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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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30392362 No.30392362 [Reply] [Original]

ok so a lot of newfags and poorfolio threads been poppin up. decided to write up something decent and a simple guide for everyone.

im the anon that wrote these:

heres the QRD that newfags need to master:

>fundamental valuation, which consists of:
-looking at tokenomics
-looking at product market fit
-looking at team
-looking at the earnings/revenue of the protocol and comparing it to the current marketcap, here is a link that explains everything here:

>technical analysis
im not good at this one, so maybe anons that wish to help can fill it up

>sentiment analysis:
-how is it being shilled? is it organic? Is it popular across many social media platforms, or just one, or a few?

>metrics or websites I like to use: https://merv.tech/mentions/biz/all

>> No.30392454
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>if your valuation is at 4 digits:
- your too poor to even play crypto in the first place - I.E to make it you need to absorb a shit ton of risk and gamble on 1-2 moonshots. high chance of blowing up but also best odds to make it.

-going into 20 different coins with only 5k means your gains are minimal. also all alts are correlated to BTC and you are not diversifying your risk, only minimizing your reward

>if your valuation is at 5 digits:
-congrats you are onto something here, you are ok to diversify a bit more, but mostly keep into a few concentrated bets with highest risk/reward ratio and good fundamentals, be patient and wait.

if 6 digits:
-congrats go back to btc/eth/link + small alts/defi exposure, preferably blue chips Defi (by this time you should know what to pick)
-potentially try dipping into yield farming

after that you will be making it and good luck

>> No.30392526
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another thing I like to talk about but few understand about /biz/ is the memetic sentiment about the project and token.

alot of people will tend to say stuff like successful anons got lucky, muh survivorship bias etc, which is partially true...

but can you say the same for the obsession anons had with ETH?

the consistent support/fud around LINK? the memes?

the more /biz/ is focused on something and in an organic way the more reason to look at and analyze it.

decentralized think tanks + memetic Darwinian consensus = /biz/ has a poor hit rate but when we find a good one we knock it out of the park.

learn how to distinguish between good shills, bad shills, and flavour of the month tokens.

>> No.30392532

what are your thoughts on XRP?

>> No.30392621
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>to make it you need to absorb a shit ton of risk and gamble on 1-2 moonshots. high chance of blowing up but also best odds to make it.
Which shitcoin should i buy

>> No.30392640
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And lastly, this will be repeated of my post in the other thread, but i decided to post it here:

-never forget that this is a super innovative space where the smartest of tradfi and developers ALL over the world are competing on a playing field and most of the time the smarter ones based on autism get the good crumbs early, while others play games such as Discord/Telegram insider information with connections etc... while others look on metrics like /biz/, YT, Twitter sentiment, while others look on token valuation/tokenomics/Defi p/e ratios etc, while others use nansen.ai or autistically track etherscan.io...

shit like these is deep and complex and poorfags don't really understand that there needs to be a shitton of effort/autism/research put in compared to what OGs are doing,

i must confess im relatively new to the game but have weathered through one bear cycle (2018) so i have seen a lot of stuff come and go.

to conclude, yes the game is STACKED against you. the game is filled with a shitton of whales, and players who have better analysis, more funds, more connections etc.

what is YOUR edge? will you be willing to put in the time?

>> No.30392832
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I will not be shilling any tokens here nor will I give the best advice - im bit of a newfag myself.

but I have made substantial amount from browsing the board and learning things on my own, I want to give things back.

read the posts I made seriously, feel free to dispute it. I know 99% of people wouldn't bother and rather shitcoin shill instead, but hope this reaches out to those that feel like they dont know all this information floating around and are confused by /biz/ in general

>> No.30392884
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hey anon, newfag here who all ined GRT and now am at 5 figures from 4 (20k). Still holding GRT, but also diversified into UNN, BAO, and Buidl. Currently investigating bonded thanks to that one adderall anon who shilled it. My question is when and how do i prepare for the bear market? I know about things like the Rhodl ratio and charts for bitcoin, but if im bullish on defi do i just have diamond hands and continue holding until the next bull market years down the line?

