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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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30358897 No.30358897 [Reply] [Original]

>Make it thread
>90% of responses want to move to a 3rd world country to finally get a gf

So are most of /biz just loser weebs who want to gets nonwhite wife with no rights

>> No.30359307

I got an Asian wife before I made it but she's born in America. So yes and no. And I haven't made it.

>> No.30359331


>> No.30359447

Why would you do this to yourself? ~_~

>> No.30359518

That's what I like. To each his own.

>> No.30359523


>> No.30359583


Same here, I’m in 6 figure hell and I have a Chinese American gf

>> No.30359643

only bottom of the barrel huwhites go after asian girls, so yeah

>> No.30359713

I'd prefer a white wife with no rights but what's wrong with that? Women are feral.

Personally my make it dream is being hunkered down in a bunker deep in the Appalachian mountains while the IFL keeps trying to invade and drone strike me and they keep dying in my mine field and remote operated hidden turrets.

>> No.30359762
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Everyone here dreams of fucking hookers after they make it, barely anyone talks about making friends or doing any normal stuff

>> No.30359802
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I already live in a thirld world country with a qt gf. I just want to make enough money to never have to work again, is easier here because our currency worth a lot less than the USD, and there is no tax on crypto. and im already live in the good classy part of the town so the concept of nigger is alien to me. play with the cards you have, amd wagmi

>> No.30359948

>Everyone here dreams of fucking hookers after they make it,

Which is weird. You'd think they'd have confidence bybrhen

>> No.30359992

>want to gets nonwhite wife with no rights
Who doesn't?

>> No.30360060

All i want is a couple mil to be able to live in a respectable condo, give up waging, and turn my bespoke perfume side hustle into an indie fragrance brand

>> No.30360072

They’re just burgers who’ve never left the country (Mexico and Canada do not count)
>t. burger who actually lived a couple years in japan and was blessed with disillusionment

>> No.30360122

I am 26 years old and I never even kissed a girl

>> No.30360325

i haven’t lived in asia but i lived elsewhere for 2 years. it was fun, women were hot even if i make it with 7 figs. i wouldn’t be able to splurge in the west.

>> No.30360412


I assume they never left their mom's basement. Reading those threads is like reading fanfic comments who thinks everything is sunshine and lollipops

>> No.30360628

>women were hot even if i make it with 7 figs.

Your post basically says you get zero action in the west so you need a poor 3rd world wife

>> No.30360954

what about japan

>> No.30361078

Uh, I am 25 and never even kissed or held hands with a girl romantically.

I asked four women out in the last 10 years and was always rejected. By almost every other metric, I am a total winner, I even did boxing and I have a master degree, I even reach 6 feet in height. If I lowered my standards enough I could date/marry some western woman. But why would anyone do that? Those women I asked out were carefully filtered, I chose the nicest and sweetest and at the end of the day I was wrong about all of them. They were trash like most other girls and I just avoided troubles. Smart and rich men should look to Eastern Europe, the amount of gold diggers is similar, they are just more honest about it

>> No.30361211

Imagine unironically thinking like this. Incel in wild. You remind me of my retarded coworker who think he's cream of the crop. We make big money and he thinks women should like him simply because he fulfills qualities he thinks everyone wants. It's vain and disgusting.

>> No.30361262

>To each his own.
Ah the catchphrase of the eternal loser

>> No.30361263

>wanting women with rights
It's the same thing as being a literal cuck.

>> No.30361415

If I make it I will build a house for my mom and grandma, and one for myself. Wouldn't move anywhere since I'm already a third worlder. I think I would just travel around and read, all while trying not to reveal my finances to anybody.

>> No.30361501

You can't have friends after becoming rich, everyone knows that. You can't be friends with people poorer than you because their envy and/or greed gets in the way, and old money sees you as a newrichfag and other newrichfags see you as a target to exploit.

>> No.30361503

>asked four women out in the last 10 years and was always rejected.

LoL. That's hilarious

>> No.30361528

I just want to be able to do what I want when I want, AI want to be able to go to the gym at 2pm or maybe 12pm or maybe even 8pm,I want to be able to afford a nice big shed to work on my cars anytime I like, I want to be able to tell my boss to fuck off and walk out of my boring mediocre job, I want freedom

>> No.30361617

>cooking up hapa children who have identity issues

>> No.30361623

what's stopping you from doing it right now?

