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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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30271992 No.30271992 [Reply] [Original]

Why do CEOs/CFOs/board of directors/other higher management roles need 10-100m or even billions of dollars of networth? Haven't they "made it" already? Why do they still keep wageslaving? I don't get it. They have enough to last for multiple generations and yet those people still continue to work? Why???

>> No.30272038

They made it because they are workaholics. They cant stop.

>> No.30272048


>> No.30272104

These 10-100m-billions of networth are mostly unrealized (stock holdings) like Elon Musk

>> No.30272170

>They made it because they are workaholics. They cant stop.
i need my portfolio number go up
nothing else matters

>> No.30272281
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Literally this.
The higher you get in the game the less your time is yours, on paper it might say you're taking annual leave from X day to Y day, but in practice the slightest breeze of a fart from the business means you're working that whole time only to have your ungrateful and ignorant colleagues/subordinates say "Hope you had a relaxing time off".
Being upper management or an executive fucking sucks dude, more money means nothing without the time to spend it.

>> No.30272414

But they could cash out like 10million and retire immediately and still leave 5 million for the next generation to retire, or they can just set up a trust fund to ensure that their jewish money will be passed on to the next few generations and make them not work forever. Why don't they do that? Their whole family can retire and the next 3 generations afterwards.

>> No.30272703

the system ensures those who get to the top are sociopathic workaholics. all they care is number go up.
like grinding in wow

>> No.30273907

what would you do? you can spend you money on cars, buy yachts, go on luxury vacations, do nothing all day.

but it's boring. You would be like one of those rich middle-eastern insufferable tourists; living for muh shiny things and social media photos. It sounds like shit lifestyle to me

if you've made it big, it's probably because you're not doing it for money. Most people is able to live and not have to work with $8m, there's no consoomer incentive after that.

>> No.30274966

you know they have enough money to just walk away

>> No.30275057

1. Learn and master fine arts (drawing, painting, marbling, pottery etc)
2. Create music (be your own DJ, compose new melodies, write lyrics, record your own singing/guitar playing/piano playing)
3. Go hiking/trekking/camping on a survival trip to the woods.
4. Go mountain climbing
5. Learn a new language
6. Learn guitar and piano and violin
7. Go get 3 degrees from university
8. Go travelling around the world and exploring, scuba diving
9. Train and complete an ultramarathon
10. Increase the number of gym sessions
11. Become /lit/ and read all their recommended reading lists, learn philosophy
12. Build and tend to your garden/aquarium
13. Learn a new sport every month.

And lastly, consume tons of media that you enjoy with 0 stress, be it movies, video games, youtubers, tv, and so on. There is literally an infinite possibility of things you can do when you retire, so why wageslave? Especially if you have so much money.
Is waging really more important than these creative/sports activities that you can now freely pursue without worrying about money? Is working really THAT important although you can choose to better yourself in many ways? Why do they still keep working? I don't get it?

>> No.30275313
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>you know they have enough money to just walk away
A lot of them can't due to regulatory requirements (especially if they're publicly listed, must get approval from the SEC to step down) and also there may be clauses in their contract stating that a certain % of their stock ownership bonus ( which is usually where the majority of their net worth is tied into ) may be withheld if they leave before a certain number of years are fulfilled. On top of this it can take months to replace these integral positions, you can't just hand in a 2 week or even a month notice if you're a CIO/CFO.

>T. Work in tech for a major US Investment Bank

>> No.30276649

so executives are even more cucked than wagies. truly a sight to behold.

>> No.30276988
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the only reason a man needs
you pathetic faggot

>> No.30277069

This whole system is just wagecucking and wagecucking and wagecucking at all levels. When does it stop? Why don't normies ever consider the fact that they will work until they die?
Do they just sit around all day with 0 foresight for the future, only living in the present filled with star wars and marvel movies, and have no foresight that they will work until they get frail and old and retire at 65 being a worthless shell of themselves?
Why is the system like this?

>> No.30277239

>cash out
do you know how fucking hard it is to make money off gains when you have no principal? Do you know how easy it is when you have a shit ton? There is no make it, there is no cash out, there is no retirement you idiot, there is only one long, endless chain of intergenerational wealth building (if you not a stupid boomer). This is nothing to be upset about, it's fun.

>> No.30277713

sorry I dont mean cash out entirely all at once, but like set aside some money to slowly get anything and everything you have ever wanted, while leaving the principal inside and just living off your interest gainz.
With 10 million, you can just live off SPY dividends alone without touching any of your principal, and that already very safe.

>> No.30277945

they consider it normal

>> No.30278200

For example, just put everything into SPY or even diversify over multiple assets (PM, crypto, real estate), and the wealth will naturally grow larger and larger without you even doing anything. Theres no need to struggle to accumulate intergenerational wealth because it will naturally happen over the next few years, and you can just live off the dividends themselves while your initial capital grows by 7-10% a year. You can leave your money there for the next 20 years and it would still balloon up like crazy. Theres no need to work anymore?

>> No.30278568

Lots inflate their lifestyle and need the wage. Others enjoy the 'power', others are tied contractually or socially. Lots cant imagine a life without work and are trying to escape family/life.

>> No.30279001

thanks for the answer senpai, didn't know how cucked normies were no matter their income level.

>> No.30279627

sure but if you're a successful CEO let's say instead of let's say, some lucky autist who 1000x why would you switch to a different game? If you're a (let's say bona-fide and not merely a puppet) CEO who built some company from the ground up and experienced success, that's going to feel really good and obviously pays off. I don't see any reason why they'd suddenly decide to give up their life to go shape pots in a really nice basement. Real creative work, even in the arts, is hard work too, unless you just "want to express yourself and take it easy" and you produce crap like Jim Carey or George Bush or something. Although admittedly George Bush is a lot better then I'd have thought he'd be.

>> No.30279693

Lol. How about meaning in life? I get meaning from work personally, I hate consuming art because it doesn't make me any better. I would love to work myself to the bone if it meant something to me.

>> No.30280406

The top guys love it. They aren’t wage slaving. They are workaholics and usually love swanning about being powerful executives. They probably aren’t sitting in front of spreadsheets all day or sending dull emails reporting progress to their boss

>> No.30280804
