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30317459 No.30317459 [Reply] [Original]

What do you think about the NFT/crypto market? Is it a good investment or an overhyped fad?

>> No.30317526

if i was able to buy hot shots shit from the website i 100% would you realize this is the beginning of a new "baseball card" phenomenon

>> No.30317531

Of course it’s a good investment you fucking mong. Hype = money

>> No.30317617

nfts are kind of dumb in general but the nba hot shots stuff is a whole new level of dumb. i can watch basketball clips for free on youtube, i don't get it

>> No.30317675

do people actually pay almost 100k for a gif? LOL

>> No.30317788

Aavegotchi are best NFT coin in Mumbai to bye rn dears. They earn the yields from AAVE. You can sell them on the open seas too very soon prolly a week from rn. Look at it.

>> No.30317932
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>> No.30317940
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People are paying millions for crypto art.
That's the problem though, it's already hype so prices are insane out the gate.

>> No.30318079

Yeah but ser Aavegotchis is not an art, it's a yield earning collector object. You make money each season based on your rarity ranking. Do you see?

>> No.30318186

The only worthwhile NFT is an urbit star. 1 urbit star is enough to make it, over the next 5-10 years it'll start releasing apps that are competitive against legacy web 2.0 services. Seeing as how it plans to dethrone slack, Facebook, email, etc all at once, inflation adjusted 1 million dollars per star is a very low valuation, Facebook's mcap alone would make each star worth $16 million dollars

>> No.30318431

what the fucking fuck even is urbit star

I swear that whole fucking platform is some meth head's fever dream

>> No.30318650

Routing protocol and spawn rights for 65,000 computing licenses. Its an encrypted P2P decentralized computing network that can be used to store and send cryptocurrencies, communicate with other people, and regain ownership of your data.

Imagine if slack didn't have the power to gatekeep company data behind a $6/user/month paywall. Imagine if you swap out Facebook interface for something new, without losing your contacts or content. Imagine if there was no centralized body to ban you from using services. It is literally web 3.0.

>> No.30318732

NFTs are good when they have utility, basically can replace the carbon footprint of PoW on its own via NFT mining etc. Don't care much for the art/collectible.

>> No.30318968
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this shit is turning into just layers and layers of insane abstraction that absolutely fucking nobody is ever going to understand or use.

ethereum is already a huge mess and is complicated with insane fees. i can't see this shit taking off unless it's on a different blockchain.

>> No.30319988

people will have to use it because it will house killer apps that can't be replicated outside of urbit.

sort of like how right-wingers bitch and moan about twitter constantly but always make a new account after being banned because web 2.0 just has too many advantages over web 1.0. Web 3.0 is inescapable, and it is called urbit.