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30309542 No.30309542 [Reply] [Original]

Castlevania: Symphony of The Night

>> No.30309578

One of the best games i have ever played

>> No.30309587

how do I profit from this?

>> No.30309661

Same. Great classic. We need to tokenize that satisfaction some how

>> No.30309664
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Metroid: Zero Mission

>> No.30309740

When the second castle fell from the sky I was like WHOA!

>> No.30309794

It’s no Battletoads

>> No.30309807 [DELETED] 

ive found mantradao, concerned its 100% gem but dudes r dropping a new feature monthly, worth checking

>> No.30310942

>you got your /vr/ in my /biz/!

there was this one castlevania game on ps2 that i remember liking. it had this sweet electro symphonic soundtrack too.

>> No.30311042

the only good castlevania is the 2d one

>> No.30311288
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>> No.30311506

Amazing game with a really fun soundtrack

>> No.30311659

I play Symphony of the Night once a year. Beat it 8 times already.
Beat Aria of Sorrow for the fifth time last night, and I'm doing my fourth Circle of the Moon run today.
I love Castlevania bros. Wish they'd make more games in the series.

>> No.30311808

oldfag here. what do you fags think of castlevania on cuckflix? not big into anime much but i kind of like putting it on late night. first season was pretty good then got kinda meh. one of my favorite videogames for the nes.

>> No.30311926

Protip for CotM: use a gameshark code to permanently activate running status. Makes the game 100% more enjoyable

>> No.30311950

I was playing Circle of the Moon but I can't figure out where to go now and I don't feel like watching a video fuck this stupid game

>> No.30312095
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One of the worst things I've seen in my life, honestly. Thought season 1 was fine but had lots of issues with the script. Season 2 was awful. DIdn't bother with season 3.
Thanks, but I prefer playing my games vanilla. I love CotM though, although I'm finding the game much easier than I remembered it.
Not sure if it's because I've become better as a gamer since the last time I played it or I just remember certain patterns now.

>> No.30312165

What part did you get to? Maybe I can help. It's not as confusing as Harmony of Dissonance (my favorite game in the series) so you shouldn't have much trouble figuring out where to go.

>> No.30312223
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trading for about 0.1 eth

>> No.30312251

good call on not bothering with season 3. simon sounding like capt jack sparrow in season one was hilarious

>> No.30312290
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Quite fancy giving Bloodstained a whirl. Seems like a spiritual successor.

>> No.30312312

I had just gotten that power to jump off walls

>> No.30312363
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>> No.30312383

You mean Trevor? Yeah, I didn't really like the direction they took with him, honestly. Expected a much more serious show and the banter between him and Alucard, as well as Godbrand as comic relief, Death and Grant not even showing up, among other things made me really dislike the show not only as an adaptation, but as a work of fiction.
I've heard even people who liked the first two seasons despise season 3.

>> No.30312418

best ost of all time

>> No.30312533

Too short. Super Metroid, Metroid Prime, and AM2R are better.

>> No.30312543
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Beat Ritual of the Night a couple of years ago and helped my brother 100% last December. Great game, probably one of my favorite games of 2018/2019 (can't remember what year it came out in)
if I recall correctly you need to go to the right side of the castle with it. Just explored this area and killed the Necromancer, try checking out the room I marked in red.

>> No.30312549

I hate the show. They massacred Hector and Isaac. I hope they don't butcher the plot of Curse of Darkness

>> No.30312601

>>30312543 forgot to mention, Bloodstained takes Aria/Dawn of Sorrows soul mechanic and perfects it, imo, making it a much better game than both

>> No.30312645


>> No.30312760

I could never get into Curse of Darkness, sadly, so I don't know much about either Hector or Isaac, nor the game's plot.
Castlevania fans I've met always ask me what I think of the show and are surprised when I say I really disliked it. It's reciprocal too, I'm surprised to see so many Castlevania fans loving it just because it's Castlevania.

>> No.30312793
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*is better in every way*

>> No.30312936

It's good, but too easy for my liking. Don't take me wrong, SotN is piss easy too, but I think the level design was slightly better in SotN.
Still, both are fantastic.

>> No.30313083
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Sorry, I'm retarded. Posted the wrong pic kek.
This is the one I was supposed to post

>> No.30313190

>I'm surprised to see so many Castlevania fans loving it just because it's Castlevania.
Me too. It feels like a standard netflix show with a castlevania aesthetic

>> No.30313204


>> No.30313267

>he didn't 200%

>> No.30313375


>> No.30313417

my nigga

>> No.30313419

>Me too. It feels like a standard netflix show with a castlevania aesthetic
Pretty much. First thing that really put me off was Trevor being so against religion, when Castlevania 3 literally starts with him on his knees, praying in front of a cross.
RotN (Ritual of the Night AKA Bloodstained) doesn't have 200%. SotN (Symphony of the Night) does, and I've done 200% multiple times.

>> No.30313474

Great game. Probably one of the best in the series, if not the best.

