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File: 99 KB, 1304x1152, scam.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
30396165 No.30396165 [Reply] [Original]

Last friday the rubic team "released" their latest feature, something people on biz had been hyping up for a few weeks, limit orders on a DEX. I looked into it and can prove that the feature isn't real and doesn't work. They announced the release knowing it doesn't exist and were relying on the fact no-one used their product and hoped no-one would notice.
I'll lay out the case as best I can, covering most the questions that have been asked of me the past few days. I have only ever posted in the following rubic threads under the following IDs, I'm linking these so anons can read everything I've posted and every response and see the following are true; I've never shilled or even mentioned any other project or token, not a single person in three threads has been able to link any proof of a autofilled order executed on the rubic platform, I've acted in good faith, responding to every question asked of me and not once said anything that is unreasonable FUD, never said the coin is going to zero or it's a rugpull or anything else, my only statement has been that the limit order feature that was "released" last friday is not real.
>>30302606 ixwyHRzj
>>30331259 3/AFFuwg
>>30356455 WHWN4rPH

There are only three ways you can possibly interpret this feature as working
1) It will automatically execute when it can fill your order
2) It will automatically execute when it can fill your order and the trade price you set is within some range of the market price
3) It will automatically execute when it can fill your order and the trade price is exactly the same as the market price

Continued in next post because of character limit. Also pic is a bug that happened when I was proving this shit didn't work.

>> No.30396176

I burnt $300 to prove that 1. is not the case yesterday.
I placed a order to trade 0.18 ETH for 1 RBC. Since platform fees are taken out of the order, this amounts to ~0.03 ETH for 1 RBC, an order that could have been filled immediately after I posted it, it was not automatically filled and after I posted a screenshot of the order in a previous thread a lucky anon manually took the other side of the trade.

Other orders have been placed that prove 2 is not the case.
This order offered 0.45 ETH for 1287 RB, so ~0.3 ETH for 1287 RBC, this was EXTREMELY close to the market rate at the time and over the next few hours, and was not autofilled.

It is almost impossible to disprove it works as stated in 3, because the market price of a pair will almost never EXACTLY equal the trade price you set, if the "feature" works like it is functionally useless.

All it takes to disprove this is a link to a single autofilled limit order, this has not happened in three threads and won't happen today. I am posting this to inform biz about a project many people here hold, I think it's important people know when the devs would lie to them like this.

>> No.30396235
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didnt read, not selling

>> No.30396281
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>> No.30396300

whats your point

>> No.30396339

I don't understand were you seriously expecting to get $302 for one rubic?

>> No.30396372

Mental breakdown anon here. Maybe its just a bug or something? Why wouldn't they just be able to fix this soon enough? I really think this is exaggerated. Yes it doesn't work but its a beta feature. If it went wrong its not a big deal. The important thing is that its not stealing funds from users (although platform fee is kind of suspicious). I think I'll give this project the benefit of the doubt for now.

>> No.30396391
File: 79 KB, 680x550, 16144992491376.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The limit order question fud has been forwarded finally to the appopriate channel >>30377849
It will be answered by the Rubic team. The origin of the "limit order scam" debate for the last two days was a single fud faggot sperg anon
and probably a butt buddy or two or another device of his. That's it, as far as I know, he could be a schill for another crypto as well or a MCDC Rubic swinging faggot
This anon never once went to Rubic subject matter experts to resolve his issue. Be it Telegram, Email, rubic.exchange live chat messenger
In the last Rubic General, he had 58/370 posts
Instead, he asked rando anons on a Mongolian basketweaving forum about it. Probably isn't the best method for resolution
When prompted why he didn't go to the Rubic team directly

His response was >>30375823
>I've known it wasn't real since I first offered the 1 ETH yesterday.

> Everything I've posted has been to get biz to realize that fact as well.

> I haven't contacted anyone from the project, I don't like talking to people directly,

> I realize this sounds stupid but

>I don't really have a stake in this beyond getting spergy about being called a liar when I pointed out the limit order feature wasn't real.

If that isn't the most patheric convenient bullshit excuse ever. I don't know what is. Redflag warning for sure. Smells like bullshit
He communicated directly with random anons about this matter for the last few hours nonstop
Yet, has never hesitated to reach out to possible subject matter experts on Rubic to resolve the matter.
Than claims he has to head to sleep when asked why he didn't take obvious steps to resolve
He is just a FUD FAGGOT with Rubic Derangement Syndrome, simple as

Rubic Total Victory

>> No.30396453

There's pointlessly wasting your life, and then there's whatever you'd call this. Congratulations, you have reached a level of loserdom that I didn't even believe was possible..

Thanks for the wall of text though, I'm sure it's not completely wasted on the brain trust here.

>> No.30396475

he was trying to buy rbc you retard

>> No.30396480

I tried to sell 0.18 ETH for 1 RBC, an order that could have been filled instantly because it was absurdly better than market rate.

This is just them announcing the feature release? It says absolutely nothing in response to my post.

Regardless of it being malice or incompetence the feature provably doesn't work, I think that's a fairly big deal and important information for holders to know.

I said I was going to sleep because I was tired, I then stayed awake answering questions until the thread archived once I was called out for this. Responded to this post in a previous thread already, if I am deranged and wrong all you need to do to prove it is post a SINGLE autofilled limit order, you attack me personally instead of doing this.

>> No.30396569

lol your autism is causing you to waste so much time also you are wrong.

>> No.30396603

You cannot buy 1 RBC for 0.18 ETH because the market rate doesn't allow it.
There aren't sell/buy walls on DEXs but the price purely depends on stable coin/asset's LP balance through Constant Product Formula.
That's the reason why your order couldn't be executed automatically.

>> No.30396645

You've proved your point that orders don't automatically fill. But your exaggerating the importance of a just-released beta feature not being functional. Its been forwarded to the team. If the team doesn't take responsibility and start working on a fix, that's when it'll become a real issue. You can't fault anons for thinking you have an ulterior motive for working so hard to bring this to attention. I myself kind of torn on whether your just fudding to accumulate, are indirectly associated with unidex even though you don't directly mention them in your posts, or if your genuinely just sperging out like you say you are. Regardless we'll see what comes out of this once the team responds. Thanks for bringing this to the community's attention.

>> No.30396659

I am autistic. Prove I am wrong.

My second post explicitly laid out every single possible case, my order disproves some subset of possible ways the feature could work, respond to the other order or admit if it only executes on a EXACT matching rate the feature is worthless.

>> No.30396772

>Prove I am wrong
nah, take this post as further confirmation bias that rubic holders are idiots though
funnier for me that way

>> No.30396771

Unidex is run by a literal pajeet, it also has fake features that don't work, the website is full of random unfinished bits like "ajsfiasfj" strings of characters that randomly pop up. It's an incredibly obvious scam/failed project/way to lose money.

It's not so much that it's not functional, It's been two days now, the team are NOT idiots, there are some very smart people working there, they would be 100% aware orders that should have been autofilled have not been assuming they're watching their freshly released feature, the fact they've said nothing either indicates extreme incompetence or malice.

>> No.30396931
File: 406 KB, 900x519, 1614119867568.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I said I was going to sleep because I was tired, I then stayed awake answering questions until the thread archived once I was called out for this.
>Responded to this post in a previous thread already, if I am deranged and wrong all you need to do to prove it is post a SINGLE autofilled limit order,
>you attack me personally instead of doing this.

Stop lying and playing the victim. You fucking crybaby. And now, you are continuing the Fud campain with a brand new thread that you started
You are full of shit, FUD FAGGOT Rubic Derangement Syndrome, simple as
As soon as you were asked reasonable questions about taking your limit order inquiry to the Rubic team, you called it quits.


You never once went to the Rubic subject matter experts to resolve the issue. Be it Telegram, Email, rubic.exchange live chat messenger
In the last Rubic General, you had 58/370 posts
Instead, you asked rando anons on a Mongolian basketweaving forum about it. Probably isn't the best method for resolution
When prompted why you didn't go to the Rubic team directly
Your response was >>30375823
>I've known it wasn't real since I first offered the 1 ETH yesterday.

> Everything I've posted has been to get biz to realize that fact as well.

> I haven't contacted anyone from the project, I don't like talking to people directly,

> I realize this sounds stupid but

>I don't really have a stake in this beyond getting spergy about being called a liar when I pointed out the limit order feature wasn't real.

If that isn't the most patheric convenient bullshit excuse ever. I don't know what is. Redflag warning for sure. Smells like bullshit
You communicated directly with random anons about this matter for the last few hours nonstop
Yet, has never hesitated to reach out to possible subject matter experts on Rubic to resolve the matter
Rubic Total Victory

>> No.30396945

>the fact they've said nothing either indicates extreme incompetence or malice.
Maybe they're just working on it silently? I don't know anon your just sperging out hard here. They can't be stupid enough to possibly think they'd get away with this. Maybe they just wanted not to have to delay it again and didn't foresee a glitch like this occurring. They should definitely work on a fix for this issue by the next update. If they don't then that'll be a real red flag.

