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30403108 No.30403108 [Reply] [Original]

Why do normalfags suddenly think inflation is a good thing?

>> No.30403146

Normalfags don't even know what inflation is.

>> No.30403149

because the TV told them so

>> No.30403164

Because they dont want to upset their jewish masters.

>> No.30403205
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>> No.30403220

Because the news told them it was.

>> No.30403226

Because they read a headline

>> No.30403244

Well it's in theory not bad up to a certain point but murica might exceed it.

>> No.30403419

Is this man considered attractive in the US?

>> No.30403487

Very handsome dude

>> No.30403565

>zero tits and an overweight waste
Why do SIMPs enable this?

>> No.30403589


>> No.30403640
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too many are unable to tell you why more dollars is a bad thing baka

>> No.30403658
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>t. Low test

>> No.30403933

>$30t debt
>+$200t unfunded liabilities.
Lulling the masses before the apocalypse

>> No.30403952

tits grow when they are pregnant silly, IF YOU KNOW YOU KNOW.

>> No.30404117

Come on...this woman has some very fat legs, they are completely disproportional.

>> No.30404182

Yeah but then they don't let you play with them.

>> No.30404574

It's sad that this is getting discussed in a booba thread when this is actually what should be the main topic of discussion on /biz/ right now.
We should be researching ways how to take maximum advantage of it?
Have you been listening to Harry Dent?

>> No.30404656

Because economics shills on TV/youtube told them it's a good thing that their wealth gets whittled away to nothing while their jobs continue demanding more from them while maintaining the same salary or with raises that don't even beat the inflation rate, effectively making less and less each year.

Me? I'm all for hyperinflation at this point. All my money is in crypto and I'm unemployed, so bring it the fuck on.

>> No.30404679

that's because she's about 5' tall

>> No.30404803
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I'd dis her proportional if you know what i mean

>> No.30404845

>We should be researching ways how to take maximum advantage of it?
Invest in guns, water and wheelbarrows.

>> No.30405141

That much is pretty basic, and even the smoothbrains over on /pol/ can manage that.
I'm talking more along the lines of buying treasury bonds (as advised by Harry Dent) and having some amount of cash to buy up stocks on discount (which is going to be all of them).
There will be a collapse but the recovery will happen and after that those of us who have made use of the pain stage will come out strongest.

>> No.30405595
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They misunderstand as inflation = profit, yet thinking is something that they barely do as they believe to be leaders of opinion despite they fact that they have in reality the mindset of the masses. Simply put, they believe on everything that the tv and/or any mass media tells them.

>> No.30405636

I wish I had a body like this

>> No.30405679


>> No.30405688

>booba thread
what booba?

>> No.30405938 [DELETED] 
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Let them think like that, and let the news feed them as such.

It will speed up towards the crash even further.

>> No.30406172

>owe debt to yourself
>liabilities can be printed away

>> No.30406580

A small amount of inflation is good because it encourages people to actually use the currency. Also, it's obv good for anyone with debt and a fixed rate APR on the loan.

>> No.30406712

That is a fucked up looking body. Nasty.

>> No.30406805

>All my money is in crypto and I'm unemployed, so bring it the fuck on.
You do realize crypto will crash like everything else, right? Or did you miss the rona crash?

>> No.30406849

this and even if they do then they go
>why doesn't the government cap the prices so inflation can't kick in?

>> No.30406916

I remember being taught in middle school how inflation is actually a good thing because to demonstrates a healthy growth of an economy, and it means everything is worth more.
Our future is fucked.

>> No.30406924

>A small amount of inflation
Lol we are not gonna get a small amount of inflation.
Unemployment is high, productions are shutdown, and everyone is under lockdown while the goverment is gives free money to everyone. This is not good.

>> No.30407046

Obv a huge amount of inflation is bad. Just pointing out that "inflation can be good" isn't a crazy statement. You just have to be able to handle some level of nuance.

>> No.30407274

Fiat inflation = crypto valorization :^)

>> No.30407289

Inflation is not bad, nor is it good
it's a tool too get the economy flowing.