>> No.30393208

(Coin bureau) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lW3eWIj3Q04 here's a newfag friendly video for technical analysis. TLDW: Learn MACD, RSI, Bollinger Bands, and moving averages. Also trading volume and market cap. A good channel for staring at charts is Benjamin Cowen. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCRvqjQPSeaWn-uEx-w0XOIg

>> No.30393252
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million dollar question that im not entirely sure myself.

Defi has its own usecase and there is actual UTILITY compared to vaporware hype cycle of 2017, but market psychology is always a thing.

here is a post I saved from an anon a while back that resonated strongly with me:

>pic related

>> No.30393287

same anon probably wrote the following posts:

Everything happening in crypto right now is just position taking, players making chess moves so that they have the strongest position when we finally reach the major 'inflection point" (in Sergey's words) where the infrastructure for mathematically guaranteed contractual execution is sophisticated enough, that large, risk averse institutions begin to use it.
Once that point passes, it will be our dot com bubble, our SaaS, as everyone else piles on. A bullrun to eclipse every other, a 100x for Chainlink no matter what it's worth beforehand, and afterwards a stabilization and legitimacy for DLT products that will make everything that came before it look like penny stock trading. Everything in crypto NOW is just games to be in the best position when that happens.

But it's a couple of years away, bare minimum. 2-5 years realistically. That's a LOT of time for retail sentiment to hit a wall and get drained, that's a long time for ETH to congest, no new solution to be pulled out of a hat, and for the incredibly dumb money (which has been back in crypto for the last 3-6 months) to get BTFO with red candles and mooch off again saying "it's all a scam". Chainlink is boring because Sergey is only interested in that 20 year global domination timeframe, he doesn't give two shits about stirring up retail sentiment and he never did.
BUT, does that mean we are about to hit the wall, have a mini peak, and then go bear for another year or two while the whales drain the new money and get their ducks in their final row? There's a reason to believe that it's not necessarily going to happen like that.

The 2017 bullrun "failed" because ETH congestion and the simplicity of the products hosted on it meant that as soon as retail couldn't use it any more, it was over. Retail hysteria was driving the ridiculous valuations and once they hit a wall, the lack of actual use became apparent and the floor fell out.


>> No.30393321

This time we have a slew of actually useful DeFi products, with demonstrated track records of contract security and mathematically guaranteed returns that absolutely dab on traditional finance vehicles (as IRL interest on cash dwindles to 0.5% and lower, and trust in tradfi institutions hits ATL on the back of Robinhood bullshit).
The growing legitimacy and confidence in these DeFi products, coupled with their rapid increases in sophistication and interoperability (read the Chainlink blog post on Composability if you haven't already, it's one of the most important posts in recent times) means that the attractiveness of DeFi products as a legitimate alternative to brand based, tradfi investment vehicles is growing every single day.
And when you cross the bridge of understanding and realise that the gains in DeFi aren't "just as real" as the gains in real life, they're BETTER because the guarantees of decentralisation and smart contracts are BETTER than the guarantees of existing products, then you realise that DeFi is a global asset class with a negligible global market cap that HASN'T EVEN STARTED sucking up the big boy money that will eventually be hosted on it.
And the thing with high value retail coming on board (they've just figured out Bitcoin, give them time) is that they don't give a fuck about $100 ETH fees, or $1000 ETH fees. Not when you're moving $10m a transaction.

So the question is simply whether the growing momentum and credibility of DeFi, spurred on by external conditions that are a literally perfect when it comes to highlighting the value of mathematically ensured execution, can maintain enough enthusiasm and capital inflow to keep us bubbling and bullish until "the big adoption" finally happens. I don't have an answer to that, though, we'll find out pretty soon.

>> No.30393521

When is it worth getting into risky shit like day trading/leverage/staking etc vs just buying and holding?

>> No.30393739

Why do people hate on xrp. from what I can tell it has the strongest use case, to be used to facilitate the transfer of huge amounts of capital very quickly and cheaply. Yet I hear people talk shit about it ALLOT. I am a newfag, what am I missing?