>> No.30397268

Post one example of the feature that has been released for two days working and I will send 1 ETH to your address, I've already demonstrated I'm willing to burn 0.2 ETH to show you retards it doesn't work, I'm genuinely good for the bounty.

>> No.30397372
File: 588 KB, 722x457, apu rubic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fud is getting more elaborate, remember yesterday when there were 37 limit order fud posts from the same id? Yeah, I'm thinking bullish

>> No.30397490

My claim is completely falsifiable. All you have to do to show that I am wrong is post ONE counterexample but still no-one does this? It's not very bullish when a dev team lies about a feature release and shills who are holding bags and are now realizing what they've bought into continue to ignore reality in the hopes they can convince other anons to buy in so they can break even.

>> No.30397546
File: 597 KB, 634x678, 6B443DCD-6818-42F7-83AE-3519CCCD7700.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine thinking it won’t be worked on further.

Imagine thinking that limit orders are the standalone reason to buy Rubic.

Now, imagine being a seething retard who got priced out trying to swing (Thats you OP)

Rubic stays cubic ez 1 dollar inc

>> No.30397620
File: 261 KB, 888x894, D9AFBB5E-B85B-4BDF-8222-45378875967A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your FUD essay is a textbook buy signal Vikram, gonna market buy 50k more rubic when I get home, thx anon

my rubic stays cubic

>> No.30397629
File: 42 KB, 517x508, B5338BA6-76E4-44C3-8A10-84042EB3B316.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based jeet with elaborate fiverr fud

>> No.30397721

It's completely fine if you personally still think a project that delayed a feature release by 1 day, then 1 week, then lied about releasing it and hoped no-one would notice is a long term hold, genuinely I'm not trying to dissuade you of that, I've never said anything resembling that. But you shouldn't get emotionally attached to your investments and should be able to update your thesis on new information, the dev team being either massively incompetent or outright liars is important to know if you hold this.

Why will none of you prove I'm wrong? Or respond to my claims directly?

>> No.30397787

BASED VLAD responded to you. It answers every question you have.

>> No.30397839

Will you admit that your exaggerating the issue? Who the fuck cares if it works or not on the first day when L2 hasn't even been implemented yet? The entire thing is just a sandbox right now and everyone understands this. We are still in the speculative phase.

>> No.30397849

Rubic has been an obvious scam from day 1, how it got legs under it again I don't know.

>> No.30397900
File: 123 KB, 720x417, 1598721137568.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok jeet

>> No.30397947

that's just vlad announcing the release
I think the ride ends here... I'm not feeling so good

>> No.30398001

You're right. I can't do this any more. Need....hopium....bros!

we better ape in to bogged.finance! They have sminem!

>> No.30398007

That post was made on telegram last friday when the feature was "released"
I have no questions, just the statement that limit orders demonstrably don't work, that bit of text doesn't change that?

Do you not think that "releasing" a feature that just doesn't exist is extremely sketchy? This isn't some UI bug like happens on the rest of the site, or error messages like you get with the instant trades, this is a feature that just outright does not work at all, despite them saying they had it tested on "dev servers" all the last week? People have burnt thousands of dollars collectively to test this, the team has said NOTHING in response to this since the feature was released. You have far more goodwill than I do.

>> No.30398034
File: 8 KB, 208x250, 1614176766007s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post one example of you reaching out to the Rubic team in a meaningful way via Telegram, Email, rubic.exchange live chat messenger about your inquiry into the limit order feature released on Friday.
Instead you have been fudding nonstop for the last two days.
In the last Rubic General, you had 58/370 posts. And now, you are continuing the Fud campain with a brand new thread that you started.
The onus is on you, not us. You are droning on and on about it.
It’s you. Asking rando anons on a Kurdish basketweaving forum about it. Probably isn't the best method for resolution. This just proves that your motives are negative to say the least and can't be trusted.
You are not a good fatith actor

When prompted why you didn't go to the Rubic team directly
Your response was >>30375823
>I've known it wasn't real since I first offered the 1 ETH yesterday.

> Everything I've posted has been to get biz to realize that fact as well.

> I haven't contacted anyone from the project, I don't like talking to people directly,

> I realize this sounds stupid but

>I don't really have a stake in this beyond getting spergy about being called a liar when I pointed out the limit order feature wasn't real.

If that isn't the most pathetic convenient bullshit excuse ever. I don't know what is. Redflag warning for sure.
Smells like bullshit
You communicated directly with random anons about this matter for the last few hours nonstop
Yet, has never hesitated to reach out to possible subject matter experts on Rubic to resolve the matter
Rubic Total Victory

>> No.30398126

You think pajeets use limit orders , rubic is just a pump and dump

>> No.30398173

it's over for rubic

>> No.30398181

>Hey guys bitconnect is a scam here is a bunch of proof
>why haven't you reached out in a meaningful way to the bitconnect team to inquire about your question?
I don't want to talk to them.
Prove me wrong. Post a filled limit order.

>> No.30398196

Maybe it worked on the dev servers but not on here. The feature itself is worthless without the L2 ecosystem so it doesn't matter if it works or not at this point, its just an experiment right now. Using it at this stage with a 0.15 ETH platform fee plus gas fees is unfeasible anyway. The orders do fill so it is functional to a certain extent, even if it needs to be done manually, so its not completely unfunctional. It has been brought to the telegram's attention as of half a day ago. Give the devs some time to respond. If they don't respond at all or if they try to brush it under the rug, then your FUD will have new validity. For now there's nothing to do but wait and see how the team is going to react.

>> No.30398265

They might have not actually finished it before 5th and released it not working to avoid big dump that would have happened after second delay.

>> No.30398394

The orders have been able to be filled manually for months, that's a regular order book and is completely standard. You could do that 4 weeks ago. The telegram is currently claiming the feature works and that no-one has actually tested it, of course still no-one posts proof of a single transaction that has worked and they ignore the transactions I linked in the first post that are proof of people trying it.

Yea, I think it's likely the team just got in over their heads and knew a third delay would be extremely bad optics.

>> No.30398422

What a pathetic excuse that's even worse , imagine a whole dev team worried about 4chan jeets , that means they know it's over priced and it's just a pump and dump

>> No.30398426
File: 200 KB, 1122x1280, 1615063638810.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fake and gay

>> No.30398641

This is literally what I think they've done, and I bought in at sub-1c. I sold pretty soon after release when it became clear that it either didn't work, or worked in such an unintuitive way that it's impossible to beta test, and therefore failed.

>> No.30398657

Not sold everything, though. About 65%.

>> No.30398794
File: 332 KB, 1074x688, 1615107987249.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine being so fucking stupid you don't test it for yourself

>> No.30398811

I literally did try it for myself.

>> No.30398865

The transactions I linked in the OP have ALREADY tested it and demonstrated it doesn't work. People on biz have collectively burnt thousands testing this "feature" and not ONE time has it filled automatically.

>> No.30398998

Shut the fuck up faggot.

>> No.30399036

Nobody ia falling for you shitty fud you nigger. You've been fudding rubic for over a month. Kys.

>> No.30399054
File: 34 KB, 960x636, body-72158_960_720.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i gotta say i come into these rubic threads and knowing nothing about the product i just feel the aura of you guys and none of you are winners. i'm amazed that in a place as anonymous and filled with lowlifes as /biz/ i can get such strong not-winner ngmi energy but you guys really exude it. do you guys ever get that feeling? like you're thinking of checking out a coin but you don't even do it because you go into a thread and just realize no one that's in that thread is ever gonna win a single thing in their life? it's almost fucking scary. i'd recommend the rest of you get out of these thread too.

>> No.30399134

No, I've been shilling Rubic for months. Still think it'll pump when it hits exchanges, though.

>> No.30399156

future bagholder

>> No.30399166

Hey, it's the autist that's too scared to bring this up to the rubic team on their own Telegram.
Wondered when you'd show up again.

>> No.30399189

Dear All,

The Limit orders feature was launched, but it represents only the first step and has pairs and volume limitations.
Currently, only one pair is supported in both ways and the trade's volume can’t be higher than 3 ETH.

During the next weeks, we will monitor the situation and will gradually remove the limitations.

Further, as you know we use our own pool for closing the trades (buying on Uniswap and close the trade if conditions are met) - that’s how we will generate the revenue. Potentially, all the users will be able to join Rubic Liquidity Pool and generate the revenue by filling others' Limit orders. Unlike Uniswap, these pools do not have permanent losses and can’t be decreasing. This is only a concept, but we are determined to implement it.

Thank you for your everyday support, comments and suggestions!

P.S. “RSC”

>> No.30399252

Currently bringing it up on the telegram. They're trying to handwave it away lol

>> No.30399265

It's funny that people are posting this now when I posted this originally to people to show just how important it is that limits work for the token utility, especially in gathering funds across multiple liquidity pools. Vlad's comments are actually a part of why I sold, because it makes the implementation more important to the project.

