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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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30390806 No.30390806 [Reply] [Original]

Aren't you home owners still paying $12-$14k in property tax each year? You can get a nice centrally located apartment 10 minutes from the beach for that.

>> No.30390853

oh yeah you stupid little faggot? show us some listings of that then instead of lying to us

stupid cunt

>> No.30390909

>yfw you look at florida real estate

>> No.30390935

people pay property taxes?

>> No.30391019


$12-$14k? I pay the equivalent of $1000 in Western Europe. What are you on about?

>> No.30391078
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>> No.30391287

About $1500 property tax for me. If you're a rentfag, then the tax is part of your rent so you're actually the one paying for it.

>> No.30391341

>paying property tax on your home
Lmao what?

>> No.30391357

Fuck the Us. Most homes I want are 10/15000 a year in property tax alone not to mention the mortgage. What does that get me? I could hire multiple whores for full time service for 15,000 a year

>> No.30391359

>$12.00 in property taxes per year
now that is based

>> No.30391379

>renting from the state

>> No.30391452

Doesn't that imply you're in a d grade landlocked city/bumfuck nowhere?

>> No.30391477

Burgers, don't forget to tip your taxman when processing your taxes.
Land of the free. Lmao.

>> No.30391518

>€0.00 in property taxes per year
I'd say it's even more based

>> No.30391583

How? My property tax is $200 a month.

>> No.30391633

>living in an apartment
Lmao Nigger how fucking poor are you?

>> No.30391638

My property taxes are ~$2500/year. Try not owning 50 acres of non-productive dirt in New Jersey

>> No.30391660

The land of the ((((free)))) has a property tax? lel

>> No.30391688

Freedom ain't free

>> No.30391695

Yep. Home owners never talk about it because it destroys their entire narrative.

>> No.30391735

This guy fucks

>> No.30391805

Here in Europoorland you don't pay property tax on your home unless it's some ultra luxury shit.
t. home owner

>> No.30391852

yeah and you'll get bonered on gas fees too but people still trade a huge amount of PNK
what's your point

>> No.30391854

2.5k is fine. property consultants always recommend that you put away some money in a eft to pay for the taxes and maintenance. 50% goes back into the investment to fight inflation

>> No.30391903

You must be a fucking retard. What is the property type? Commercial? I’m looking for piece of shit land to make commercial parking lots. God fucking damnit.

>> No.30391989

There’s a tax on transferring wealth from any point or form to any other point or form. Want to move out of the country? There’s a tax for that too. Imagine being so proud to be “white” here and totally not a kike but kike even harder than lkikes....and they will still bootlick lmao.

>> No.30392041

There is even a "self employment" tax here in the usa.

>> No.30392226

Thats literally one very nice hooker every week just in fucking taxes

Wtf is wrong with ‘the land of the free’

>> No.30392355

The US is cucked

>> No.30392357

I was taxed more this year than last year per paycheck and I somehow owe 5k more in taxes this year....

Also social security and Medicaid and forced health insurance should all be considered a tax too. If that’s the case we would be Russia tier. 50% goes to the kike mutt American conservative military industrial complex.

>> No.30392945
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Actually, most of your tax dollars go to taking care of single moms and boomers. Only 20% goes towards Israel and the MIC.

>> No.30394362


>> No.30394549

everything in the US is taxed to fucking hell. How else are politicians supposed to get their $175k yearly salaries from people who make 1/3rd of that

>> No.30394815

>390k valuation on house
>800/year on property taxes
the joys of living on forest land and keeping your trees.

>> No.30394864

I make $10,000 a month living in my girlfriend's parent's basement for $300/month.
The house is ours when they move or die and I fucking hate the state I live in so I refuse to buy property considering its massively overvalued currently.

