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30342584 No.30342584 [Reply] [Original]

>Scaling Ethereum
>Fixes all the FUD that Ethereum has
>Aave and coinbase coop inc. March will be juicy for Matic ;)

Stay poor.

>> No.30342607
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>Stay poor.

>> No.30342721
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>> No.30342883

RSI 30m just dumped to 20. BUY BUY BUY

>> No.30342974

One of the lead devs is half indian.

>> No.30343031
File: 623 KB, 2048x2048, 83115970-6ACE-4530-B2F6-BC6EB71B6B44.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don’t trust poos, boeing 737 max software was outsourced to india and the plane got grounded from crashing so many times.
Poos are not reliable so fuck poolygon

>> No.30343034

Someone must make infographics about how many they had partnership last two weeks

>> No.30343060


>> No.30343093

i am, 140k matic chad reporting in

>> No.30343137

Emerging market

>> No.30343145


They have a partnership with McDonalds. 4 happy meals a day for lunch.

>> No.30343481


600k red leader standing by

>> No.30343566


>> No.30343719

All this FUD is making me BUUULLISH.

>> No.30343759

smells like curry in here

>> No.30343953

Curry is fucking delicious you muttburger
Just because you shit yourself everytime you smell a spice doesn't mean the rest of us don't appreciate a good korma or madras. It's not the foods fault that you have IBS you fat fuck.

>> No.30344039
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MATIC easily $3 by summer

>> No.30344136
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70k Fishman Leader standing by

>> No.30344143

Tbh, all tech aside...

The shitskins are incredibly persistent, and in a market based on mostly speculation I have faith in their unapologetic ability to spam the entire internet.

>> No.30344740

Just had to interact with Matic today (through XPb) and my god was it pleasant. Three transactions, cost .0002 Matic, total of about 5 seconds transaction time.

>> No.30344756

Paki coin lmao

>> No.30344801


>> No.30344849


Stay poor, my friend

>> No.30345015

>wife bought 400 of matic for 0.21
Dunno what to make of it.

>> No.30345068

why does it make people seeth so much?

>> No.30345549

beat her for not going all-in

>> No.30345641

Wish magic would stop crabbing

>> No.30345646
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Because they want to buy at lower price

>> No.30345740

>Has to go to 2019 to FUD
I know you're just trying to accumulate. Same ehre.

>> No.30345751


Because they missed out obviously. Gone are the days of buying in the .01-.03 range where you could get thousands for cheap. Now it costs thousands to get not much at all. So he’s salty, ugly, lives in the basement of his wife’s boyfriend, and a cuck. So he mad at everyone else for making the right choice.

>> No.30346048

because it will be redundant when Optimistic roll ups are coming, plus MATIC is good for centralized apps, which kind of defeats the purpose of blockchain

>> No.30346297


Imagine being this stupid. Optimistic is trash. Imagine naming something ironically that you “have hope” it will be good. I can’t wait for your years when optimism does not at all live up to the hype and you miss this.

>> No.30346905

tikka masala coin

>> No.30347146

I like matic, but it did a 7x in 5 weeks. No way in hell am I buying into that. Might still have room to grow but people are going to take some huge profits.

>> No.30347238

Because it's been dumping so hard, right?
Because those dips aren't getting snapped up immediately.

>> No.30347331

>MATIC is good for centralized apps, which kind of defeats the purpose of blockchain

Painfully bad take breh. Centralized apps will always be crucial and the majority of the marketplace and aren't counter to blockchain at all. Maybe DeFi to some extent but they're gonna be necessary there too if you want a prayer at reaching widespread adoption.

>> No.30347853

i'm not saying centralized apps are not crucial, but then why use blockchain in the first place when you could get more efficiency out of a traditional server/database app?

>> No.30347946

the name is crap, I'm not arguing that lol.

>> No.30348525

People really hate pajeets huh?

>> No.30348658

Are you stupid? Polygon/Matic implements optimism as well dude. Its literally the bridge for everything.

>> No.30349011

Because you can interact WITH centralized and decentralized institutions while also being to hold your money yourself.

People get too purist with "defi" thinking, we arent going to see an anarcho-libertarian future of pure defi algorithm based commerce. We can just pray SOME defi will survive the inevitable gov crackdowns.

>> No.30349374


>calls someone stupid
>literally replies to wrong comment that has nothing to do with that
>is actually retarded

>> No.30349788


My matic stay static

>> No.30349959
File: 152 KB, 1309x698, DxSale_Polygon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

DxSale and Polygon partnership going to pump the price of both.

>> No.30349963

Do the needful sirs pls village cow need a lot pls sirs

>> No.30350013

That there is the problem, it needs to use more Matic to pump our price

>> No.30350101

Because xdai is objectively better, is attracting better projects, and has more tx/day with more users.

>> No.30350508

The crabbing will continue for another week or two i think. Then up or down for everybody. I think up.

>> No.30350773
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he gets me every fucking time kek

>> No.30351458

how do I profit from optimism?

>> No.30352398

I'm so bullish on this coin, went in with all my money

>> No.30352480

t. matic mitra pojeet

>> No.30352571
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>Paki coin lmao

>> No.30352751

>increased my stack by 10% with the clockwork sunday dump
It shouldn't be this easy lads

>> No.30352799

>buying MATIC when EIP-1559 is around the corner


>> No.30352885

you don't seem to know what EIP-1559 does

>> No.30352942

I unironically wrote the technical documentation for it.

>> No.30352981
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this was on MATIC network, not gonna spoonfeed you on it though

>> No.30353034

Seriously though Pakistan has an average IQ of like 78, why would we trust them with anything.

>> No.30353420

>Mountain men in Pakistan are the same as Indians
I bet you buy projects on Binance Smart Chain
Yes poo in loos but if I had to pick between China and India politically it would be the poojeets unironically

>> No.30353557

Yeah, I was surprised too how cheap that kind of labor is for my projects. How are you able to put food on your table? Do you have an onlyfans too?