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30340499 No.30340499 [Reply] [Original]

> hasn’t done enough LSD to see through time and know which coins will moon

>> No.30340739
File: 114 KB, 640x400, 1502069170433.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did 400ug and nobody told me.
What's the threshold?

>> No.30340760

Zoom out, we are dumping for real

>> No.30340826

LSD told me I'll make it whatever I invest in

>> No.30340878

> did roughly 400-500ug last week
> lay on bed
> I’m melting
> turn into a bedsheet
> lay there for three hours while geometry explodes around me
> gf calls and asks what I want for dinner
> say ‘sushi’ and immediately hang up
> go back to being a bedsheet

>> No.30341031

Were any parts challenging to get through?

>> No.30341131

stop doin drugs fucking drug addict

>> No.30341154


>> No.30341196

The parts where you start thinking if you’re doing enough for your parents, if you’ll be able to help them retire after them sacrificing their lives working wagie jobs to send you to school, if it will be too late by the time you make it and can help them enjoy what’s left of their lives, if you call them enough, if moving away from them was the wrong decision, if the Jews have won and it’s all pointless.

Might just be me though.

>> No.30341209
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250ug turns me into a knife murder schizo.

LSD give me 90% tactile hallucinations and 10% visual. its really cray cray, you fags who mostly experience only visual hallucinations really are missing out.

>> No.30341216

LSD has by far been the most intense drug experience I’ve ever had. Sometimes I wish do do it again

>> No.30341218
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i can't talk to people on lsd although I successfully pick up chicks on smaller doses

>be me
>christmas 2 years ago
>share house with some other people
>did a lot of lsd coz bored on christmas all alone
>peaking, vibrating with the universe at this point
>i need something to drink
>go down to the kitchen, the other people are cooking in there, it's a couple young guy and girl
>i go up to the fridge without acknowledging them
>take juice, close fridge
>want to say something
>completely spangled on acid, the walls are melting, the couple is melting, i'm trying to scramble something human-like to show them i'm not completely fucked up
>end up staring at them for what feels like 5 minutes, they stare back at me
>i zone out in some other thoughts for 2 minutes
>the guy says hi
>i look back at him for a minute
>manage to say "merry christmas mate" after like 3 tries cause LSD was taking my thoughts somewhere else non stop
>somehow make my way back to my room
still laugh about it thinking how bizarre the whole situation was and how intimidating i really looked staring them down in silence like i'm gonna murder them

i still have one tab hidden somewhere for a special occassion. maybe my birthday this year?

>> No.30341255

LSD will show you that meme magick is the real deal

>> No.30341289

IP identified. r/LSD is thataway reddit fags reported. DEA is on the way

>> No.30341312

Kek that is comical anon, I'd be spooked if I was that guy

>> No.30341326

Hey, I just got some acid but they're in like these... dark purple gummi capsules and will evidently make me see god. What finance book should I eat during my trip to gain its powers?

>> No.30341372

Bait. Frens seriously don’t do it, you’ll regret it big time. This shit can fuck you up worse than heroin, and the worst part is you won’t even notice it.

>> No.30341414

My Grandfather gave me the money to pursue education and he's not around to see me finish it sadly.

desu since I did 400ug I can't do it again. It hurt my brain really hard to think about afterwards. Not only visual hallucinations but complete disconnect from reality, self and was stuck in a loop for what felt like years. Came back to myself and I literally had to try really hard to remember who I was. Took me at least a year to get a portion of my ego back.

>> No.30341418

I am not sure you’ll be able to focus on the books during the trip anon. I recommend you listen to some music instead. Also try to do something creative, like writing or drawing

>> No.30341470

lel you made a good memory this day.
did you talk about that the next days with one of this peoples?
Im always scary too meet my roommate on high doses.

>> No.30341488

Tell me anon, what happened?

>> No.30341501

Not really. I’ve done a lot of LSD, so I’m pretty used to it. Mostly just chilled w the cat then had sushi w my gf when she arrived.
I rarely hallucinate visually. Tactile hallucinations are gr8.

>> No.30341587

governance is the coolest feature for defi. a week ago was offered to make DSD as colaterad and now its done! many thanks 4 mantra.

>> No.30341922

I don't think they ever mentioned it thinking back, they were ok. Weirdos themselves so I think they accepted me as just another weirdo. I ended up moving after like 3 months

I don't really mind being thought of as a druggie tbf, makes people take more distance. Normal people get scared sometimes though but it's all cause their own projections on "drugs bad"

Do more drugs

>> No.30342025
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What token and how much of it to make it?
Answer gets 7 tabs mailed to them.