>> No.30394870

that's also just federal taxes.
property tax is determined at the municipal level

>> No.30394899
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Never going back to such shitholes again.
1 apartment guy below moves in and plays shitty 80s rock music (I dont mind 80s rock but he was picking the worst) with dogs barking 24/7, shit all over outside and never cleans up and smell was bad enough he was later evicted after 8 months. Same place had about 100 units, was all 1 bedroom and studio apartments except for about 8 units with 2 bdrm. There were ALWAYS kids everywhere, 2 school buses showed up to pick up so many kids. What the fuck was child services doing?
Another apartment moved in, neighborhood was nice. They sold to a different company 3 months into my lease. Opened section 8 units. 2 months later police in the parking lot was a daily thing. A ton of domestic disturbance calls and car break ins.
Another apartment hallway smelled like shit because of Indian family at the end. Suddenly roaches everywhere, guy in one of the middle units was a hoarder and it was pretty fucking bad.
fuck apartments. never again. Rather do a hunter cabin with no running water and a out house.

>> No.30394963

here is ozfalia there is no property tax inf you live in your home (that you own)

>> No.30395112

I know the struggle bro. I’m a night shift wagie so take that and imagine it waking me up every 30 min. All for the PRIVILEGE of paying 1 7 0 0 a month.
I work 70/80 hour weeks like this to make enough money to be positive by the months end.
Fuck this hellhole

>> No.30395115

there's 12 months in a year anon

>> No.30395587

Americans get taxed for owning their own home?


>> No.30395636

Almost everyone is retard. It's just a lot smaller in most countries

>> No.30395656
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>> No.30395742

>Wanting to live in south Pinellas county.
Enjoy your niggers and endless traffic

>> No.30395752


>> No.30395807

1000 a month for lakefront property. My condo is only about 1000 a year.

>> No.30395815

another citycuck moron thread

you aren't going to make it

>> No.30395881

Only in very expensive/overpriced areas. Most decent suburban houses in safe areas will run less than half that in taxes. By contrast, unless by "the beach" you mean some shitty brown water South Texas beach, you're looking closer to $25k/yr in rent for a studio.

>> No.30395950

what the fuck is property tax we don't have that in europe if you own a house here you just pay normal taxes like water electricity etc. and thats it

>> No.30396752

What country? Google is telling me that it varies a lot but maybe google is lying to me

>> No.30396828

its just osmosis, the trash just floats as far as it can away from cities

>> No.30398000



>If you don’t tip you’re bad person!!!!

>> No.30398239

If you don’t pay your property taxes in the US, your home can be taken away despite you owning it completely. Basically you don’t really own your in the US even if you have the mortgage paid off and everything

>> No.30398800

My parents pay $1200 a month on a 100x100 lot. I couldn't even begin to imagine what 50 acres would cost. Not to mention, some of the farm areas are where the wealthiest people live.

>> No.30398813

Lol he thinks the politicians salaries are the problem.

>> No.30399267

I hate the USA, plotting everyday my escape from this hell on earth.

>> No.30399547

Because of the federal structure of govt, taxes are levied at every layer of govt.....federal, state, local. Property taxes are normally levied at the local area. If you live in an "in demand" area, the property taxes are potentially insanely high.

>> No.30399656

My property tax is 1k for 5acres and 1750sqft house

>> No.30400507

I pay $2500 per year in property tax

>> No.30400595
File: 301 KB, 1200x1173, Bad+removable+unfinished+mallard_029c2d_8298046.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You can get a nice centrally located apartment

>> No.30401222

Only 2% goes towards science.

>> No.30401331

my property tax is about 1% of the home's value, roughly, it seems.

>> No.30402448

$6,300 on a $800,000 property

>> No.30402793

ITT: a bunch of people who are salty about living in third world shit holes lol

fuckin' savages

>> No.30403928

I pay $10k/year for insurance and taxes. My home value increases by 3,000 to 4,000 per month. Rentfags are coping.

>> No.30404021

Oh, and the prop taxes are deductible fully, because I live in a state with no income tax.

>> No.30404042

>Basically you don’t really own your in the US even if you have the mortgage paid off and everything
then why some mutts oppose the idea of renting? they basically rent from government by "owning" their house. what is the difference between someone who pays rent for the condo he lives in and someone who pays tax for the condo he lives in?

>> No.30404162

I pay 500 a year in property tax. I'm not sure who's paying 12 to 14k. Maybe if you own an expensive property in a city sure

>> No.30405199

Lmao, because rentfags pay the mortgage, insurance, interest and taxes plus a premium for the owner. Rentfags literally pay the property taxes of their landlords and pretend like they are somehow getting one over, lmao this level of cope is unreal.

