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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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30281352 No.30281352[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Will you start eating only organic food? Move to a gated community? Finally buy a 4chan pass? Shill me your dreams, senpai.

>> No.30281447


>> No.30281626

Build a fortress in the wilderness - High walls, moat, underground rooms, everything.

>> No.30281649

I am going to spend a year living on beaches, smoking and drinking too much and fucking every woman i come into contact with. After this i will settle down with a good woman and fire heaps of babies into her

>> No.30281723

Property & hobbies

>> No.30281743

I'm already married. That said, it's crazy to me that sleazy middle aged men can fuck 10/10 college aged girls for like $500 via seeking arrangement. I'd probably hit that up if I was degen and single

>> No.30281754

I’d probably sleep for two months

>> No.30281825


>> No.30281920


>> No.30281945

Sleazy middle aged men can do it for free if you spend that money on good food and a gym membership lol

>> No.30281983

Unironically anti-aging technology and life preservation.

>> No.30282143

>Will you start eating only organic food?
What do you mean by this?

>> No.30282146

It's a lot more work that way though. I can't relate to zoomers. Money is the universal language.

>> No.30282251

Like, you know how there is expensive "organic" and non-GMO food at the grocery store? Will you start paying a premium to avoid the processed food jew?

>> No.30282735

>Like, you know
You do not need to make a verbal pause in written text anon.
>Will you start paying a premium to avoid the processed food jew
No, that's silly. Just buy up all the seeds that Monsanto don't own and grow your own food. Everything is GMO.

>> No.30282782

as long as i don't have to go inna wage cage im happy. i don't have to spend money.

>> No.30282965

>seeking arrangement

wtf how have i never heard of this, literally just gone on this and theres so many girls

>> No.30283015


>> No.30283071

that’s a man

>> No.30283165

>everything is GMO
lmao @ burgers

>> No.30283227

You can't get 10/10 girls. 8/10 girls are $10000 per session.

No you can't lol.

I'm a college student and my dad wires me 4K a month and pays for my college. I'd be more than happy to spend that money on girls food and gym memberships if they had sex with me.

I'm still a kissless virgin because i don't have the kind of money for girls

>> No.30283234

She looks like she’s in pain

>> No.30283314

I checked it out and there's no one. There's like 10 girls

>> No.30283344

100% chance those are implants.

>> No.30283469

where do you live?

Nottingham UK here and there are plenty.

>> No.30283515

>get my dream car
>buy a cottage in Halifax
>buy a medium house with a large back yard near a forrest
>spend the summers with my son
>go skydiving
>learn to race cars
>learn to ride motorcycles
>learn to work with wood
and finally
>make a life size paintball version of Halo 2's Lockout

>> No.30283565
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and track days every weekend

>> No.30283602

New Jersey, I go to Princeton University

>> No.30283658

Heard that's decent, well done you

>> No.30283709

>Will you start eating only organic food?

sorry I am not a raging homosexual

>> No.30283711

start a gaming company and try to make a fun, rewarding video game

>> No.30283788

glad I'm not the only one who sees it

>> No.30283827

land, an off grid home, gunz

>> No.30283835

that last one, that last one i like

>> No.30283871

are the whores expensive? i live near Nottingham and might look into it

>> No.30283884

I'm 31 and this unironically sounds like the best suggestion in the entire thread.

>> No.30283952

Why Halifax? I thought Harrogate was much nicer

>> No.30283967
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LEGO sets

>> No.30284091
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Halifax Canada
but holy shit anon this looks like a fantasy town

>> No.30284146

You wouldnt get it. If you exclusively go for old women past their prime then fine, just dont complain when others would rather fuck college aged women in their prime

>> No.30284207

it doesn say the price on there as far as I can telll, you have to contact them and arrange

ive literally only heard of it from this thread so not 100% sure on how it works yet desu

>> No.30284348

I'm not against it. I am saying I would be doing it myself if I was single. I'm a 28 year old boomer married to a 27 year old boomerette. Of course I'd like to fuck 19 year olds. It's just not in the cards for me at this point.

>> No.30284369

oh right Canada. Halifax in Yorkshire is ok but its a fairly standard mill town and seemed an unusual choice for a dream home. Yeah Harrogate is nice.

