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File: 111 KB, 1581x827, 3425324523453245.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
30382261 No.30382261 [Reply] [Original]

Who here tethered up waiting for the inevitable sub-40k dip?

>> No.30382344

imagine subscribing to such an infantile practice

>> No.30382378

I only buy, never sell, prices mean nothing to me

>> No.30382407

Pattern recognition is a fundamental aspect of intelligence. Have you ever taken an IQ test?

>> No.30382435

have you sat for an iq test in a controlled environment?

>> No.30382437

right on time for the stimmy? come at thee, bobo

>> No.30382503

>implying price patterns have meaning
>not focusing your attention on the specific factors that move prices
Hint: it's not prices that move prices.

>> No.30382528

I don't normally tether up before the whole board turns green

>> No.30382555

Nope. Mensa and related clubs profit off of ego gratification. I don't need to pay to feel validated.

>> No.30382572

selling now would be retarded. I know this even as a retard who doesn’t even look at charts

>> No.30382683

This thread is clearly not intended for HODLers.

>> No.30382691

Na nigga

>> No.30382741

what the fuck is even the point of tether

seriously, try and explain

>> No.30382810


>taxable event on more than 200k for a 10% correction

The tax event would be as bad as 2018 no thanks

>> No.30382817

Nothing will happen. Literally nothing ever happens.

>> No.30382968
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you drew the meme lines wrong

>> No.30382987

To print digital money backed by cash and ((other assets / receivables from loans)) which can then be used to prop up the crypto market by supplying near-infinite liquidity.
Does a deeper-than-expected consolidation count as a happening?

>> No.30383014

That falling wedge was indeed confirmed, but it is nested in a larger consolidation pattern.

>> No.30383020
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>> No.30383030

Gtfo mutt

>> No.30383135

TA is a meme, bitcoin will fall in the short term due to a rise in the 10 year treasury yield. Stimmies are actually bearish because they increase inflation expectations and drive up yields even more, which will trigger a market selloff. Thursday was just the beginning, you fags bettee PRAY Jpow announces YCC sooner rather than later.

>> No.30383330


Funny how all these things that everyone knows haven't affected the market but according to you they will "soon".

>> No.30383398
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He has a valid point.

>> No.30383490

Yeah thursday's dip was completely unrelated to the sharp rise in yields, right? That's why the dip started literally after Jpow started speaking right?

>> No.30383529

You’re gonna make it anon

>> No.30383637

Implying non retarded kids aren't sought out and tested for free. Who the fuck as an adult would be taking IQ tests for money?

>> No.30383647


> the speech on thursday caused the market to dip on thursday and mysteriously not on friday or saturday, but believe me guys the same speech will cause prices to fall lower soon because people forgot what they learned on thursday so they've been buying again but they'll remember soon enough and sell

yeah bro that makes total sense, you're smarter than the market

>> No.30383658

>this time it's exactly the same, and I'm going to risk my entire portfolio on this

>> No.30383692

Based and TA pilled

>> No.30383728
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"smart" people

>> No.30383844

>tethering up to try and buy back lower during the golden bull run

Anon I......

>> No.30383873

137 mensa certified
Sorry anon, you don't have what it takes

>> No.30383903

Yields are trending upwards, it's not mysterious that a smaller increase in yields on Friday had a smaller impact on bitcoin's price. Markets arent even fucking open on Saturday step outside of your crypto bubble for two seconds and look at the bigger picture.

>> No.30383959

Congrats, you barely made the minimum accepted score and pay an annual membership fee to connect with r/atheist tier pseuds.

>> No.30384044


if I know anything about TA (and I don't know much) its that you can't look at one indicator to draw any real conclusions. I'd say this ABCDE pattern is among the least reliable and most tea-leavey. Gotta look at stuff like the RSI, MACD, fib levels, yearly pivots, moving averages etc. to see what the bigger picture is telling us.

>> No.30384092


>> No.30384199

>Markets arent even fucking open on Saturday step outside of your crypto bubble for two seconds and look at the bigger picture.

> markets aren't open on saturday except crypto is but that doesn't count because surely smart money wary of muh rising yields wouldn't bother selling on the weekend, they will until after the price craters, which smart money knows will happen but they'd rather sell at a big loss later than sell today

dude your analysis is top notch

>> No.30384249
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you have to look at the entire curve, nice try bobo

>> No.30384256
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That's definitely a possibility, in which case BTC will break out much sooner.
The inverse H&S hasn't fully formed yet - only time will tell.

>> No.30384575

>smart money
Lmao, stock markets are at ATH in the middle of Great Depression 2.0, it's a fucking circus. Here's a little tip: the 2008 crash happened despite all the "smart money" bigwig financial institutions ended up being the ones to hold the MBS bag. They dont have to exit their positions, they can just stay greedy and wait for the government to bail them out.