>> No.30361651

>Imagine unironically thinking like this

What's so bizzarre about it?

> We make big money and he thinks women should like him simply because he fulfills qualities he thinks everyone wants.

That sounds absolutely reasonable.

>It's vain and disgusting.

I mean, you can say it, but it doesn't make it true. You simply described someone who thinks he has positive qualities that people look for.

I mean, are you sure he is the retarded one?

>> No.30361690


Basically. And you know these dad cucks will be wondering where they went wrong....

>> No.30361714

Fuck wh*te w*men honestly

>> No.30361732

If you say so

>> No.30361759

>What's so bizzarre about it?

Just cause you got lucky doesn't mean women will love you. Or that people will want to be friends with you. You're still a loser

>> No.30361812

I don't see a logical connection between the question and your answer

>> No.30361843

Yes he is. He is exactly like the poster when it comes to women. Rejected and bitches and moans that woman are not capable of making their own decisions and that all woman are bitches and hoes. My coworker thinks the world and the people around him owes him something.

No one is under any obligation to like you for anything you have to offer whatsoever.

>> No.30361929

Most of the autists here have rotted their brains with porn and have subsequently set absurdly high standards for potential mates that nobody will ever, ever fulfill, so they're mostly doomed to die alone.

>> No.30361944

Pretty much nailed it, /biz/ is full of people who are unable to get laid unless they hire a prostitute AKA fincels. NGMI

>> No.30361974

Money won't make people like you. You're being obtuse & probably are an incel

>> No.30362006
File: 2.51 MB, 720x404, Giga Chad Gives Looksmaxx Advice For Incels.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I asked four women out in the last 10 years and was always rejected
um I think that your haircut might be an issue here

>> No.30362015

Where do you live?

>> No.30362025

The truth is most of us have no clue what to do with this money...
All this time I thought what I needed was to make it and now that I am rich I have no clue what to do.
Imagination is the only limit, but 4chan doesn't help in this case as it only pushes us to become NEETs...

>> No.30362039

you dunno what women want anon, Eastern European women will run you over and use you. I dunno where this rumour came from that those women are submissive they are in fact dominant and their local men are strong . Money alone means little when it comes to women even third worlders, sure you might get laid with it but the same girl will duck out the window to fuck the chad down the road with no job who “gets it” and makes her feel a certain way

>> No.30362043

>that woman are not capable of making their own decisions

They are capable. That doesn't mean they make good decisions. They don't, as far as I can tell.

>No one is under any obligation to like you for anything you have to offer whatsoever.

Ok, but we weren't talking about "obligations". The guy thinks he has qualities people want. If he has positive qualities people look for it is reasonable that he expects to be liked. Again, are you sure he is the retarded one?

>> No.30362055

I want a portable wood fired pizza oven imported from Italy so I can make nice pizzas for my frens.

>> No.30362087

Heterosexual relationships don't work in economic zones where the state has supplanted the role of men. Simple as.

>> No.30362106

Lern to play the game giganigger.
Show obvious interest, then fuck off.
If they want you, they'll pursue. Simple.

>> No.30362126

>Money won't make people like you.

Who said otherwise? Did I write it somewhere?

>> No.30362175

You clearly fill no desirable qualities that’s why women won’t fuck you

>> No.30362182

Here’s the thing friends.

Pussy is, more or less, all the same no matter where you go. The only difference is how hard it is to get for you. For example, if you were a nigger, would you go looking for a gf at a klan rally? So why look in America where pussy is severely overvalued?

Go to Bangkok, Manila, Russia, etc. women will basically shove their fertile pussy in exchange for some white genetics or a couple hot meals.

>> No.30362196

I have done that. It seemed to work until she realized I am right wing. She was nice but the bleeding heart type

>> No.30362211


Yeah by planning on moving to another country....

>> No.30362236

>They are capable. That doesn't mean they make good decisions. They don't, as far as I can tell.
So you base your entire perspective of woman on your failed attempts at relationships?

