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30365630 No.30365630[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Any advice on buying a rural property to GTFO of the urban shitholes? I see tons of nice places in the 200-300k range with 10+ acres and it’s tempting to buy one. I just want to live in a place away from people where I can shoot guns and do outdoor shit every day.

>> No.30365811

Whereabouts are they that cheap? Eurofag here where that wouldn't get you much

>> No.30365884

Have someone inspect the home.

>> No.30365924

Are you an amerimutt? Theres areas in every state, just stay away from the west coast, even rural people there are just tax serfs to tech godkings.

>> No.30365927

I took the country pill last year. Never looking back

>> No.30365996
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Dont worry about getting a huge place. Get a reasonable sized cabin and be more concerned about the amount of land you get. Id shoot for a 40. youll run out of firewood on a measley ten acres.

>> No.30366421

Fuck off were full

>> No.30366602

I feel you anon, I want to escape this nigger-filled hellscape too.
There's a few good books on this topic...."Finding & Buying Your Place in the Country" was the one most highly recommended by a log cabin construction instructor I had a chance to learn from, though the information is a tad dated.
There's more complexity to rural living.
You'll probably have to worry about how your septic system works and what utilities you might or might not have access to.
If there's water on the property like a small creek, what legal rights do you have to use it in any way?
You'll have to make sure you have road assess or easement from somebody else's property to technically have the right to travel there.
What local county/city government provides jurisdiction over you and do you have the right to raise animals or do other things on your property? Worth checking regulations.
If you're dealing with building some housing, what building codes exist in your area?
It can be complex stuff. Make sure to get a real estate agent's promises in writing.
One good thing about living in the US is that the land is vast. If you're willing to sacrifice living more than an hour's drive from a larger city, you can potentially find something in the range of 5+ acres under 100K with a livable trailer already on it.

>> No.30366672


Roger that, 30-40 acres seems ideal. I’ve seen some shithole shacks on 100+ acres going for sub 200k maybe a tear down and rebuild would be viable

>> No.30366699

What ive found is, check the soil, if its any good for farming if you need/want to grow something (sand or sand/clay mix is a no go); perhaps, if it is near a body of water, especially a river, figure out how much it floods, if its not going to take aways most of your land; also, if there's any people nearby, ask around if anyone's got an artisanal water borehole/well and if yes, how far they needed to bore (this is a good and very sustainable way to have clean and good water).

>> No.30366703

Short-sighted thinking.
The great divide in this country is urban/rural, and there will be another conflict someday.
The rural areas need some numbers to survive and are nowhere near full.
Anybody who is willing to buy into shooting guns and hating niggers is welcome.

>> No.30366734


Now now, anon. Anyone who is white and not a crazy leftist should be allowed to escape urban hell

>> No.30366973
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My advice is to do it now before prices balloon more. There is no popping of the bubble. The fed has been printing money nonstop for years. They claim there is minimal to no inflation. There is though, it's just occurring in hard asset classes like arable land.

Arable land is not in a bubble. Fiat is just not worth as much as it once was. Gov. can subsidize the price of food and hide inflation. They aren't hiding the inflation in the housing market.

Focus on land rather than buildings. Buildings come and go. Land does not. You can still get 100 acres for a year's salary in some places. In the places you want to live, you'll spend more. Get what you can, and don't forget to spend the money and time on making the land productive, otherwise it can be an ongoing drag on your finances with prop taxes, maintenance, etc.

At a minimum, think about fences and livestock and/or forestry planting. Fairly low maintenance and can get you a lot of tax breaks in most areas for being an agricultural usage property. Good luck. The property pill is the final /biz/ pill to take before enlightenment. Finding a good wife to cook you tendies and bear your children is nearly impossible if you can't present an alternative to the rat race. By owning land, you will have that alternative.

> live with me on my farm, bear my children, and stop working in the city

It worked for me. Baby on the way. Gonna make it.

>> No.30366996


Probably would aim for Appalachia or Wyoming/Dakotas.

>> No.30367000

We are on the cusp of a second "white flight" due to the availability of remote work for the administrative class.
You're ahead of the curve. You will live with many brown and yellows in the aftermath of this great migration, of course. But you will noticeably be avoiding the "rich and vibrant culture".

>> No.30367037
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Having good soil from the start is easiest, but great existing farmland is expensive.
Keep in mind that any soil can be improved.
Things like biochar can radically transform an area permanently.
If you have animals and can use their waste, you can make big improvements with that and compost.
Certain animals like chickens will scratch and mix around the soil just by free ranging and pecking and scratching everywhere.
Just having land is the stepping stone you need.

>> No.30367140
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Remote work is going to change the rural property landscape. In 5 years you will never see prices as low as they are now. Broadband internet with low latency is right on the cusp of being available to every single rural property in North America thanks to Starlink and other LEO providers.

>> No.30367159


Based. I have 2 Bitcoin and a house in suburban hell so I hope when the time comes to GTFO I’ll be able to afford land. Maybe I should look into just buying a plot of 100 acres, but I need to do my research since it seems like you can easily get screwed over buying worthless land that you can’t re sell. I also don’t know anything about building houses

>> No.30367190

grats anon, you already made it. i let a lot of time go to waste due to depression but i hope to catch up soon.