>> No.30384799


Wait, so are they going to dump their BTC next week (to buy those juicy 1.6% bonds) or are they going to hold because the government will bail them out anyway? At least keep your bullshit story straight, big guy.

>> No.30384851

They will dump when they are forced to from getting margin called, not because they are selling to time the top.

>> No.30384915


Wouldn't it be smarter for them to sell now, before the dump? You said crypto is going to crash hard this week, right? So why wait to sell? Do you think the analysts on wall street haven't heard about the bond yields yet? lmao

>> No.30385042

It would be smarter, sure. But there is still a lot of uncertainty in the market. If Jpow explitly said "YCC is off the table," the entire system would implode. By being vague you keep people in the market hoping everything will be fine. Once people start to panic at 2% rates it will start triggering a selloff, and at that point the fed would likely step in.

>> No.30385878

Call me crazy but I don't think anyone who is invested in bitcoin is going to dump and run to get 1.6% yields, or 2% for that matter. BTC is a speculative investment that averages triple digit % gains year over year. The asset classes are not really related.

>> No.30386075

So when the prices go up, doesn't that change the willingness of holders to sell?
Wouldn't that rise in price be, among many other things a factor in the subsequent drop?

>> No.30386079

I took a massive 20x leveraged short on king shitcoin

>> No.30386109
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>this is not financial advice

>> No.30386365

eat my shit redditard, this is straight up financial advise, tether up or short now or get fucked retards
t.f2pool insider, I know 3 whales that will shit on the market together with leverage as soon as king shitcoin goes over 50k again

>> No.30386455

20x leverage, so you get liquidated by a 5% rise.
So if your short is at 49k, 51.5k will liquidate you. Ouch.

>> No.30386490

>t.f2pool insider

> I know 3 whales that will shit on the market together with leverage as soon as king shitcoin goes over 50k again

whoa, 3 whole whales?! they must comprise a massive 0.001% of the BTC market, if they decide to sell its crashing hard imminently for sure

>> No.30386519

I've been doing TA for 2 years and I've made more money with hype and research that doesn't involve TA. TA is shit when it comes to crypto.

>> No.30386595


also, you should probably let your whale friends know that BTC is currently trading at 49.6k as I write this so if they're all so certain it's never going over 50k then common sense tells me they should be dumping right now instead of waiting for that last 0.8% that you claim will never happen anyway.

>> No.30386755

>tethered up
What the actual fuck does this mean

>> No.30386774
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>> No.30386921

You can't make me asshole.

>> No.30386985
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Going higher

>> No.30387052

just means selling for USDT

>> No.30387076

But patterns are everywhere anon, everything is cyclic and repeats itself, if the world was a random mess humans would never have been able to learn and evolve, but pattern recognition is a fundamental aspect of intelligence, simply because it works in literally any field.

>> No.30387884

Nature has an affinity for spirals. In hurricanes and galaxies, the body rotation spawns spiral shapes: When the center turns faster than the periphery, waves within these phenomena get spun around into spirals.
The florets in a sunflower head also form two spirals, but there’s no rotation here — it’s simply an efficient packing solution for the plant. With 55 florets running clockwise and 34 counterclockwise, the sunflower is an example of a pattern of numbers called the Fibonacci sequence, named after the medieval mathematician who popularized it. It’s a simple pattern with complex results, and it is often found in nature.
The Fibonacci sequence starts with 0 and 1 and increases based on the sum of the previous two numbers: 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21 and so on. You’ll notice that both groups of florets in a sunflower match Fibonacci numbers — as do the number of rows in a pinecone, the arrangement of leaves on a stem and many other natural formations. In fact, the spiral shape itself is built upon the rapidly increasing pattern of the Fibonacci sequence.
The same patterns are observed in Financial markets. Invest accordingly.

>> No.30388933

It's much closer to quadruple digit gains every year, too.

>> No.30389515

Bump XD XD

>> No.30389537
File: 318 KB, 1859x674, memechart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>shorting bitcoin
>trying to time the market

>> No.30389638

>shows a graph with repeating, predictable patterns
>chastises for trying to time the market based on paterns

>> No.30389658

>Jpow announces YCC
what are the implication of YCC?

>> No.30389776

>Call me crazy but I don't think anyone who is invested in bitcoin is going to dump and run to get 1.6% yields
the stock market will tank for a long time by the way, and bitcoin with it

>> No.30389837

>f2pool insider
how to get into this bro? What is it?

>> No.30389846

Jewish ancestry

>> No.30390073