>> No.30399269

that post is 2 days old

>> No.30399283

i literally come to rubic threads for this reason. at first i thought they were kinda like low iq early day linkies but after watching them for awhile they're just low iq

>> No.30399321

Holy shit cope and seethe, ad hominems, strawmen and red herring, hshahhaha enjoy ur bags

>> No.30399353

Awesome, post pics.

>> No.30399361



>> No.30399369

Open it yourself

>> No.30399453

m-mm... my rubic... s-stays... cubic......

>> No.30399483
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>> No.30399524

Based and Rubicpilled.

>> No.30399569
File: 58 KB, 1319x784, memechart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Get out while you can. The situation will only get worse.

>> No.30399591

Op is such a flaming faggot that he needs to use multiple device IDs to make up extemely weak fud. Op has minimum 4 IDs in this thread.

>> No.30399694

Post 1 autofilled limit order

>> No.30399696
File: 1.17 MB, 860x818, 1614014996937.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You continue to dig yourself a hole. It's all so tiresome. You can’t help yourself
You are so blind with rage and hatred now. You have dropped any pretense of objectivity and impartiality
At first you presented yourself as the righteous hero rescuing the innocents anons from impending doom
You were shouting on every thread that
Rubic Limit order isn’t real, fake
Rubic Limit order isn’t real, fake
Rubic Limit order isn’t real, fake
Now you have stooped so low
Comparing apples to oranges and strawmanning Rubic
Rubic is a Ponzi scheme like Bitconnect, you say. That’s your position
If Rubic is a Ponzi scheme. You would go to your government to try to prevent Rubic from commiting fraud against any other helpless victims.
Cease and desist letters could be sent.
You could stop their exchange listings by notifying them of this scam
You could report this matter to every big time crypto influencer on social media
You would be a hero
Isn’t that what you wanted to be with this fud campaign over the last two days.
Why not anon?
Talk to them, Asking rando anons on a Kurdish basketweaving forum about it. Probably isn't the best method for resolution.
This just proves that your motives are suspect to say the least.
Maybe you are confused about the feature. You could ask Rubic about it
Oh yeah, I forgot
When prompted why you didn't go to the Rubic team directly via Telegram, Email, rubic.exchange live chat messenger about your inquiry into the limit order feature released on Friday.
Your response was >>30375823
>I've known it wasn't real since I first offered the 1 ETH yesterday.

> Everything I've posted has been to get biz to realize that fact as well.

> I haven't contacted anyone from the project, I don't like talking to people directly,

> I realize this sounds stupid but

>I don't really have a stake in this beyond getting spergy about being called a liar when I pointed out the limit order feature wasn't real.

Rubic Total Victory

>> No.30399699

I can't disprove what you've written but not true. You can however disprove what I've said, I think the other anons posting graphs of it going to zero or saying it's a rugpull are fucking retarded. But the limit order feature release was a lie, if it's extremely weak fud you should be able to demonstrate the feature works. Again, over the past 4 threads not a SINGLE person has linked a successful autofilled limit order

>> No.30399746

Rubic is not a ponzi scheme, I'm not saying it's the same situation as bitconnect, that was just an example to show how absurd it was that you demand I talk to the dev team otherwise my perfectly reasonable demonstrations of the feature not working are somehow invalid?

>> No.30399747

Op is such a flaming faggot that he needs to use multiple device IDs to make up extemely weak fud. Op has minimum 4 IDs in this thread.

>> No.30399790

Why would somebody waste their precious free time anti-shilling a shitcoin?

>> No.30399814

Post 1 autofilled limit order

>> No.30399836

Op is such a flaming faggot that he needs to use multiple device IDs to make up extemely weak fud. Op has minimum 4 IDs in this thread.

>> No.30399845

The fact that Rubic memers entire marketing strategy is anti-pajeet makes me think it's pajeets thinking they're being smart

>> No.30399871

A lot of Rubic fud posts have Dutch in them. Wonder if you have been providing fud posts for over a month now.

>> No.30399887

>unironically comes from pol
>a newfaggot from 2021 who just joined /biz/
If this isn't a sell signal for RBC bag holders, I don't know anymore

>> No.30399900

Post 1 autofilled limit order

>> No.30399927

It's all the same person fudding rubic for over a month now.

>> No.30399953

the gas thing is a common issue i've seen everywhere desu

>> No.30399970

Op is such a flaming faggot that he needs to use multiple device IDs to make up extemely weak fud. Op has minimum 4 IDs in this thread.

>> No.30399981

>we found out about it
>the website is suddenly down


>> No.30399986

Post 1 autofilled limit order.

>> No.30400021

Rubic is an obvious scam to any veteran from 2017 and earlier. It doesn't take the non-functionality of the fake project to show it's a scam.

The legion of psychotic ESL bagholders is enough. No legitimate venture gains people of this type on its camp this early.

What is the monthly wage in the shithole you are from? $10? Your behavior is understandable if you scrabble and whine this hard on a forum if you are dealing with months-salary levels of money (for you).

No westerners would debase themselves in this manner for the pennies you are playing with.

>> No.30400089

Rubic holders are the new schizos

Seriously: Some people got lucky and got into RBC really early, like under 1c and made a fortune. Gradually those people got out and left behind a horde of bagholders.

It's just C tier run of the mill DEX with no future. I'm seriously not trolling RBC holders. Great memes, but it's over guys. You need to move on to projects that will actually pump for the rest of the cycle or you'll get left behind.

You will flame me and pretend I'm some autist from another thread or some other psychological defense mechanism, but you know it's true. Looking at the chart you should probably get out now before it gets any worse

>> No.30400106

Shitcoins often come up with this delusion of an "alpha-fudder". An entity so omnipotent that it can single handedly spam down and destroy a project on its own.

It's never the case.

The much more simple explanation is that your shitcoin is a shitcoin and you were conned. Now you are emotional.

>> No.30400167
File: 59 KB, 1278x1399, L70wiyI.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rubic bros...

>> No.30400192
File: 195 KB, 798x770, 439486732.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If that's true
WTF is OP than
Reddit Spacing as well
OP is your hero right
Fud Faggot Leader
58/370 posts on the last Rubic General
They are not sending their best
If that's not a buy signal.
I don't know anymore
Rubic Still Cubic

>> No.30400202

Post 1 autofilled limit order.

>> No.30400209

holy fuck, this is awesome. i wanna be part of this. the best FUD thread i have seen to date was the straw that broke the camels back, gonna buy this shit while its tanked at 35cents

>> No.30400240

Everyone in this board is laughing at you, and OP is leading the pack.
Post 1 autofilled limit order.

>> No.30400245

Can confirm that OP is telling the truth, I've went through their entire code base and there's no evidence of limit orders. It's literally just a 1inch wrapper... Not even and 0x wrapper, but you pay 1inch fees which already wraps 0x... And 0x is the cheapest Dex protocol as their buy/sell matching is done off chain. The cheapest conversion you can get right now is from going to matcha.xyz

>> No.30400264


>> No.30400272

The existence of the "alpha fudder" is just another coping mechanism. It's a useful one because it allows retard bagholders to claim "it wasn't their fault", "my shitcoin was fudded", "this person did this to us".

Personal accountability and acceptance of responsibility for failure or being scammed is something third worlders don't do.

Being an eternal victim is the goal in order to save face and preserve their small amount of remaining pride. So they gladly buy into this shared delusion.

It's a shitskin pity party that has played out possibly thousands of times before in telegram, discord, and forums worldwide.

>> No.30400287

That post was made last friday when the feature was "released", it explains nothing. The reality is nearly three days later there has still not been evidence of a single limit order working, not ONE transaction. Oh and right now the rubic website is down for "maintenance" Be very careful

>> No.30400316

It's 30c now bud. Enjoy buying some other retards bags. I sold at 45

>> No.30400351

yeah, I spent a lot of time in rbc threads as it was pumping initially as I bought in early. Sold as soon as it hit 50c and almost FOMO'd back as it kept pumping, but quickly realised how many of the people buying the top were absolutely deluded about the potential of a shitty exchange.

Another big warning sign at the time was that the majority of people weren't even using rubic.exchange to buy rbc, and it appears that's still the case.

>> No.30400406

Yeah honestly I came here to laugh at them but it's actually kinda bumming me out. Rubic schizos I hope you make it.

>> No.30400545

It seems people have stopped trying to argue against the reality of the limit order feature not existing. It took three days and anons burning thousands of dollars to prove it but hopefully a few smart anons looked into what I was saying early on and got out before the bagholders started to come around and dump.

>> No.30400597

Same, I'm out now. I might buy back in later. The stress is too much. The RBC threads actually made the stress worse, and I don't need that shit when the bull-run is starting.

Same. I actually thought this would be neat, liked a lot about it. Actually like the team, to be honest. If it pumps now and I lose out some, that's fine.

>> No.30400710

I got out within minutes of the website going down. Feeling real lucky I made it out in time.

>> No.30400749


>> No.30400802

Although it's back up now. Gonna monitor the situation.

>> No.30400818

weaponized autism

>> No.30400946

Noob here. Just looked through the entire thread and nobody posted a filled limit order.

You'd think if it was FUD, people would have been clamoring to instantly prove it wrong.