>Again, are you sure he is the retarded one?
Yes he's 44 and single and can't hold a relationship for more than a month. He has a house a 100k car and bitches about being single. His tinder profile are pictures of him being an ultra faggot with money. If he can't figure out why women won't be in a relationship with his red-flag ass then maybe he is a retard.

>> No.30362253
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A whole 4 women huh? Try 20...

>> No.30362254

I am not planning anything at the moment. I just gave advice on where to look for women based on my experience

>> No.30362259
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Based, when I make it I'm going to rent myself a gf from russia or ukraine, as you said they are open about it and will definitely agree to be with you for your money. Not for too long though because eventually I will get bored by the same whore and then will be the time to just rent another one

>> No.30362265

You sound like a feminized retard.

> /biz/ why do young men want to go somewhere where they are appreciated and women actually act like women? wow what a bunch of loser weebs

You're fucking braindead.

>> No.30362316

Medellin, Colombia

>> No.30362318

>So you base your entire perspective of woman on your failed attempts at relationships?

Of course not

>Yes he's 44 and single and can't hold a relationship for more than a month.

You mean he pumps and dumps them? Or do they leave him? That's weird

>> No.30362363

That’s because you’re talking to a bitter roastie. There’s a screencap floating around of how to identify women by their writing style. I’m sure someone will post it.

>> No.30362385

This, the whole western world is in the grip of massive pussy inflation atm, can't wait for the bubble to pop desu

>> No.30362496

unironically because the government interferes with price discovery by outlawing prostitution

>> No.30362522

I want a stinky hairy <5’ 90 lb waifu to love and breed

>> No.30362530
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no amount of shitcoin money will make you experience this

>> No.30362539

On paper I do. I am not disfigured, if you are wondering. I look normal, i get told I have a good profile too

>> No.30362545
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>implying living in remote patagonia as a hermit earning $3000 a month passively and enjoying the extremely low cost of living isn't the most based existence possible

>> No.30362546

Ok, keep investing in silver and white wives op

>> No.30362618

>biz/ why do young men want to go somewhere where they are appreciated

LoL. I know you're socially retarded but 3rd world people like western people because of money. You are unironically socially retarded

>> No.30362625

That has to hurt, sorry monke bro

>> No.30362645

I have experienced it, but since tinder was invented they all have the thousand cock stare and can't pair-bond anymore.

>> No.30362695

That’ll never happen with the amount of simps in the west, it’s gonna stay propped up forever. All sluts in the west want the top 10% of guys (chads) and don’t mind sharing them, the other 90 they may fuck on occasion and use for resources, then settle down with once they’ve slammed past the wall (30-35+) while still banging chads on the side occasionally

>> No.30362725

>3rd world people like western people because of money.

Some of them like western people because they consider white skin a status symbol. The polar opposite of the situation in the west.

>> No.30362866

In many countries prostitution is legal but pussy is still overrated.

>> No.30362880

Between tinder and Instagram even a 5/10 can get a hundred messages a day from new, horny guys, some chads and even simps wanting to buy them things for their attention so it’s easy mode for them, imagine using tinder as a guy and 80-90% of swipes are matches who wanna meet with no bs, then that number moves up the hotter they get

>> No.30362901


LoL. You really are delusional. Poors will literally "like" anyone with money.

Good luck to you though. Just don't get killed.

>> No.30362909

Honestly any of you burgers saying you want east European women don’t have a bloody clue. They’d eat you for breakfast.

>> No.30362918

yea pretty much. not my first rodeo. I already married once like that and have a kid in grade school. i'm hoping for a second try once I have a cushy 7 figure pillow. Probably need one more cycle if there is even a cycle left after this.

>> No.30362954

You do realize those two things are not mutually exclusive? You can like someone for their money AND because they have traits you appreciate

>> No.30362960

Philippino girls literally fantasize about being impregnated by BWC. Trust me, I've done my research.

>> No.30362966

i posted in one of the UK threads that i was looking to buy a house in London and some dweeb was like " nooooo with that money you could retire somewhere noooo" -- yeah, some god foresaken shit-hole living off fucking rice and beans forever. i got a wife and two kids man (japanese, natch), some people on here are beyond help.

