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File: 279 KB, 1245x1140, The Big Silver Short.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
30343386 No.30343386 [Reply] [Original]

>/pmg/'s now getting deleted
>getting banned for posting in /pmg/

First they ignore you,
Then they laugh at you,
Then they fight you,
Then you win.

>> No.30343436

yeah, wtf is this?

>> No.30343501

Youre buying shiny rocks, go to /x/ or something.

>> No.30343519
File: 248 KB, 1234x557, precious metal price manipulation.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Friendly reminder that the manipulation and suppression of commodity prices, particularly precious metals, is the KEY to keeping the entire paper ponzi scheme we call a global economy afloat.

Why do you think anytime a middle eastern leader gets idea's about breaking free from OPEC or the USD - they are inevitably invaded, their nations upheaved and swiftly a (((democracy)) is imposed upon them?

Buying physical gold and silver is, quite literally, pulling the rug out from underneath the international curly haired clique of money lenders.

>> No.30343524

Sorry anon, but the reality is at any point they can announce they have found a silver mining deposit somewhere or a meteor filled with silver they plan to mine by 2025 and it'd crash Silver.

Yes, Silver is manipulated, but a short squeeze is not possible as they can continue fudding it.

>> No.30343629

yeah, fuck shiny rocks. you should buy digital pogs instead

>> No.30343683
File: 692 KB, 1866x701, SLV prospectus(updated on the right).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sorry anon, but the reality is at any point they can announce they have found a silver mining deposit somewhere or a meteor filled with silver they plan to mine by 2025 and it'd crash Silver.

a) if they can do this at any point, why havent they already?

b) how would this fantasy of yours physically take place?

c) the short squeeze is possible, and its working (pic related)

d) for the sake of argument, lets pretend its not working and it cant work. what then? what is your solution?

>> No.30343715
File: 170 KB, 720x1148, Beef Bullion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30343794

I recently started buying some silver 1oz coins in homeless tier amounts, should I continue?

>> No.30343836
File: 808 KB, 2080x1608, YUKON CORNELIUS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30343920

Shooting shit into space with fancy gasoline still. I'm feeling pretty good buying earth rocks and shorting the space rock market for the foreseeable future.

>> No.30343998

Wtf we already are at the fight phase. Unfathomably bullish. Who would have guessed it was this easy to crash & burn the whole talmudic matrix lmao?

>> No.30344025 [DELETED] 

Market down 7%, $MCM up 70% =)))

>> No.30344026

>be space travel company
>invest billions into PMs and REMs in order to make your tech
>blast all that valuable material into space
>conquer the Van Allen belt problem
>acquire asteroid
>render invested billions in materials worthless
Sound business model.

>> No.30344046

wtf, a silver mining deposit just flew over my house!

>> No.30344097

Holy shit I regret buying this dumbass silver so much please go over 50 so I can dump these literal bags

>> No.30344231
File: 79 KB, 629x500, DC41AE3C-2BE4-495C-81BD-9E673845FA8C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please don't fucking tell me pmg is banned. One of like three good generals on this whole bitch.

>> No.30344260

OP pic and text contained the word "nigger". That's why is was pruned

>> No.30344319

what a shitty (((excuse))), pathetic janjans are on JPM payroll.

>> No.30344357
File: 35 KB, 662x377, 1614881897675.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30344492
File: 79 KB, 565x631, janniefearstheavaxer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

link to the pruned thread?
jannies already did it with avax when it was at $3

>> No.30344503

This, they've managed to FUD silver and gold ever since 1971. What makes you think this time will be different?
"I believe silver and gold prices are being manipulated" and "GOLD BULLION $100k END OF DECADE SCREEN CAP THIS!" aren't nearly as casually connected as pmg think they are.

>> No.30344727


>> No.30344871

why do we keep getting deleted

>> No.30344922

Because people like painting a target on /pmg/ so they put things like "kike" and "nigger" in the op

>> No.30345052

Honestly, I hate you /pmg/boomers but you deserve your threads. New jannies are giant faggots and every board is suffering right now.

>> No.30345146

Tell m00t about it.

>> No.30345153

guys, do we have devs that could port over a 2chan clone onto ethereum? we could avoid gookmoot, jannies, and have the power to kick out pajeets. isn't the ersdl dev an oj jannie from here? maybe we could get help from them.

>> No.30345205

>look mom, i posted the word on 4chan again

>> No.30345261
File: 56 KB, 750x750, 1611586588220.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>4 minutes and 60$ fee to make a post
>have to pay again if you fail the captcha

>> No.30345288

>lol the jannies are seething
>I'm gonna tell them to dialate

>> No.30345321

as an engineer, let me tell you how fucking nuts you are and throw some questions your way:
1. this deposit does not exist
2. a meteor filled with silver? what?
3. the logistics of moving this much silver *with proof* literally requires manpower
4. have you ever been to a mine? have you ever seen how much energy is required to extract oz of silver?
anon, i dont want to call you retarded, but you sound pretty fucking retarded.

>> No.30345371

why does that sound so tasty?

>> No.30345415

It's an acquired taste. Survival food is meant to keep you alive not taste good, but fucking cardboard tastes good when you're hungry so...

>> No.30345581

>conquer the Van Allen belt problem
flat earther detected

>> No.30345674

Earth is round.
But Mars...well...

But seriously, cosmic radiation is a big problem we havent found a reliable and economic answer for. Until then we cant even travel outside Earth's magnetosphere.

>> No.30345736

>it doesn't exist or it's existence is improbable, THEREFORE THE MARKET IS UNAFFECTED
Lmao, stick to revising shit prints, engyfag. You don't understand the market.

>> No.30345952

> centralized powers (mods) delete thread for doomposters who hate centralized power
Pure pottery.

>> No.30346549

It’s just as likely they find an asteroid with a quantum computer that renders all crypto worthless.