Can't really call it FUD if it's easily proven wrong.

>> No.30400994

That one sperging faggot anon is 'Not Imp' from telegram. He made his shit private and was banned from the official channel for badgering members and attacking people for not spending their money to do his bidding. He is a real piece of shit asshole. He is claiming that he is going to sell his bags. Good riddance. I don't want someone like that to make it. The world has enough rich assholes, we don't need one more. I hope he remains poor and he suffers immensely in other areas of his life. Miserable assholes make everyone else around them miserable, so fuck that motherfucking faggot. Let him be miserable and alone. Also, from the writing style, the OP of this thread is that same Not Imp faggot. Other faggots in this thread are either him samefagging or its MassEffect, Comma or Pistol Pete piling on like priced out douchebags.

>> No.30401031

Recommend me coins I just got out of this sinking ship

>> No.30401106

I am OP and I am not that person, I have never posted in the telegram although I am in there reading it. Obviously I can't disprove this but I am fairly sure "Not Imp" is >>30399252 this poster, he made that post around the same time Not Imp posted.

>> No.30401142

I'm Not Imp. I got banned from the telegram and rubic autists are attacking me in my dms threatening to trace me lol.

>> No.30401149

Why would op bring his concerns up to the team if his assumption is that they're liars?

If the product works, show me that it works.

>> No.30401152


>> No.30401229

Orion Protocol is a dex aggregator coming out this month. Dyor.

>> No.30401291

What do you think about parsiq?

>> No.30401314

>Why will none of you prove I'm wrong? Or respond to my claims directly?
>Why will none of you spend your hard earned money to indulge my autistic retarded assholeness to prove to me that your investment is dogshit? Just do my bidding and I promise I will send you money, just spend your own money first, and do so with the intention of invalidating your own original financial investment.
>Why won't anyone do what I want them to?
Jfc anon, you are really that fucking retarded. You HAVE to be super autistic to behave like this. If you're not trolling, I actually feel really bad for you. You probably have almost no friends and have never had a relationship. You're probably still living at home with your parents and you work some shitty 9 to 5 job with normies who think you're weird and a complete dick.

>> No.30401329

My rubic stays cubic

>> No.30401370

Unironically have you tried the feature for yourself? Not even asking for a link.

>> No.30401403

>You probably have almost no friends and have never had a relationship. You're probably still living at home with your parents and you work some shitty 9 to 5 job with normies who think you're weird and a complete dick.
Are you S S? You're such a fucking weirdo man. Address his claims instead of sperging out like a retard.

>> No.30401419

If the product doesn't work, show me it doesn't work. The burden of proof is on those who bring forth the claim, not the other way around you totalitarian faggots.

>> No.30401426

My limit order stays unfilled

>> No.30401441

I put up orders limit orders last night. Price hasn't gotten close enough to hit them yet.

>> No.30401451

I don't have any problem with the guy asking for easily proven evidence. If he retarded, it's not expensive to prove it.

>> No.30401460

Are you insane? Go try to use it right now. It doesn't function.

That's the proof.

>> No.30401465

I am 25. I am autistic. I do live with my parents. I have had three girlfriends but am not dating anyone right now. I don't work a job, I trade crypto occasionally and program sometimes for money. I literally spent $300 of my own money to prove it doesn't work, I have linked other people who have done the same. Does it not seem absurd to you that no-one can link a single filled limit order after two days? It doesn't have to be their own, just ONE example of the feature working would completely disprove me?

>> No.30401486

Prove it doesn't work.

>> No.30401489


The initial post shows that it doesn't work you fucking retard. The onus is now on you.

>> No.30401508
File: 287 KB, 945x745, 1613935979783.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The amount of effort that went into this post makes me more bullish on rubic than any kind of positive shilling.
>always do the opposite of what /biz/ says

>> No.30401514

Kys faggot

>> No.30401515

Dam this thread is entertaining at fuck

>> No.30401521
File: 420 KB, 1200x912, 1613957659108.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You made the comparison to Bitconnect, not me. You might want be precise with your words fud hero.
No, in fact I can't prove what you said. Neither can you though. You are making the accustaions. There is no data available to prove for or against.
Is it falsifiable? The Rubic team are the only ones who know.
Could they be lying, sure. Could you just be fudding for lols, sure. Could you be fudding for a malicious purpose, sure.
It is a beta verson Limit order feature eleased two days ago without any possible third party verification. It is still a work in progress as they have addressed
You are claiming it is fake. Not me, you could verify you claim by speaking to them directly via Telegram, live chat messenger on the exchange, or email.
But we already know your asnwer
Why not anon?
Talk to them, Asking rando anons on a Kurdish basketweaving forum about it. Probably isn't the best method for resolution.
This just proves that your motives are suspect to say the least.
Maybe you are confused about the feature. You could ask Rubic about it
Oh yeah, I forgot
When prompted why you didn't go to the Rubic team directly via Telegram, Email, rubic.exchange live chat messenger about your inquiry into the limit order feature released on Friday.
Your response was >>30375823
>I've known it wasn't real since I first offered the 1 ETH yesterday.

> Everything I've posted has been to get biz to realize that fact as well.

> I haven't contacted anyone from the project, I don't like talking to people directly,

> I realize this sounds stupid but

>I don't really have a stake in this beyond getting spergy about being called a liar when I pointed out the limit order feature wasn't real.

Rubic Total Victory

>> No.30401534

The burden of proof is on rubic here. If nobody can prove the feature works, then we have to assume it doesn't.

>> No.30401539

People have brought forth proof of transactions, but the goalposts were moved each time.

>> No.30401541

>I am 25. I am autistic. I do live with my parents. I have had three girlfriends but am not dating anyone right now. I don't work a job, I trade crypto occasionally and program sometimes for money.

>> No.30401577

No, it shows the person doesn't have enough ETH in their wallet to perform the smart contract.

>> No.30401616

No they weren't, they have been EXTREMELY clear since the first post, the "proof transactions" were normally filled orders from the order book, they could not have possibly been limit orders as the value of them was below the platform fee. In the OP I explained very clearly what the possible situations were and gave counterexamples for each one.

>> No.30401623


$300 isn't enough eth to fill a limit order? Lol, ok faggot.

>> No.30401639
File: 35 KB, 597x509, 1595273437751.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shitcoins like Rubic are worthless. The team and project is a massive joke that would be worth $0 anywhere outside of crypto, and the only reason it's worth more than $0 in crypto is because Rubic was used as a vehicle by a discord group to pump and dump by spamming threads on 4chan in order to make it appear like organic interest.

You got played, and a couple of months from now this shitcoin will be worth 95% less than its current price. Just like all other former PnDs that inevitably bleeds out.

>> No.30401645

Well that's good. I tried doing one at a loss and it didn't work. I kind of hope I have to FOMO in later. At the very least this feature can't be beta tested properly. So it's more like an alpha. It would have been nice if they included a video that wasn't from MyWish and old, of it happening, so we can know what to do to beta test it.

>> No.30401647
File: 46 KB, 506x460, 1615061062389.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>20 posts by this id

>> No.30401660

>Going through all that effort
It's a pajeet pnd scam
Nothing about it is legit

>> No.30401665

Also, I feel sorry for you, I really do. You're going to miss so many joys in life. You already have I'm sure, but man, to be THAT autistic, I'd rather kill myself. Stay strong anon. Keep your head up. Its not worth necking yourself over it.

>> No.30401667

You're wrong. The 0.15 ETH platform fee and gas fees are taken out of the transaction value, once you have interacted with the smart contract and filled the order you don't need any ETH in your wallet for it to fulfil, this is laid out in the rubic FAQ, please explain how you think this should function

>> No.30401704
File: 5 KB, 225x225, 1615114221984.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

prove my dick isn't 50 inches long

>> No.30401721

>just an experiment
Holy fucking goalpost move, Limit orders was one of the biggest shill points to the project all these weeks only second to crosschain swaps, this wasn't an experiment it was one of the foundations of people deciding to invest. Price is tanking now, it's fucking over

>> No.30401732

>calls someone a pedophile
>TeH bUrDoN oF pRoOf iS oN YoU tO pRoVe yOu dOn'T rApE KiDS!!!1!

>> No.30401784

Alright you niggers. When I get back from the gym here I will limit buy 2 eth worth of Rubic at .20 USD

If you can dump the price that low until then, I will post the txn

>> No.30401795

Yeah I've since realized this and sold that was just my final cope. The last straw was when the website went down for a bit.

>> No.30401811
File: 93 KB, 850x723, 1614078845590.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread is an instant classic

>> No.30401814

These FUD posts remind me of chainlink.
Im buying a 15k stack as we speak
Thx /biz/

>> No.30401815

Not really. Rubic have claimed to release a working limit order feature. I have disproven that in my OP. Not a SINGLE example of it working has been provided, nor has anyone explained how any of the three cases I laid out are inaccurate.

>> No.30401857

Smart anon

>> No.30401888


In this case, it's as if we have video evidence of the dude fucking kids while dabbing and he keeps trying to claim he doesn't fuck kids.