>> No.30367356
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I believe in you anon. I'm going to get off my computer now and go do some things that I know will improve my life and move me a little closer to the goals I still want to reach. I think you will do the same.

>> No.30367438

True, but it will take effort, resources and time.
If one is able to find land with better soil, they should do that. It will just give a head start.

>> No.30367702
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>he thinks he can escape by buying land outside the cities



>> No.30367760

Is this the fucking house from call of duty??

>> No.30367861

I'm in the same boat. Clawing my way to a second Bitcoin then going to go look at land in the local area. I live on the Gulf Coast but in a comfy little town that seems to be 20 years behind major markets. Have a few business opportunities that I'm pursuing and I'm absorbing all these new concepts as fast as I can. (What do you mean I need a commercial property in the middle of nowhere? Can't I just rezone?)

I feel like I wasted so much of my 20s sitting on my ass playing videogames. Now the storm is approaching and I'm scrambling to scrape everything together while the people around me are still glued to their entertainment boxes.

>> No.30368594

Where is that this is amazing lol

>> No.30368759

Eurofag here and the only thing I'm jealous of you mutts is your land. American country/rural land is amazing. I've paid four times price OP referenced for a two bed apt. Where I live and we don't really have proper rural like you guys.

>> No.30368941

If I had land I'd do the same, looks cool.

>> No.30369204

It's called Europoor for a reason

>> No.30369682

>5+ acres under 100K with a livable trailer already on it
>5+ acres
>Under 100k
>livable trailer

god damn. must be 18 to post here.

>> No.30369892

Get the water tested. Make sure the wells don't have any contaminants in them.

>> No.30369906

Do you have a job lined up? You need that before you move. Second, make sure there's stores near buy to get what you need, you don't want to move to a food desert, go somewhere you can get fresh ingredients from a farmers market, or at least a decent supermarket. Third, you will need way more than 10 acres, unless there's literally no other houses in the area if you want to do stupid shit. 10 isn't anything. Aim for at least 50-100, or else your neighbour's will send cops to your house

>> No.30370030

can confirm. we have 3.5 acres. it's tiny. i can hear my neighbors.
20 is the bare minimum for privacy
50+ if you want to shoot on your property and not be an absolutely fucking cunt.

that said though, once you experience the joy of rural life, going back to city life is nightmare fuel. you aren't truly free unless you can take a piss off of your front porch in broad day light without having the cops called on you.

>> No.30370049


these fucking idiots are only talking about muh cheap land and small cabin

cheap land is cheap for a reason. stay poor.
also a small cabin costs as much as a regular house if you desire a good standard of living.

If you want to shit up the rural areas on your shitty 5 acres with a shitty trailer/tiny home you're better off staying in the city

I read about this for years trying to make it work. Can't be poor. Also stop acting like you're all going to be trad farmers talking about muh good soil. Maybe 1 out of 100 of you will actually do it because you will realize it is a TON of work and it will be all you do

p.s. you WILL eat the bugs!
you WILL live in a little pod in the city!
you WILL be happy!

>> No.30370172

Northern Maine is where you want, i have 46 acres that came with 3 cabins, cost 50K

>> No.30370276

yes anon, keep up the demoralization. truth be told if word got out how much more sense it made to build on rural land than buy an existing house, good, sane normal people would be forever priced out.
appreciation on land + new house almost always takes care of that 20% PMI threshold.

>t anon living in area where 220k means cracked out meth-ville.

>> No.30370766

Real estate websites indicate homes at that price level with 5+ acres far out in the countryside, yes.

>> No.30370968

Tennessee niggers want the state to stay poor.

>> No.30371125
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Done rural living for years and I can tell you if you have money, urban living is the way to go....

>> No.30371128

rural properties have shot up in price over the past year, look at the previous selling prices, everything I see near me are up 50% or more already.

>> No.30371206


I would only move there if I had a 7 figure portfolio and didn’t need to work, but I would try to find a remote software job first

>> No.30371339


Yeah fucking normies in the city trying to move out. I hope in 5-10 years they will have gone back

>> No.30371515

1.Buy near a river with suitable for hydro power generation (and gold panning for fun)
2. Well water
3. Septic
4.Solar if you can

>> No.30371601
File: 77 KB, 1270x603, denver-downtown.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was thinking of moving to Denver this summer and wanted to see what you guys thought about it. Where would you reccomend living and is it a good city for a 24 year old male with everything going on right now.

>> No.30371603

For remote work realistically you'll need to wait for starlink to be available, the internet in those areas now is barely usable for basic shit, let alone modern tech jobs. Downloading a few gigabytes will take your entire work day

>> No.30371663

It might even be a good idea go buy property in the city, it's gonna skyrocket when they call come crawling back

>> No.30371675
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I'll probably be working in aurora would it be better to live over there instead of capital hill?