It's logical
Would you buy a car now which costs less next year? No, you would wait until next year, and then wait another year. Normies buy less in such conditions. No buying means no selling, means no economic growth

>> No.30407522

That's a man

>> No.30407579

bitcoin is heavily used in hyperinflationary environments to acquire stabler currencies (dollars atm, but if the dollar become unstable then something else)
I dont see why people wouldnt turn to crypto

>> No.30408126

>A small amount of inflation is good because it encourages people to actually use the currency
this is utter keynesian bullshit. inflation is never good and even with a small amount of inflation the currency loses half of its value in just a few decades

>> No.30408431

Jewish bullshit
I used to care but now I don’t
The goyim deserve it desu. The majority of people won’t and will actively refuse to think for themselves. I just wish our rulers had more of our interests in mind and weren’t so exploitative

>> No.30408553
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this right here. they are literally npcs. they don't really believe anything, they repeat talking points and follow the orders of the tv and the approved social media influencers. Just look how many retards wear a magical talisman mask so they don't die of the seasonal flu.

>> No.30408637
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and look at how many parents strap their children to a table and have the most sensitive parts of their penis cut off without anesthesia for some vague nonspecific thing like "women prefer scar covered penises"

>> No.30408655

because its good?
above 3% is bad, but negative inflation/no inflation is way worse

>> No.30408721

cope more poltard

>> No.30408769

>inflation is good
>mutilating a baby's penis against his will is good
How's the weather in tel aviv?

>> No.30408816

Everyone has debt. Normies are so poor that they don't have any money to inflate, they have negative money that they would love to be less expensive. Unless you're making 7 figures in the US, inflation works to your advantage

>> No.30408908

How is it good to be encouraged to save (and ultimately own) nothing? A few generations ago, you could put a few ordinary silver coins in a bedside drawer, take them out in a few years and actually have the same or even a little MORE spending power than you did before. From the perspective of the ordinary person and not a speculator, how is this a bad thing?

>> No.30408931

Why do normalfags think fat asses are a good thing?

>> No.30408952
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Because they are.

>> No.30408991

Inflation is desirable for debtors.

>> No.30409018

nice, but titties could be a bit bigger

>> No.30409054


>> No.30409519

if there was no inflation, no one would spend anything and there'd be a crash you fucking retard

>> No.30409576

>Well it's in theory not bad up to a certain point but murica might exceed it.
Fuck off keynes

>> No.30409647
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Perhaps you'd care to try something with a penis instead since your statement seems to coincide with the thought process of raging homosexuals.

>> No.30409745

if they actually know what it is, and they do think it's a good thing, then it's because of MSM propaganda.

>> No.30409767
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THIS. Is a nice, sexy, female ass.

>> No.30409843

Again it depends on the situation. If I've got $200,000 in debt, with a fixed apr, inflation is unambiguously a good thing for me, and bad for the bank. If that's too damn complicated for you, then kindly kys and rid the world of your stupidity.

>> No.30409852

I had a girl like that, body was perfect. you just have no instincts/taste

>> No.30409960

All the central banks have been taken over by MMT. Everyone is deep in debt, so the solution , it seems , is to "inflate the debt away". The problem is that they keep running huge deficits, which means they need to borrow money, just to service the debt. Even the slightest hike in rates can bring the whole thing down. So, they'll "print their way out". forget about stocks, stocks can tell lies. If you want the truth, look to what Bonds are doing. Yields on the 10yr are moving up, real fast. Not at historically high levels, but the direction is clear. If Powell doesn't react, we could see another Treasury auction debacle, and this thing could really get out of hand, real fast.

>> No.30410081

the problem with buying treasury bonds is 2 fold:
1.) it is based in the inflating currency
2.) if inflation happens interest rates will rise resulting in the devaluation of the bonds YOU'RE holding

I recommend you stay the course. Buy deflationary assets like crypto, PMs, commodities, and largecap stocks,

>> No.30410166

Cost push inflation is what we have now in the 10%-20% YoY range. This is inflation without economic growth. Stagflation. Everything costs more but wagies make the same or less. This is the same type of inflation as in the 70s, which was caused by oil price wars.

Monetary inflation is demand pull, or "good inflation" and it's what the Fed tries to isolate in the CPI & PCE core meme metrics. It's only ever 1%-2% of the total inflation. It's "good" because prices are pulled up due to increases in income across the board. This is also the only type of inflation that can make debt easier to service.

So what do you think? Has your income stayed the same? Are businesses in your area cutting corners and raising prices? Does your food cost more while having shittier ingredients?
Where I am, It's yes to all - stagflation.