>> No.30402001

You have to provide positive proof, not negative proof. That's how it works.

>> No.30402009
File: 2.11 MB, 200x150, 1610509675397.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People STILL hold RBC ? What?

>> No.30402012

You've won anon I'm sorry I ever doubted you. You're the autist that none of us deserved.

>> No.30402072

Good man. We're bull market now, you'll make the gains elsewhere. Best of luck

>> No.30402078

I think you have done a great service, I wouldn't waste more energy trying to make reason out of people so emotionally invested into a shitcoin, just let them get rugpulled and enjoy the aftermath.

>> No.30402081

Nobody can prove you wrong because NOBODY uses that shitty exchange. The RBC bagholders don't even use it themselves

>> No.30402097

(1/2)Checked and kek... Fudders are out in full force today... I'll explain how this shit works for the retards who are actually falling for this fud.
>>dex limit order explanation
If you put an outrageous order up like trying to sell way under the current price or, alternatively, trying to buy way over the current price, then the order will not go through. This doesn't mean it won't go through... But it will eventually go through if you let the order exist long enough for the contracts to HIT that price. The system is basically saying "hey retard... You can just market buy your order instead. It's unironically attempting to hell you by not executing due to low IQ order placement. Have you ever seen those orders on a traditional CEX where there is a massive whick either down or up for a brief second? That's because a retard did a retarded order and filled. The rubic Limit orders have to hit the price naturally going up (or down), see your order for that number (plus the beta fee offset), and then it will execute. Fudders placing these outrageous limit orders and saying "it didn't work" are just proving that they don't understand the limit orders and how they work.... Or dare I say... They are fudding to get a better purchase of rubic. These fudders really must have your best financial interests at heart to be helping other anons out letting them know of the "non-working" feature. KEK
>>checking the limit orders
Now let's go through the current existing limit orders on the rubic exchange just for fun shall we?
>>see https://rubic.exchange/trades/public-v3/kk77iz
This order here will never execute due to two reasons. The first is the reason I originally stated because the price will never naturally flow and hit that eth price of 0.00036 which would mean rubic is worth like 80 cents again or something. The second reason is this order is too small to test with. This order is showing us a retard, maybe even a fudder on biz.

>> No.30402112

"Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence"

>> No.30402138

There are always a bunch of newfag bagholders who get emotionally attached to the first project they went into when they first arrived to /biz/. Unfortunately for some newfags, their first hold was PnDs like Rubic or outright scams like McDonaldsCoin.

They just don't understand how the market works yet. Every shitcoin has delusional bagholders holding on and refusing to accept that they've lost most of their money.

>> No.30402165

You are shit, you didn't start trash.
Stop with the stupid tangents that aren't about earning money
this scammers never know cool project to advertise
>Buy no worry about it, have SWG and wait for swirge development

>> No.30402208

>The first is the reason I originally stated because the price will never naturally flow and hit that eth price of 0.00036 which would mean rubic is worth like 80 cents again or something.
>the price will never naturally flow and hit that eth price of 0.00036 which would mean rubic is worth like 80 cents again or something.
Well we agree on one thing then lmao

>> No.30402214

(2/2) >>continued limit order review on the order book
Here, we can see a competent non-retard who has put a realistic price point and enough volume to get an order filled via limit. This order should fill when the 0.0002 price point is met PLUS the beta fee 0.15 eth offset. This is a realistic price point to where the contract will naturally flow past it. Before the paper hands sold, rubic was at 0.00025 / eth.

t. not a retard

>> No.30402252

I already responded to this in my second post in this thread. Are you saying it works as laid out in scenario 2 or 3? I already disproved 2 with a link to a transaction that crossed the market threshold after it was posted and didn't autofill, and 3 is completely useless.
I agree retards are placing too small orders to try and "prove" something because they don't understand how it works, I've never done that and none of the examples I've posted have been that. Please respond directly and specifically to my second post in this thread

>> No.30402266

Kek, you got me there anon I had a good chuckle. I should have mentioned that it won't hit that price before the order itself closes in a week due to the order closing date listed. Still funny though.

>> No.30402340

Never seen so much fud, top wallets not selling, very bullish, expect a big market buy once we hit the bottom

>> No.30402454

Too bad rubic will never see 0.0002 again.

>> No.30402485

Your own words:
>I tried to sell 0.18 ETH for 1 RBC

>> No.30402495

Come on man, you just dumped your bag. Can't be that heartless.

>> No.30402496

yup there is a reason this stupid coin is dropping noone wants to be apart of it anymore....

>> No.30402500

GOD, the more guys shilling a coin the worse it ends up. Stop being a faggot, don’t go for this shit
I don’t believe in this scam. My funds are on liquidity pools with YVS Finance model. I can withdraw whenever I need and any number with no stupid fees

>> No.30402590

>admin responds with a gay slogan basically admitted the feature they hyped does not function

>> No.30402595

I laid out three scenarios and gave counterexamples to each of them, they are trying to claim it works as laid out in scenario 2, this order disproves that.
The 0.18 ETH for 1 RBC disproved that it would automatically fill if it could.

>> No.30402609

That was taken on Friday.

>> No.30402744

Post 1 market rate unfilled limit order.

>> No.30402779

Right there was one that was above, below and exactly at market rate over the 12 hours after it was posted.

>> No.30402886
File: 304 KB, 415x510, 1614267980417.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're this level of autistic anon...

>> No.30402956

>25 posts by this id
>"But I'm just trying to help strangers on the internet not lose money!"

>> No.30402985

To be fair autists can't let things go.

>> No.30403003

He's been fudding rubic for over a month lol.

>> No.30403023

Keep FUD for a few more days bought to get that work bonus

>> No.30403036

He's so autistic it hurts.

>> No.30403084

Yup. The fud has evolved. Now, they circle like sharks, waiting for any sign of blood, then they attack. They managed to shake a lot of weak hands. I'm surprised the price fell as low as it did.

>> No.30403112
File: 339 KB, 1872x703, Screenshot_20210307-085251_Brave.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I checked your transaction OP. The price didn't get fulfill because it didn't meet the requirements of your order which was 0.0002331002 ETH per Rubic PLUS the eth beta testing offset which you made difficult by not linking. Your transaction is just the confirmation transaction. The highest the eth/ratio price got after you placed the order (which was 31 hours ago) was 0.00023438 ETH per Rubic. Picture related for proof. Have a good day anon.

>> No.30403124

My first post about rubic was two days ago.
I'm trying to tell biz a important bit of information about a project a lot of biz is bought into. I demonstrably spent $300 to prove I was correct. Still no-one has linked a single filled order that would disprove me. If i'm wrong why don't you show everyone?

>> No.30403191
File: 36 KB, 498x498, 1614949802889.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you placed the order at 0.000233 instead of 0.000234 bro

>> No.30403318

You are doing God's work, anon. Keep slaying the jeets

>> No.30403363

If there was proof, all your posts would be replied with screenshot or copypaste of the proof, not just autistic "Stop fudding" or "It was debunked"

>> No.30403469
File: 84 KB, 1080x249, Screenshot_20210307-090743_Telegram.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>he didn't understand what I wrote
You fudders are really something... Also rubic exchange just updated their site with the DDoS protection kek. They have been getting hit with 6 million fake requests to the server while this fud goes on. We'll played.

>> No.30403561

No he's not you stupid fuck.

>> No.30403576

RBC holders are mainly people new to crypto and overall low IQ. I remember when I was a newfag in summer 2019, I bought Lition at the top because it was shilled a lot here and I didnt know what to buy. It began to bleed but I kept holding and kept thinking I was a genius and would be rich.

>> No.30403578

Poo in the ___

>> No.30403601

did u get rich tho?

>> No.30403656

Most owners of RBC also own large stacks of LINK. You fudders are such cocksuckers.

>> No.30403679

That is the confirmation transaction showing the order being placed, you can see the order is for 0.45 ETH to 1287.365 RBC.
Removing the transaction fee this means the market rate needs to be around
0.30 ETH to 1287.365 RBC. Gas fees are also taken out of this transaction and we have no way of knowing what they would be exactly in this case. Between 0.01 and 0.02 seems reasonable? Let me know if you disagree with this. We'll say 0.015 ETH gas fees so the trade has to be 0.285 ETH to 1287.365 RBC.
The market rate to fill this order would therefore have to be 1 ETH = 4515 RBC.
The order was placed on March 6th at 7:41 AM UTC. The market price at that time was 1 ETH = 4303 RBC. 9 hours later the market price hit 1 ETH = 4624 RBC. Between these times it got extremely close to and passed over the trade rate needed to fill this order, yet the order was not filled.

I have made this as simple and easy to follow as possible, the following are links where you can confirm my figures are correct.

>> No.30403687


>> No.30403693

No, I bought at 30c and sold it all a year later at 8c

Current price is 2c

>> No.30403711
File: 1 KB, 87x125, 1597910285617.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>6 million fake

I wonder who could be behind this

Massive buy signal

>> No.30403773


>> No.30403836

And to be clear DDOSing the rubic website is insanely scummy and I unironically hope those people get vanned.