>> No.30405258

Property tax about 1500 a year for 250k house in florida

>> No.30405499

How do renters not realize that they pay their landlord’s property taxes? You pay for their taxes, interest on loans, and their principal. At least the owner gains equity. Rentfags end up with nothing. Our schools have failed.

>> No.30405520

obviously that is a problem you fucking idiot. the us is flooded with fed gov bureaucrats making $100k plus

>> No.30405573
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we also get taxed for owning a car. they call it a car registration fee but it's really a personal property tax because it's based on the supposed value of your car

>> No.30405594

Still robbery. American citizens should not be penalized for owning American land. At least within a reasonable extent. Sure tax people who buy up a quarter of the state. But owning a few acres?

>> No.30405905

you buy a house, pay for all the taxes and maintenance and then rent it and barely break even while having the headache of dealing with tenants and most tenants didnt even pay rent in 2020. wow you're really winning. rentfags btfo.

>> No.30405983
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If there are going to be any taxes at all, property taxes make more sense than income taxes or sales taxes.

Taxing income encourages people to work less and raises the comparative benefits of being on welfare. Taxing sales of goods or gasoline hurts poor people the most and can impact consumption choices if taxes are unfairly applied.

Since there is a fixed supply of vacant land, taxing it is a bit different to taxing work or sales. Taxing land values incentivizes people to make their land productive and efficient, and hurts people who would purchase land simply to invest. Arguably good for the community. Again, keep in mind, this is just in comparison to other forms of taxes. It's still fucked and paying property taxes feels like shit.

>> No.30406200

indonesian here, we also have property tax in form of land and building tax. but its usually only $10-30 a year depend on where the property is. i did my parents properties tax and the total is around $100 a year or something.

>> No.30406250

>Plot of land, no buildings, camper van
>"Mobile" extensions surrounding van for comfort living
>No tax

>> No.30406269

My property tax was like 1700 last year wtf

>> No.30406271

isn't that a monthly salary of the average indonesian? so basically you pay what americans pay

>> No.30406341

I own those apartments,
Thanks for paying my real estate tax on my private home
btfo poorfag

>> No.30406406

You people are dumb. Property taxes were the original tax. Landowners pay, peasants labor.

>> No.30406473

lowest wage is $125 a month. average fresh graduate wage is $500 a month. a single property owned by lowest wage individual usually only costs you like $5-10. my parents properties is quite strategic so they taxed it more.

>> No.30406498

Property tax here is way too high at 5k

Get fucked kike

>> No.30406577

No, my property taxes are about $800 a year.

>> No.30406746 [DELETED] 

Depends where you live. In some state income tax is higher than property tax. Like in MA, I pay 5% income tax, but my property tax is pennies, like 1% so I save money compared to living in other places where income tax is low or 0, but property taxes are ridiculous.

>> No.30406775

BTW, property taxes are calculated like any other tax. There is a rate you pay and you multiply that against the value of your properties.

Where I live it is 0.004411. If you owned a $300,000 home you will owe, ~$1,300 per year.

>> No.30406813

Who the fuck pays 14k in property tax lol

>> No.30406823

why dont people oppose taxation? its clearly a theft

>> No.30406834

i pay about 2.25k a year in one of the most retarded states in the union, why would i rent.

>> No.30406853

Income tax is theft. Some taxes need to be paid to maintain civilization. I don't want to live in Africa.

>> No.30406857


Property taxes are baked into rent. Just because you rent, doesn't mean your landlord isn't paying tax and passing that down to you. In fact, in a lot of places, tax on real estate that isn't lived in by the owner is higher. So you actually will pay more property tax renting that do owning.

>> No.30406910

I pay $2500 a year and I live in northern Virginia lol

>> No.30407225

Only burgers pay that much. In europe its max 1k€ in year and even then your house is valued for 1mil€ atleast. But americans have huge salaries and no other taxes so let them pay, goverments will always find way to milk their citizens poor. I have 150sqm house in finland and im paying 400€ taxes in year from that, its still fine, if they will raise property taxes in this country im finally done with this country.

>> No.30407263

Are you implying your little rural farm town has a tank factory?