>> No.30346840

Its shiny elements
Thats a major difference

>> No.30347209

People who dont work with anything outside of finance/people/pure software or tech are so out of touch with logistics and the time and effort it takes to bring anything physical and tangible to the world.
I cant wait until their is a rebalancing of values. These stupid fucking tech/marketing/advertisement companies like roku that are worth 10s of billions and still cant make a profit need to die. Their had never been a more perverted misallocation of resources than the time we live in now.

>> No.30347345

Can't pour silver in my car, makes shitty bullets, it can't cure chlamidya. Yeah, I'm thinking it's useless lol

>> No.30347414

>how do I wipe my ass with bricks of meat
That's you right now.

>> No.30347790
File: 2 KB, 125x84, 1614288548031s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This is pure bait or he's hopeless.

>> No.30347862
File: 9 KB, 255x170, 1614874049182.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Or both.

>> No.30348126

The economic cost to move an asteroid into an orbit around earth, and then bring it to the surface and refine it is higher than the profit the minerals in the asteroid would bring. Asteroid mining only really makes sense if you aren't going to bring the minerals to Earth.

>> No.30348169

>go on biz
>this is the thread
we have hit critical shillverdrive, buy more silver.

>> No.30349012

They? You mean your bosses?

>> No.30349206
File: 14 KB, 480x360, hqdefault (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I keep all my shit stored somewhere in my house. Mac Color Classic, Double Eagles, Kenner Star Wars Figs, TMNT, Pogs, Silver Bullion, N64 carts, a dozen 2016 paper wallets with a few BTC in each. It's all in here somewhere.

>> No.30350170

Racism is forbidden outside of /pol/. By buying silver you are fuelling Antisemitism worldwide.

>> No.30350885

you're aware that JPMorgan is one of the top silver hoarder?

>> No.30350921
File: 742 KB, 768x960, terroristchad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If they ban /pmg/, we invade every thread on this board

>> No.30351475


And also Jewish.

>> No.30351623

It's not antisemitic if (((they))) do it.
Its like black people calling each other nigga.

>> No.30351693
File: 11 KB, 135x166, 1612934378000.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

take your meds

>> No.30351896
File: 101 KB, 568x539, SWWYU.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30351936
File: 1.99 MB, 4032x3024, muhstackfeb30th2021.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.30352234
File: 156 KB, 1366x768, Screenshot 2021-03-01 at 5.09.26 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is coming frens. they intend to ban anything threatening to them
silver is the dagger in the heart and they know it
b& for pointing out how jpm manipulates the paper market to keep physical low

>> No.30352268

wtf is this a terrorist premium package ?

>> No.30352371
File: 9 KB, 225x300, external-content.duckduckgo.com.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lads I just dipped into gold for my first time and bought 1/10th of an ounce. How did I do? Not this one BTW, but I bought from my LCS @ 230.
Posting DDG image because I don't trust taking photo's.

I have a bit of junk silver (2 tubes of Merc's) and I wish I had more Morgan's. But I have 2 tubes of ASE's Multi-years. Am I gonna make it?

>> No.30352372
File: 699 KB, 2560x1811, threatenedelementsupply.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is the basic bitch starter kit for yt sooprematits

>> No.30352625
File: 833 KB, 1887x2208, 20201014_085008.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hey guys I bought 2 ounces of silver at 30% premiums plus shipping plus tax! AM I GONNA MAKE IT?

>> No.30352627


you're better off on the metals front than the majority of the middle class, but it will take more than 1/10th oz of gold and <100 oz silver to make it.

>> No.30352724

At least pajeets wouldn't be able to spam.

>> No.30352733
File: 411 KB, 693x818, 8E8EE106-6CDF-4CE3-99A2-848C61DE98DF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he’s back
>in pog form

>> No.30352747

You fucks told me gold was rare, what the fuck is this shit??

>> No.30352766

>1/10 oz
You did terrible. If gold shoots back up to its ATH you're still in the red. If you can't afford to buy an oz at a time then don't

>> No.30352782
File: 90 KB, 750x863, EF51B410-0B00-4C13-A806-62588748705D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you’re paying that much for so little then short term answer is no, long term, maybe cos u stilll a stupid ass nigger

>> No.30352806
File: 74 KB, 1024x682, 1D67D2A5-F65F-42BC-81E0-A645D42F7877.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30352828

it’s a lie. they claim it has 25 trillion dollars worth. That’s about three times the value of all gold ever dug up in man’s history so far.

>> No.30352863

They got invaded by another african warlord?

>> No.30352889

it’s a reasonable price if he’s a leaf

>> No.30352920
File: 22 KB, 633x399, lassenfromthewest.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its not. precious metals are less rare that hydrogen. the foil thats on the other side of the paper that wraps your burger is literally made of s gold/silver alloy. thats how not precious they are. if you own any you should sell immediately if not sooner

>> No.30352932
File: 11 KB, 516x91, 2trilliondollars.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30352956

Biz changed. This shitsboard turned into a shitcoin investor safespace now. Even business tipps and workstuff gets deleted quickly to make space for pajeets scamming rubic token

>> No.30352980

you mean they don’t just go to the mine and pick up man sized boulders of pure silver and truck them to the mint?

>> No.30353021
File: 266 KB, 898x1900, hyperinflationmacleodparallel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30353023

how much retarded shit was in it?

>> No.30353040
File: 178 KB, 640x700, congo_cookie_mint.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Can't wait to take delivery.
I ordered directly from the Mint.

>> No.30353041

I don't have sympathy for doomers who are constantly trying to fuck people out of gains by telling them the apocalypse is right around the corner.

Get fucked.