>> No.30284483
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Recently I had an escort girl and I've paid for the one with pucci and ass eating service. But I've never tried her pucci or ass with my tongue, because she's been fucking with other dudes (obviously), and I wasn't sure if she was clean etc. But I'd really like to eat some pucci and a little bit of ass or good facesitting.

Even the money can't buy it for me, because I can't literally take her to hospital and go over full diagnostics and things.

So the money can't make you happy, it can't buy you ALL you want. Okay? So that's how you ngmi.

>> No.30284501

No. You’re talking escorts
For some reason regular sluts go on seeking arrangements and give their pussy for a few hundred A NIGHT. It is like they think they aren’t whores if they take less and do a minimum amount of vetting
This is not a meme. This has been an open secret for a few years now. Try it.

>> No.30284507

>eating only organic food

We get it, you don't understand basic biology.

>> No.30284675

There's something in the food. It's blurring the features of the genders and raising the level of and acceptance of mentally ill trannies

>> No.30284835

I'm actually a medical doctor in the US. I have a good grasp of biology. I am increasingly skeptical of the society around me. I am one step away from saying "if I didn't grow it myself , I'm not eating it". The explosion of cancer we are seeing nowadays is because of all the garbage processed food and chemicals we put in our bodies. Don't be an NPC

>> No.30284852

Fruit and veggies arent sustainable. You need meat

>> No.30284878

Invasive surgeries like fixing my pectus excavatum and flared ribs.
I've always wanted to lick a pretty girls foot and that costs a LOT of money.

>> No.30284951


So you’re saying it’s the backpage replacement?

>> No.30284953
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Truth. They even post videos on pornhub/onlyfans so their customers can see an example of their work comparative to their rates. Some might call that free market capitalism at work. I just call that a fancy way to spread the herpes virus

>> No.30285042

>thinking the shit you're eating isn't killing you

>> No.30285102

Bro you're not that old

>> No.30285137
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>I've always wanted to lick a pretty girls foot and that costs a LOT of money.
Based. Just get a gf/wife and unlock free feet

>> No.30285144

That’s Knaresborough. Both based and comfy though

>> No.30285176

fruits and veggies are sustainable if you grow your own. If everyone grew their own shit then you wouldn't need meat

>> No.30285265
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/biz/ you have 30 seconds to name a more comfy city

>> No.30285307

but I'm picky, if she doesn't make me fall in love from just looking at her face then I don't want her as my gf.

>> No.30285433

Those photos are an illusion, the arch in her back is hiding the cellulite fat in her ass. Once you get one of these broads naked their asses look like grocery bags filled with grease. It’s gross and boner killing. This is your daily FUD on women.

>> No.30285545
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Pillowville Tennessee

>> No.30285569

pay taiwanese hookers to shit on me

>> No.30285580

This. To protect from zombies

>> No.30285645

>you wouldnt need meat
Meat is a vital resource. Most people dont understand that animals are mini factories that turn inedible plants into resource dense foods.. It is retarded to insist you can live a quality life without meat. You need those vitamins. The vast majority of Vegans and vegetarians are deficient in vitamins that are abundant in meat. Sorry, but there are no plant alternatives to this. And some propogandistic study funded by some vegan foundation doesnt disprove human evolution

>> No.30285677

I'd still eat her ass like my life depended on it

>> No.30285774
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>> No.30285807

>Better food
>A situation wherein I can work out regularly, whether that be a house with a basement gym or near a good public gym
>VR rig and other tech to dick around with
>Books. Lots of books.
>Probably adhd meds so I can read all those books
>Health monitoring equipment
>A better bed
>A ton of furry commissions
>Paying off my family's debts so they can stop being such poverty-minded energy vampires
>Possibly a few years in Italy so I can get my EU passport

Money will be most for relieving my anxiety, setting me up for personal gains/security.

>> No.30285918

You are really far out on this man, but best of luck in the future

>> No.30285944

I wanna buy high tech ghost hunting Gear and hunt ghosts. Also want to get good at a zoomer videogame. Also install an additional urinal in my washroom so I don't have to piss in a toilet (I piss a lot)

>> No.30286023

I hate them

>> No.30286063

I agree but also would contend that the selective pressure was more strongly towards favoring consumption of poultry and fish than anything else.

