easy cash