>> No.30362991

imagine living your life after what someone else thinks is "ideal" he's happy you're not, end of story.

>> No.30363061

>3rd world people like western people because of money
No fucking shit retard. There's nothing wrong with that. Both parties benefit from it.

>unironically socially retarded
Think whatever you want. I've dated western women where i've lived most my life and also banged asian roasties who throw themselves at you for nothing other than being white when i was an english teacher after uni.

>> No.30363107

I have met Eastern European women, they are more traditionally feminine, colder than Western women and way, way tougher. If you are a spineless little shit they will lose interest in you on their own, otherwise it's probably going to be fine

>> No.30363130

Yea that guy seems like a massive faggot

>> No.30363150

Why do you say this? I am European myself but don’t agree

>> No.30363178

LoL. So many angry white incels.

>> No.30363196

>people are able to 2x or more their portfolio
>can't talk to women
Redpill to anyone who can't find a girl IRL
1. Use dating apps. Reinstall if you have to
2. Add many different photos (while travelling is very preferred)
3. Create a description that is not a meme. Don't be funny. Say what you like to do and give her hope she will have fun with you
4. Never swipe. Ever. Just swipe back whoever swipes you first
t. going on a date next week

>> No.30363213

what are you doing here, Chad?

>> No.30363249

Why would anyone want an Asian gf?

Their legs are short and fucked up, they have no tits nor ass and have a huge head

>> No.30363266

They behave like women. Simple as.

>> No.30363290

I’m from the uk. I know these people. Friends of mine have married them. They don’t like never been kissed autists

>> No.30363298

The reason I want a woman without rights, is that I've had many with rights. They are unbearable egocentric and useless for a man.

>> No.30363357

What happened to your dad and grandpa?

>> No.30363387

Didnt read, never selling my future nippon gf. Seethe harder white roast

>> No.30363390

you're implying asia is the only place with poor people.
also where in the united states could i cruise around for a homeless gf or a stripper gf

>> No.30363400

>They don’t like never been kissed autists

I can be charming, believe it or not. Of those four rejections, I am fairly sure 50% happened because of politics. It was an university environment. As soon as I get my first kiss, I will lose the status of never been kissed.

>> No.30363418

Is mochimo? A good coin

>> No.30363465

m*ttoid hands typed this post

>> No.30363497

Why the fuck would you talk politics with a girl?

>> No.30363507

i had this and i fucked it up
got to keep living somehow, so might as well get that shitcoin money

>> No.30363524

>I am fairly sure 50% happened because of politics.
>As soon as I get my first kiss, I will lose the status of never been kissed.
i'm fairly sure it's because you're a retard, i doubt it's politics

>> No.30363530


>> No.30363584

>No one is under any obligation to like you for anything you have to offer whatsoever.
So why is that anon obliged to follow your retarded moralfagging and not fuck third world women? People who say this only mean it as long as it suits them. What if I stop paying taxes, who will pay for your HRT then you retarded faggot?

>> No.30363627

And so what? Why is that so important? Maybe stop using normies as the standard you compare yourself to. Go at your own pace.

>> No.30363631

Kek, they heard me talking about it, I never tried to speak of politics with them, I am not that retarded.

>> No.30363678

Well, thanks for your opinion, those two things are not mutually exclusive though.

>> No.30363866
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>If you are a spineless little shit they will lose interest in you on their own
If you are not pretty enough no woman will ever have interest in you so this goes for other women as well.
I'm from eastern europe and can confirm that it's relatively easy to buy/rent them. I have even some experience in this shit because I rented my neigbour's friend to my prom and she was more than happy to take money from me and did what she was told to i.e dance with me etc
So when I make it I will just buy one for a couple of months because they are soo pretty, Russian and Ukrainian women are the most beautiful

>> No.30363870

>what are you doing here, Chad?

Well it's supposed to be /biz

>> No.30363896

most of biz are neets anon

>> No.30363941

this isn't the end of the world pal. that said don't get too caught up on it -- i was a bit late into the game and i'd built it up as a 'thing' far too much in my head. when it all happened i kinda thought "oh, right" and felt silly because none of it is a huge deal. so, not saying its happening to you, but don't let yourself hold you back, if you know what i mean.