Beef is good for getting stronk though.

>> No.30286077

Why did you get married?

>> No.30286120
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So do I

>> No.30286567

How incredibly boring do you have to be to get the median income as a college student, just in checkie-weckies from daddy's pocket, and still be unable to pull any ass?

I don't believe it man. People in your tax bracket take trips around the world and have access to untold amounts of mind-expanding media. Stop being a coward, go read some Ferlinghetti and get in an sexually-charged argument over the merits of bohemianism with that chick in your chem lab.

>> No.30286568

there is no such thing as ghosts, all the equipment is a scam. NGMI

>> No.30286778
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you'll love this one then

>> No.30286845

that sounds very comfy anon

>> No.30286992

That would be rad.

>> No.30287048

This guy is based

>> No.30287055

There has been an inherent risk in almost every decision you've made to get this far. What's one more roll-of-the-dice? The worst that could happen is you get throat aids cancer in 5-15 years.

>> No.30287114

You don't have to "make it" to do that.

>> No.30287135

Not these days. Just get on Tinder. You can literally fuck 20-24 year olds EVERY SINGLE DAY a new one, for nothing more than taking them out for a couple of drinks. What I've been doing lately are "COVID friendly cocktails" in my backyard. I show them my house on the way in and they're already juicing in their pussies, then we go out back, take our masks off. I mix a couple of cocktails - they're impressed with how good I am at it. They drink one, it's pretty boozy and they're already pretty drunk by the end. We have one more. By this time, the conversation of "isn't it funny like we're just sitting across from each other without masks, do we really think if one of us had COVID we wouldn't have gotten it by now? The world is wild man" begins... then I ask them if they want the full tour of my home. They say yes. We go right to the bedroom and fuck. All in all I've spent about $10 on cocktail ingredients.

>> No.30287227

No you're not. You just don't understand the hierarchy of research on the subject.

>> No.30287294

Any edible meat is good really. Just dont go for a predatory animal's liver because it can kill you. Im not a big fan of poultry but i do eat like 9 eggs a day and they're easy to keep compared to other animals. But if you have large amounts of land, i think cows would be a good option because its not like a hawk can just swoop in and take one out, they feed themselves. Just make sure you move them around so they dont overgraze and let them feel safe.

>> No.30287351

I'm working on this. Only have 2 acres so it should be easy enough. The fence/walls will cost a lot though. Comfy

>> No.30287398

Damn I thought I was getting off cheap by taking girls to the park for a walk before fucking but I pay more than that in gas :(

>> No.30287535

Ah yes, because meat just grows out of thin air.

>> No.30287547

>LEGO sets
Just bought my lego mos eisley cantina/lukes landspeeder/obi wans hut, absolutely comfy.

>> No.30287707
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>the people in this thread

>> No.30287859

For those interested in seeking arrangement
You’re going be negotiating with some entitled college bitch who isn’t going to put any effort into sex.
Just save yourself some time and get a professional escort. They at least pretend to like you. And don’t fool yourself into thinking the girl on SE didn’t just get her back blown out too

>> No.30287999

I’m not a very materialistic person so all I really need is
>comfy bed
>nice view of my city or nature
>money for drugs and raves
>escorts a few times a year if I’m in a dry spell

>> No.30288093

honestly impressed with their photo edit techniques

>> No.30288100

>posting whores
I hope your wife dumps you, fucking scum

>> No.30288177

DEFINITELY not women.

>> No.30288207

This kills the American.

>> No.30288280

Even if it cost less being able to just never leave your house is a big perk, and starting at your house is an even bigger perk. You don't even have to get into the awkward conversation of "do you want to go to my house for whatever bullshit reason right now", you're already there. The tour begins in the master bedroom, you grab them by the waist push them up against the wall and start making out, within 20 seconds or less you are unbuttoning their pants and fingering them. Pull the shirt off, pick them up and throw them on the bed, pull the pants all the way off, ask "do you want me to wear a condom?" so you prompt a complete skip of any additional foreplay and so they think you're responsible and inevitably say "no, it's fine", and then start at it. Obviously cum inside of them.

>> No.30288307

I love her, Anon. She's very cute.