>> No.30410212

How much do you know about what Harry Dent's logic regarding buying bonds?
It's more nuanced than what you're saying desu
I'm going to do a Harry Dent thread in a sec anyway

>> No.30410395

I wonder if the Fed will go as far as YCC, if they do it's almost certain to only delay an even worse crash I feel.

>> No.30410533

There's one step before that, "operation twist". They're clammoring for it, but so far, Powell is "nnahh, it'll be fine ". If rates rise, expect a cascade of bankrupcies. 20% of US corporations are zombie companies. Zombies, with 0.05%. Imagine having 1%.

>> No.30410576


>> No.30410795

It's unironically this. Back when 4chan was created on /b/ they would meme about Fight Club a lot, for example >Rules 1 & 2

but there's a reason Fight Club struck a chord with the contrarians on 4chan. Regular people literally just listen to media. They are programmed to believe what authority tells them from an early age. I sound like an edgelord but at some point you realize it's just true - the majority of people are midwits and zombies that are too lazy or stupid to think for themselves.

TV/news website/news app/newspaper says inflation good? then inflation good.

>> No.30410820

strange how having a stable money supply worked throughout human history until the 20th century. good thing there have been zero crashes from 1913 to 2021 and will never be a monetary crash again. retarded jew.

>> No.30410881

I don't care about Harry Dent's logic when it's wrong. You buy bonds when interest rates are high, not at a 1.5% treasury yield. It's just be pummeled down again anyways by the fed.

Study how pricing in the bond market works first before you let someone tell you that holding bonds at a negative real yield is a good thing

>> No.30410978

Butt-loving "thicc" has been propagated by nigger and fag culture. You should kys

>> No.30410982

The whole idea (he says) is to use reliable long-term treasury bonds as a hedge against the debt deleveraging that's going to occur in the next few months

>> No.30411051
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>> No.30411681

dude this guy's a fucking idiot. if you listen to him you're going to go broke.

long term treasuries wont print cash if at these low interest rates. you know what inflation is right? An expansion of the money supply. With more dollars chasing the same amount of assets, what happens to the assets? It increases in value.

This moron is trying to appeal to what he thinks is fundamentals: assets are overvalued because the old fundamentals no longer work. Clearly the assets are inflated but assets aren't broken, THE MONEY IS BROKEN.

In a world that printing away as many dollars as possible, devaluing the currency that's chasing a finite amount of goods, why the hell would you park yourself in an asset class derived directly from the value of that currency?

Even if interest rates do spike temporarily, fed wont let that happen, they'll run YCC on it and beat it back down again. The money will flow and if you listen to this moron you're going to be bag holding while you get priced out of every market on earth.

fuck you nigger I liked big asses before they were cool.

>> No.30411721
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I can smell the kugel on you through this monitor, kike.

>> No.30411835

(((you))) have low self esteem going for ham beast and fat planets!

>> No.30412187

Why do schizos think its not?

>> No.30412264

>horse face
>horse legs

>> No.30412298

Because they're heavily in debt.

>> No.30412382

>24 trillion in debt
>18 trillion debt for households

>> No.30412494

>dude this guy's a fucking idiot. if you listen to him you're going to go broke.
At least provide some basis for why he's wrong, fuckwit.
His arguments at least make empirical sense.

>> No.30412528

>unemployment is high
6.2% isnt even that bad
>productions are shutdown
Who the fuck is even shutdown anymore, the entire state of Texas is fully open for fucks sake (and they were never really closed)
>government gives free money to people
better than handing it out to giant conglomerates and the military industrial complex (isreal) again

>> No.30412688

One of two reasons.

Normalfags capable of critical thought (few and far between) are in debt up to their eyeballs. Inflation means their debts are alleviated.

Normalfags who aren't capable of independent thought (most) will believe anything told to them, and are sedated by BidenBux to stay quiet.

>> No.30412746

>better than handing it out to giant conglomerates and the military industrial complex (isreal) again
dumbfuck detected. If you read ANYTHING in any "money to the people" stimulus you'd see it overwhelmingly gives money to the exact parties you mentioned


>> No.30412926

It's funnier when they start to get aggressive about it

>reee you don't believe in memeflu I hope you die

>> No.30412965

moderate 2% inflation is a good thing. it forces people to stop hoarding money

>> No.30413029

the beach this girl is at is right by my house

>> No.30413030


Not trolling can someone post examples? I wanna see how they frame this shit but I don’t watch tv

>> No.30413114
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that looks like preteen who's trying extremely hard to tilt her lower back.