>> No.30353047
File: 2.94 MB, 200x200, 1594616071556.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This board has like 50+ threads shilling Indian worthless-coins and outright scams at any given moment, but investing in precious metal is a banned topic for some reason. Reminds me of when the mods decided to systemically ban discussion of gun laws on /k/, despite those laws being the difference between actually getting to own a gun or only ever seeing them in Hollyjew movies.

tl;dr - if the 4chan jannies try as hard as they can to ban a topic, that topic is probably something substantial and worth looking into.

>> No.30353060

1.899 trillion worth

>> No.30353113
File: 246 KB, 1503x795, E58ED30A-832F-41D4-A30D-8B31A3ADE1E9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30353135

Completely new to PMG, why does JPM manipulate silver price? Do they want to accumulate huge amounts of silver before it skyrockets or is it something related to lowering costs for industrial use...?

>> No.30353139

Most places have $300 minimum orders with free shipping try again.

>> No.30353166

I read some scientist studies on space mining. Basic and very clear conclusion was that it's impossible also with the ratest and most expensive earths mined that it would ever turn a profit because of the transfer costs. Agreement was that it's a display of technological power just like the moon landing.

>> No.30353170

So is this it then? Fren times are over?

>> No.30353193

the jannies want all the silver for themselves so they can have self-cleaning dilators

>> No.30353229

> 4chan falls for the silver squeeze that never actually happens and that was shilled on reddit by hedgefunds
> then makes a general out of their retardation

Good riddance.

>> No.30353246

reminder that the info in that pic is highly inaccurate

>> No.30353281

This. Same story when jannies deleted chainlink fud threads. They simply were invested themselves.

>> No.30353296

Yeah, and half these newfags aren't even hitting that to reduce cost averages.

>> No.30353302

>sell silver futures contracts
>take the money
>cheat at stock market
>turn money into 10 times money
>suppress price of silver
>silver futures mature
>pay in cash rather than silver
>price of silver kept low
>pay little cash to end future contract
>repeat 499 times for every piece of silver you actually can deliver
something like this

>> No.30353328
File: 26 KB, 507x348, metalsin1980.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

without silver being dirt cheap the new world order would not be able to have the surveillance state they desire where newborns have iphone implants etc

>> No.30353351

it’s only inaccurate because most of those things aren’t available to buy anywhere and you would be robbed if not murdered the moment you asked if you could buy them with silver.

>> No.30353401
File: 593 KB, 864x1984, constitutionalsilvercontent.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/pmg/ existed nearly a year before WSB GME fiasco
>somehow you think its the opposite
this is your brain on nigger

>> No.30353410

pmg used to be comfy. It now feels like it belongs to pol... i just want to stack with my frens

>> No.30353416

pmg threads illegal on biz now? wow

>> No.30353439

>Do they want to accumulate huge amounts of silver before it skyrockets or is it something related to lowering costs for industrial use...?
Both things. They stockpile as much as they can for fiat collapse. At high silver prices you can't make cheap electronics and solar panels and electric cars.
When silver price will skyrocket they would have to redefine their business model. Run on PMs will collapse all fiat currencies and they aren't ready for it.

>> No.30353485
File: 1.62 MB, 3024x4032, 1614933492318.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anything that threatens the status quo is invaded by bots and shills.

>> No.30353491

>I don’t like the people who don’t like jews
I bet you would circumcise your son...

>> No.30353493

Asteroid miner fudders (or in this case a are fucking dumb.
You mean an asteroid, dumbfuck?

>> No.30353530

I dont care about threatening the status quo. I just want to stack and see pictures of stacks

>> No.30353561

You bastard bitch madarchods stfu and buy my shitcoins

>> No.30353563

>le ebin asteroid mining will crash PM's
This is about a sure sign that the person you're talking to has below 80 IQ as a timestamped nigger hand

>> No.30353564

personally I’m fine with meteor

>> No.30353575

New thread when

>> No.30353627

Silver needs to be cheap for electronics.

>> No.30353639

>new thread when
>1 post by this id

>> No.30353690

Well if this is the end, got my first 14oz in the mail today. I'll keep doing my little part.
If Biden wants to buy me some more I'll let him.

>> No.30353717

They have concluded that asteroid mining FUD isn't working.
Now they have Congolese Gold Mountain FUD.>>30352806
They want us to stop buying metals.
What's next Gold Fusion Reactor FUD? Or seawater filtration?

>> No.30353755

It was a good board.
Now there's so much noise, garbage posting and disinfo actually finding clear, concise truth is the equivalent of panning for gold - trying to find small nuggets of information amongst all the dirt.

>> No.30353763

Okay here's another post then bitch

>> No.30353779
File: 12 KB, 360x450, IMG_0030.JPG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Is stocktwits autistic??

>> No.30353813

yeah the constant /pol/ schizo rants about jews get stale

>> No.30353824
File: 615 KB, 1700x2800, goldvalueusage.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Silver needs to be cheap for electronics.

So does gold in an ideal fairy-tale world with infinite supply to meet any and all demand

Let the tech companies pay a fair price for silver before their predatory-short banker friends wipe it off the face of the earth

>> No.30353872
File: 147 KB, 640x638, junksilvercontentguide.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

personally i think (i have data but am not ready to release it yet) they will take the leprechaun route and convince the public they have special traps to snatch them up and take their gold without consequence or expense

>> No.30354008

Silver is a hedge, not an investment zoom zoom

>> No.30354036
File: 56 KB, 630x630, 1614301055810.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this the end of pmg or what?

>> No.30354087


>> No.30354126

I baked but fucked it up, sorry goys, I'll do better next time

>> No.30354161

I'd rather use a fucked up bread at this point than not have one at all my man

>> No.30354208

What the absolute fuck is this board today.

>> No.30354234

OK, burnt bread here


>> No.30354244
File: 233 KB, 510x380, apu_rollercoaster.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is /PMG/ going down?
I'm scared.