>> No.30371752

I remember going to a buddies house out in the woods. Shooting skeet right off the patio. Was amazing

>> No.30371754


If I get rich enough I’ll try to own both and live on the rural property while renting out the city property unless being a landlord turns into too much of a bitch, or just let my mom retire and live in the city property

>> No.30371822

>If you want to shit up the rural areas on your shitty 5 acres with a shitty trailer/tiny home you're better off staying in the city
stay mad nigger
t. shitty trailer on 100 acres that i got for pennies and will shoot anyone who steps foot on it

>> No.30371876

Based and unity pilled

>> No.30372002

i'd be afraid to be living in the woods, don't want to run into inbred hicks like the wrong turn movies anon

>> No.30372097

It's tough to buy land and hold onto it while you build a house on it though. I really wish I had enough cash to build a contemporary house like that one in Ex Machina. That would be the dream. Unfortunately, I'm a poorfag, and it turns out that even though modern homes are just concrete, steel and glass, they're actually MORE expensive than conventional homes, go figure.

>> No.30372125
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hey there

>> No.30372130
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My cousin almost got raped by two carnies wandering around in the woods, the woods aren't a game there's shit lurking in there you can't even imagine

>> No.30372145

Rural living is dangerous with meth heads that go after rural properties because they know cops are far away....

>> No.30372216

Are any of you single? Well, good luck finding a chick rural living. Have a chick? Good luck keeping her entertained after a while......

>> No.30372281


Who cares, living with a woman sucks anyway. I’m not living in an urban hellhole for muhdik

>> No.30372309

That garage looks a bit too narrow. It'd suck if you had a truck or something.

>> No.30372338


I admit this is what I’m afraid of. At least we can have AR15’s here in muttland to ward of the spookies

>> No.30372388

>wife divorces
>only 50 acres now

>> No.30372503
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Comparing the dangers of methheads to living next to literal niggers

>> No.30372611

Yes goy. Live in the pods. Eat the bugs. You wouldn't want to go without moist holes, would you?

>> No.30372746

What are some nice towns in northern Maine, anon?

I want to get away from the cities, but I would also like at least a little bit of community. A small hamlet would be nice.

>> No.30372797

Sand is awesome if you have the water clay is way shotter than sandy loam what r u talking about? I own 5 acres of silt, not much but itll do. The silt hardens though (its fine) so im gonna dig sand and vermiculite into it. Just settled on ot last week im super excited to plant the fruit trees ive been stacking.

>> No.30372817

I doesn't help packing anon. Since rural living means having to drive a DISTANCE for ANYTHING, they will target your property when you aren't there. Have dogs? Dogs don't stop thugs...

>> No.30372864

My mrs is a horticulturalist we are going to have a ball.

>> No.30372902

How about the danger of living a distance from a hospital? Have a stroke or heart attack and you can be past the golden hour to get to hospital....

>> No.30372912

>you aren't truly free unless you can take a piss off of your front porch
1000% true but when you show up roll with our ways leave your neurotic city shit behind.

>> No.30372976

Take your meds fatass

>> No.30373007

stay in the city we don't want your kind

>> No.30373012

I guess you are too poor to own your own home in a nice part of a wealthy town, walking distance to anything you need...

>> No.30373045

Are you nuts? I found an area in the US that
has wooded land for $500-1000 per acre
Found some last night that were 120 acres for $80k

>> No.30373070


You plan on having children? or a wife?

>> No.30373099

the idea of a log house or wooden house like this seems really appealing, but don't you have to deal with fucking carpenter bees? looking to move from oregon to idaho or montana

>> No.30373126

How about education for children? The best schools aren't in the sticks......

>> No.30373174

I have both and we're excited as fuck having just secured 5 acres last week. I'm owner building it in september - december.

What about you anon? Planning on settling down sometime?

>> No.30373185

you just keep making the point

>> No.30373188

this is a big one, if you have children what kind of future are they going to have

>> No.30373216

Oh no, my kids won't learn that about faggots having 2 dads and that boys that chop their dingus off are brave and powerful....what a tragedy!

>> No.30373241

>The best schools aren't in the sticks......
rural white public schools are better than pozzed california schools, plus you can just homeschool

>> No.30373263

>you aren't truly free unless you can take a piss off of your front porch in broad day light without having the cops called on you
I've heard and said this so many times this is an existential truth
Going shitting innawoods and shouting obscenities is amazingly based too

>> No.30373264

THey're teaching them about 3 dad families now anon.

>> No.30373300

If you live in the US and would even consider entertaining an inkling of a thought of sending your children to public schools you are a subhuman retard

>> No.30373332

we don't want your kind either

>> No.30373339

Ideally you send your kids to a good unpozzed private school, but there aren't any when you live there. I'm weary of homeschooling because they need socialization as well

>> No.30373401

this is like the one thing that is actually not an issue with having a family in the middle of nowhere. homeschool + taking your kids to a park every day for socialization is 10000000000000x better than any public or private education. at least in the United States, there is no institution more wholly corrupt and unhealthy for kids than education

>> No.30373416

Who asked you faggot

>> No.30373531

Even with private school you’re still going to be exposing them to the risk of poz, not to mention molestation. Putting your flesh and blood under the charge of adult strangers for 7 hours a day is nonsensical in this society

>> No.30373537

I'm gonna travel the world for 5 months out of the year once rona is over I hope since I'm a stock trader and semi retired early. I'm single and happy since where I live there a plenty of women. I am not hating on rural living since I did it for years, but most people get broken into and I hate driving plus lots of little problems pile up.. It got really boring I found and sub-urban living is really nice in a nice small city and you have cash I like to be close to the airport as well...

