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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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30397125 No.30397125 [Reply] [Original]

My wife won't fuck me anymore after I told her I invested our life savings in Chainlink at $35

>> No.30397171

you're the guy spamming every link thread with schwab memes are you? I wonder if you'll feel suicidal when link is 3 digits. Someone post the priced out eth swinger screenshot

>> No.30397200

This was my first cryptocurrency investment. I joined /biz/ last month I come from /pol/

>> No.30397214

Yeah sorry bout that bro. Shes been fucking me since i told her id been buying link since 20c

>> No.30397259

yeah your wife was talking about that last night, i told her to chill and that we will all make it, she'll be back monday morning and you can lick her again ;)

>> No.30397319

yeah, but the part about your wife, and fucking, is it legit? kek

>> No.30397357

Wow you're so lucky bro

Yes bro I have been sleeping on the couch for the past few weeks. I am so depressed I don't know what to do

>> No.30397568

I am sorry that you're going through this

>> No.30397662

Be a man Be confident in your investment and put your woman in her place and for Christ sake keep buying link you dumb faggot

>> No.30397985


Checks out

>> No.30398118


This is why you never tell your SO of risky investments nor use her money to invest. Only funds that come from you. Just forget about it for awhile and stopped being depressed. I watched it bounce from .20 to .60 for months. Now I'm up 100x

>> No.30398281

Don't forget to buy high and sell low!

>> No.30398533
File: 221 KB, 600x400, TheRationalMale.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And read this too to understand that you have to drop your wife.

>> No.30398599


I really need to read these

>> No.30398646

so did i, but your wife is fucking me as we speak.

>> No.30398848

dumb incel, when your married there are no her or your funds

>> No.30398887

you should go back, I would tell people I was a reddit nigger before I confessed to going on /pol/ KEK

>> No.30399083

>dumb incel, when your married there are no her or your funds

This is bait right? Sure you can have a joint account you fund together but obviously you don't merge all of your finances and let her have access to your only bank account and where your money is deposited from employment. Imagine thinking I'm the dumb one. You just don't know how to operate with women obviously.

>> No.30399201

Get a load of this cuck. My wife knows 100% of my disposable income has gone into link since 2017 and she even hands me her own money to buy for her too. Quit being a faggot who wants to larp like he lives some secret underdog wolf of wall street lifestyle. She probably thinks you’re gay

>> No.30399209


what a retarded whore. This thing will boom, dont worry.

>> No.30399334

>Get a load of this cuck. My wife knows 100% of my disposable income has gone into link since 2017 and she even hands me her own money to buy for her too. Quit being a faggot who wants to larp like he lives some secret underdog wolf of wall street lifestyle. She probably thinks you’re gay

Its amazing how upset people are getting. I clearly struck a nerve because you both know how fucked you are if you make mistakes. Mistakes happen in this space and women will never understand risk and long term planning. If I lose(I haven't and have tons of leeway from my buy in) I'll be fine as if nothing happened. If you lose well it destroys your family.

>> No.30399406

when your married your assets are legally both of yours

>> No.30399470

>came from pol
Ha only fitting end

>> No.30399492

Its crypto and we both know there are ways around that.

>> No.30399522

dont get married if thats your attitude

>> No.30399561

don't worry anon I'll fuck you

>> No.30399575

I didn’t mean to make you cry. Sorry anon

>> No.30399692
File: 50 KB, 300x300, 1613338974621.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I come from /pol/
here's your problem
you're a low IQ pol npc and will always be
Some people are meant to be wagies, some people are meant to make it
Guess which one you are

>> No.30399740

>My wife won't fuck me anymore
Therein lies your problem. You're supposed to fuck your wife, not the other way round.