>> No.30354287
File: 1.52 MB, 2048x6376, testingsilvercontent.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

maybe we should hide in plain sight to keep traffic down and trannjann at bay

>> No.30354340


>> No.30354344

>create a thread on blue board with racial slur
>attach same slur on image


>> No.30354355

>We will snatch all pots of gold and you will be sorry
The funniest thing about all these FUDs is that even if they were real it still won't be enough cover COOMEX contracts and ETFs.

>> No.30354388
File: 28 KB, 728x665, 1604836010182.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>poojeet jannies are nuking threads for mentioning niggers in 4chan
The absolute state of this board

>> No.30354428
File: 301 KB, 553x720, apu_brit_stack.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that this general is now out of the stealth phase and now we have gained notoriety and attention
I love the rowdy threads and yes objectively bent some of the rules here but we'll have to start obeying the rules and playing the game for the meat of the conversation to continue
Unironically I believe the pm thesis is also emerging from the stealth phase in the public as well and we are on the right track to /making it/

>> No.30354471

404 again. what the actual fuck

>> No.30354583

see >>30353047
Physical metal must have something to it if the janny's federal leash-holders are telling them to shut it down.

>> No.30354585

perhaps OP deleted the thread himself, because that was awfully quick

>> No.30354623

/pmg/ is no longer allowed, citizen
go post about how BTC will go to $100k

>> No.30354676

>you can't say nigger on a blue board anymore
i know this place is faggy as hell now but i don't think that's right anon

>> No.30354721

Jannies have been deleting my posts in pmg for mentioning Jews initiating wars. They delete any picture with a reichsmark. Sad sad trannies

>> No.30354808
File: 209 KB, 3757x2411, 1615006478070.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If an adversary is actually censoring pmg, federated imageboard software can be utilized i guess https://github.com/FChannel0

>> No.30354839 [DELETED] 

Hey anon have you checked $MCM aka Mochimo.org I am seeing it and thinking of getting in looks like the right time.

>> No.30354842
File: 577 KB, 1073x1907, nocoltallcow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying this isnt gonna make me buy even more

>> No.30354919 [DELETED] 

> literally called fedchan

>> No.30355097

Shut up and crash the system already you clown

>> No.30355156

Not a good time bot bro

>> No.30355327
File: 194 KB, 1110x649, 16147159587316.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.30355425

/pmg/ is nothing but coping and disinformation. Everyone posting in those threads needs an ip range ban.

>> No.30355456


>> No.30355493

Its really not that tasty unless you start putting fruit in it. It does, however, last forever through all conditions and is extremely calorie dense.

>> No.30355652
File: 501 KB, 1784x2579, 3999BFB5-5A33-44D7-92CA-DF2D791E5765.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>1 post by this id

>> No.30355847
File: 127 KB, 1083x641, 1596656412207.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

indeed our time maybe near or it could be far
who knows for sure?
all I know is my silver shines like the stars

>> No.30355888
File: 55 KB, 709x1024, 1596317571328.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm still not interested in your rocks but if you piss off janny you're ok in my book. We're all gonna make it.

>> No.30356130
File: 30 KB, 547x603, CC0A3D18-9F51-46A6-B9B0-15ED3D14EC60.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy based
off to /x/ with your shiny rocks

>> No.30356150

Meh, at least 1 in every 4 posts was cornelius anyway.

>> No.30356235

it’s boomers from pol you tell by their cringe remarks

>> No.30356452
File: 144 KB, 1200x1200, TrumpandBibiSilver.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Honestly, I hate you /pmg/boomers but you deserve your threads.
They had 1 thread at a time and they stayed in like a containment zone. Now we will get boomers in every thread.

>> No.30356585

> #dropgold
its afraid

>> No.30356631

This alone. THIS ALONE. Never fucking mind the field of endless space debris shooting everywhere around the earth so fast it makes bullets look slow. Never mind that it makes zero financial sense to mine asteroids. Never mind that it's a pipe dream and isn't even feasible with current tech, and won't be for CENTURIES, and that's assuming the first world tosses out all of the parasitic third world'ers so they actually have the orderly society and money freed up from massive welfare budgets necessary to do this. Never mind all of that. Because you can't and likely never will be able to put people in space for mid to long term stays because of how much it fucks up their body from their eyes to their bones to their muscles to even their dna. Asteroid fudders are so fucking retarded to the detriment of everyone around them when they try and steer people away from making money and being more prepared for the fiat collapse, that they should be punished and tortured while forced to watch their family gang raped by packs of dogs. Useful fucking idiots.

>> No.30356755

0 iq

>> No.30356853

Yes Fren anything to help squeeze the banks

>> No.30356857

Doesn't look much like Bibi.

>> No.30356984
File: 2.48 MB, 4704x3000, goldgraphdefnotenglishversion.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the bag holders of shitcoins and stonks are coping and spreading disinformation

>> No.30357072

seriously though someone make a new pmg thread

>> No.30357143

I was gone for a while, do they really delete /pmg/ threads? Why? What was talked in these threads specifically? Big if true tho, would mean we are winning.

>> No.30357152
File: 2.39 MB, 4032x3024, F9AACC6A-04E4-4FCD-ACBD-49971C915EC3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Found this rusted looking thing in the back of a closet.

>> No.30357180
File: 551 KB, 1280x958, 7E485EB9-9DC9-4872-867F-4F212D714950.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My bus broke down and I’m waiting on a tow back to my shop so I can fix this damn rear main seal
I wish life was as easy as stacking

>> No.30357187

holy fuck. the trannys are banning /pmg/? thats bullish af

>> No.30357281

after the whole GME fiasco, anons declared that silver would be an even bigger short squeeze. Users here on /biz/ and /pol/ have been stacking like no tomorrow, literally. and the pm market has seen historic levels of demand recently

>> No.30357295

If we are asteroid mining it means the economy has already collapsed due to extreme demand for precious metal.

