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File: 14 KB, 258x542, 2017-08-11 16_10_14- - Remote Desktop Connection.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3022630 No.3022630 [Reply] [Original]

Where my fellow botter at? How have your returns been the past couple days? Using python or something else?

>> No.3022683

I use python just because it's fast enough and all the exchanges offer python samples how to connect.
Profit wise, my bot is kinda losing money. ;_;
What's a good strategy?

>> No.3022705

how are you losing money? margins too small?

I'm using a simple bb strategy. All my profit is coming from inhumanly high volume trading taking tiny profit margins.

>> No.3022734


Shhhhhhhhhh pls

>> No.3022749


tell me more op

>> No.3022799

how does one go about creating a bot? most people on here seem to claim that they "made it from scratch" which doesnt sound at all convincing

>> No.3022811
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Not much to tell. We all know those scalping strategies that are guaranteed to make money but are too fucking boring to do yourself. You let a bot do them for you.

>> No.3022867

Yeah you can deff do better than the hedgefunds with data analysts and programmers each making $160K+ year

>> No.3022906

Lol you do realise that those guys create programs which create garaunteed gains and minimise the risk to virtually 0? Anyone can create a profitable bot, those guys just make bots which do not lose money, which is a much much harder task. Plus they have access to bank dark pools, which is where most HFT occurs. Crypto traders have a unique opportunity to make £££ from bots as the market is so volatile

>> No.3022924

Am i imagining my profits?

Everyone has losing trades. You just need to win more than you lose.

>> No.3022942

August has been unreal, I've never made money this quickly. My bot is exceeding all my expectations.

>> No.3022970

I built an arbitrage bot. Numbers projected $300+ steady daily profits on bittrex with $40 risk per trade at about 30 trades per hour. I'm scared of one or two failed API calls fucking me out of profits. Is there a better way? Getting hosted in some of the same colo as bittrex? Lower trading frequency?

What do you think?

>> No.3022979

what bots are you using ?


how about this one

how much you made ?

>> No.3022980

Anyone have any good resources to point me in the right direction for making a bot? I know Java and Python if that helps

>> No.3022990

so you have just backtested it . not live profits

is your own strategy ?
what bot you are using ?

>> No.3022996

Arbitrage is something that interests me greatly but cross platform programming is not something i wanna burn my hands on desu. Maybe i'm a pussy.

Especially Poloniex is really fucking iffy when it comes to API calls in my experience. I had a lot of trouble with them. I just switched to Bittrex and had no trouble there but a bit less volume :(

>> No.3023018

This looks pretty decent as a start for >>3022980

>> No.3023024


some bots here

>> No.3023030

There are tons of new USDT markets on bittrex. Beautiful volume contrast play with. I haven't written those in just yet, but I'll have to get on that.

>> No.3023039

Yeah i saw that. Just returned from holiday and i noticed all the new USDT markets. gotta have a look at that shit.

>> No.3023043

Yeah. The data doesn't account for failed API calls though as I haven't let it execute the trades yet.

>> No.3023122

reminder nobody would sell a profitable bot, o next time you consider wasting money ask yourself who would give you a golden eggs goose for pennies

>> No.3023168

It appears that only supports BTC trading though. Any suggestions for altcoin bots? I was reading about Haasbot but I'm not ready to pull the trigger on the subscription fee yet. Also was looking at Zenbot 4.

>> No.3023186

Wrote my own. Not at my PC but I think my bot has taken 1.5 btc to 5.7 so far this month.

>> No.3023190

How will you pay your taxes on thousands of trades? Or will you automate that as well

>> No.3023209

Exactly. Successful strategies (especially those that are time sensitive) should not be shared. You're increasing competition.

Not only that, but what's stopping some bot creator making a proprietary botnet that each buy small fractions of his shitcoin sell orders en masse, by "mistake"

>> No.3023226

are you retarded?

