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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 63 KB, 795x795, 0x_logo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3030566 No.3030566 [Reply] [Original]

This is going to be huge. It's the next 10x coin.

Coins that will use 0x:

Augur, district0x, maker dao, aragon, dharma and few others with more to come.

Bitfinex recently announced that their new exchange ethfinex will be using 0x as well.

Coinbase founder is one of the advisors and the team is amazing.

>> No.3030569

Too bad we will only be allowed to invest a couple grand with 10k people signed up.

>> No.3030576

i bought DNT on liqui

is that good enough?

>> No.3030585

I think it's around 8k-9k registered but I registered multiple times so I can put in a lot more.

But you should be good since not everyone will use up their limit for the first 24 hours and after 24 hours your limit will be 3x.

>> No.3030597

DNT is a good one, but this is the protocol that DNT will be using. It's like how you have ethereum and then you have ethereum tokens. So this one will likely go up a lot more than DNT.

>> No.3030600

Knew bout this one a long time coming. Very exciting and been stocking eth. Glad it's capped but I'm going all in

>> No.3030616

7k people
only $3k/people
I think if everyone hasn't bought the first day, it will be over the next day for sure
it's kinda interesting since it will prevent any bagholder, and the dev fund vest over 2 years

>> No.3030638

I was sitting on the fence due to the registration process. Went through with it anyways, was impressed by civic, wish I had invested some more in that.
This protocol, "token", is essentially bancor but not a scam - think it will be 10x at least - POS will ensure that people are wary of selling

>> No.3030647

how will it prevent bagholding? Some ICO's dump the first day by people panicking, some go 2x the first day. This is unlikely with a big name project like this but it is possible.

>> No.3030653

I'm registered by my coinbase weekly limit is hit and I'm struggling to figure out how to get ETH for the 15th to buy tokens please help me someone what do I do?

>> No.3030670

so how do i buy zrx tokens? i can't get on etherdelta? where's the registration?

>> No.3030673

by the way, did anyone recieve a mail as confirmation of registration?
I didn't, but when I tried again it said eth address already was enlisted

>> No.3030681

registration is over for ICO, you're too late. you will probably be able to buy them on exchanges day one.

>> No.3030688

Once the ICO ends (should be over by the 17th of August), it will be on etherdelta for sure since the tokens can be traded right away and there isn't any stupid lock.

Good thing you pulled the trigger. I really think this will pull an Omise Go.

>> No.3030695

doesnt it close in 30 min

>> No.3030699

Someone pls advise how I get more ETH

>> No.3030702

really? i thought i figured it out? it says i'm in a line with an 8-minute estimated wait time

>> No.3030712

idk maybe you'll get in then.

>> No.3030721

>0x ICO (ZRX)

>> No.3030725

Registration closes at 10pm PST

25min left

Just got in faggots :)

>> No.3030740

People here are saying this can go 10x after the ICO but on reddit they say this:

"The ZRX token isn't an investment vehicle and shouldn't be purchased with any expectation of profit. If your concern is making a profit rather than supporting an innovative new technology, then this project is not for you."

My guess is they say that because they don't want to deal with the sec and it will be profitable if it's adopted and used by other projects.

What do you all think?

>> No.3030749

If you verify on coinbase and you're American I think the limits are like 10k a week if you use ACH. But there aren't many sites that do credit card unfortunately.

>> No.3030754

Sounds like Pajeet fud to me.

>> No.3030761

It is absolutely for the sec. You can check the slack where one of the members of the team said use common sense when they say those phrases.

I've been part of several ICO's and all of them say something similar to this. BAT had this in their terms of conditions for their ICO and so do 99% of ICO's.

>> No.3030765

Does anyone know where it's going to be traded?

>> No.3030768

ACH Will take until Friday. I need it for tuesday.

>> No.3030774

on the reddit:

"Hi, Will from 0x here.
We are not making any effort to list ZRX on traditional exchanges because 0x Protocol will already allow users to exchange any Ethereum-based asset, including the ZRX token!"

>> No.3030777

>the team is amazing.


I advise everyone to look into the team. They're a bunch of kids with nothing to their name. No thanks

>> No.3030800

how the fuck do I sign a message

>> No.3030806

How do you join the slack? Everytime I click the slack referral on their site I can't create an account

>> No.3030815

Oh wow and people expect this to 10x why? Also it's only to trade ethereum tokens...

>> No.3030816
File: 31 KB, 560x315, 8578376.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think it's bull, anon-san. They need to cover their ass.

In the short-term, the sheer hype surrounding the project (including the the partnership with Ethfinex) means that the $24 million ICO hardcap will be met pretty quickly due to demand. And since the tokens will be distributed right after the ICO finishes, I'm guessing we'll see them on exchanges not that long after. So it'll be a bidding way as some ambitious people buy them up.

In the long-term, since what is basically a small fee in ZRX will be paid for every transaction over the protocol, then this means that the more transactions are being done on the 0x protocol the more valuable ZRX should be? Plus, this thing is better than a lot of existing concepts (centralized exchanges, cheaply made and hard-to-use decentralized exchanges like EtherDelta), meaning it will likely be used more. *And* this thing could be used from here until 2025 and beyond, so increasing value.

I say buy and hold for the long-term, as with all ETH ecosystem infrastructure tokens.

>> No.3030874

It should be listed on bittrex very soon after the ICO ends.

Like I said almost every company says that. It's for the SEC.

Not even close lol. You guys can check out their linkedin's. If huge companies like bitfinex are using their protocol then I'm sure they are really good at what they do. And the founder of coinbase wouldn't bother being part of 0x if they were retards.

You can't join for now. They disabled them temporarily so scammers don't come in and spam fake addresses. Should be open again soon.

>> No.3030884

>And the founder of coinbase wouldn't bother being part of 0x if they were retards.

He is part of a lot of shitty ICOs

>> No.3030886

I guess I meant it will be more difficult to dump that something else anyone could have bought without any limit and hold millions of coin

>> No.3030893

It's just legal shit they spew to cover their asses so the SEC doesn't deem it as a security. Almost all companies do this.

>> No.3030911

Registered. Thanks OP.

>> No.3030913

So what can you stake this tokens and generate more?

>> No.3030922

Yeah that's what I figured. I really like how professional the ICO signup process was. Speaks well for them as a team. I think I'll go ahead and throw a few eth at it.

>> No.3030923

Like which ones lol? I've been on hundreds of ICO websites and this is the first time I've seen the coinbase founder as one of the advisors.

And 0x already has a bunch of big companies that are going to use it's protocol and the ICO hasn't even ended yet. Most of these coins that moon have little to nothing going for them.

>> No.3030955

It's used for governance and will also be used as a transaction fee for the companies that use the 0x protocol.

>> No.3031069

BTC ATM if there's one by you. Or localbitcoins.

>> No.3031073

yes, it went to my spam folder

>> No.3031091

.have bitcoin to spend,
>yobit being garbage and it's stuck in processing

>> No.3031108

Oh shit, there's one right in the lobby of my office. I thought it was just for withdrawals.