>> No.30357314




>> No.30357417

its afraid

>> No.30357423

>do they really delete /pmg/ threads?
yes they have been. i started noticing this activity over the last month.
threads getting pruned and deleted even when they're near the top of the page and nowhere near bump limit.
and its not just falling off the page and getting archived, they've been getting purged.
also noticed more than once when jannies delete a post of one for whatever reason, the purge the entire thread of all my posts

>> No.30357527

Sounds like a Jewish janitor to me getting mad because the Goyim unironically know and they can't shut it down this time.

>> No.30357677

I'm not into this stuff, but I have a question.
We saw what happened with GME. Everyone saw what was happening, everyone started buying and the price went up and then they became frightened and banned buying of GME and they manipulated the market to drive it down again.
How do we know that wasn't just a test run to see how they should win against a silver short?
I saw around here that industry has a specific share they receive from the global silver mining output, that does not go toward civilian silver bars and coins. How do we know they won't pass some law or make contracts to raise the mining share of silver until 100% of the mining output goes to their industry? At that point civilians won't be able to buy silver anymore, civilians can only sell it, and then they force the price to very low levels to make you sell at a loss, because no one can buy silver anymore and is not that valued according to their propaganda.

>> No.30357778

Explain. Is it saying gold is worthless because alchemy?

>> No.30357847

no pretty much the opposite. gold is unique as an element in many ways

>> No.30357969

Makes more sense. Thanks

>> No.30357974
File: 700 KB, 790x563, 1605830735923.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rear main seal is a pain in the ass to fix. I know your pain.

>> No.30358891

>1 post by this ID

>> No.30359219


>> No.30359235

>buy handrill
> drill into the silver
> melt the shaving into a tiny little disk
>nitric acid
>costs 4 bucks
> uses autism ultrasound

>> No.30359343

Walk away.

>> No.30359553

totally organic shilling against precious metals
they're getting worried lol, keep stacking lads

>> No.30360166

Buy physical silver. Don't stop. Keep buying and never sell to these kikes. You want to stab at the kikes' hearts? Buy silver and don't sell it. HODL

>> No.30360185

I assure you that pmg has been around much longer than that fren.

>> No.30360526

>log vs linear
>9 years vs 40
People need to stop posting this image

>> No.30360715
File: 3.64 MB, 1242x2688, cursed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic rel

>> No.30361082
File: 45 KB, 680x689, cb5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>log vs linear
>9 years vs 40
>People need to stop posting this image

>> No.30361686
File: 70 KB, 1024x768, 1613514797717.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

PSLV is a scam too. You can only take delivery 10,000 ounces at a time.

Sprott is making money leasing his silver to JPM allowing the scam to continue. If you really want to beat the system...buy physical silver and take it home with you.

Sprott has no choice...the black eye satanic CIA deepstate cabal will kill him and his family if he does not co-operate!

>> No.30361821

Kek now you just need the snowman to sing silver and gold

>> No.30362202

This actually makes me want to buy more silver even though I like crypto more.

>> No.30362262

nobody cares about your boomer rocks, kike

>> No.30362277

This is true. Going to be a rude awakening to the PSLV buyers who didn't get acquainted with the prospectus

>> No.30362596

nice dub dubs but everyone know pslv has a high withdrawal limit. the point is, anyone who meets that threshold can withdraw. not so for slv, which restricts withdrawal to the participating bullion banks

>> No.30362639

oh shit it's staked, I forgot, I'm done for lmao
good I didn’t go for this trash they tried to shill on /biz/ today
my wallet with yvs and their staking system. top pearl on yield market with contemporary options

>> No.30362664

I'm willing to bet most of the r*dditors who're buying PSLV have no idea what they are doing at all. Some of them probably think they can withdraw their 10oz worth of silver too lol

>> No.30362769
File: 1.81 MB, 1129x7900, 1614990873190.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Shitcoin is the ultimate monetary version of the emperors new clothes meme to the extreme! Consider the following:

1) Shitcoin protocols are open source, anyone can clone a shitcoin network. Think of email protocols, hotmail was one of the first. BTC is no different. Nothing special. Just like the 90s people did not have email accounts and a hotmail account was a novelty.

2) Silver, a rare precious metal. Limited availability and mission critical for a range of industrial applications, especially IT hardware. Without silver there is no shitcoin network.

3) Silver mining vs Shitcoin meme mining:
Thousands of tonnes of ore has to be processed consuming massive amount of energy and labor to produce just an ounce of silver.

Shitcoin meme mining is just a computer algo puzzle that has to be solved for the sake of solving to prevent double spending / fraud. Has nothing to do with actually creating 'value'. Worse, it actually removes value since crypto mining takes up a ton of electricity.

4) ZERO PRIVACY + centralized mining: public ledger + blockchain + globohomo ispyonu24/7 device = shitcoin can be seized anytime anyplace by globohomo!


6) GLOBOHOMO BANKSTER PERVERTED LOGIC: Shitcoin pricing vs silver pricing

Shitcoin is priced at 50K, projected to reach a million plus while silver is projected to sink to as low as $15/oz by the banksters.

Gee I wonder why? Without cheap electronics there is no shitcoin meme mining gear or low cost PCs, laptops, smartphones etc to transfer shitcoins to each other.

TLDR: Shitcoin is the new emperor with no clothes, while Silver is both a monetary and technology metal...the new 'gold' without which there is no IT industry, EV, solar panels or the Green new deal. Without cheap silver big tech Globohomo dies! PHYSICAL SILVER = BITCOIN circa 2011/ 2012...A STEAL AT $30/OZ!!!

>> No.30363223 [DELETED] 
File: 1.62 MB, 3024x4032, 1614965862261.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what are the odds the 1.9 trillion stimulus is going to pump metals on monday?

>> No.30363399
File: 192 KB, 900x950, bartchiltonmanipulation.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Keep going down the rabbit hole anon

>> No.30363613

>I cant wait until their is a...
They're fondling their nuts over there.
Remember that to come across better next time.