>> No.30403837

>Most owners of RBC also own large stacks of LINK. You fudders are such cocksuckers

Really? Lmao "most" of the 4000 RBC holders also have a few hundred thousands worth of link? I didnt know that

>> No.30403867

Most of the people who bought LINK are retarded.
>t. 2017 linkie

>> No.30403976

I don't get the hate on op. I'm a rubic holder, but op is just trying to provide some info about testing this hyped feature. This is worthwhile info and everyone is giving him shit about it. Shouldn't we be thanking him for blowing the eth trying to test?

>> No.30404019

True. But not the people who held or continually added to their stack. Look at Rubic's Top 250 wallets. 5% sells, 95% buys. Top 25 wallets just keep stacking more.

>> No.30404036

No he's been fudding rubic for over a month.

>> No.30404111

This project is very weird.

I remember reading this thread where some slavs/jeets were bragging how they bought at under $0.01 and were still bagholding after not selling a 70x.

Just bizzare shit going on here in this project. Real schizo tier shit you don't see anywhere else. Not even xrp.

>> No.30404133

Yes, but I grew to realise that most of the holders are super emotional. Like most holders.

The people in the top 25 wallets are wealthy enough that the performance of Rubic doesn't impact their gains as much. That has to be considered. Many threw in 10ETH they had to play with early on.

>> No.30404204

I have linked every rubic thread I have ever posted in the OP along with the ID's I used, It's utterly bizarre FUD to simply point out the reality that limit orders don't work and were a fake release. If this were fake FUD it would be trivially disprovable, it's an entirely falsifiable claim.

>> No.30404244

they're paid shills

>> No.30404284

You're trash. Kill yourself. You've been at this for over a month you incel.

>> No.30404344

I honestly don't think it's the same guy.

>> No.30404420
File: 10 KB, 236x236, 06514144919f7167746c59cf01933979--reaction-pictures-frogs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

FUCK IT. I'm out. I'm a bag holder but have been suspicious that this is a fake shilled piece of shit for a while. The only thing more damning than this fake limit order feature is the generic hurr-durr responses to it. Does anyone have a good suggestion of where to put my moonshot silly money?

>> No.30404482

Yeah but if I shill my bags it'll be called out on as shitty, LUL.

>> No.30404506

I like Orion Protocol. Its market cap is higher, but they're what rubic is trying to be

>> No.30404513
File: 52 KB, 1030x582, tapepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is my hope at recovery, isn't being shilled much but that should change in a week or so. Only 4 million cap so could 10x easy

>> No.30404555

I suspect at this point you've checked my math, confirmed that I'm correct, checked the historical price and confirmed that it crossed the point it should have executed. So you're now very much aware the feature doesn't work. It would be nice if you acknowledged that.

>> No.30404788

>The people in the top 25 wallets are wealthy enough that the performance of Rubic doesn't impact their gains as much. That has to be considered. Many threw in 10ETH they had to play with early on.
Quite a few are all-in.

>> No.30404800

It all doesn't matter just needs listings now.

>> No.30404969
File: 647 KB, 1242x2688, 968D3BF4-A20F-456B-BC28-F25EF5C56180.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’ll never fucking sell..

>> No.30405036

My rubics staying cubic till $100

>> No.30405039
File: 663 KB, 320x320, 2_5341559330346896677.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Poo ID
>Shitty take
Yes, let's thank our friendly neighborhood Fud Faggot Redditor and jolly gang of butt buddies spreading lies about Rubic with no evidence to substantiate
Making claims about the limit order feature beta released two days ago being fake during a weekend. No evidence to confirm nor deny. Verification is literally impossible now without specific data on the limit order feature being available. Moving goal posts. Spamming biz nonstop about the inquiry without ever going to appropriate Rubic channels. Putting up a convenient excuses and changing story. Using multiple devices as well. I don't believe a single word from any of you Fud Faggots. One Big Gay Soap Opera. The majority of you are all Rubic swingers MCDC McFaggots, Comma, Hamster, Pistol Pete, McTiaga and probably Mass Effect as well. A bunch of schizo Discord Tranny's
My Rubic Stays Cubic

>> No.30405089


>> No.30405136


>> No.30405162

He’s doing a service to us all by weeding out weak hands and redditors. The more sell-offs we have now when we’re lowcap and unheard of, the higher we fly when marketing starts and the project takes off.

>> No.30405290

I believe you anon and thank you for bringing this to our attention. For all intents and purposes, rubic is a scam.

(Man to man, thank you for your hard work fudding anon, how much have you managed to accumulate today?)

>> No.30405313

chill out bro

>> No.30405334

Just bizzare

>> No.30405360
File: 1.91 MB, 1440x2960, Screenshot_20210306-182808_Samsung Internet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP has no idea what he's talking about. Disproven multiple times but thinks it's okay to constantly spam.

>> No.30405456

Daily reminder there is still a open 1 ETH bounty for a single counterexample of limit orders working. Why say it's been disproven rather than just linking a transaction that disproves it?

>> No.30405518
File: 106 KB, 1107x909, OP-Wallet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I already explained it...I am curious though, would you be willing to show all of your rubic order book trade history? Your wallet has quite a few order attempts and I'm just wondering if you cancelled all of them. Specifically these transactions in pic related since I didn't see any in the order book (I may have missed it). Would you please prove this OP?

>> No.30405526

Thanks based autist anon

Post proof faggot

>> No.30405548
File: 52 KB, 509x371, 1468781747063.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>32 posts by this id

>> No.30405569

This. /thread.

>> No.30405649

>6M fake
wow, AND they're based

>> No.30405654

That is not my wallet. The only transaction I have ever made that involved rubic was linked in the OP where I traded 0.18 ETH for 1 RBC, that wallet was just one i found on the contract that disproved it would have been filled at a market rate. You haven't explained it at all. What part of what I wrote in the post you linked is incorrect? Please be specific and explain.

>> No.30405656
File: 27 KB, 1001x418, Bugged-UI.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also to add, I would prefer it if you went and clicked inside of them to prove it. The UI is buggy, for example my pic related highlighted order is actually cancelled if you click into it. Here is proof of this. Can you please send the Order Book links for the Orders you've been posting because clearly it has been quite a few.

>> No.30405711

all should now that rubic is pnd with extreme shilling and brainwashed newfrens

>> No.30405713

So you have no way of confirming if the trades were cancelled or not based on all of the links you're using? Not trying to be mean, I just want to make sure we're on the same page.

>> No.30405872

If they were cancelled you will see that transaction from the wallet that placed them to the contract. There is no such transaction. You can see that person placed the order, paid the 0.015 ETH fee, then filled the order and sent the 0.45 ETH required to fill his side to the contract, the order remains unfilled despite it crossing over the price it should have executed at. I laid out the prices extremely clearly before, can you please explain what part of that you think was wrong?

>> No.30405923

You buy into a low cap coin like this you better expect big swings like this. Not sure why anyone would sell when their main features have yet to be implemented and CEX listings are on the horizon.

>> No.30405974

At least he has valid points. If developers are straight up lying about features, what do you expect them to do next?

>> No.30406126

These idiots don't deserve you op. Thanks for trying to help them, but they clearly want to lose, or they're trying to find someone to dump on themselves.

>> No.30406264

why not just let anons get wrecked? why make a huge thread about it? why the need to "help"? just let the coin die and move on. there is obviously something weird going on.

>> No.30406292
File: 451 KB, 1080x1514, 1614930144949.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's only trying to help himself.

>> No.30406317

Some people are just obsessive.

>> No.30406369

there's already limit orders on loopring, which is a perfectly working layer2 dex with ethereum security guarantees and costs cents per trade
boggles my mind so many on /biz/ fell for a shitcoin scam that is basically 2 years late to the game and inferior in every aspect, even if you discount the shitty tokenomics

>> No.30406378

No, that's not it. OP has a clear agenda.

>> No.30406393

It could always be unidex holder that wants people to move jump from rubic to unidex, but that does not change the fact that no one has properly debunked him.

>> No.30406516

That order does not exist on the rubic order book OP...any one of those '0' ETH transactions in that wallet you're trying to 'test' with could have cancelled the orders. There is only ONE order on the order book that comes close to possibly being that order, but it isn't because it is for 0.42 ETH and whoever did this order didn't even fill it properly to be a limit order. Any thoughts on this OP? I still see no basis to you 'testing' because you're trying to use someone elses wallet as an example, but their orders don't even exist on the order book kek.

>> No.30406519

he's definitely shaken some people out. just look at the price now

>> No.30406597

>That order does not exist on the rubic order book OP
Wouldn't it work in private mode, too?

>> No.30406604

>help himself.
To what? Grabbing cheapies of your shit ass broken dex token that's also token not needed somehow?
If anything, op is too generous and polite.

You're a fucking sum bag, and you're hoping you can dump your shit pile token on retarded newfags. I hope you bought in at $.80 and you're stick forever, loser.