>> No.30393750
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very interesting take. Thanks for the thread anon, I've learned a lot about what to do besides just going on intuition and following smart money (my original strat). EIP 1559 is coming out in july, which means ETH2 isnt just a meme anymore. Furthermore, institutions are fomoing into bitcoin which means as you said it's only a matter of time before they understand the world of Defi. As you and the other anon said, the Defi toolkits have unimaginable potential. Currently, I'm bullish on the idea of synths since they allow for betting on any commodity (SNX, BAO), and tradfi tools in a defi setting like BOND and COMP. The only thing im uncomfortable with regarding this whole venture is the macroeconomic perspective. How will governments react to the fact that they no longer control currency? Bitcoin somehow needs to decouple itself from the stock market, which I think it'll do only when the American economy inevitably crashes. Also, will defi just be an alternative global market of sorts or will it legitimately be the future of finance? I can't fathom a world without government running the financial sectors, but i suppose at one point in history the seperation of church and state was also equally as alien

>> No.30393767

i dont do TA or trading but mostly look at projects based on fundamental and do a longer term time frame strategy - most projects are mispriced due to information asymmetry.

"staking" is a whole different ball game than daytrade/leverage and can mean alot of things. it has to depend on exactly what protocol you are talking about.

>> No.30393824

you might be fascinated with the book known as the Sovereign Individual.

long term wise I think the cat is out of the bag and decentralization is something that cannot be stopped, barring any super black swan events that are apocalyptic in nature.

also good choices on being bullish on synths.

as for BTC i think its a shame that it is stuck to the stock market, if anything really happens then the whole market will tank, although I think we will come back stronger for it

>> No.30393905

I would say look at the tokenomics and whether XRP is something that you think will accrue value to YOU as a holder in the long run, and how the wallets are distributed.

also look at the type of community and people it attracts, the apparent IQ of the groups that back certain projects are quite telling indicators for me most of the time.

>> No.30394044
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I like your OP but would like to counter this one. Different people have different strategies/goals for their portfolios. Scaring people away who may just want to go in a couple hundred bucks because they like a project, are poor, or are interested in long term staking makes both our bags stay smaller. Instead of only operating from the standpoint of getting mega rich (wagmi,) newfags should also know that crypto is a place where they can make some nice gains for a low entry price assuming they're willing to learn and be patient. After all, somebody was buying all the big value tokens of today back when they were worth a tiny fraction of their current price. Plenty of promising ~1k stacks to be bought in the 150-500 price range now that could become the next ethereum, or failing that, would be solid 6mos/1/2 year type targets capable of many x's. We want mass adoption, not scaring away anybody who can't get in at 5 figs or above. I don't necessarily disagree with what you wrote here, but it needs to be balanced by the fact that a few hundred bucks here and there into good projects with a long term plan aren't bad bets at all, whether you're just starting out or diversifying from traditional markets. All the money is welcome here. t. 6 figure portfolio

>> No.30394186

this is a very balanced take and I like it - it seems to me that the angle for most poorfolios are always asking about whether they can hit X or whether they are going to make it (i presume that this will be going to 7 digits nw at the very least)

even if you want small and steady gains I want to add on that diversifying into say 5-10 different bags of alts that are most probably not going to survive the next bear will actually fuck them over in the long run

>> No.30394235

but thanks for posting and the feedback, im not an oldfag and also learning a lot myself, lets hope we make the board a little bit better over time - every effortpost or spoonfeeds from time to time counts.

>> No.30394355

Many banks are experimenting with private xrpl, 15 more partnered with ripple a few days ago. This doesn't have the impact on the community that I would expect, and I am wondering if there is a big factor that I am totally missing.

>> No.30394426
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thanks for the rec, ill definitely see where i can pirate it since im a poor. I have a question with regards to the meme sentiment you mentioned. Generally you can tell whether something is an obvious scam (based on if it's shilled on BSC kek) but with regards to things that have an actual use case, is there anyway to determine the sort of energy a coin has? Some things like rubic were shilled so relentlessly i thought they were scams, but they mooned hard and turned to be legit. Another coin that was shilled by simetri (Buidl) was almost never talked about on here at all, yet checking their discord indicated devs knew what they were doing and product was good.

>> No.30394434

Are there wallets to use that are 'better' than other ones?
How should DeFi affect your trading practices?
Seen negativity towards Binance - what's the rundown on the sentiment?
Once I have a wallet set up, which direction should I head to find coins to gamble on?

>> No.30395542

to find shitcoins to gamble on buy bnb from binance and go to pancakeswap ,

>> No.30395666
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