>> No.30342117

>he doesn’t do 5 MeO DMT
It’s like you don’t want to experience death and rebirth

>> No.30342265

>think about my LSD trips
>suddenly, LSD thread appears on /biz/
It's real bros.
Reality is a simulation and it uses some sort of redundancy
based compression/optimization algorithm.
Every human mind is essentially part of the same process.

>> No.30342595

I ate LSD yesterday lol

>> No.30342630

But anon, that's why I hold Link.
>It’s like you don’t want to experience death and rebirth
how did you know?

>> No.30342796

HBAR, 15k.

>> No.30342827


>> No.30342838

>just now realizing this

Stay in your karmic entrapment, reincarnated human!

>> No.30342944

I accidentally did a hero dose of mushrooms and fell into another dimension which started off fun but got really dark. Kinda put me off psychedelics for the rest of my life but it was a life changing experience regardless. I STILL feel different, even 2 years on

>> No.30342946

AMP is for gods

>> No.30343549

I'm terrified of lsd and having a bad trip, my brain is so fucked in the head. Haven't touched any drugs since August

>> No.30343674

>wanna be a whale
>go for shill 3lvl scam
>fail with everything and kys in the corner

you shouldn’t be a smart ass to understand what system to join
my wallet with enq and their node tech are bestoption for this year

>> No.30344785
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I miss taking acid, bros...

>> No.30345405

This is what I think about sober.

>> No.30345804

Life changing in what way?

>> No.30345880

Just reading this gives me that comfy feeling. The last time I tripped in my room I had a black bed cover on and it looked like space, I dived on and imaged I was floating though space. I must have looked insane desu.

>> No.30346143

I don't understand people who say that LSD makes them feel connected, it always makes me paranoid of everything. Maybe i'm just neurotic

>> No.30346258

it really depends on the person, similar with alcohol, everyone reacts differently.

>> No.30346357


accidentally did a large dose of acid a few months ago. felt god energy coming through the floor to my legs while the walls pulsed with pink and orange runes. completely removed my racism and desire to drink alcohol. still feeling more calm and in control of my life afterwards. didnt see any moon missions sadly

>> No.30346543

I ate 2 tabs of lsd and now i'm racist

>> No.30346602

So the trip was a success then?

>> No.30346641

I’ve smoked enough salvia to have a Chernobyl meltdown mental decoupling event, and come back from it after ten minutes ready to go workout.

>> No.30346760

>Using LSD instead of meditation
Not gonna say NGMI, but that's the reason you only got dubs instead of the 999 of eternity

>> No.30346979

El cid told me some esoteric truths about Alexco. Be interesting to see if this vision of financial independence materializes. I'm not entirely convinced but the godhead seemed to like the stock

>> No.30347021


>> No.30347457
File: 58 KB, 703x1024, paulprovenza-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Be 20 back in 2016
>Do around 550-600 ug
>Tripping absolute balls whilst watching the green room with Paul Provenza
>Trip is so hard I convince myself I can look at the raw footage and "be there" for the recordings
>The episode with Bo Burnham comes on and they start talking eastern philosophy and talking about western decay and the problems with capitalism
>I go down the rabbit hole of late stage capitalism and accelerationism (I was super into Deleuze and Lacan at the time)
>Come to multiple conclusions, one of which that cash in the bank is trash and I need to invest in projects and companies that try to make a difference otherwise incoming hyper inflation will destroy me (I'm an econ major and was super scared of QA rounds)
>Burn through all my savings (five figures at the time) and I buy stocks of companies I believe in (mainly tech companies) and crypto
>MFW I'm now worth 7 figures thanks to Paul Provenza

>> No.30347762

Had the same experience regarding alcohol with shrooms. Psychs really make alcohol seem pointless in comparison.

>> No.30347970

incredible story if true

>> No.30348127

if you really hated people then this wasnt racism, it was hate what was removed, difference of races still exist, but we are equal just in different stages in life or evolvement, that doesnt mean you must sacrifice your land and your life for other people, this is what "no racist" government and leftists say, a very big difference, stop using racism as a valid word

>> No.30348194
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Got HPPD instead, so now I have permanent vision impairment and brain damage.

Nothing feels real anymore.

>> No.30348205

To this date I can't look at the series cause I get some pretty bad flashbacks especially cause it doesn't match what I "saw"/hallucinated. At the end of that trip I also quit all drugs cold turkey, and have been pretty much sober since then, since in the immediate aftermath I had a borderline psychotic breakdown (I even got a leave of absence at uni and was allowed to present exams later). But now that I'm in a comfier position mentally, financially and physically I'm thinking of maybe dipping into psychedelics again since I like them so much.

>> No.30348242

this makes me wanna do it again. just lay on the couch hear music with 360° hearing and fly through the "tube"

>> No.30348327

Bought lsd on dark web last year and got caught when signing the package, sold all my zec holdings to afford a normie lawyer. It was only last month that I was freed. and thrn received my 400 uni airdrop..was a blessing
After selling zec at 40$ ofc.