>> No.30373665

Maine is a very interesting state. Just looked and saw 162 acres for $60k.Talk about a deal.

>> No.30373669

What's the fucking point? In 2 to 5 years they will build identical, overpriced, souless suburbs like everywhere else.

>> No.30373684

Do you look at the children coming out of public schools and thinking “these are well socialized people”?

What’s the number up to now of the ones who consider themselves gay or trans- I think the latest news was 17%?

>> No.30373808

Homeschooled children I knew all turned out misfit weirdos. Children need interactions with other peers. I'm so lucky I had a great eduction when I went to school. Good times, lots of parties....

>> No.30373822


Isn’t Maine a completely pozzed blue state?

>> No.30373897

Based fudder trying to keep prices low

>> No.30373908
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Holy shit it’s real. Kek. How do I short western civilization?

>> No.30373916

No one mentioned public school anon. I went to a great school and had lots of fun.

>> No.30373972


Public school is fine if it’s in a rich area where the house prices are 1m+.

>> No.30373984

Actually the whole education thing is a concern.

But maybe you can live in in your city home during the school year, and retreat to your country home every summer. Idk.

>> No.30374022

Look at rural real estate prices vs luxury real estate and tell me which sector prices are going up faster. Location, location ,location...

>> No.30374036

denver sucks. it's probably ok for a young guy with a good job wanting to grow. but shittons of hobos, they poop and shoot up heroin right in the street. the cops suck. shit ton of mexicans. but the rich can stay fairly well segregated. i didn't like it, but it has certain charms.
be aware - it's cold.
too sparse and rural for that to matter i dont think. one of the best gun law states

>> No.30374052

Rich schools are the most pozzed out there.

>> No.30374058

rural sounds nice but what the fuck do you even eat? If im rich then I'm not cooking for myself every day

>> No.30374087

get yourself a wife

>> No.30374110

idk I just started looking on zilliow and saw that. I live in a Southern state and ive never seen anything close to that.

>> No.30374127

Yup. I went to a great public school since I grew up in a nice area of town in well off small city.....

>> No.30374146

> Live on a literal farm
> Hurrr...durrr...what do I eat, there's no Starbucks here

>> No.30374160


What happens when they ban anything that isn’t a muzzle loader? Just disregard and become a felon?

>> No.30374169

got lucky and in the process of inheriting 400 in Oklahoma green country from my dad. got a spring fed creek and 4 ponds. used to have a dairy farm on it and im going to run beef cattle out here again but it aint going to be to profit off of, just to supply the people i care about with food and barter if it comes to it. Our forefathers would take one look at what is taking place and what our money is worth and they would urge us to form bonds with likeminded people and get out of these collapsing megacities.

>> No.30374195
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kill an elk and go to the farmers market
>If im rich then I'm not cooking for myself every day
that's what poor people do dummy

>> No.30374200

get yourself taste buds retard

>> No.30374231

I found that to be a pain as well. Food gets boring and you want to get anything you have to drive distance. More driving.....

>> No.30374290


If you’re actually rich you’d hire a professional chef but if you’re just some 7 figures fag you cook for yourself like everyone else who is moderately wealthy.

>> No.30374289

////////////////////// WARNING //////////////////////

Do NOT move to a freedom loving state and bring neo liberal BS politics

Right wing political views only

>> No.30374309
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'the left' isn't one thing. if they banned guns in maine it'd be federal at that point. the vermont left is not the same as in los angeles

>> No.30374385

Hard to hire anyone to come out to rural properties. Even trades. I had to deal with that since they don't like the driving to go rural jobs...

>> No.30374406
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my plan is to buy land and plop a brand-new mobile home on it.

I've been told it's bad because the resale value sucks, but I feel like if I do it right it shouldn't cost a ton of money. It's an attainable goal in the near future.

>> No.30374437

You can have social interaction and go to parties while being homeschooled. Public/private schooling is completely unnecessary if you have the means to do it yourself. Most people just don't have that privilege because every household nowadays has 2 working parents, and you basically need BOTH parents to not work in order to properly home school. So basically you have to be a millionaire or a welfare leech to do it

>> No.30374532

it's weird as fuck, you can take a 20 acre patch of undeveloped woodland worth ~40k, and put a 50K worth mobile home on it with power, water and septic and list it for a quarter of a million dollars.

>> No.30374535

Social interaction is very difficult living rural. More driving. I can't stress enough how lame the extra driving is to do anything......

>> No.30374537


I’m talking you have them live w/ you, assuming you’re an actual richfag.

>> No.30374545

with the way teachers unions are complaining I wonder if we move to some bizarre Google/Zoom/Khan academy thing soon anyway. or why we haven't already.

>> No.30374618
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>> No.30374620

really? that's awesome. I'm not counting on "resale value" but it this turns out to be a profit, then that's a win.

>> No.30374633
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you can buy a whole village in Spain for like 500k

>> No.30374643


I’d say resale shouldn’t matter if you live there long enough as the money you’d save from renting or not buying an overpriced house

>> No.30374710
File: 292 KB, 1280x853, montana.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would love to live in a house like that somewhere in the mountains of Montana.