>> No.30406649

The orders can be private, they still have a link but it's not publically shown in the order book, that persons orders are private. My test was linked in the second post. the 0.18 ETH to 1 RBC. Look at the data on the 0 ETH transactions dude, you can see exactly what each one does, this is all public.

>> No.30406685

It says clearly on the rubic exchange if the order has been completed or cancelled. If you looked through the different trades on the order book you'd know this.

>> No.30406695

The rubic fud is honestly pathetic. Look at all the gross, loset energy in this thread from people who "don't own a PnD scam". What type of loser does this? Is so devoted to click every rubic thread when they don't have any stake in the project? To all newfags, in case you're really low iq, this on biz is a massive buy signal, same thing happened to LINK. Virgin poor faggots fudding every single update and implementation of the project, either to fill their bags or their extremely seething because they missed out a much lower price point.

>> No.30406730

Good way to shake out people when no one can debunk you.
Also even if the feature works, which I doubt at this point, because people had 1 day to prove, the fees for it are huge, even for it being in beta, which is huge red flag.

>> No.30406772
File: 398 KB, 506x501, alexjones.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

learn to read between the lines anons
you are right

>> No.30406839

in theory yes, but I can just as easily say any of the 0 transactions sent by that wallet could have been a cancel on those 'private orders'. There's unironically NO way of telling anon and OP is trying to use an order that most likely didn't exist at the time of the prices to 'prove' his theory.
I already explained above why your order will never fill for 0.18 ETH for 1 RBC kek. The 0 transactions don't say the words 'cancelled' on them. I know this because I've done my own cancel already found at https://rubic.exchange/trades/public-v3/3rzr1e

stay fucking retarded I'm done with this thread kek

>> No.30406938

Stop making 30 threads an hour talking about $50 eoy for your broken dex token, and the fud will magically disappear. You're trying to rip off impressionable idiots, and because someone tricked you into buying this piece of shit, you think it's justifiable to do it to someone else. It's not, and you're pathetic.

>> No.30406974

i bought at 3c and sold at 20c-60c. Made fuck ton of this shit hahahahahaahahah... I am og from 2017 and this Rubic is shiiiit.

Anyone who got out or are selling soon, I recommend to buy ROSE. It is a project that actually is solving a real life problems.

>> No.30407038

How do you know those orders were done privately on rubic's order book? Genuinely asking because I'm pretty inexperienced.

>> No.30407106

You might be right, but with this much threads about broken limit orders, someone would have tested it and posted proof of it working by now.
Also with this much noise about it devs would have already addressed it by now, it does not matter if it's a weekend, because if they really are dedicated to the project, that wouldn't matter.

>> No.30407124

I've never ONCE called this a pump and dump, my claim is 100% falsifiable, this isn't some nebulous "just a json parser" FUD, it's not faked screenshots or "the whales are dumping in 5 days i'm in telegram"
It is a extremely specific claim that I have provided an extreme amount of proof for, that a single counterclaim would debunk. You can see I burnt $300 to show the feature doesn't work. Still, after nearly 3 days not a single person has provided any evidence of the feature working.

Again, the 0.18 ETH order and the 0.45 ETH order disprove different limit order scenarios. It's abundantly clear you don't understand how this works, I'm not talking about the words "cancelled" written on etherscan, but the wallet that made original order never sent a cancellation transaction from that address, you can see every single thing that wallet has done, go look at the data field of every transaction he's sent, it was not cancelled.

The etherscan address linked in my original posts are from the smart contract that rubics order book uses, every order, regardless of if it's publically shown on the rubic.exchange website frontend or not is visible there.

>> No.30407270

Nice try newfag

>> No.30407355

You've completely annihilated your opposition and single-handedly destroyed this shitcoin anon. Your autism is amazing to witness.

>> No.30407387
File: 195 KB, 1599x664, its just a beta.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the limit orders release reminds me of pic related

>> No.30407428
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>> No.30407572

There is only 1 rubichad. The man who DESTROYED rubic.

>> No.30407697

>this much threads about broken limit orders

Should absolutely tell you something when they are all made by one person

>> No.30407762
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>> No.30407805

They're all made buy one person and he has 3 or 4 different IDs in the same threads. Yesterday he got caught answering someone else from another ID.

>> No.30407898

To be fair I haven't seen a single thread about how they're great and that they loved using them. So why would anyone else? Also, people retort with 'nobody gives a shit about them anyway'. Well, it's not whether you'd use them, it's whether they can make a coherent product. Beta tests are supposed to be tested. I have seen very little desire to use them from people who have bought it.

I would like to see that thread.

>> No.30407914

This is the only thread I have made. I linked every post I made in other threads in the OP. Post one example of the feature working.
I explained that I lay down in bed on my phone and it was connected to 4g instead of wifi so my ID changed, in the changed ID response I was clearly talking as myself, responding to a question that was asked as me.

>> No.30407916

I can tell you've never done anything useful or figured anything out yourself.
The OPs activity is the activity of a highly active and inquisitive mind.

He probably does things as learning exercises all the time and while you throw stones he gets better every day.

>> No.30407924

But he's got a point, they don't seem to work and they are trying to tell people they do. If a company said they reached a milestone and told their investors they did but they actually didn't, they could be criminally prosecuted for securities fraud.

I think RBC has still got gas in the tank to go further but this whole instance puts their credibility at risk.

>> No.30407938
File: 274 KB, 1015x420, Limit-Order-Execute-Price.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He didn't...any of the 0 transactions on the wallet he's using as an example could have been a cancelled order. He's just spouting bullshit at this point. I've already proven that is impossible to tell whether or not the order was cancelled. He already admitted it isn't his wallet here >>30405654 and I've already explained why the 0.18 order will never fill above here >>30402097

there are 3 transactions that could have been when the order was cancelled which you can see here >>30405518 in the pic related. nobody can prove it either way. I have a limit order up currently to sell RBC which would mean that the price point would need to be back up to ~0.00024. I've made it PUBLIC so people can actually see it. Enjoy

>> No.30408020

This. OP I want to let you know you are unequivocally based for deep diving into this

>> No.30408074

It would be better if someone would show completed limit order, not how Op's calculations are wrong.

>> No.30408110

This is the post where my ID changed >>30377566 and my explanation at the time >>30377678

Assuming that is true (it's not) https://etherscan.io/address/0xfdf9d72d2f554495797dd83111e0c241e4be7d0d
this is the wallet that placed the 0.45 ETH to 1287 RBC transaction, you can see the order he placed and him filling it with his 0.45 ETH, there were NO zero eth transactions for 9 hours after that, during this time the price crossed over the market price it would have filled at, as outlined in this post >>30403679

>> No.30408115

Also Cross-Chain Swapping hasn't worked since Binance Bridge took ETH down. Like whats the point of their bridge if it just runs on Binance Bridge?

>> No.30408132

When mine completes, I'll let you know. No problem, but I made it public so all can see when it is filled. I can also post the transaction with it on etherscan, but that would mean rubics price has to go up a bit. I have it open for a week, so we'll see.

>> No.30408198

Don't forget the fact that when you try to use it, it gives you a confusing error message about doing too many swaps (even if you've never used it before). That doesn't make any sense AND IT'S BEEN LIKE THAT FOR WEEKS

>> No.30408292

Yeah there's a bunch of redflags not just the broken limit orders. The exchange itself is broken and doesn't work for half the people who try to use it because of "too many orders" or "insufficient balance" and the platform fee of 0.15 ETH is an absolutely ridiculous ask and screams of scamminess. Not to mention everyone who even buys rubic does it on uniswap and not on the rubic exchange itself lol. There's no reason rubic should even have a functional exchange at this time when their L2 solution hasn't even been implemented yet unless their trying to siphon ETH in the form of platform fees.

>> No.30408313

you unironically said the price didn't get close to it until 9 hours later in >>30403679 and then you JUST mentioned that there were no 0 ETH transactions for 9 hours after the 0.45 fill to setup the limit order. Stay retarded OP kek

>> No.30408317

The fact that rubic seems to spend most of its resources hiring pajeets and commanding telegram teams to spam /biz/ 24/7 instead of actually producing anything of value is all the proof you need that it's probably a scam.

>> No.30408362

Absolutely true. OP is a dedicated autist who's going to make it. It breaks my heart that he's working so hard all alone and rubic schizos just call him a unidex shill when he directly stated that he thinks unidex is a scam.

>> No.30408415

You could, at this point, make one for less and have it filled quicker. The price gulf has continued since then. If you want to show it off quicker. I would like to see it, but unironically.

Unidex is actually a pajeetcoin.

>> No.30408502

Yep that's the error I'm talking about. Maybe it's not new to Binance Bridge being down then

I e-mailed Rubic about this error, since it was the FIRST time I tried it. This was their e-mail response:

"Thank you for using our service.
This service is very actively used by users and our platform is often limited by the request limit in Binance.
Please try this service through the incognito mode browser.
Sorry for inconvenience."