They would if they lacked the capital to make good profits. I sold mine a couple times just to make enough money to start trading

>> No.3023228
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>he doesn't know how to use a spreadsheet

>> No.3023255
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>> No.3023307

kek. I make literally hundreds of thousands of trades

>> No.3023327

then share a bot that returns a percentage of profits to you as a fee.
Write it so they can use it freely for 24 hours, then they'll look at those profits and go "OMG I CAN MAKE MONEY DOING NOTHING!!" That's when the pop-up appears saying Please deposit 25% of your profits to this BTC address to continue using this product. With a little check box that says (deposit daily 25% fee automatically) Of course they can transfer it manually if they don't trust you. Zero risk to you. And if you were really black hat you could wait till the program became super popular and have everyone who's running this program, one day, instead of automatically transferring 25% of profits, it transfers 100% of available funds to your account.

Seriously, I shouldn't be giving these ideas away but I'm feeling kinda suicidal cause of DGB.

>> No.3023417

>give strangers some of your gains
>so later you can steal from them
>m-my brilliance
I'm guessing you don't have a working bot.

>> No.3023468 [DELETED] 

>strangers give you more capital to trade with
>give strangers % of gains
>give strangers 100% of losses

>> No.3023500

>strangers lend you capital to trade with at 0% interest
>give strangers % of gains
>give strangers 100% of losses
>no obligation to return capital that's lent to you

>> No.3023679


what about this?

>> No.3023822

i wish i could test some trustworthy bot :/

>> No.3024067

thanks anon
i just looked into bb strategy and bittrex's api
looks fun desu
how long did it take you to write your bot?

>> No.3024086

you assume there are profitable bots. there aren't.

selling bots is the same as selling shovels. let others dig dirt for non existing gold.

>> No.3024175


>> No.3024350

I actually started writing one last night. Even if I can't make it profitable, I can later use the code to ease moving orders and such, which can get pretty tedious when you're against bots constantly one-upping your orders.

>> No.3024424

What programming language do I need to learn to be able to write a bot?

>> No.3024885
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>> No.3024989

There's no specific language you need to learn. Pretty much any popular programming language will have what you need. C, C++, Java, NodeJS, Python, Go, C#, you name it. If you're new to programming, perhaps give Python a shot, as it's a pretty easy language to learn.

>> No.3025039

I mean JavaScript of course. But typically you'd do something like this using NodeJS.

>> No.3025062

I'm actually doing this with python but it's going to take me time. I'm using gunbot now, can sell with 10% discount if anyone is interested, hit me up.

>> No.3025136

Python has all the good machine learning and math libs plus it's very easy to learn while still being a great language that you can be very productive in.

>> No.3025350
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>there are no profitable bots

>> No.3025478

there are plenty of bots available

i don't think it's the bot that's important and more so of your personal strategy

>> No.3025677

i have a lot of ideas for algos and strategies but no clue if any will be any good. I kinda feel like I wanna try them all and see which one brings the most profit.

How much capital do you give your bots to play with when bench testing them?

>> No.3025896

You could just do a small amount and see how far you get with that. I've been wanting to allocate about 200k sat with a set 60k sat buy. Depending on the coin you would be able to make a pretty reasonable profit based on small variances in the price. But I haven't finished my bot yet so take this with a grain of salt. If you're really worried about it maybe just do slightly above the minimum

>> No.3025916

I stick 10 or 20 times the min trade of the exchange on new bots.

>> No.3025959

Would it even be possible to see large gains if I only sell at like 100 sats over what I bought? Also, what percentage do you guys take a loss at and just buy high?

>> No.3026098

How does the bot actually work? Do you give it your exchange log in info, let it scan the coins using your strategy and execute buy/sell orders?

>> No.3026136

>log in info
No, you give it an API key and its secret. Pretty much all exchanges have an API for bots to use.

>> No.3026191


how about "Rcpp"?

thats my fave for ML and programming ...

>> No.3026262

ooo pretty

What time period you operating over?

>> No.3026397

I've been working on a python bot, a friend of mine is interested and has 250 BTC, he'd be ok to try it with 10 BTC.

So far running dry with the data from june to the 10th of August he does 13% of return, because the market was very bull. I know it makes way more BTC on bear markets.

Not sure it's very reliable though. I don't have the data to test it for many years (I need the price every 15 min).

>> No.3026444

right, but you're basically letting the bot to operate the exchange for you?