I'm still a hot blooded man who fancies 19 year old girls tho.

>> No.30288589

Misunderstanding. Animals eat stuff we cant eat to make food we can eat. You can eat fruits and vegetables all you want but they dont have enough nutrients to sustain you very well if you're not eating a fuckton of them and you will still be deficient in vitamin b12 and whatnot

>> No.30288600
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The problem with cows (actually, again, not a problem if you want to get STRONK) is that they're big. Their nutrition profile is for large, active animals (wolves are smaller than us but are much less sedentary) who don't eat much in the way of grains or starches. If you're trying to avoid cardiovascular disease or cancer you're gonna have a bad time eating mostly cow. That said, again, if you're trying to build muscle, the nutrient density of milk and beef products is unparalleled. But your body and movement habits have to be ready for it.

I say this as a big beef eater myself.

>> No.30288843

Thank you man!

I tried seeking arrangements and found like 5 girls and they were all chubby

>> No.30288976

What drugs do you take? Or do you just hit your head lot? I want live in your deluded/delusional reality. KEK

>> No.30289087

Buy an ass like hers

>> No.30289127

premium brand chicken nuggets
fuck maybe I will even have a chef making fresh chicken for me.

>> No.30289263

the only things I want are to leave the US and not work

>> No.30289270
File: 1.15 MB, 4032x1960, 19 MT10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

get the MT10. i almost bought the mt09 but then i rode the MT10, there is nothing like it.

>> No.30289316

haha imagine her sitting on your face haha that must be horrible

>> No.30289367

Haha imagine the smell...

>> No.30289396

this is a worthless thread

>> No.30289417


>> No.30289452

>t. gay

>> No.30289460

this is a worthless thread. yet it has more than 100 replies

>> No.30289552

I just want a small farm and a wife to bear my 3-4 childreen. I also want to have a workshop with some mills and other machinery.

>> No.30289591

fake silicon ass

>> No.30289601


>> No.30289725

Buy more land, triple my home farm size, from 1 to 3 acres get a new hunting bow. Mine is a year old ugh lol. Do some quality deer management. Build a gun range, and if I'm filthy rich, build my own street track for my sportbike.

>> No.30289850

You've clearly never been on Tinder.

I show them my dads porsche, my mansion, my huge swimming pool.

Never had a girl ever want to meet up with me once and been ghosted 100% of the time.

Plus on Tinder if you're a guy you get like no matches anyway, so good luck trying to get your 6 matches to come over when they're ghosting you.

> They say yes. We go right to the bedroom and fuck. All in all I've spent about $10 on cocktail ingredients.

Yeah you've never been on tinder in your life. Get it once, and you'll realize that women are the worlds scarciest economic resource in 2021.

>> No.30289863

this thread is full of the only reasons we're here in the first place

>> No.30289932

You watch way too much porn.

>> No.30290027

Chicken Tenders and prostitutes.

>> No.30290147

well there is something better like the 2021 mt09 special edition with all upgraded suspension for 12k which is probably better than a stock mt10

>> No.30290335
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Dude who used Tinder for 7 months with 600+ matches here. Whoever said "DUDE HAVE 8+ PICS OF YOU, YOUR FRIENDS, YOUR FAMILY, OUTDOORS AND INDOORS etc. is 100% bullshit. I started out with literally 2 pics of myself, one with my dog, and 2 pics of my PC/Console setup since I only want gamer/anime girls and I still get hits a lot. Thing is tho, the whole thing is pay to win because the key factor here is Tinder Platinum where you can send messages with super likes and that's how I got 90% of my matches

Femboys have higher standards for some reason since I also use Grindr for those but good lord they are MUCH HARDER to score for some reason.

tl;dr lol dont be ugly and pay 120 bucks lmao

>> No.30290402

you can get a girl without money, idiot. you are kissless because you don't try.

>> No.30290473

This bud also build a bunker and stash a shitload of food in there so i never have to see the sun again

>> No.30290622

this, but seeking arrangement is literally filled with black women, I have never seen a black person in my city but I go on seeking and there are hundreds of them. it's insane how lazy they are

>> No.30290674

"organic" also means "more pesticides"

>> No.30290720

one thing to note that I forgot: you not getting likes is literally normal because women dont actively swipe as much as men and every dating app is a sausage fest no matter what. That's how Tinder makes tons of dosh from paid subscriptions

>> No.30290830

I want 2 homes.