>> No.30363676

I already know about the metals. I hold both crypto and metals.

>> No.30363722

I thought PSLV was legit and wasn't leasing their bars to anyone.
I should have known better. That 10000oz withdrawal requirement was really suspicious. It's twice the COMEX future contract.

>> No.30363834

Not sure if they are leasing, I'm willing to believe they are not. But the bottom line being that you need to be a millionaire to get the silver already makes it a bad investment if you want to be sure you are protected against inflation

>> No.30363843

ask yourself this question : eric is a super bull, he could corner the silver market alone like Buffet did in the 90s. Why didnt he do it ? Well, action speak louder. I'll rather buy physical or mining stocks than SLV/PSLV, fuck them.

>> No.30364215

I only believe in physical. Miners are good if you want leverage.
If you don't hold it you don't own it.
>corner the silver market alone like Buffet did in the 90s
He sold his silver in 2006. If he have waited till 2011 he would make best deal ever. So much for "Oracle from Omaha".

>> No.30364269

>Guns are baaahahahahaaad!
There's a new bale of hay out back. Go graze for a while. Be sure to bleat like a defenseless bitch when the wolves and coyotes come callin' too.

>> No.30364425

>basic bitch starter kit
You do need some semi-autos though, more than just one Ruger. ARs are where it's at to engage multiple hostiles within 300m.

>> No.30364508

Wow he did die a month after that interview. Bizarre.

>> No.30364552

That guy had nice hair

>> No.30364739

But a bigger shorter than hoarder anon

>> No.30364885

>1/10th of an ounce
Provident has 0.0933 for $170 now - premiums pretty close to the full oz amount. You pretty much wiped your ass with $60. findbullionprices is your friend too. 0.18 is like $340, almost double what you got for 50% more. Shop around, or show your LCS these deals so he doesn't rape you next time. That high premium you paid isn't unheard of though, but there is better out there, occasionally a lot better.
Cheapest silver right now, not listed at findbullionprices same as aforementioned Provident gold isn't.

>> No.30365214


>> No.30365486

so much this this this.
mineral collectors are absolutely /x/ tier retard "investors"

>> No.30365502

I agree.

I believe hyperinflation is coming, or if you take Alisdair's definition it is already here, but that chart comparison is a shitty way of trying to illustrate the point.

>> No.30365536

and you'll never be able to find a buyer willing to pay you more than its worth.
nice job, retard.

>> No.30365901


>> No.30365971

Here's a video from 1 month ago where a man in Venezuela says that 12 eggs costs 2,000,000,000 bolivars.


Here's the Venezuelen government now issuing 1,000,000,000 bolivar bills:


If anything the situation is way crazier than that image suggests.

>> No.30366122
File: 1.65 MB, 1000x1086, 1613350577346.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its the satanic black eye rockefeller rothschild bankster club. Buffet also sold of his stake in barrick gold last year.

High profile billionaires will never be allowed to publicly take any stakes in or promote physical gold and silver as investment vehicles. buffet probably has a personal stash but that is probably only his personal investment, not berskshire hathaway money.

buy physical and take it home....there is no other way!!!

>> No.30366175

Ray Dalio is a loud advocate of gold though, and he is very highly respected.

>> No.30366226

that old fuck just wants to be able to eat his cheeseburgers and drink his coke until he dies and not be punished for his crimes against humanity, or even have to be scorned for them while alive.

>> No.30366442

imagine coming into a /pmg/ thread to troll like this

go buy your digital beanie babies and stfu

>> No.30366463
File: 73 KB, 821x945, putin says fuck off nwo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Russia announcing that they have paid off all of their debt and are now free from any global currency controls.
this is why we were hearing how bad russia was for the past 4 years. they knew they would be free and didn't want that to happen. they wanted war with russia to keep them in debt.


some fuel for your fire OP

>> No.30366645

>i dont want to call you retarded, but you sound pretty fucking retarded

>> No.30366728
File: 427 KB, 1059x1300, turkshorting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Buffet also sold of his stake in barrick gold last year.

Barrick was always a diversion as we've said on /pmg/ since the beginning. The really important investment which Buffett made was into Sumitomo, which has 100% ownership of the San Cristóbal silver mine in Bolivia, one of the largest silver mines on earth. Buffett bought Barrick simply in order to dump it later and kill sentiment in the PM market; he chose the most obvious gold stock there is to accomplish this, the one which even has the ticker-symbol "GOLD."

>> No.30367028

Its 18trillion now

>> No.30367590

I've been lurking PMG and /biz/ for about a year now, maybe a bit longer. Never seen anti PMG shilling on this level before. HODL!

>> No.30367679
File: 584 KB, 842x432, 1614887209592.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Totally looks like a legit source bro

>> No.30368224

i hear ya
it's one of those things that likely wouldn't be 'news' if in fact there is a global control

>> No.30368582

is this supposed to be recent? i found a page from 2018 that has the same text

>> No.30368778

I don't know much about silver and gold investing but if you're not investing ~5-10% in Rare Earth Elements in 2021 you've already lost.
Look into Rainbow Rare Earths and Gakara Mine
China controls 99% of Rare Earth production and they're starting to use more than they can produce which pushes them and the rest of the world to scramble for other sources: sub-saharan africa
Rare earth demand will double in the next 40 years according to the OECD
Just my advice
t. international relations anon

>> No.30370059
File: 761 KB, 1770x1700, 1592061303433.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.30370099

Gold, silver, crypto are largely memes. When shit hits the fan you need bullets, food, antibiotics, clean water, tradable small items like cheap lighters, one or more practical skills, and most importantly family and/or community. Read about Selco, he was in an actual SHTF situation for a year during the Bosnian war. Everything collapsed instantly, no police, hospitals, nothing. Roaming gangs of people looking for food and firewood. Back to the stone age. Anyways near the end of hisQ&A (written <2014) someone asks about patterns leading up to SHTF:

-Things that make differences between people are more and more problematic (race, religion, political opinion).
-Polarization is getting obviously stronger.
-People want to come to your country, but they do not want to “assimilate” or contribute to the greater good. They want to preserve their way of life which is often absolutely contradictory to the way that your country (society) works.
-The political way of solving those problems often fails, because, in essence, those problems are hard to solve in a democratic way (in the spirit of democracy).
-Your freedoms are “shrinking” as a result of that.
-Calls for “radical solutions“ for the problems are stronger and stronger.
-The media is absolutely working a dirty job, and it is hard to find out what is the truth anymore.
-Suddenly people and events from history are “brought back” so people can judge and argue about it, to write history again, to build myths sometimes.
Full interview: https://lulz.com/surviving-a-year-of-shtf-in-90s-bosnia-war-selco-forum-thread-6265/

This could be the most important read of your lifetime.

>> No.30370480
File: 996 KB, 1489x2935, 1608265661790.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh bosnia
everyone has those things here and is already prepared in those methods, shill. your link is a commonly shared picture around here, which begs the question why you wouldn't just share the image concerning that interview on an imageboard and instead steer to a click off-site unless of course you were an outsider paid to detect unwanted discourse and steer it toward a favorable outcome

>> No.30370582

>Gold, silver, crypto are largely memes. When shit hits the fan you need...
Yes, everyone knows that. But so what? Money becomes worthless if society collapses. Buying precious metals is about preserving your wealth in the face of economic and financial collapse, not total social collapse. The former are more likely, and closer in time than the latter.
The latter could still happen, but survival after society breaks down is just a completely different subject. People should accumulate assets that will keep their wealth for as long as is possible, and if things collapse, ideally they will be somewhere else then.
They might not manage to escape, but in that case it doesn't make buying assets now any worse.

Everyone has read the Bosnia thing. Just because it happened so suddenly and in such an extreme way there it doesn't mean it will be the same for other countries, which were different to begin with. Still, it might happen, people know that. I don't really know what you're trying to say in posting this, but it seems completely pointless to me.

>> No.30370584

la conspiracy


my response is i poop on you

>> No.30370800
File: 471 KB, 1600x4200, CollapseSelco.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Selco was a con-man.

>> No.30370830
File: 2.66 MB, 1302x3496, 1609074414336.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

(You) pictured on the bottom

>> No.30370967

>some shitter said something
Q retard

>> No.30371028

everyone knows selco made that shit up

>> No.30371051

>some shitter said something
Q retard

>> No.30371207
File: 1014 KB, 1055x796, 1612316199160.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

transparent shilling against silver only demonstrates the weakness of their position

>> No.30372598
File: 19 KB, 770x410, silver_1d_b_o_x_USDfeb30th.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.30373162

Anybody know the legality of minting my own coins for memes? Like can I buy silver, melt it down into coins and use a CNC machine to CNC my own face on them or will that count as making fake currency?

>> No.30373259

Silver coins are not currency unless you put a face value on them, otherwise they are bullion.

>> No.30373925

>and the pm market has seen historic levels of demand recently
What we're seeing right now is weaksauce compared to 1980s Silver Thursday

>> No.30374093

Plant mustard gas canisters inside Wall Street and the Eccles Building (in Minecraft of course)

>> No.30374234

/pmg/ has been a staple for years. How fucking new are you?

>> No.30374444
File: 1.14 MB, 1920x1048, _biz_ - Business &amp; Finance - Catalog - 4chan - Mozilla Firefox 6_19_2019 00_41_59.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not even two years ago I couldn't start a pm thread here that lasted more than a few dozen posts at the most.

>> No.30374509

>jannies work for free

>> No.30374671
File: 75 KB, 624x509, goldminingvsstonksgreatdepression.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

quads dont lie
/pmg/ is roughly one year of a regular general. if it popped up here or on /pol/ anything silver and gold related would be shut down and users b&

>> No.30374925
File: 216 KB, 512x488, 1612830997959.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can somebody explain the silver short for me? So I read here that silver mines will start running dry in 2025 and that all we had to do was buy up a bunch of silver before then and not sell so that the banks who are shorting silver would have to pay us a lot of money to get the silver back.

>> No.30374936

Nicely done

>> No.30375004
File: 723 KB, 1660x2400, 3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Can somebody explain the silver short for me?
Yes, here's a summary

>> No.30375062
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>> No.30375107
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>> No.30375142

This board is about creating opportunities for making money, which is why pmg threads get deleted. Thanks for looking out for us, mods.

>> No.30375150
File: 58 KB, 890x625, shadowstatssilver.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30375209
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>> No.30375238
File: 82 KB, 1024x783, 109jewishlogic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

silver printer go brrrr
>buy high, sell low
yeah seems way out of the norm here on /biz/

>> No.30375259
File: 268 KB, 1234x1102, truesilverprice.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30375273

Dont forget about seeds, tools and stuff like yeast
But if shits really hits the fan you also need anti air and anti tank missiles so thats not really a scenario you can prepare for if youre not rich already
We are stacking for an economic downturn and rather light systematic changes
If you want to prepare for a complete societal collapse get your spade and start diggin tunnels

>> No.30375348

except for small handful of anons, most or them delusional, the vast majority of pm spam on this board comes from paid shills who WILL make you lose money if you invest, I support their removal when they get out of hand

>> No.30375410

it’s all bullshit dude, and any criticism of the obvious flaws of this narrative is met with the same copy pasted retorts

>> No.30375432
File: 34 KB, 440x187, goldvsoilvssilveratokcorralviaramranch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

smiles in .50 BMG armor piercing incendiary tracer rounds

>> No.30375551

There are shills for both sides, but many pm anons are genuine
We are here for a while and in the last few days lots of us talked about lots of different stuff then just lms in /pmg/
alternative investments, how to keep chickens and stuff like that
Shills dont do that
Im guessing schiff and co are paying their own service to counter the far more dedicated pm surpression shills
Also lots of newfags

>> No.30375579
File: 145 KB, 835x1280, E192F492-6B46-4D6F-A0FE-8EDCB69885E8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pmg fags have been rekking people with bad advice for too long, good riddance. Hate on and fud crypto endlessly, ok well now nobody wants your gold/silver shit so enjoy your endlessly dumping bags

>> No.30375606

>Why do you think anytime a middle eastern leader gets idea's about breaking free from OPEC or the USD - they are inevitably invaded, their nations upheaved and swiftly a (((democracy)) is imposed upon them?
We got too cocky, Gaddafi bros...