>> No.30364040

Do you really need a woman in your life?

>> No.30364207

i’m not even white. kys

>> No.30364955
File: 28 KB, 452x364, 157710761_4224255987586002_5575579957266845286_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been divorced twice, this last one absolutely cleaned me out to bankruptcy. I'm 34 and starting over with absolutely nothing.

Fuck girls when you want, just go out and not be a weirdo I don't even see the problem some of you are facing unless your faces are horribly mangled. Women want to fuck like men.

The only problem is I married one of the sluts. Don't do that. A lot of you are hoping enough money can turn some slut into a house wife.

>> No.30365511

just buy HOGE, put all your fucking life savings in this shit, and close your eyes during the ride to the moon cause its gonna be wild

>> No.30365543

I just want a nerdy qt who rejects the globohomo. Sluts are succubus.

>> No.30365558

i'm almost a millionaire thanks to HOGE at this point, started last month with 1k USD

>> No.30365682

its not hard to find a slightly autistic girl on the internet who likes anime, where do you think they all hang out? Just don't reveal your politics, or get a feel for what they believe in and just alter it a bit until you influence them properly. my mistake is that my future ex wife walked into my house for the first time and saw Mein Kampf and sat down and read it. I somehow thought that was a good thing instead of her just being curious.

>> No.30365960

Correct, you got any problem with people dating outside their race? Are you a fucking racist perhaps?

>> No.30366047


Jesus even I managed to get laid while I was broke as shit

I feel like I could spot a /biz/cel in the wild

Their schlumpy yellow fever wife in tow

>> No.30366103

I was really into asians when I was watching wmaf porn almost exclusively for like 2 years. A week after giving up porn I started looking at them like ugly flat-faced gooks again. Porn really changes your natural inclinations.

>> No.30366304

>slightly autistic girl on the internet who likes anime
Those are trannies fren and the are certainly not women

>> No.30366344

>No one is under any obligation to like you for anything you have to offer whatsoever.
Then why does he have an obligation to society if its not going to offer him anything? Are you a woman by any chance? That would explain how retarded you are.

>> No.30366505
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>> No.30366567

I don't disagree brother. I don't like anime or weird autistic girls in particular, at this point I just want a blue collar Texan woman so I moved back from the PNW recently.

>> No.30366638

>Woman looking into camera and pretending its intimate
Zoom out and realize how fucking stupid the scene looks in 3rd person with the guy recording his gf in bed right in her face. You retards are only after caricatures.

>> No.30367024

How did you meet her? I think asian girls are hot but I’m not particularly interested in asian culture so I’d like one born in America. Can you tell me what you did to get one?

>> No.30367111

It's just shills and bait. Nobody in their right mind would racemix. I was an incel wwhy i was a leftist, but as /pol/ thaught me, women actually like when you pretend to not care about them.

>> No.30367197

Incel cope. It's always neckbeard losers, kikes and divorced men making these posts.

>> No.30367400
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I have this but I'm a narcissist. Every 6 months or so I meet a girl that falls in love with me. Everytime I tell them from the start, I'm building myself, haven't had a "girlfriend" for 9 years, don't want kids. They always think the will win my heart over.. it's sad cycle really.

>> No.30367491

>i was a leftist
>Incel cope
I see some of those traits carried over

>> No.30367591

>no rights
Yes. As opposed to what, some woke cunt in her 30s that's been dicked down by 200 guys?I'm all set. The BTC to wife exchange rate is pretty good in the ME right now

>> No.30367732
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>don't want kids

>> No.30367796

This is beta male cope the chances of your marriage working is basically a coin flip (check the stats) % has increased to more than half with covid life. If the water pipes in your house had a 60% chance of breaking down and leaking every time they are used you would not consider the water system your house to be working, it would be a serious problem. Throw as much ad-hominems in as you want, but you seem incredibly ignorant and straight up delusional. If you were actually having lots of relationship experience you would understand what is being discussed.

>> No.30367935

Should I donate frequently to sperm banks? I wouldn't mind having my seed flow. Who knows what kind of inferior female genes would be out there mixing with myn though...

>> No.30369311