One in the country, a french colonial with wrap around porch and wrap around balcony with a warehouse on the property. Warehouse will be for cars, and a full lab for chem/brewing/wine making, etc. Will have solar panels on the warehouse, will power both the warehouse and the house, maybe an orchard I dunno, just want an acreage with a nice house and a warehouse for experimenting and working on cars.

I want a second property overseas with access to a beach, preferably a different country, and I will have dual citizenship. For vacations and bug out purposes

Maybe open a general store. Who knows, I've never had financial freedom so I don't know what kind of person I'd be. I just know I want the above.

>> No.30290888

Invest some wealth in the nearcity villa and move there, get a car that i can trust, do some hobby farming, continue brewing beer and homestead instead of living in city. Also a lot of travel. But mostly not afraid to be money dependent.

>> No.30290932

No good women will want a slutty whore like you

>> No.30290946

why did you get married at 28?

i told my gf i would marry her when i was 26, im 31 now, im a DJ and i fuck girls about once a month whenever it happens, probably about 8 girls in the past 3 years that i develop freinds with benefits with. and ill marry my gf in a coupe more years and stop cheating

>> No.30291208

Winterize my cabin and move there full time.

>> No.30291338

you will never stop cheating scum

>> No.30291397

>you have to pay to play

Bullshit, women are just impossible to get these days in general

Then why are you kissless despite trying really hard?

Let me guess, you're still working on yourself?

>> No.30292033

>"processed food" meme
I bet you can't even explain what processed even means.

>> No.30292251

Have you considered the fact that you might just by ugly?

>> No.30292336

close with the new upgrades, but really how much better is ohlins over kyb? to me i would rather have the extra power.

>> No.30292434

they add chemicals and shit to the food. thats why cancer rates are skyrocketing. you can keep eating whatever mr. shekelstein decided for you. as for me, my goal is to make my own food as much as possible. i dont trust anyone or anything since 9/11 and COVID-19 happened.

>> No.30292465

I know im ugly, but women consider 80% of men "ugly", and don't even look at who they consider "average".

>> No.30292476

I'd buy a new gamin PC and continue my semi-comfy job

>> No.30292740

>thats why cancer rates are skyrocketing
you can't say that without providing proof.

>> No.30293080
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Same. Got some acres now and my btggf works the land with me since she has a botany degree.

>> No.30293307

Bros if you want to use your money to get girls you don’t have to pay literal whores or spend all your time on looksmaxing. Just buy drugs. Hot slutty party girls go wherever the drugs are.

>> No.30294006

You fucking idiot.

>> No.30294139

>axing. Just buy drugs. Hot slutty party girls go wherever the drugs are.

You've never been to a party with drugs in your life obviously.

The girls will literally just do your cocaine and leave, they won't even give you a kiss.

>> No.30294193
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I want 1 million ounces of silver.
And I'm going to swim in it like scrooge mc duck.

>> No.30294263
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I will buy my bitch an ass


>> No.30294305
File: 272 KB, 1280x720, trent palmer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unironically live like Trent Palmer... anons should check out his youtube channel. Dude is a professional drone pilot and flies a bush plane for fun. Has a comfy fuckin life just working in random wilderness spots with his buddies/wife, flying around wherever he wants with his plane that can take off and land on rough terrain in short distances.
I don't want much out of life but this is where it's at.

>> No.30294516

Just because cancer is detected more frequently doesn't necessarily mean it's increasing, and it certainly can't be directly correlated with eating "processed" granola bars compared to eating normal granola, or anything like that.

>> No.30294771

Yea man why not.
Even if you kind of have made it money but not quite.
You could use it to supplement a career path that maybe isnt 100% profitable but its what you want to do.
The fact that you are trying to make it a job will make it so that you are draining your savings a LOT less atleast even if it isnt fully making you money.

>> No.30294873

when the cigs and the alcohol fucks up your health no one will take care of you

>> No.30295247

Sounds too good to be true. There is no way it is this easy.

>> No.30295402

This is the only correct answer.
She is, it's from arching her back like that all the time for pictures.