>> No.30375614

like which criticisms?

>> No.30375632

will gold and silver really save your ass if there is hyperinflation? if so how much gold and silver to make it?

>> No.30375666

Nice, but cut out the tracers
Only makes spotting you easier
Also you have to make a heat camouflage to counter ir cams
One of those firefighter blankets with gold/silver side may be a good starting point for that

>> No.30375738

Also wtf are incendiary ap rounds?

>> No.30375775

Think about how much gold it takes to buy a loaf of bread. Now think about how many dollars it takes to buy a loaf of bread.

If there is hyperinflation, the same amount of gold still buys the same amount of bread, but now you need $500,000 to buy a loaf of bread.

>> No.30375779
File: 674 KB, 474x498, comfydancingapu.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

t-thanks satan. how am i gonna tell if i miss a flying object unless i can see the projectile in motion, dark lord?

>> No.30375867
File: 2.38 MB, 4032x3024, 0BECA1C5-4B28-4ECF-B66B-154EF4D4F470.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anti tank ammo

>> No.30376051

just do ebay, fry

>> No.30376343
File: 1.60 MB, 1008x756, roaks.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30376480

Thanks for all the info.

This looks a lot like GME but much better. Firstly silver is much more valuable so the price is bound to go up during a squeeze and secondly the price can't crash. At most the price will go back to normal so if you and I both spend 10k each on silver at the end of the day we'll still have 10k each in silver, with GME some people bought the shares at 200 dollars and then sold them at 20 dollars. With silver that can't happen since silver is needed for the world to function so we won't see 1 dollar ounce of silver. And holding a bunch of physical silver sounds really cool.

Thanks again for sharing all this info bro. I'll jump in on the silver train.

>> No.30376551
File: 59 KB, 736x1105, ea3a2722812d70f9058747096268d212.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The crow part of my brain is so annoying, whenever I see some shiny rock trinket on vacation at a vendor I just have to buy it.

>> No.30376593
File: 59 KB, 512x383, 1592342794219.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m not an advocate for shiny rock collecting but I think precious metals are just as deserving of a general as stocks or crypto. No reason to boot it off the board, jannies

>> No.30377059

If it doesnt come down you missed
You wont be able to shoot downanything but helicopters or low flying drones anyways
For the real dangerous stuff you need anti air misslies or computer assisted aim systems
Even in ww2 you couldn't down a bomber with a ground based machine gun, bullets dont even rise high enough
How do these work?

>> No.30377309

its just another cost to factor in, if you want to buy the new 2k chinkphone then thats you.

>> No.30378005
File: 545 KB, 999x717, 1612676327898.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You aren't safe.
No one is.
All your institutions will fall to the power of GME.
All market liquidity will be funneled into GME and there's nothing you can do to stop it.
GME is the savior we desperately need to save us from the kike faggotry in the world.
Come, join us brother in our quest to rid us from these disgusting people and their manipulation.
We will destroy the stock markets and emerge as the new barons of the world bankrupting the kikes in the progress.
There's still room on the rocket.
Don't get left behind.

>> No.30379481

>how to keep chickens
I'm a damned encyclopedia thanks to an unfortunate flock sharing situation with a sadistic psychopath. First thing, to defeat predators one and all, you need a livestock guardian dog. And quarantine is important, too. What I don't know about disease and predation. The woman is a psychopath, retired prison guard whose cucked husband tells me horror stories about what she does to him at home. Nice tangent, I know, but the point is I'd know hardly anything about the pitfalls of keeping poultry and domestic waterfowl were it not for this evil bitch. I know she tortured animals when she was a kid. Fucking monster.

>> No.30379577

>4. have you ever been to a mine? have you ever seen how much energy is required to extract oz of silver?

So why is btc being targeted if PMs take so much energy to mine?

>> No.30379636
File: 350 KB, 796x934, glow.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can't have that.

>> No.30379648

>smiles in .50 BMG
I'm envious. I thought about getting into 50 a couple decades ago but didn't want to pony up $2k for a rifle and a dollar a shot. I kick myself now. 50bmg is the only ammo that hasn't mooned under this fake pandemic hysteria, but damn, $3 a shot for the cheap milsurp shit. I'd probably go ahead and get into 50 now but these 'tards on here having me hoarding silver. I still need some optics and spare parts for my rifle hoard now, but silver it is!

>> No.30380218
File: 629 KB, 784x2230, SILVER IS GOING EXTINCT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If nothing else, it's a store of REAL assets, Schlomo. The joos have manipulated the price so low for so long so they can play their paper games, plus keep it low for industry joos in order to enslave us with cheap electronics. That shit's coming to an end though, rabbi shekelstein. you'll be employable though to dig through the landfills for old circuit boards to recycle minute bits of PMs, at a time the prices won't be for nice.

>> No.30380271

honestly I would pay that premium to never talk to a pajeet poster ever again

>> No.30380332

Why does her husband not leave her or beat her to shit?

>> No.30380416

this is a photoshopped image, notice the dirt cookies in the back don't have the same racist caricature