>> No.30413341

imagine the cottage cheese smell

>> No.30413372

Maybe you shouldn't be a massive retard so deep in debt that you need de gubmint to manipulate currency in your favor.

>> No.30413437

No shit idiot but he explicitly said government gives free money to people. At least some of that money went directly to Americans and not all of it went to fucking Isreal and jews

>> No.30413449

>assets are overvalued because the old fundamentals no longer work
I don't think that's his argument btw.
Is he right or wrong about how repeated QE always end up in the markets first?
In fact, the only time in recent history when QE ended up in the hands of the plebs was during Trump's term, and even this upcoming stimulus/QE was started during Trump's term.
It's always ended up directly back in the hands of the kikes (through the instrument of the stock market) because they're the ones doing the printing.

>> No.30413534
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If we essentially doubled the money supply in less than one year, does that mean inflation will be close to 100%?

>> No.30413570

That's a man

>> No.30413684

There was deflation throughout the 1800s
Even the IMF admits deflation is not bad and possibly good. The reason the state and it's subservient media claim inflation is good is so politicians can buy votes.
"From a broader historical perspective, secular increases in the aggregate price level are very
much a phenomenon of the second half of the twentieth century.12 For much of recorded history,
prices rose because of supply shocks, including military conflicts or harvest failures, but abstracting from these factors, prices were as likely to increase as decline: there were few
episodes of sustained inflation. Over the nineteenth century as a whole, there was a marked decline in the aggregate CPI in several major economies (Chart 4). In the United States, the CPI
index in 1900 was around half its value in 1800"
You lose

>> No.30413756

No, because you're not taking into account the amount of bullshit money tied up in financial assets aka the stock market.

>> No.30413760

>+$200t unfunded liabilities.
seriously no one ever talks about this shit

>> No.30413793

I provided plenty of basis for why he's wrong.

>I don't think that's his argument btw.
that is exactly his argument. He believe these asset bubbles are a sign of things being overvalued when it's simply a sign that the currency is losing value. He's out of touch.

What's going to happen is the fed will continue to buy bonds to drive inflation to 0, and print more money to make the currency flow as easily as possible.

Do what you like. I'm not going to validate your opinion.

>> No.30413810

okay you lost me on this one

>> No.30413835

Wageslaves getting a pay increase such as minimum wage increase is the only way inflation will actually happen.
The rich are just getting richer.

>> No.30413907

1.9 trillion divided by 330 million people is 5070 dollars per person
and we're only getting 1400 of it

>> No.30414180

government can pass whatever atrocious laws they want now, just by attaching some "stimulus" direct payments to it. It will be too politically unpopular to oppose it because anyone who votes against it will be labeled as being against the american people, though that couldn't be farther from the truth.

>> No.30414256
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It's better than deflation though (at least for fiat currency) because deflation only happens when either efficiency increases and products get cheaper (the only good kind of deflation really) or when an asset crashes, or when people don't have enough money to buy things so sellers make things cheaper to account for that.
You would expect inflation to rise with the rise in population, any more than that harms people who save money, less than that means an economic slump.
As an example of a deflationary currency you have BTC, some shitcoins, and goldbacks. The more these are adopted the more they're worth. It's almost always better to hold deflationary currency but since normies don't understand inflation they don't understand its opposite either and are totally okay trading US dollars. Why you would EVER want to hold currency that inflates if you knew what inflation was is beyond me.

>> No.30414399

>He believe these asset bubbles are a sign of things being overvalued
Things *are* overvalued, especially real estate and stocks. How is the currency losing value when it's being printed all the fucking time and we haven't seen Weimar levels of hyperinflation yet?

>> No.30414560

It's actually the opposite, when efficiency increases things should get cheaper, not inflate. Eggs being worth ten times more than 100 years ago is absolute bullshit.

>> No.30414738 [DELETED] 

What coins you suggest is good now.

?MCM > DAO > LInk?

Which one guys.

