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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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30272381 No.30272381 [Reply] [Original]

Reef General

>> No.30272424

Does the reefaggot's suffering ever end?

>> No.30272765
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>> No.30272819

Anystake is a myth, „staking“ is a myth. This is a Ponzi. The staked coins DO NOT provide liquidity in the DeFiat network. DeFiat is not a DEX. Its not a lending platform. Its just a shell that charges a fee to enter and exit an empty building and redistributes that fee to anyone already inside. That's why your coins never leave your wallet. That's why there's no impermanent loss risk. Nothing actually occurs when you stake your coin other than a fraction of it being taken away to pay to enter the game of musical chairs. A code audit doesnt mean shit when your staking rewards are based on newcomers joining the staking platform

>> No.30272937

>dot finance

>> No.30273063
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everything else dumps and this baby just holds strong where the fuck are my reefers at

>> No.30273202

35k here and proud of my stablecoin stack

>> No.30273520
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My guts is telling me that the only regret I'll have with this is not buying more at the dip. 30k stacklet, 3rd worldfag here

I didn't followed my guts at BNB and BTC/XPR years ago, fuck this. My hands are diamonds now, I'll only consider selling after $1

>> No.30274312
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All comfy here

>> No.30274530

I still remeber the time when an anon used to spam into altcoin moonshots thread

"Buy Reef you dont know whats coming"

So i believed him and bought a stack at rs1.5

After that the mass shilling only ever began after the price doubled to 3.5rs.

Feels good to know that i dumped my bags on somebody for the first time lol

>> No.30274811

It has done the opposite or just straight out ignored BTC so far, unsure whether good or bad

>> No.30275858

Moon when sirs

>> No.30275923

I already bought and dumped a bag of this, what are the chance of it actually doing something anytime soon?

>> No.30276491

I did the same with link and went all in into FTM, felt good man

>> No.30276770

It's launching later this month, it's guaranteed to pump then

>> No.30278554
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Hurry Peanis, Ujeem does not have much time.

>> No.30278844

50x Leverage just announced on binance

>> No.30279295
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>reached 0.04
>shits the bed
this shitcoin is pure comedy

>> No.30279419
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What the fuck are you talking about?

>> No.30279519

I give it 15 minutes

>> No.30279584

Is it possible to stake it? If not, when?

>> No.30279603


>makes a wrong statement
>moves the goalposts

Lol. Yikes.

>> No.30279679

two more weeks, fagface

>> No.30279750
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what does this mean?

>> No.30279806


Wow, you moved those posts pretty far this time, lol. 15 minutes to 2 weeks. Seethe harder

>> No.30279811

take a look at dex for Jul
don’t make quick push
>put 300$ on holding
>waited a month
>push to 1000$ staking pools
fees so low, lol don’t cry about gas on erc

>> No.30279929

If this is the mcap graph, it went zero for a while on coinmarketcap because they were updating the reef page with the official circ supply

>> No.30280050


>> No.30280270
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Good day

>> No.30280353



>> No.30282184

I just bought some more. I'm now only 88 reef away from 2k. My balance is 45% FTM, 35% Reef and 20% HBAR.
Please don't shoo away this poorfag.

>> No.30282803

300k reefies haven’t had better sleep in years

>> No.30283692

Penis don't fuck up the client please, I need to buy a new lightbulb. I've been shitting in a dark room for weeks

>> No.30285411

What happened to the updated roadmap that they promised a few days ago?

>> No.30285855

there's a roadmap?

>> No.30286726
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why don't you just go in the street like the rest of us

>> No.30286922
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1 million reef faggot reporting in

>> No.30286997

What does Reef do?

>> No.30287081

shitposting fuel

>> No.30287120

It seems like it.

>> No.30287481
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>> No.30289214
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it prints

>> No.30289688

Buy BonFi, similar concept, way lower market cap, confirmed platform launch.
Don't buy a project that already has ~100M mc cap, without a product, that's retard tier.

>> No.30289804
File: 62 KB, 1201x414, cmc_30day_trend.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reef #1 30 day trending

>> No.30291524

Buying before there is a product is guaranteed profit

>> No.30291568
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>> No.30291711
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That's like the whole point right? If I wanted to buy something that's already pumped/has product I would, and have. This is trying to get in early and is a bigger risk. No risk no reward.

>> No.30291819

Bitch hands dont make money, as nigger say