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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 37 KB, 584x312, Balance.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
30331518 No.30331518[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Just hacked into this guys account.
I don't know what to do with his (now mine) money.

>> No.30331550

well posting here is certainly going to get you investigated. Even if you're larping you're a fucking retard.

>> No.30331553

all in LINK

>> No.30331556

Transfer his funds to a Nigger charity

>> No.30331579

OP posts this image every day, he has nothing going in his pathetic life so he creates threads like this for attention on 4chan

>> No.30331599


>> No.30331671

God it smells like curry in here. What are you one of these pajeet Callcenter scammers ? Indians are less human than pigs.

>> No.30331762

you are paying your employees... arent you, anon?

>> No.30331796

Does it belong to someone you know?

>> No.30331812

Dump it all in doge

>> No.30331814

Sorry to break this to you but those are dollars so they are worthless

>> No.30331815
File: 12 KB, 600x800, 1612420269808.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>God it smells like curry in here. What are you one of these pajeet Callcenter scammers ? Indians are less human than pigs.

>> No.30331825

Feds don't knock

>> No.30331828

You can't do jack from quickbooks

>> No.30331832

OP is clearly not smart enough to breach someone's account, it's fake

>> No.30331833

Fuck off I've seen this post like 5 times now, get something more original u piece of shit larper

>> No.30331888
File: 159 KB, 969x703, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I recommend you guys download 4chanX if you use chrome so you can just press 'google' next to any image to reverse search it

>> No.30332092

Isn't this an anonymous image board, Dave?

>> No.30332126

This. All hackers should give reparations to dumber niggers

>> No.30332157

>mfw my actual name is Dave and i thought i was getting doxxed for a second cuz i thought you were talking to me and now im fucking shizo'd out im on so much fucking heroin right now fuck James how could you fucking do this to me making me trip fucking ballz and shit

>> No.30332191

Posting on /biz/ is already a taxable event

>> No.30332265

Buy a house with cash only in minecraft

>> No.30332279

10/10 actually choked laughing

>> No.30332284

lol this pasta image

>> No.30332293

congrats 4chan is on fbi servers you dumbass

>> No.30332311

Reinvest into some crypto to go 20x

>> No.30332356

yeah OP
invest in OGN
at least 20x