>> No.30415137

MCM has no liquidity though i hold some as a hedge
no clue on DAO
and it's hard to go wrong with LINK

>> No.30415509

Finally a normal healthy sexuality. The weird thing about normies is that they're not really normal at all. Fat asses on women, banning restaurants because of the flu, atheism and buying into rapidly inflating currency is not "normal." These are all signs of mental decay. There are still some opportunities for individual success, but these normalized illnesses make it harder every day. And even if you survive, it's still sad and disturbing to see such widespread demonic possession.

>> No.30415692


Worse than that. It’s not going to all 330m. Not everyone will qualify. So less to people and more to elites.

>> No.30416157

lol the investment banks need the inflation narrative to spread because they have invested heavily in the retail banking space and if rates keep doing down they will lose power to wallmart and amazon who can leverage their customer base to provide banking services to them.
It's increasingly difficult for pure investment banks without a strong and diversified retail presence to be competitive.

>> No.30416236
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Experts said so. I'd don't see why they would lie about it if they were experts. Always trust an expert my parents always told me.

>> No.30416807

if the currency is worthless then how are assets overvalued? Jesus christ it's like talking to a wall

>> No.30416892

If you just make a convincing sounding argument and throw around some finance terms you can convince normalfags of anything. That's almost by definition what it means to be a normal fag.

>> No.30416922

Jeff Gundlach does
Check out Doubleline interviews

>> No.30416966

They are going to try to monetize the debt away.

The problem is that federal deficit spending has had a negative ROI on GDP growth. They are lying to themselves saying they can deficit spend with positive ROI, but they're too greedy. It will be a big mess.

>> No.30417092

What the central bank is doing isn't MMT fuckface. It's the exact opposite. If the central bank were doing MMT the amount of money being created would be insignificant since the central bank would just deploy the money exactly where its' needed.

MMT is literally about acknowledging that we understand how inflation works instead of pretending that we don't and then just printing money without any logic and reason behind it.

Since we don't have MMT the central bank can't do jack shit except QE and interest rates which is the non MMT way of doing things.

>> No.30417364

>Owe debt to yourself
I dont think you understand how any of this works

>> No.30417375

checked and i'll look into him

>> No.30417526

that looks like a fat pig

>> No.30417633

If everyone gets wage rises a little bit of inflation is great.

>> No.30417710


>> No.30417739

Firstly, it's waist. Secondly, those wide things you're looking at are her hips you low test faggot.

>> No.30417767

Inflation is good because I hold bitcoin and if shit inflates I’ll cash it out for more money and buy a home for cheaper.

>> No.30417844
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Seek help or ngmi

>> No.30418270

Somebody refute him please I’m waiting

>> No.30418655

Bruno will emerge during the darkest hour and lead the armies of Christ against the Juden and their nigger cattle and we shall once again have a stable society with a stable economy.

>> No.30418704

yeah that's just gross fat instead of sexy fat

>> No.30418713

Perhaps you'd care to try fucking a water bottle instead since you seem to like plastic asses

>> No.30418778
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Fat disgusting cow

>> No.30418848

Would I buy a car that's going to worth less next year?
Yes. That's exactly what I do. And I buy computers that are worth less next year, and video game consoles that are worth less next year, and coffee machines that are worth less next year, and...
This is the main problem with the Keynesian "inflation is good" argument, its fundamental theoretical premise (that the economy is full of homo economicus actors that evaluate everything as an investment) is practically falsified.
But because mainstream economists live in an artificial theoretical framework of their own making, where every human has a utility function they maximize and everyone buys the CPI basket of goods as their sole necessities, they can skate blatantly past any actual experimental confirmation.

>> No.30418862

I was just gonna say that

>> No.30418928

Fuckin curd legs

>> No.30418987

Inflation is traditionally associated with economic growth. People who know their shit are aware that low economic growth AND high inflation can happen at the same time (i.e. the oil shock in the 70s, Brazil's current economic crisis, etc).

>> No.30419004

What if I told you that too much inflation is bad, and that too little inflation is also bad? What if there was a magic number where everything seems to work pretty well, like, I dunno, 2%?

>> No.30419039

Shut the fuck up, Seamus O'Brian.

>> No.30419103

Why is it bad if prices don't go up?

>> No.30419120

>Normalfags capable of critical thought (few and far between) are in debt up to their eyeballs. Inflation means their debts are alleviated.