>> No.30348380

I save my LSD for skiing

>> No.30348440

LSD told me it's all a game and it doesn't actually matter so might as well have fun with the market

>> No.30348486

Is microdosing LSD worth it?

>> No.30348528

thinks he can see the future with hallucinations. Smells like mexican

>> No.30348805

Your conscious has been raised

>> No.30349048

>Did like 125-200 UG
>Started looping
>Was bored
>Everything felt weird
>Everyone was judging me
>Couldn't talk normally or form porper scentences
>Got exhuasted from the boring looping
>Felt mentally done
0/10 would not recommend degernate drug.

>> No.30349126
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Everytime I do LSD or shrooms I just dont care about money at all.

>> No.30349170

I agree, if I was a narcissistic cunt that couldn't break away from loopy thoughts and other people's judgement I'd also hate the drug.

>> No.30349191

>takes crap shit sold as "LSD"
>blames LSD anyway

>> No.30349322

>takes shit he hasn't even tested
>the dosage was probably around 50-75ug
>suprised to have had a bad trip

>> No.30349337

Sorry you got offended because i attacked your drug.
It was LSD.

>> No.30349346

Should have used XMR

>> No.30349391


>> No.30349417

>hasn't done DMT and realised that money is just in-game currency which makes it 1000% easier to farm

Bet half of you NPCs can't even get by the first level of stilling the mind

>> No.30349457
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>> No.30349473


What he is saying is that LSD is a mirror. Bad trips reflect bad environments and/or bad hearts.

>> No.30349498

fetch.ai - as much as you can buy before next week.

>> No.30349637

You don't need a "bad heart" for a trip to get difficult. It's enough that life is hard, and that some of the things you see in that mirror are tough to deal with.

>> No.30349679

Yeah dude TOTALLY. It's just mental rape of reality and evil spirits being able to contact you no.. LSD is like the UNIVERSE drug maaan! It's we're in the matrix bro it just knows my heart bro!

Face it, it's a retard drug for weirdos who want to escape reality. Literally used by the CIA to mind controll people. Whatever "revelation" you had was just you becomming more retarded.

>> No.30349995

redpill me about this

>> No.30350123
File: 922 KB, 591x592, 1607065684297.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All you cunts posting tabs in this thread should have them wrapped in foil, fucking retards

>> No.30350526
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unironically LSD taught me that I've lived countless lifetimes being a goyim cattle and never break out the cycle...until now. But it's not like "I" lived those lifetimes per se, more like the collective consciousness I was a part of was telling me
>You've done this again and again. You'll keep making this mistake at this rate. Break out of their control.

Also taught me to love my gf and stop being s fucking dipshit coomer who's never fucking satisfied. I have the perfect woman by my side who loves me for who I am. We're engaged now. Shrooms and LSD are fucking magic.

>> No.30350683
File: 122 KB, 1685x1074, 1614160386587.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can I have sex with your girlfriend anon?

>> No.30350928

how could you see the tabs if they were wrapped in foil dipshit

>> No.30351378
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Checked and based

>> No.30351471

>Yeah dude TOTALLY. It's just mental rape of reality and evil spirits being able to contact you no.. LSD is like the UNIVERSE drug maaan! It's we're in the matrix bro it just knows my heart bro!
Huh? He was literally saying the exact opposite - that the things you see on LSD are all in your head, and all part of you.

>> No.30351615

You need to take a heroic dose in a safe setting with a sitter. Come back after that and let me know if you feel connected to everything lol.

>> No.30351694

>thinks life is a videogame
>thinks stilling your mind requires effort

even a breakthrough won't save you anon, your brain is fried

>> No.30351705

If the world doesn't disappear like a mirage you haven't taken enough lsd.

>> No.30351755

>Everything felt weird
>Everyone was judging me

You didn't take enough anon, or you fought it

>> No.30351860

Even edibles have that effect

>> No.30351957

God that must suck

>> No.30352160
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You sound like a cool guy. I love shrooms weed and mdma, but that's where my drug escapades end. I'm a psych nurse and you couldn't pay me a million to ever touch anything like heroin/meth, I'm 100% serious in that hypothetical scenario.

If you offered 5 million, just once to do heroin? I might "consider" it at best, and I still heavily doubt I would. Shit is fucking life-ruining.

>> No.30352309

Bringing your awareness to simply being aware, not attaching to any thoughts, actions, reactions, emotions etc... For 30 or so minutes is quite difficult on your first try

But go ahead

>> No.30352487

Based. Most ive ever done was 2 tabs of 125 mics each. Felt intense but otherwise manageable. I haven't had a trip like that in more than 2 years

>> No.30352579

I saw god while tripping and he told me to hodl GRT