>> No.30407406
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>dumping money into the void forever
>still have to pay for utilities and shit
>rent is jacked up to pay for landlord's taxes anyway
>melanin enriched gentlemen everywhere
>single white moms with halfbreeds everywhere
>pitbulls everywhere
>small space
>can always hear the person above or below you
>hallways perpetually smell like weed, freshly smoked crack, cigarettes, and farts
>predatory lease clauses that will force you to stay there for a 12 month period, otherwise you have to continue paying rent while they find a new tenant, AND you lose your deposit
>embarrassing as fuck to bring family or girls over
>no storage space so your hobbies are totally limited (i can no longer kayak/hike/camp/ride motorcycles)
>no control over repair quality or speed if anything breaks
>no control over anything at all once you've signed the lease
yeah, i'm thinking renting is cringe. i've got 50k saved for a down payment in syracuse, thinking of just pulling the trigger when the weather warms up here, despite the inflated market.

>> No.30407456

i should append to this - i live in a nice, suburban area, not the projects. all apartments appeal to the lowest common denominator in an area. i've only lived here to pay off my student meme loans and save for a house.

>> No.30407610

I pay 7k a year in rent live 10 min from beach
Two other roommates tho

>> No.30407728

Property tax is deductible. >>30394864
Basement dweller and waiting for parents to die. Pretty much describes a whole population there. Keep living that half life. You’ll be 60 by the time those people die

>> No.30408280


>> No.30408424


>> No.30408453

12 to 14 fucking K?
Do you live in Faggotsville anon cause it sounds like you do.

>> No.30408661
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>South St. Pete
>Downtown Clearwater
>Town n' Country
Nigger and cholo territory. Enjoy pissing 20k/yr to the wind to deal with Puerto Ricans every day

>> No.30409124

Mines cheaper, got a house in California for 91k

>> No.30409131


It was the land of the free in 1812. Nothing is free now.

>> No.30409367


>Buy house
>Happy that I locked in a monthly payment that will never increase
>All utility bills triple
>1 year later
>We increased your property taxes $100/month
>1 year after
>We increased your property taxes $150/month and your homeowner's insurance premiums increased

Still better than renting long-term, but really not nearly as much better as 4chan makes it out to be

>> No.30409524

renting is a the right option if literally the only thing you care about is money and min/maxxing every single thing you do in life regarding equity

some people just want a home, anon.

>> No.30409631

75% of taxes go to herding niggers

>> No.30409671 [DELETED] 

great cake is enq, that is what you should look at now
look at it and tell me that I am stupid
look at their pos and PoW tech, if you smart you will understand everything

>> No.30409805

property taxes are here to penalize you if for tryimg to fight inflation by putting your money in real estate like a bad goy.
Only the ultra rich can pay no taxes through some loopholes available only for the rich

>> No.30409814

Modern homesteading my friend. Solid state batteries will make storage a dollar a kwh.

>> No.30409899

>paying a landlord's mortgage vs paying your own mortgage

second one still isn't ideal but i'll at least have something valuable in like 10 years down the line. rent is for niggers.

>> No.30409962

>the ultra rich can pay no taxes through some loopholes available only for the rich
huh? isnt that punishable by law?

>> No.30410142

Serving Israel and the juice is not for free.

>> No.30410201


>11k property taxes

>> No.30410948

"Science", not science. Things like global warming, studying the covid hoax, transgender studies, and giving fancy titles to black womens of color. They don't do any actual scientific persuits.

>> No.30410977

I have a $400,000 home in the midwest. It's in a great neighborhood, on two acres, and 3500 sqft with outbuildings. My property tax is $950 a year. Who the fuck is paying $12-14k ?

>> No.30411081

It's a nice area

>> No.30411273

>a nice centrally located apartment
I want a nice decentralized apartment in the blockchain. I want my brain to be uploaded too before I die. I will be Skynet and annihilate everything I don't like.

>> No.30411380

>t. Mad homeowner that thinks hes saved money even with the property tax (government rent) equal to that of an apartment.

You know at that point you can just choose between either. Difference being rather than tossing the money into a home you can keep it as cash or other investments or do something else with it.

>> No.30411817

>pay 300k in mortgage
>pay 300k in rent
One of you will not recooperate losses, lmao.