This is also implying that wages will keep up with inflation. Unfortunately the opposite is true. Wages have not kept up with inflation or productivity since the early 60s. Do you seriously think corporations are going to pay you more because things are more expensive? Corporations do not give a shit. They will continue to fatten their bottom lines by suppressing one of their biggest costs, salaries.

>> No.30419133
File: 532 KB, 828x1792, 089E97B5-7421-4481-AF9B-6124E8B4D04F.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What I don’t get is why ppl are freaking out about the yields going up when they’ve been way higher not long ago and we were in relatively the same situation back then. How high would rates and bond yields have to go for shit to go down?

>picrel is the us bond yield from the past 10 years and I’m a normie pls just explain and b nice ik I’m a ritard

>> No.30419261

can't last forever
inflation at 2% makes the money double every 30 years
so eventually bread costs 100 dollars and wages won't keep up

>> No.30419311

Holy shit you are stupid

>> No.30419313

an insane amount of current usd in circulation was printed just last year is already a big point why were not in a similar situation to few years ago and more stimmies on the way

>> No.30419378

If consumer prices are too low, it's not attractive for companies to keep producing goods and services. Also, hiring becomes a problem because said companies don't have enough cash to spare, thus bumping unemployment levels.

Low inflation is a traditional red flag for slowing economic growth.

>> No.30419606

This is the best take. The inflation narrative certainly has backing from entities with interest in manipulating behavior of the masses.

>> No.30419823

it's for dumping j*ws in mass graves

>> No.30419885

Because normalfags are drowning in debt, so inflation is good

>> No.30420011


>> No.30420323

When the cost of producing is lower, people have more money leftover to spend and companies can make up for it in volume. The increased volume will require more workforce and reduce unemployment. Since the cost of living is lower, people may accept jobs for a lower wage and thus further reduce unemployment.

>> No.30420553

Both the US population and US government are liable for an extreme amount of debt at a variable interest rate. Neither the government nor the citizens have any savings. They have only been able to get by because of the low interest rates. As rates go up, nobody will be able to afford their debt.

Of course, the government can prevent rates from going up via the federal reserve. However, the federal reserve can only buy those bonds by printing money, which will ultimately lead to increasing prices across the board.

>> No.30420907

>However, the federal reserve can only buy those bonds by printing money,
wouldn't the buying of bonds just inflate the fed balance sheet and not increase money supply too much?
the government would be selling the bonds anyways so the fed buying it at lower rates would just prevent the rate from going up causing market instability

>> No.30421408

Wouldn't deflation mean that people will start to actually think about their spending and stop consooming useless shit?
Why is this a bad thing?

>> No.30421462

oh wow what a coincidence

>> No.30421612

who is this Jewish beauty?

>> No.30421825

The federal reserve doesn't have savings. They increase their balance sheet by magically giving themselves dollars ("printing money") and using it to buy junk that nobody else wants (assets on their balance sheet) which are now going to be mainly US treasury bonds, which means the US government receives that money. This is called monetizing the debt. In theory the US government will eventually pay that money back to the lender, but unless it dramatically cuts spending it will never have the capability to do that, so the federal reserve will have to keep issuing more and more money.

>the fed buying it at lower rates would just prevent the rate from going up

>causing market instability
Any time a central bank or government fixes a price, preventing the free market from discovering a suitable price, it causes market instability. In this case, the fed is manipulating interest rates, which are the price of money. This is a large part of what has caused the massive overvaluation of real estate and stocks, since people can borrow at an artificially low price and spend it on these assets. Of course they are bound to come down at some point. Also, the rapidly expanding supply of US dollars from the fed will decrease their purchasing power. Think of it as people pricing the dollar in terms of goods and services. As the dollars become abundant, people pay a lower amount of stuff to get each dollar.

>> No.30421894

It isn't in the long term. In the short term, everyone who has buried themselves in mountains of debt would be in for a world of pain as the values of their assets stop inflating and the cost to pay off the debt increases.

>> No.30422347

Fundamentally though, can't this go on indefinitely. So long as they pump enough money into the treasury to keep rates down and liabilities paid, the fed could drag out the inflation to a "safe" speed, preventing a sudden collapse of the economy and resulting in just a slow painful decline.

Am I missing something?

