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30389840 No.30389840 [Reply] [Original]

Why are pajeets like this?

>> No.30389872

Helpful? I dunno dear, it's just in our jeans I guess. Jealous much?

>> No.30389876

They're scamming each other

>> No.30389924

Europeans hang around and try to make people laugh or give new comers info, jeets are like a "when moon sirs" monkey fucking a football 24/7.

>> No.30389940

>helps you make huge money

>> No.30390042

the Wen Moon sirs jeets always end up losing. That makes me feel a little bit better

>> No.30390411

They are nice people, unlike this shitboard

>> No.30390431

post hand sirs

>> No.30390442

Ok mr diseased water street shitter

>> No.30390718

I actually love Indians in everything but investments. Good people deep down. You need like internet etiquette classes in school though.
1White people don't know when moon. We're in the same boat as you.
2Posting rocketship stickers or gifs of Chinese kids dancing doesn't effect the price.
3Some investments lose value. Just because 1000 other Indians in telegram are picking lambo colors, doesn't mean ygmi.
4If you bought the top of a one week green candle, nobody has "advices" for how to unfuck your position.
5The team isn't interested in your marketing service.

>> No.30390766


>> No.30391062

i make money for she

>> No.30391137

There's a literal scammer in that screenshot

>> No.30391157
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>> No.30391159

Based and rakeeshpilled

>> No.30391252

I say best robarri in my head at least once a day now

>> No.30391266

Always with the back talking against Indians! Lol Indians run all the USA tech and make the gains on the market. I respect there talents instead of talking down, I endeavor to learn rather than mock!

>> No.30391381

Yes, but stop pooing in the streets

>> No.30391448

Why do all jeets think themselves programming wizards?

>> No.30391530

>chits during xam
very ashamed of this sir

>> No.30391545

i've had indian colleagues in San Francisco before. They're the worst backstabbers and are completely empty. When you start asking serious and in-depth questions, they'll just come up with some made up shit or try to dodge the topic.

Because they always try to hire their friends and families, you'll lose against a bunch of shit streeters as there's no one to back you up.

>> No.30391681

this is so accurate. one of the jeets reply all the time "what do this mean ?" and the other keeps asking "why it's can't be trade binance"

>> No.30391707

I was in a telegram for a stablecoin and the indians wanted to know why it wasn't pumping. Funniest thing I've ever seen.

>> No.30391723

Indians have better friends than any fellow white, talk about stabbers! Whites are cock, always know even though they never do! That's why I respect indian they are smart and sticking together is smarter than all the rest!

>> No.30391750

laying it on a little thick

>> No.30392175

>"rankesh joined the group"
>sirs who admin here i have marketing proposal
>admin see dm
>where i can buy token?
>admin why price go down
>where i can request refund?
>when is moon? i hold for two weeks already
Are we really the same species?

>> No.30392433

I had to uninstall telegram when bnb was making moves a few weeks back. Every defi project I was following gained 5000 jeets asking "when bsc?". Thankfully that's subsided a bit. Now we get the occasional soi with, "has the team looked into the advantages of moving to cardano?".

>> No.30392591

What's with the overabundance of phrases like sirs...kindly do the needful...?
Is this how pajeets talk in their own language?

>> No.30393225

u die poor ok

>> No.30394775

I fucking hate *ndians so god damn much.

>> No.30394832

>5The team isn't interested in your marketing service.

>> No.30395421

it's so tiring... can't wait to permanently delete telegram after I am done this year

>> No.30395535
File: 21 KB, 499x615, 45191BFA-1C47-40F3-915A-3BE9E47CEA85.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30395592

indian nigger typed this

>> No.30395608

Low average IQ

>> No.30396691

stupid fucking stinky sand niggers

>> No.30397478

>White people are mean when they tell me not to buy shit coins and mock me when I don't listen and end up losing money.
>Indian people are so polite as they sell me on their scam coins.

>> No.30397542

Jeets stalk every telegram group looking to scam 24/7.

>> No.30397583

We can tell by your grammar that you shit on streets.

>> No.30397915
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>> No.30398807

Unironically this
Newfags will never feel the sweet realization of having unwillingly fed a village and not even being that mad because of the polite needfuls and the relatively cheap lessons learned

Nowadays newfags get rugged by professional discord trannies and they don't even know it, they are left here reposting memes, oblivious to the fact that it's over, no village is going to be fed, and they haven't learnt anything. Doomed to never make it but unwillingly helping others achieve their dream of never being women

>> No.30398854

I can help you make big money, OP.
Very big.

>> No.30399490

Basically India is very poor. 70% live less than a dollar a day. To give you some perspective, in AMERICA -- 10% of the pop lives on less than 33 dollars a day. So the biggest loser in US is 33x richer than the most hardworking pajeet. They have a giant, rural and illiterate country that mostly runs on superstition and tradition. They have huge incest rates and skyrocketing unregulated pollution. Their culture has stagnated for 1000's of years because of the caste system and a lack of any actual heros for their nation (no conquerers, miltary successors just literally cucked by the English into historical irrelevance/victim stupor) so thats why they seem like educated trash - because they are. Youtube convinced them they are capable, but they will alway make 60% of what a white man does.