>> No.30374737

Thoughts on West Virginia for farmland bros? 2btc and it’s close enough to my parents in Ohio. Buddy claims he sees a lot of land outside bizmark in the Dakotas

>> No.30374753


>> No.30374839

wew that article
>you WILL buy a centrally coded mchouse in a suburb 30 miles away from your work, goyim

>> No.30374879

I think all you crypto and city fags would not do well out in rural land. Instead, just buy a nice home in the burbs, and then get a nice vacation home in the mountains or country.

>> No.30374889

undeveloped land doesn't have power, retard.

>> No.30374969

Checked. Midwest states. Central states. Western states. There is cheap land all over America.

>> No.30375006

yep. a few nice properties is the real dream

>> No.30375009

getting power to undeveloped land doesn't cost 160k

>> No.30375017


if you're young, single and a non-incel... live in the city. life will be a party.

>> No.30375078

All I need is some good internet and electricity there and I would be set. I also can rent some rooms out to some stupid city dwelling American tourists(nothing against the based average burger-bro, but you know what kind of people I mean) for a high price, by doing aggressive online marketing.

>> No.30375102


OP here, I live in NoVa and am considering WV and SD. WV has lots of cheap land but very hilly terrain so I’m not sure if it would be ideal for farming and there’s a lot of pillheads since the state is extremely poor. On the bright side it’s the reddest state in the US

>> No.30375159


I’m a very unattractive manlet so I don’t lose much not being able to fuck roasties on Tinder

>> No.30375200

power pole cost about $250 a pole per CO OP quote last year. (125' apart) Homebrew septic tank about 2k, make friends with a local precast concrete manufacturer, and someone with a backhoe. water meter is about 2k and Pex line is cheap. I am going to go ahead and assume that a ~5k DIY prep for a homesite that might sell for over 2x what you put in is probably more work than youre willing to do. Maybe the niggers will eat you last, faggot.

>> No.30375216

>How much will bringing utilities to the land cost me? Well, the short answer is that it depends. Utility costs can be anywhere from $10,000 to over $30,000 depending on your location and proximity to public utility connections. Furthermore, some cities and power companies charge more for their services.
Still not 160k, and even that 30k sounds stupidly high end

>> No.30375240

buy a piece of land and put up the home yourself using your industrialist connections to get good materials for good price

>> No.30375373
File: 75 KB, 600x400, LF-BH-1-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

utility setup costs are purposefully obfuscated along with code requirements to give jews and black women desk jobs. a septic tank can be installed for free if youre not a goddamn neet who knows someone with some fucking equipment. you can even make things work you wouldnt think. like this thing, its no where near as good as a real excavator but god damn if it was the only thing you had you would be happy to have it.

>> No.30375384
File: 38 KB, 410x547, 750cd34ce44aff8c9a4573be2d14f9b4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To the Anons trying to figure out living without the benefit of industrial society's gilded cage of trash pickup, septic lines and cheap power ("durrr it's cold so just burn more electricity by turning up da heat") here's some life changing technologies to get you started.
>Cob houses
>Composting toilets
>Copicing or dried, ground and pellet-ized bamboo for heat
>Rocket Mass Heater
>Biointensive Organic Gardening and/or Permaculture(tm)
The old ways are stable ways. Book related.

>> No.30375401

Any tips on how to manage rural land for an urbanfag who's lived in the city his whole life? I just want nothing more than to be self-sustainable on a farm.

>> No.30375422

Lone Tree, Castle Pines, Highlands Ranch, and Parker if you want the south end. Evergreen if you want to be up in the mountains but still 20 min away from the city. Ad Eerie if you want a small homestead. Also really liked Broomfield on the North end

>> No.30375428

Exactly anon. Even more so if you have cash and the time, city life is the way to go..

>> No.30375485

You must be over 18 to post here.

>> No.30375496

>just stay away from the west coast,
wut for real?

>> No.30375537

avoid the triple threat, well, septic and propane.
1/3 at most

>> No.30375556 [DELETED] 
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>> No.30375562

Fuck I made my own could park a tractor over it ain't caving

>> No.30375566

is there a job that will pay me to learn how to drive an excavator and skidsteer? It would be awesome to have those skills under my belt. From what I've heard on youtube videos, it isn't insanely expensive to rent a small excavator or skidsteer for a day and during the time you have one of them you can move around so much dirt. Digging big holes is effortless and you can flatten out your ground if it's all hill-like.

>> No.30375570

Try Ashfork, Arizona

>> No.30375580

That's the super rich or live in Bolivia in style. But even to get trades like an electrician or roofer, it's a pain since they don't like the distance. I dealt with it and even offered extra cash for jobs. Such a pain....

>> No.30375587

>Pay for power hookup, $20k
>Pay for water hookup, $20k
>Put in an "improved" driveway so you can park without a ticket $5k
>septic system $15k
>Permits to put a mobile home on it: $50k and 5 years of time
>now you owe $3000 a year in property tax
>Give 8% of sale price to the real estate jew
Congrats all your time and effort and you made nothing

>> No.30375630

If youre a city dweller moving out. Remember vote red or G T F O. Also gunshots in the woods are normal. Having a sports car is normal. Peeing in your yard is normal. Dogs off leashes and kids safely playing on quiet streets is normal. Riding ATVs is normal.