>> No.30422395

Wonder what the guy that took this picture looks like

>> No.30422527

Girls like that ALWAYS end up fat at 28+

pure pnd material

>> No.30422573


Yes they kick the can down the road and the next guy will have to deal with it

>> No.30422732

Right but the govt has been doing that for a while so how come I’m not seeing prices go to Venezuela levels?

>> No.30422775

television told them it's good and a sign of a healthy economy. they also need to justify voting for biden to themselves. anyone with low cash holdings and high asset holdings; PMs/cryptos/stocks/real estate, will unironically win this game.

>> No.30422779

Yum. Imagine being gay like you

>> No.30422860

tying all these other societal failures to men liking women with meat makes no sense. It’s probably cope because you’re secretly gay. If you were straight you would be happy about the bull market in fatties because it’s less competition for you and your stick women

>> No.30422906

i feel bad for people living in states that locked down lol. florida has been open the entire time and i hardly noticed the pandemic.

>> No.30422919

U seem pretty smart in this. How long do we have until shit officially collapses? Will there be a “collapse” or will things just slowly get worse over time?

>> No.30423057

>game theory blocks your path
Human nature exists anon. If people have more money left over that means there is going to be groups out there that raise their prices simply because they know people have more money to spend.

The true solution to most of the problems we are facing right now is to kill off a large portion of humans on the planet to allow our man-made systems / constructs to stabilize.

>> No.30423105 [DELETED] 

>wanna be a whale
>join trash 3lvl scam
>lose everything and suicide in the corner

you shouldn’t be a smart ass to realize what platform to invest in
my portfolio with enq and their node nets are bestopp for this year

>> No.30423151

this^. the jew is clearly against the goyim purchasing big tech, PMs, crypto, and ammo. thus, you, if you wish to survive the jew, must purchase those things.

>> No.30423200

>only one huffington post

[this list is incomplete]

>> No.30423286

My point is, there could theoretically never be a next guy who actually has to do anything about it. We could scale it up to quadrillions of stimulus and 100 dollar bread loaves and it would still "work" more or less

>> No.30423374

they're idiot cattle, born to be used, abused, and ultimately slaughtered. they'll believe anything the slick jewish talking heads on talmudvision tell them.

>> No.30424076

this shit is way over the head even for fed but eventually it compounds to a point where nobody will ever buy another apartment or house again, theyd have to inherit it or be a multi billionaire after graduating to own a modest 2 room apartment. But then suddenly somebody says enough is enough im gonna sell my apartment and cash out my billions to buy some cool shit, then everyone else follows and everything comes crashing down

>> No.30424221

Yeah, the nations economy is going to crumble and it’s going to be democratic administration at the helm. There will be no deflection, only outrage

>> No.30424432

>see attractive woman
>acknowledge that woman is attractive
>OMG what a SIMP! CRINGE bluepill!

>> No.30424906

the jews tell them it's good through the media so they say it's good, normie npcs don't think

>> No.30425004

I would literally fuck the shit out of her asshole.
If you catch my drift.

>> No.30425202

a market crash is the exact opposite of hyperinflation. Hyperinflation is the dollar collapsing, which will appear as though all assets (stocks, housing, crypto, etc) are mooning relative to the dollar.

>> No.30425385

This is only true because we have a bullshit fairydust economic that doesn't actually make anything. In your example, people would still need to buy cars because they have a legitimate use case. It'd just put a damper on people buying additional cars that they don't otherwise need. And that's only a "bad thing" in a bullshit fake economy that relies entirely on a ponzi scheme of an ever-growing number of consoomers to buy your garbage.

>> No.30425600


>> No.30425939

The stark contrast between this thread and this leddit thread is hilarious

>> No.30425970

*Ooops forgot link

>> No.30426078

Where's the hyperinflation if he's wrong?

>> No.30426162

Why are there so many Jews?

>> No.30426586

Let's imagine that you're a fuckoff fund manager. Your decisions actually have economic value. Your fund has to move money around in blocks to avoid fucking up exchange rates. You maintain generational wealth.