>> No.30313627
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What other open world games are as comfy as Morrowind? The setting, lore and story are top tier and you can take over any house you want by killing the inhabitant instead of paying a few million dollars and taxes

>> No.30313719

I don't know, but Fallout 2 is my favorite open world game of all time so I'm going with that.

>> No.30313767

Do you have trouble running in that game?

>> No.30313798


Oh boy. If you thought Season 2 was bad...

>> No.30314001

>Castlevania 3 literally starts with him on his knees, praying in front of a cross.
Exactly! The anti religion theme made no sense and was too ham fisted. The Belmonts use Holy Water and Crosses for crying out loud

>> No.30314008

I don't know anyone that's had trouble running in it. It's a skill you unlock ten minutes into the game at most (you do move slowly when walking, but you can use the slide which is faster instead), and you need to double tap a directional button to run, which isn't hard to do.
You just copypasted my post but kek, that's exactly the reaction my brother had too.

>> No.30314074

I was just about to add the >
Kek at least you saw it. Dumb show.

>> No.30314115
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Shin Megami Tensai: Persona 3

>> No.30314228

Yeah. That's when I realized the show was gonna have much bigger problems than just the excessive swearing the first episode had (which is usually a sign of the writers thinking swearing = mature and edgy script, iirc the first episode alone has 20 instances of the word "fuck" being used).
Other than that I thought season 1 didn't have as many issues as season 2 had.
it's fine kek.

>> No.30314275

The way the chick that does Sypha's voice rolls over vowels gives me piss shivers. Other than a couple of interesting things like the Granfalloon and the cute redhead vampire, there's not much to hold anyone's interest.

>> No.30314276

Is $SOTN available on Binance?

>> No.30314430

>The way the chick that does Sypha's voice rolls over vowels gives me piss shivers
Never noticed that. Sort of want to watch an episode to see if I can notice it, but at the same time I really don't want to give the show any more of my time.

>> No.30314531

Season 1 had potential, Season 2 gave up on following the plot of C3. I don't know what happened in Season 3
I heard they want to add Simon and Soma to the show, which sents shivers down my back

>> No.30314648

>I heard they want to add Simon and Soma to the show, which sents shivers down my back
oh no. Wish they'd stop tainting Castlevania and move on to something else.
iirc the director said he wants to animate Symphony of the Night too... Hopefully he won't.

>> No.30314923

>animate Symphony of the Night too
Damn. It sucks that people are getting into Castlevania from the show only.

>> No.30314943

>Season 3
There's a good 2 minute scene of Alucard fucking the female twin of a male twin who is fucking him in the ass simultaneously.

>> No.30315038

True. I met this lesbian chick a couple of years ago who was really into the show due to Carmilla, and was disappointed when she found out the games didn't have any lesbians.
Been told there's a scene in season 3 that lets the viewers know Alucard is at least bisexual, but I didn't expect it to be that. How graphic does it get? Does it serve any purpose to the story?

>> No.30315079
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>There's a good 2 minute scene of Alucard fucking the female twin of a male twin who is fucking him in the ass simultaneously.


>> No.30315128

If you bought 5 years ago, you already did.

>> No.30315276

I figured the appeal was for the hot topic demographic. Did you tell her Carmilla is a floating head?

>> No.30315313
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You like to play castlevania?

>> No.30315369

I told her she's a floating head in Castlevania 2 and a disgusting demon riding a skull in Circle of the Moon.
I know Carmilla is actually a lesbian in the novel/short story she comes from, but her sexuality never comes up in the games because it's obviously not necessary.

>> No.30315416
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Blast this while you trade on adderal friends


>> No.30315473

what is this gay shit lmao is that castlevania?

>> No.30315612

In Judgement she's Dracula's sex toy. Isaac did kiss Trevor on the cheek after stabbing his heart in CoD, but I think that was more of a smug gloat

>> No.30315692

Haven't played either game, honestly. As I said on a different post, CoD never really appealed to me.
But yeah, that was most likely a smug gloat, since iirc Isaac actually had a female fiancee on the CoD manga.

>> No.30315701
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It really doesn't serve anything meaningful to the overall plot other than that there's vampires in Japan and more importantly Alucard is a powerbottom (not even joking) . Graphic wise it's pretty cringe, but it's not super explicit over than the part of Alucard getting railed in the ass KEK

>> No.30315863

Oh boy. Well, that's it, the face of Alucard cumming from an ass orgasm is forever ingrained in my mind now. Thanks anon for ensuring I never watch season 3.

>> No.30315890

I never read the manga, I might check it out. CoD definitely gets repetitive and I understand the lack of appeal compared to the 2d games, but it has charm, like Lament of Innocence

>> No.30315919

I played Super Metroid briefly as a youngster but never got into Metroid till Fusion came out. I went back and played it a few years ago and it's not nearly as good as Zero Mission. It definitely looks better than ZM but when people told me it's the best game on the SNES I may have had hopes far too high

>> No.30316025

I can only imagine how great season 4 will be, with Trevor getting cucked by Sypha and Isaac fucking the Pope

>> No.30316035

I never read much of it either since I wanted to beat the game first.
I really liked Lament of Innocence, actually. There's something about whipping your enemies in a game that is just oddly satisfying.
Yeah. As much as I love Super Metroid I wouldn't say it's the best SNES game of all time. I had a similar experience with Mass Effect 2, with everyone around me hyping it up as the best story in a videogame ever, as well as the best writing in a videogame and being quite disappointed by it overall (while still thinking it's a good game, just not something I enjoyed that much).