If you disagree with any of that keep your faggot liberal horseshit IN THE CITY.

>> No.30375669

Even dealing with people for work, selling something, buying something, family, friends, trades people, ect....

>> No.30375678
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Are you dumb. They have some of the highest taxes and strictest laws on guns. WA is a maybe (I live here now) but King county (Seattle) is starting to try and make the state like CA level of bullshit.

>> No.30375679

Yeah I dont feel like being killed by a tornado. But thanks anyway

>> No.30375689
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The book in >>30375384 will get you started thinking like less of a consoomer and give you multiple suites of traditional technologies to choose from. Can't recommend it enough to normies. For the nitty gritty logistics and math of land management, check out "5 Acres and Independence" by M. G. Kains and "Holistic Management" by Alan Savory. Good luck Anon.

>> No.30375705

Good get the fuck out nobody wants your poverty stricken ass in a city anyway

>> No.30375719

You mind clarifying?

>> No.30375750

Thanks anon I'll look into them. Anything general I should know?

>> No.30375766

this. it's incredible what cunts they are considering how much libshits bitch about respecting cultures

>> No.30375771

This. Only people with true class live in penthouses in the city. Miss me with that poorfag shit.

>> No.30375781

For the anons talking about Maine. Its fucking dark and cold most of the year, not much here. It gets real cold too not what youre thinking unless youve lived up north. Outside of portland area/southeast coast and bangor area to an extent there aint shit and I dont think its that pozzed. Fair amount of dem voting but my understanding is its working class welfare voters not your SF turbo lib types. Portland is the same as Portland OR though. Gun laws are great, always top three safest states, people are polite and no huge meth problem like outwest, more of a heroin place i guess. kinda the new zealand of america. biz enviroment sucks and so do taxes. Tbh if you can find a spot in the whit mountains of new hampshire that might be better from a governing standpoint. it will be more expensive and have higher property taxes but your crypto taxes will be lower and no sales tax. I dont think most of you anons will like true rural. Get to a smaller town or far out suburbs without crime or too much pop density, have some space and good neighbors, get some prep stuff and enjoy.

>> No.30375861

Find a small city with rich people and you get the best of both worlds......

>> No.30375911

You'll have to be mindful of basic necessities like water, sewage, internet, and electricity. Since you'll be in a rural area you'll might be on septic and well water. It's not a really a bad thing you'll just need to be not retarded and know how to deal with problems. Also if you live in a place with heavy snow a stockpile of food/water would be a good idea because you maybe snowed in for a while and no one to plow the roads.

>> No.30375927
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Used some crypto gains, and just paid cash for 14 acres with an older double wide trailer and huge shop on it. Will build a real house on the property in a few years, but for now feeling real comfy.

>> No.30375964

Nice man. Maybe one day we'll all make it like you.

>> No.30376023

Where please?

>> No.30376024

that map sucked

>> No.30376027

i went to a private christian school, the owner was an old veteran who walked around campus with his pistol. They kept the ZOG shit out, trust me

>> No.30376034
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You know it anon. I love penthouse living and plan on living in penthouses around the world for 5 months of the year. I live a house the rest of the year.....

>> No.30376056

>it isn't insanely expensive to rent a small excavator or skidsteer for a day
you don't need a job to learn. it's intuitive and can be picked up the first hour you're in it. have you driven a forklift?

>> No.30376080
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In general, read the Green Wizardry book first. But also get over your need to be excessively clean. "Biophobia" is usually the big limiting factor on ex-urbanites. If the idea of composting your own poop for a year (it turns into clean and odourless soil) or keeping a bin full of squirming dirty worms gives you the heebie jeebies, you have some work to do. Start by getting your hands dirty in potting soil from the store, try to find somebody who can teach you to gut a fish, etc. Nature is dirty, and you are a part of nature. Remember, you can always clean up at the sink later, and things like the stench of compost and organic fertilizer have been blown out of proportion, but your days of no smells whatsoever and immacculate fingernails are over if you go rural.

>> No.30376104

Don't buy flood zone land!

>> No.30376119

driving to the grocery store, $20 dollars
searching the aisles, 2 hours
checkout, 1 hour
pay for food, $500
taxes, $20 dollars
Congrats you've starved to death

>> No.30376129

haha I did it all in a year and paid what i said. your fault for doing it in a cucked state.

>> No.30376152

Lol have fun with your homeless people. That was one of the reasons why I moved from the city. That and all of the migrants. Cities are just petri dishes of shit with little positives.

>> No.30376170

it's that cheap because it's cold for half the year

>> No.30376190

trying to interpret what he said, if you have land with all three of those you're going to have a bad time. try to get hooked up to at least 2 public utilities

>> No.30376206

oh God it's staked, I forgot, I'm done for lmao
good I didn’t go for this trash they tried to shill on /biz/ today
my portfolio with yvs and their staking system. top pearl on yield market with modern options

>> No.30376222

What bullshit state do you live in?

>> No.30376258

Southern, mosquitoes year round, northern, 6 month break and a food cup of coffee keeps you warm in anything above 20 f. Im homesteading In the northeast.

>> No.30376262
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comfy af

>> No.30376274

That actually sounds really nice. I'd love to live genuinely like that for once.