Now, you want to produce a return of 5% a year. This is comfortably ahead of inflation of 2/3% a year but also not particularly risky. You're a clever fund manager so you spread your risk. Although you lose 1% each year in inflation by buying bonds, they are risk free and allow you to spread your risk. You might have, for example, 15% in safe bonds, 70% in safe stocks like GM, Exxon and the like. Companies that will always get bailed out if they go tits up because all their workers vote and will support a bail out.
They make, an average return in the region of 3%-7% a year.
You would then put 15% in riskier companies and ventures. Greyscale, startups and maybe shit like Nvidia. Upside return of +7% return a year until someone invents a better way of making frogs glow in the dark.

Now, say that bonds rates rise above inflation. You can now rebalance the risk that you were taking on GM not being taken out by the free market or cold fusion taking out your electricity generation interests. Some of that risk allocation goes into bonds that are a RISK FREE RETURN AHEAD OF INFLATION. For the really big guys, this is perfect. What's Bill Gates or the Rothchilds going to do with a 10x? They just want to maintain their position.

However, for the general population, this is disastrous. There's no more major money going into the stock market. This
>a) crashes their investments. No more Vanguard index fund for you
>b) takes their homes. Enjoy paying a 15% interest variable mortgage, Deano.

>> No.30426821

>c) takes their jobs. Tesla cannot just sell more stock. The shares of all the big employers have to held up by whatever retail doesn't run into bonds, biotech or crypto and they're going to crash. No one needs consultants when they can barely keep the lights on.

Pay your variable rate debts and pay them now. You're looking down the barrels of an economy crash to destroy your job, hyperinflation to destroy your savings and people who bought assets looking to reposses your house.

>> No.30426903

Crypto has never been around for a hyperinflation scenario, it's going to be very interesting to see how it responds. It's a coin flip at this point whether it'll work well or just crash and never ever recover

>> No.30427034

Who dat

>> No.30427168

it's been there for countries like Zimbabwe and Venezuela
in those countries bitcoin trades at a 20% premium because it's worth paying 20% extra to not lose 400% per year

>> No.30427503

You know why it worked for them? Crypto is denominated in DOLLARS, local currency crashes and they all want dollars. They trade crypto for dollars, stable currency. Now imagine what happens if it's the dollar crashing? It's uncharted territory with crypto

>> No.30427660

Spanish Silver would like to have a few words with you.

>> No.30427737

Spanish silver was only replaced when the US started issuing copper/silver/gold currency as the spanish started diluting their silver

>> No.30427888
File: 113 KB, 634x341, NINTCHDBPICT000628850209.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Hehe, F-F-Fat Pig

>> No.30427930

I'm no expert lmao. It's just a basic principle of economics that as the supply of something increases, its relative value is reduced. Money is no exception.

>> No.30427932


>> No.30428414

The government hasn't been expanding the money supply as fast as venezuela.
The USD is still the de-facto world currency for the time being.

As they ramp up the printing press more and more, both of these could change.

>> No.30428797

because inflation benefits debtors. and most normies are in debt. what they don't realize that it only benefits indebted governments and corporations not the goyim

>> No.30428862


>> No.30428920

because they aren't white, come from handout countries, are women, and are easily convinced by their (((overloards)))

>> No.30429175
File: 76 KB, 1280x720, 1613750778987.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How rich would I be if I stack silver before the great inflation? What's a stack size to take a big dump on boomer houses that would fall off in price? I wanna become a landlord warlord with a silver stack.

>> No.30429240


Government brainwashing.

>> No.30429252

Literally nothing is going to happen with silver. And I have a ton of it. Because nothing good ever happens for me.

>> No.30429510

You need gold for big ticket items bro. It's much easier to transport 10 oz gold than 500 oz silver

>> No.30429599
File: 116 KB, 1084x798, original_297370743.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Here we go.

3rd article in 4 days


>> No.30429955

Nonsense. See

>> No.30430363

Sounds like it's you who is coping for having your dick forcibly shrunk at birth.

>> No.30430409

> no one ever spent money until inflation was implemented

>> No.30430716

Cope harder

>> No.30431010

Lily Adrianne

>> No.30431054

You can't get a 3 let alone her. Why do losers like you act as if you pull 10s and have the ability to pick and choose? You don't faggot.

>> No.30432051

Perfect body type.

>> No.30432088

Good post.

>> No.30432630

most people can keep up with debt payments as long as the money supply is increasing.

>> No.30432958

this is the only answer that you need. there are people i know who would huff catshit if a cnn anchor told them that the fumes could boos their immunity to COVID