KEK fucking incognito, like i didnt try that and a VPN...shit still doesnt work

>> No.30408526

From the post I linked
"The market rate to fill this order would therefore have to be 1 ETH = 4515 RBC.
The order was placed on March 6th at 7:41 AM UTC. The market price at that time was 1 ETH = 4303 RBC. 9 hours later the market price hit 1 ETH = 4624 RBC. Between these times it got extremely close to and passed over the trade rate needed to fill this order, yet the order was not filled."

It crossed over the price it would need to fill BETWEEN when it was posted and 9 hours later, It crossed over ~8 hours after the order was filled, before any 0 value transaction was sent. Please explain why this didn't fill.

>> No.30408547

Its a shame because this was the kind of coin that had so much pent up energy that it would've mooned really hard if the team managed to build only a half-decent exchange. What a complete waste.

>> No.30408552
File: 58 KB, 1095x531, 9-hours cancelled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>9 hours later the market price hit 1 ETH = 4624 RBC. Between these times it got extremely close to and passed over the trade rate needed to fill this order
>>you can see the order he placed and him filling it with his 0.45 ETH, there were NO zero eth transactions for 9 hours after that

Pic related - slightly less than 9 hours...The wallet cancelled the order most likely. Stay retarded OP.

>> No.30408600
File: 156 KB, 602x800, 18716476-F9E9-4119-B47A-5298AD921478.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at this shit.
This is literally only a PHP script that fetched data from 1inch and/or Uniswap and sends it back to their own frontend.

Im a programmer myself and I can’t believe people are actuallly falling for this scam.

This is even worse than Jason Parser and the leaking kernels in the javascript core.

>> No.30408646

I did not call him unidex shill, but someone asked why he would be this dedicated, so it could be one of the posibilities, as it is rubic's main competitor at similar stage of progress. And it does not matter what his agenda could be, because all his statements are valid and no one debunked any of them yet.

>> No.30408715
File: 96 KB, 918x470, lLgftJM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That 0 value transaction was at 16:37 UTC. It crossed over two hours earlier, proof attached. Explain why this order didn't fill

>> No.30408779

I really think this is unfortunately true. I mean the shilling to promote a relatively benign feature like limit orders was very strange. Its not new or innovative. How it was heralded as a major milestone, I don't know.

If it was the L2 solution that actually reduced the ETH gas fees (you know, the thing people like myself actually invested into this coin for) then I could understand the shilling. But limit orders, no.

>> No.30408834
File: 101 KB, 561x480, YtddoDD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post a link to the autofilled order and there will be an end to the horror.

>> No.30408849

>If it was the L2 solution that actually reduced the ETH gas fees
exactly. I dumped my rbc bag and put it all in bnb, As much as I hate chinks, bsc seems to actually be accomplishing this.

>> No.30408965

for the love of god somebody post a link

>> No.30409175

>Can't even implement functional limit orders
How the fuck are they going to implement an L2 solution?

>> No.30409349
File: 608 KB, 2845x2011, e5103fb7-c585-4e8b-badb-8bddadd3b8cc-EPA_USA_UNITED_NATIONS_2019_CLIMATE_ACTION_SUMMIT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

given your level of autism and inability to walk away from this. I'm gonna work with my friend to post once an hour every hour on biz for the next 3 days. I hope you run well on a lack of sleep, because I'm intending to hospitalize you given your level of autism and inability to let go of something

>> No.30409411
File: 74 KB, 818x864, apusad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What sucks is I wasn't in on the huge pump because I saw how scammy it was. I got out pretty quickly. Its not right

>> No.30409506

Holy shit OP makes rubic bagholders seethe THIS much. Today OP wasn't a fag.

>> No.30409558

Holy seethe

>> No.30409604
File: 1.99 MB, 293x289, 1530428852978.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

looking at this thread from an outsider's perspective is like a fever dream. sorry you tried to talk sense into people who have married their bags, OP, but it's time wasted at this point. I had the same experience with various shitcoins over the years so I know the feeling.

>> No.30409608

This is funny, thanks for making me laugh anon.
It's interesting that as time has gone on less and less people bother to even debate the reality of limit orders not working. There has still not been a single post to a successful limit order. I hope the people on telegram come around but some of them seem way too far gone. Quick reminder if you're claiming they work, if you post a single filled limit order here I will send you 1 ETH, you will clear up all the FUD around rubic, people will buy back in and you'll make me look like a HUGE fucking faggot. So why isn't anyone posting just one example of the feature working?

>> No.30409650

You posts gives me mixed messages. Care to elaborate?

>> No.30409677

No one has even bothered to shop up a fake limit order for keks.

>> No.30409692

anon I appreciate the due diligence and legitimate investigation on this. to everyone so unashamedly bashing OP, you are the definition of an NPC bag holder. If the devs cant deliver on limit orders or cant be transparent about what it actually is, no chance they will deliver on L2. if the devs cant deliver then RBCs long term price is $0, not $100 like all are hoping. I hope anons are actually paying attention to the development and not simply faithfully bag holding.

>> No.30409826

you've posted over 40 times in this thread. 60+ in others, I don't know how many times. Why should I burn cash when you're not willing to? I don't have eth in my metamask, and for whatever reason you're not willing to do it. Have fun living with your parents answering every post because you can't let go.

>> No.30409936

>Why should I burn cash when you're not willing to?
Are you fucking stupid? He already spent $300 trying to buy 1 RBC at a ridiculous rate and the transaction didn't go through. You will never have a quarter of the diligence that OP has. You're just a small fry bagholder.

>> No.30409961

He already burned some. Also he is even willing to give 1eth to anyone who proves him wrong with valid evidence.

>> No.30409977
File: 53 KB, 1080x415, Price-Needed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

3/6/2021 - 1:41:41 AM central standard time - Order 0.45 ETH was placed. Current Rubic price was 0.00023221 ETH. This order was placed for 0.45 eth to buy 1287.365 rubic. That puts it at 0.0003495512 eth per rubic. You can find this out by doing 0.45/1287.365...meaning that they are trying to buy rubic at a much higher rate than the current market rates. Similar scenario to your 0.18 eth for 1 rbc attempt. That is why this order was not completed and never hit.

3/6/2021 - 10:37:29 AM central standard time - Order 0.45 ETH was most likely cancelled. Current Rubic price was 0.00021447 ETH

I really don't undersand how you don't comprehend this OP...Everyone in here is praising you and it seems nobody can do basic math anymore kek. Also, just for fun, here is the equation for my own limit order which means that the 0.45 purchase attempt would actually need to be higher than 0.0003495512 eth per rubic. Please, dispute me with all your 'well we take gas out of the transaction to determine prices blah blah'...I thought you were just fudding to drop price, but I'm leaning more now to the opinion that you are just actually retarded...Good day sir.

>> No.30409998

i don't know bros
this thread made me more bullish on rubic than ever before

>> No.30410076

>current rubic price
You fail immediately.
Try it with the price at the time you stated moron.

>> No.30410133

Why the fuck is it so hard to place a limit order? Why the fuck do you need to know fucking differential equations to get your order automatically filled, something that hasn't happened yet to anyone. Why the fuck are they charging 0.15 ETH to use their piece of shit exchange? Why the fuck won't devs address this issue? Why the fuck are bagholders so buttblasted but can't produce a single rebuttal? You're out of options you dumb nigger. Sell your bags while you can still get some money out of them.

>> No.30410138

no. unlike most of biz I have three degrees (phd+JD). I make 400k a year and didn't pay for either law or grad school. I can retire @ 45 without any gains from crypto as well. If you want to talk about diligence, get a phd, then work while going to law school.

>> No.30410146

I literally burnt $300, you can see this transaction in the second post. I'm not asking anyone else to "test" anything, I know it doesn't work, that was shown in the first two posts, the reason I keep repeatedly asking people to post a single example of it working is because this should be incredibly easy to do and makes my claim explicitly falsifiable

You literally don't understand how the feature works. The transaction fee of 0.15 ETH is taken out of the trade.

"This order was placed for 0.45 eth to buy 1287.365 rubic. That puts it at 0.0003495512 eth per rubic. You can find this out by doing 0.45/1287.365...meaning that they are trying to buy rubic at a much higher rate than the current market rates. Similar scenario to your 0.18 eth for 1 rbc attempt. That is why this order was not completed and never hit."

You need to remove the 0.15 ETH transaction fee, it's 0.3 ETH for 1287 RBC, actually slightly less because of gas, did you even read my fucking post I did all this math already. Once you account for the transaction and gas fee his trade was EXACTLY at market rate 6 hours after he posted it.

>> No.30410169

bump limit reached

>> No.30410257

I want you to fucking respond before the thread 404's, explain why you're defending this when you don't even fucking understand how the feature works nick.

>> No.30410367

The 0.015 eth fee is a separate transaction. You are still attempting to buy 1287.365 Rubic for 0.45 eth as that was what the order was entered for. You could just do your own order and not have a retarded number like 0.18 / 1 rbc on your own to see this.

>> No.30410428


>> No.30410488

Its called enthusiasm, jackass.

>> No.30410621

I responded in the telegram because you're hiding behind an anon board kek. stay retarded OP, if you want to continue the conversation, do it in the Rubichads chat.

>> No.30410780

New thread.