>> No.30376277

No thanks that's full of sand niggers and sand Nigger laws

>> No.30376278


>low maintenance

I love when incels try to larp as farmers

>> No.30376303
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You think there are no homeless people living rural? Anon......

>> No.30376320
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>Don't buy flood zone land!
This. Pay to have the soil tested for heavy metals, get the flood plain specs from the seller, your agent or the local government. Have the water tested for sulphur (the stench is just not worth it) and ask about the history of the land. Having an old logging road that was torn up decades ago still allows various compounds from the asphalt or gravel to leach into the soil, and that WILL affect the fertility of your crops. Also, if the previous owners have been shooting guns into the side of a hill, find out where. Lead seeps into the soil, runs off in water to your well and gets sucked up by any crops you grow, and it's near impossible to remove without removing all the soil or spending decades growing bioaccumulator plants and then harvesting and shipping them to medical incinerators that scrub the ashes for the lead.

>> No.30376329

Resale value will depend mostly on location. If the location is in high demand then the resale value with increase.

>> No.30376428


>> No.30376461

>semi retired early
care to elaborate? 23 and looking for what qualifies for that kind of lifestyle, I've got about $70k in link and a $75k salary rn

>> No.30376509

I know there is, but they like to stay near the outskirts of cities. Even then it's far less concentrated. My family owns a ranch/hunting lease in west TX and never saw one homeless person in my whole life until I moved to WA. I live in a city with less than 30K people and there's homeless people fucking everywhere.

>> No.30376525

These may be flood zone

>> No.30376552

>they need socialization
Homeschool them and just enroll them in sports.

>> No.30376605

The industrial revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for all the reigns

>> No.30376729

I made a lot of money as a stock trader mainly swing trading, but will scalp trades when I can. I have no mortgage on my house and have enough cash to trade now just for fun and not for money.

>> No.30376879
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All over the west coast there are thousands of homeless camps from 1 tent to giant city like slab city. That place is out of a video game or Burning Man.

>> No.30376923
File: 776 KB, 1207x1622, 117592251_605798326775207_905840281890869739_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is mine, only paid 40 something a square foot new 28x60. only has to last until i can build a ranch house that will last hundreds of years if taken care of or the rest of my life if shit really goes bad.

>> No.30377020

>All over the west coast
Well there's your fucking problem.

>> No.30377092

I thought you could only compost herbivore poop (like cows and horses) for good soil?

>> No.30377116

ahh you mean all the way west coast. nvm

>> No.30377125

Great info here, thanks anon.

>> No.30377154
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>The industrial revolution and its consequences have been a disaster
"The big problem is that people don't believe a revolution is possible, and it's not possible precisely because they do not believe it is possible."

>> No.30377162

I take multivitamins, I'm sure my poop can feed acres of crops with nutrients

>> No.30377197

how'd you pay off the mortgage? trade gains?

>> No.30377222

>not a crazy leftist
Thank you for inviting me to join your community anon :)

>> No.30377331

I have never lived less than 30 minutes from a hospital and I made it to 25 so I don't know how dangerous it really is, dude.

>> No.30377337
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How about the bugs living rural? Ticks, mosquitos? Lyme disease is no joke....

>> No.30377343

Let's talk home gyms. Any rural anons got a nice power rack and barbell set-up in their garage or something similar?

>> No.30377397

white citadels are the future, large blocks of land are useful if only to ensure you have space between you and the next potential non-white, but closed communities are the ultimate solution

>not crazy

>> No.30377449

There's fucking bugs everywhere anon. Especially in rural areas. Though unless you're roughing it in the woods and going through brush you don't really need to worry about it.

>> No.30377451

If you have a pond on or our near your property, or you're near a major run-off or flood zone area, the mosquitoes will be annoying in the warm months. You can spray for them unless you're worried about chemicals. Keep a stock of good bug spray.

>> No.30377452

I like living on the lake.

>> No.30377454

>200-300k range with 10+ acres
depending on the state that amount of money could buy you 1000's of acres. some would require you to build a house or fix up the exisitng cabin/cottage that's on the property but depending on your taste it may be fine the way it is.

>> No.30377638
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>ima gonna make it
No, you're going back

>> No.30377799

What advice do you need ? Find a place you like and buy it.

>> No.30377851

Those bugs are a major pain since they are spreading Into new areas. The lonestar tick and asian tiger mosquito are spreading rapidly across the states and the diseases they carry are heavy duty...

>> No.30378012

full house checked.

>> No.30378263 [DELETED] 


>> No.30378292

>i let a lot of time go to waste due to depression
man this comment his me like a freight train my bizraelites :( I wish I could go back in time

>> No.30378306

Is it too late for a 27 year old cancuk to make it in cryptos or stocks? My degree is worthless and I have a lot of debt but I really wanna make it.

>> No.30378333
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>> No.30378391

Look nigga, we were well on the way to a 3 day work week but major industry knew it amd kick started the marketing industry to sell endless amounts of unnecessary shit.

>> No.30378429

I heard having fish in your pond is very effective at getting rid off misquito larvae. Any truth to this?
Wouldn't mind having a nice koi pond with lily pads

>> No.30378445


>> No.30378447

wow sweet 2 million dollar house. Good starter home for 19 year olds who make 300k a year as consultants.