>> No.30295460

Quiting my job

>> No.30295592

I've done what this guy has done, but differently, had to pick her up, talk to her, soften them up, but it's perfectly possible, don't be a creep seriously

>> No.30297159

Maybe if you just sit on the couch hoping one of them will jump in your lap. If you are in a party atmosphere, surrounded by hot girls who are as far from sober as possible, and you still can’t get laid, then you should go ahead and just pay a hooker.

>> No.30297969

Buy land. Cut and sell timber. Use leftover resources to build house. Grow some crops and fence in an area for our Blue Heeler to play. Maybe get some small livestock she can herd around. Grow my own pot and only make trips into town for the occasional burger and fries.

>> No.30298088


>> No.30298138

>Finally buy a 4chan pass?

>> No.30298175
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Dissolve the government lest they arrest the Messiah for some victimless crime.

>> No.30298365

Lol I was a broke college student living with 2 other roommates and waiting tables and pulled plenty. You’re dumb as fuck

>> No.30299238

t jew

>> No.30299323
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>> No.30299458

based dad poster

>> No.30299506


>> No.30299635

Anarchy is a state of mind, anon. We can’t control everyone else, but we can live our own lives as free men.

>> No.30299653

Kikekikekikekike fucking kike

>> No.30299704
File: 115 KB, 581x581, 1585165329256.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can make a fun rewarding videogame with just a computer though? Or are you gonna hire people to make your shitty ideas?

>> No.30299754

If you really made it, you mean? You will probably buy a nicer house, nicer car, nicer vacations, nicer toys to play with, etc.

>> No.30299881

I would still...

>> No.30300202

that girl looks like she's on meth and she's fat

>> No.30300733

Why do people always post this stock? What’s so special about it

>> No.30302075

It’s just one retarded tranny. Ignore those posts.

>> No.30302301

souce anon please

>> No.30302393

A little machinist workshop.

>> No.30302722

wtf is this shit kek

>> No.30303394

I once made an account as a joke and found my gf's friends on there lmao. Called them out on it and they had bf's even. They denied everything and within 24 hours the accounts were gone. kek. Also saw quite a few girls I was in college with at the time. Thots be thotting.

>> No.30304163
File: 147 KB, 425x329, AACCDCF2-21F0-4C97-8F33-E803670DD8F0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love his ass

>> No.30304498

There is a subreddit called sugarlifestyle or something like that with literally 100k members on it and from what they talk about it seems like sex isn't even implied. I seriously don't get why men would pay thousands a month for this like I'm supposedly reading.

People on /biz/ though have told me it's way more cost effective than prostitutes if you pay a certain per month and then have a lot of sex with these college girls who don't do the math and don't realize they are getting paid <$100 for sex and think they're actually the ones scamming you. Idk your experience may vary.

>> No.30304972

this is true if you want to get laid easily with women who are 8/10 just lie about your networth on seeking arrangement and say you're married lmao

>> No.30305567

>that ass
yea, constructed for buck niggers

>> No.30306156

Confirming my health is in tact. Everything flows from that.

>> No.30306801

>retire my parents and respective step-parents
>get a memorial bench dedicated to my brother in the cemetery our family is in
>put my little sister through whatever college or training she can get into


Own a small fortified home with water and arable land out in the middle of nowhere and use the rest of my money to see the world.

You can’t take any of this shit with you.

>> No.30307055

Build a community like in the village and pretend it’s the 1800’s. No internet, no cell phones. Just working on my farm and giving fuck all.

>> No.30308067
File: 25 KB, 676x380, 22342341.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30308642

Based, always wanted to ride a motorcycle, will learn how to after when I’m on the cusp of making it. How do yahamas fit tall guys? I’m 6’3

>> No.30308713

God what a fucking spineless coward you are “waah, daddy gives me ONLY $48k a year for free, how will I ever get laid?”

College girls are easy but I can understand that it’s difficult to see that when you yourself are also in college. You literally just have to have a car/your own place/bunch of weed (NO, NOT ALL AT THE SAME TIME, ONE WILL SUFFICE)

At the same time I realize you won’t ever actually change as a person unless you sustain some kind of trauma. Learning from big fuck-ups and missed opportunities will teach you more than any class ever could, son.