>> No.30316270

>There's something about whipping your enemies in a game that is just oddly satisfying.
It sounds badass when you hit something. Also Leon is the man. Can't go wrong with his theme too https://youtu.be/jZLRnQqEyt0

>> No.30316508

The only good 3D Castlevania game is Dark Souls. Prove me wrong.

>> No.30316572


Alucard's entire subplot in season 3 made zero sense. The twins followed the most generic and cliche plotline you could imagine.

>> No.30316605
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What are some other games my /biz/raelis can rec me? Recently I really liked and finished those:

>Amid Evil

>> No.30316892


Serious Sam: First and Second Encounter
Doom: Eternal
Alien: Isolation (More horror focused, but solid)
Dishonored (Dishonored 2 has worse story, but I still enjoyed the gameplay)
Far Cry Blood Dragon (It's an acid trip in a game. It's not long, but boy does it leave an impression)
Shadow Warrior remake

I'm also partial to Doom (classic) mods. Between gameplay mods such as Project Brutality or Guncaster and years of map packs, it'll keep you busy for years.

>> No.30316972

have you checked for disc rot lately?

>> No.30317112

Agreed. His theme is one of the best tracks in the series.
So glad I stopped after season 2.
Blood is a great option.
>>Amid Evil
Heretic is a great option. Just make sure to use GZDoom.
Bloodstained. Ritual of the Night. If you enjoy metroidvanias in general La-Mulana 1 and 2 are good options, so is Cathedral.
Dark Souls if you're into dark fantasy in general.
Haven't played it so I can't recommend anything similar. I'd say download an SNES ROM pack and try games, you might find something similar.
Disappointed you didn't mention Blood. Arguably the best FPS ever made.

>> No.30317220

first season based, rest is shit

>> No.30317377
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Should I upload my version of this? Would feel weird if anyone found out my identity considering I've posted it on a relatively big discord server I'm on.

>> No.30317434

best PSX game no contest

>> No.30317624
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now this shit fuckin rips. I unironically used to have the soundtrack on CD and listened to it in my '99 Honda Civic. literally those were the days.


>> No.30317679

Based boomericho poster. Yeah, Castlevania games for the most part have some of the best soundtracks I've heard in gaming.
Man, I miss /asp/.

>> No.30318442
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i prefer the original, thanks.

>> No.30318870

Just finished replaying this on my retro pie, quality soundtrack!!
Legacy of Kain next

>> No.30318909

Always wanted to play Legacy of Kain but never did.
Have fun!

>> No.30319079

patrician choice anon. circle of the moon is underrated.

>> No.30319278

Anyone here invest in rare retro videogames?
I've been holding earthbound, megamanx2, all the boktai games, and conkers bad fur day.

>> No.30319335
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>missed BTC
>missed ETH
>missed LINK

Should I just kill myself? What should i go all in on?

>> No.30319347

don't puss out anon let's see what you got

>> No.30319422
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>> No.30319664
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kek how does nobody know about emulators, STILL? I've been using them to play old games since like fucking 2006.... still always met with a "what?" whenever I mention them to other gamers

>> No.30319769

It’s fantom

>> No.30319796
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There you go. I wonder what everyone else's would look like.

>> No.30320028
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That Battletoads Arcade never got a port is a crime against humanity.

>> No.30320097

Agreed. Best game in the series by far, with & Double Dragon being a close second.

>> No.30320147

It's one of those classic series I don't get the love for. I don't understand how anyone can find enjoyment in 2D sidescrollers after 3D became a thing.

>> No.30320262

makes me sad about the castlevania series bros, its the only one that was perfect aesthetically for me and its basically dead

>> No.30320322

I do like how they made Trevor a drunk asshole, which is what a belmont would probably be with no dracula to fight, but it just got worse the further it went on. I don't even want to think about what they're going to do to Cowboy Bebop.

>> No.30320484

dope picks anon. I love heavy story driven games but I've never heard of baldr sky. Ill check it out

>> No.30320941
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It's a really good series of visual novels, although I'm not a big fan of the genre. Always been interested in them since I first heard the OP for Baldr Sky 2 back in 2010 and been waiting for the translation to be released for years lol (finally came out on December 2019).
Basically, it's a cyberpunk story about a young mercenary who wakes up with no memories and has to recover most of them, people in this universe can access the internet physically through a brain chip and they can make their own avatars there, with websites having physical-ish forms as well (even 2chan/4chan makes an appearance, check picrel). The Steam version is censored but you can recover the sex scenes with a free patch. Overall one of the most underrated VNs while often considered one of the best ones by those who have actually read it, still gotta finish Baldr Sky 2 though.
OP for the second game: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TdUFY5Hu7os