>> No.30378509
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How about weeds? There are nasty weeds invading like Japanese Knotweed that will destroy property values. I had to deal with that and I was so lucky it was a small spot on bedrock that cost a chuck of change to get rid of....

>> No.30378558

It's called "pigs", nigger.

>> No.30378592


>> No.30378599
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Cities are dying because of diversity.

>> No.30378670

High chance of getting mugged and you can’t concealed carry weapons without a permit from the Sheriff’s office, which they just ghost you over.

>> No.30378672

What a surprise the land you rent from the U.S. government isn't yours. After all property tax is really just rent.

>> No.30378705

Which cod. Seems familiar but i havent play cod in a long time

>> No.30378706
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You can't have pigs patrol every inch of your property....

>> No.30378734

You can also build bat-houses to encourage them to eat your bugs.

t. suburbanite currently reading Green Wizardry

>> No.30378755

there are people with boar infestations that let people freely hunt on their land to get the population under control cause they patrol every inch of the property and wreck shit

>> No.30378770


>> No.30378783

It’s called being white and respectable and saying “golly officer, I didn’t know you couldn’t do that! It’s just all these BEE ELL EM protestors I don’t trust!”

In the 1:1000000 chance you get stopped and frisked anyways

>> No.30378794

I can actually afford this and still be 6 figures kek. You think I can rent it out as "cozy woods living" to npcs at a rate of $1k a week? 20 weeks and its paid itself off xD

>> No.30378823

This is the house that they found an underground grow op back in the illegal days hehe

>> No.30378878
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Main fear of rural living are the pyschos who are aware of that fact. If they disarm you it's game over.

>> No.30378882

You have the same chance of getting broken into living rural since all the time spent driving and being away from the property....

>> No.30378980
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Ive never even had a gf. Id be fine besides being spooked if i start hearing noises

Also this.

>> No.30378997


>> No.30379007

This is that house from Modern warfare 2. I want.

>> No.30379038

I forgot about those. I really detest those creatures. One of my most hated creatures on the planet.

>> No.30379053

Based anon.

>> No.30379054

I don’t believe that at all, most people who break into shit around NY and LA don’t have cars because they are homeless, oh yeah did I mention all the drugged out homeless that get caught and released doing crimes in the same day? You pay all these taxes to have the privilege of living somewhere dirty and has high crime.

>> No.30379098

USDA Loan . Com

>> No.30379143

Whats with the mask he's wearing? Also does the plant you referenced dig its roots down to bedrock?

>> No.30379204

Don't buy. Build
Right now you're getting fucked over because of all the citiots who fled covid. Buy some acres and just build on it. It's cheaper than you think

>> No.30379294
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He is spraying some herbicide most likely but the plant is resistant to most now. Japanese Hogweed is like a weapon unleashed on the west....

>> No.30379319

my parents had a second home in near-rural wisconsin when i was growing up. we had a bat house and it was great. there was some swampy area on the property but the bats kept the bugs at bay. also, at dusk, the bats come out and will play with things if you throw them in the air for them, like a tennis ball. and they don't fuck with you otherwise
anybody have any experience setting up a port-opotty on new land before installing a septic system? can you just buy one and use it relatively indefinitely until you have a permanent solution?

>> No.30379402

Private schools are a fraudulent good grades factory for dim bulb children of the wealthy who cannot cut it academically in public school.

>> No.30379428

Here is some stats on rural vs urban crime.


>> No.30379478

>if on your if

>> No.30379549
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Your own source contradicts what you said before

>> No.30379629

you want piped water not well water
you want Nat gas instead of propane
you want sewer instead of septic.

try to get 2/3 of these. usually a septic tank is fine but requires maintenance, propane or heat oil is EXPENSIVE and well water is a nightmare compared to water lines

>> No.30379784

I'm just saying that people who think there is no crime rural are greatly mistaken. You can't escape crime by leaving the city or the problems of homeless people. It's spreading quickly to the smallest of towns....

>> No.30379852
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Godspeed and God bless, anon

OP, lots of good advice in this thread. All I can add is that in addition to getting any house you are considering buying inspected, you should also have a geoscientist or similar engineer do a survey of the land for you to tell you what can be done with it regarding building sites, and maybe also in terms of agriculture if they know about that too. Water well depth and quality is critical as well, septic situation too. Good luck mate.

Homeschooled kids come out smarter and better socialized than public school inmates. Look it up.

>> No.30379961

Holy shit, those beach neighborhoods are wild, man.

>> No.30380001

Kinda shocked seeing this honestly, wonder how bad the seller needs the cash. Britbong though prices suck dick here

>> No.30380151

Nope Washington is big gay too. I spent 9 months innawoods around the outskirts of mt rainier and Weyerhaeuser has raped tons of forest. They keep the scenic areas green but it's impossible to go 20+ miles uncle Ted style innawoods thanks to those niggers
Try northern Idaho, literally zero work but shouldn't matter if you make it with nerdcoins

>> No.30380158

Don't buy potential flood land.

>> No.30380208
File: 50 KB, 840x460, home.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those homes are so epic anon. Day trading in one of those homes with my own private beach a few months a year in winter. That city is epic......