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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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30272039 No.30272039 [Reply] [Original]

What would it actually be like to make make a million off of crypto coming from a net worth of essentially zero?

The more I dream about it the more I am now realizing it's not a hugely life changing amount of money. After taxes I don't even think a lambo would be reasonably in the budget.

>> No.30272115

The more I see these videos. The more I realise that the way they are dressed is what makes them sexy.

Sure she has a nice face but its the tight shorts + top that makes you feel sexual things when you see the video.

>> No.30272116

thats a man

>> No.30272151

I fucked this chick's brains out back in high school.

>> No.30272211


>> No.30272244
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>> No.30272254


>> No.30272258


>> No.30272320

>poorfag wanting a lambo

This is why you're poor.

>> No.30272376

more realistically I'd buy a corvette stingray and start my own company with the rest

>> No.30272401


>> No.30272464

lmao jonas and james bros , what are you doing here on /biz/ my dudes

>> No.30272490
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pay your taxes. diversify your money into passive income assets. work part time. neet the rest of the time. you made it. idgaf how many people come in here qq wtfing at me, the moment i have enough to cash out and invest into passive income boomer shit that'll yield me ~40-50k usd/year after taxes im doing it. fuck you motivated people, thats made it for me, ill sit my fat ass on my couch and play vidya/smoke weed until i die and you read about it on the news '600 pound man found badly decomposed in his living room, partially eaten by his cats'.

>> No.30272528

Allah I hope so

>> No.30272676


Please, do not post any of these. It hurts

>> No.30272793

The funny thing is I AM motivated, just not for waging

>> No.30272857


>> No.30274477
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>> No.30274490

that has to be the prettiest girl i've ever seen
fml bros

>> No.30274597


Ur welcome coomers

>> No.30274608

It should mean nothing, you get yourself a bit of a safety net and the ability to buy a nice house. You should still try to improve yourself, achieve goals and not let it kill off your entire ambition in life.

>> No.30274645


Looks like a spoiled turkroach

>> No.30275045
File: 1.23 MB, 1200x1600, 1613970884309.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I fucked this chick's brains out back in high school

>> No.30275199

>t. faggot

>> No.30275625

That’s a guy though...

>> No.30275715

It won’t be on the news because absolutely nobody will care. Smoking weed is cool but there’s more to life.

>> No.30275723

nice tits, but she needs to shut up.

>> No.30277105

I hate women

>> No.30277128

I was originally going to tell you that 1M less taxes, puts you in an excellent position as young as you are. But after seeing the stingray/start business post...how old are you man?

>> No.30277217


>> No.30277643

saying a million is nothing is like saying 6'2 is short

>> No.30277658

Weird nostrils
Would not bang

>> No.30277712

Me too bro no homo

>> No.30277888

A million isn’t that much money, you’re still one big burgerfat health crisis from bankruptcy and will not generate sustainable income indefinitely depending on location/lifestyle

>t guy whose net worth is bouncing around 1M

>> No.30277943

I like to drink too

>> No.30278040

I drank 7 beers last night and smoked an eighth of weed. But I also have a 1 year old son (he was asleep, mom was sober).

>> No.30278139

3 years my junior. If you had it now, I'd suggest buying the biggest commercial building that you could. That's what I plan to do in the next few months, if the right thing comes around. Turn your pile of cash into rental income. Or if you think inflation is coming, leverage it to the max, and pray you can keep renters in it, so you can make the payment. 20 years later your building is worth 10x and is paying you (through renters) 10% of its value/yr. In other words, if you didn't borrow anything, the annual rent in 20 years will be what you originally paid for it. If there's little inflation, you will still have massive income once it's paid off.

>> No.30278213

>Scar on her stomach
3/10 Would not bang and makes me physically sick.

>> No.30278228

Not what OP said.

>> No.30278273

Ugly bitches are getting too fucking confident due to social media and rampant simping. This shit needs to be snuffed out.

>> No.30278370

Damn it >>30278139 was to you.

>> No.30278489

I would choose a stingray over being a parasite any day of the week

>> No.30278823

>buying commercial real estate after COVID

Not sure it’s a great investment anymore.

>> No.30279034

$1 million dollars isn't a life changing amount of money coming from zero? Do you even think before you type?

>> No.30280024

One mil could make you debt free. Who cares about lambos and yachts? You can get a modest home and a modest car, everything you need to live comfortably and still be debt free. Don't swallow that luxury bluepill!

>> No.30280130

wasn't this girl's hair blond or am i thinking of a different girl

>> No.30282004

sauce pls thx anons

>> No.30282796

This post is fucking hilarious. “That’s making it to me” I love that...

I’m in the same boat bro.

>> No.30284253

>after taxes
you can take out 50k a year w/o taxes after the first year
in burgerland anyway

>> No.30284441

>pay your taxes

>> No.30284609

She completely loses her appeal once she gets naked, strange. Maybe it's the retarded body tattoo or the fake titties

>> No.30284650

same, but it was a man

>> No.30284662

What passive income assets you aiming for?

>> No.30285104

>ill sit my fat ass on my couch and play vidya/smoke weed until i die
Cringe and blue pilled. I'm going to do the same, but instead of being an unproductive lazy fuck, I'm going to build things, go on adventures, learn how to hunt etc.

>> No.30285765

Think if wealth as various levels. One of the first levels to attain is home ownership in an area that doesn't have niggers. A million is more than enough to help you achieve that level.
The big level beyond that is retirement for which you'll probably want some passive income setup. For a luxurious retirement full of lambos you need a lot of passive income. For a normal retirement where you just have a lot of free time and can do a bit of traveling you can do that on less.

>> No.30286000

Where's the version of this pic without the sticky pin

>> No.30286594

Once you make you first million, a good 7% apr stock portfolio will earn you 70k a year anyway. Its only up from there as long as you don't shit it on poorfag vices like a lambo

>> No.30286925


>> No.30287001

god damn, top tier tits, thanks anon.

>> No.30287096

>go on adventures
Until you take an arrow to the knee.

>> No.30287292

get some fucking standards

>> No.30287588
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Useless boomer on social security any % speed run

>> No.30287786

Legit plan. You'll make it

>> No.30288825

Man I hate woman

>> No.30289173

I just wanna finger her while sucking her boobas

>> No.30289352
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I mean yeah.. isn't that the whole point of them wearing clothes like this? to look and feel sexy? these girls know exactly they're doing when they make these videos

>> No.30289597

>what would it be like to have a million dollars
house and student loans paid off easy. get a new (used) car to supplement my clunker, probably another honda. continue wage cucking. it's life changing, sure, but it doesn't completely change everything. $10M though? That's enough to retire on with safe investments - bonds, dividend blue chips

>> No.30289868
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>> No.30291129


what is wrong with her nose?

>> No.30291286


>t guy whose net worth is bouncing around 1M

including primary residence?

>> No.30291779


>> No.30291840
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>tfw ops webm does nothing for me