>> No.3026498

yah, data to backtest with is hard to come by... I've been collecting all the data Bittrex has to offer every 30 seconds for a couple of weeks now... but I really need like 3 months of data to test with

If any of you have said data, please get in touch: namarupa@openmailbox.org

>> No.3026509

which exchanges allow the use of trading bots?

>> No.3026520

This is just a quick tip

RenosCoin (RNS) plans to release a trading bot in Q1 2018. I know the dev and the features he's going to be adding, it's gonna be the best thing out on the market when the full version is out. You need RNS in order to use the bot so buy it and hodl for a while and stake it to gather more coins over the next few months. Big twitter traders are gonna be shilling this bot down the line, due them being friends of ours, so hold RNS.

>> No.3026539

A good test case would be to have 2014 and 2015 data, because 2014 was very bullish and 2015 bearish, to see how the algo performs for this scenarios.

But I think even this data is worth a lot.

>> No.3026575


Can't you just take the data from multiple exchanges for a particular coin, and average it?

>> No.3026610

I've never used R, but I imagine it's just fine for this as well. What you typically need is an HTTP client library, a library to deserialize JSON and HMAC with SHA-512 to sign data with the API secret. For exchanges that have a websocket API, it's usually better to use it, so you might want a websocket client library as well.

Yup. You feed it the price, trades, order books, etc. and let it trade for you based on a certain algorithm.

Virtually every exchange out there. I don't think any of the relevant exchanges don't allow them.

>> No.3026643

no markets give historical tick data at the minute/second resolution required to meaningfully backtest with...

>> No.3026682

>But I think even this data is worth a lot.

So, if I write a bot to start collecting as much data as possible, the value of this data will appreciate over time?


>> No.3026705
File: 41 KB, 600x600, bot3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is there historical training data or even sim charts fake money,etc somewhere to run simulations on ?/

i wouldn't wanna be flying bind with real money...

>> No.3026720


This gives you the JSON of all the prices for the last 3 years (a bit less, I put 1500 days but their API returns less).
It can maybe help someone.

But I don't like working on an hour gap basis, because, you're missing market movements. It very often jumps +/- $50, and the bot enters a buy/sell frenzy.

1 hour is too long.
15 min is more realistic, since you can see trends coming and you are not taking too much noise from the statistical distribution.

Well that's the current point of my reflexion. My bot earns money so far, probably needs to be tested in real conditions.

>> No.3026723
File: 385 KB, 900x600, money.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh i see..

plus crypto data seems very time sensitive...
but it would still be nice to have a link to historical data , even to play around with?

pls share if you can.

>> No.3026736

It's really not difficult. Most exchanges have pretty thorough REST APIs that can do just about anything. Some of the better exchanges have websocket support.

>> No.3026758

Gekko seems like a decent bot, but once you check the tests, issues and pull requests you're in for a horror story.

It seems like it is actually calculating RSI wrong - check it yourselves.

>> No.3026782


Best you can get w/o collecting it yourself is from Bittrex's undocumented API : https://bittrex.com/Api/v2.0/pub/market/GetTicks?marketName=BTC-ETH&tickInterval=oneMin

>> No.3026784

Well, how come nobody is giving its data easily and for free. Considering the fact that there is a shiton of data to save, you are paying for at least the hardware to store it, at most for a server on the cloud.

I can barely estimate the price of a full set of data from Bittrex for instance, with volumes, books, trades... $10k? I know they are big jews.

Also contrary to what most people think, data on a computer is more fragile than on a paper.

>> No.3026794

Stop right there. Node is horrible when it comes down to scalability and error handling. It is just noob friendly, hence the popularity.

I've been programming in Node for over a few years now, recently put it aside.

>> No.3026802
File: 13 KB, 635x441, bot4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


cool thanks.

could be fun to mess around with an innocent data scraping bot at least .

>> No.3026887

I'm just saying that if you were to code it in JavaScript, you'd typically do it in nodejs. What other JS runtime environment would be better suited for this? I can't imagine trying to run a bot on top of a browser at least.

>> No.3026904

Poloniex' returnTradeHistory

You're welcome anon

>> No.3026950

Alright, if that's the point you're trying to make, then yes, you're right. I thought you were advocating use of NodeJS for this type of work.

My only advice is to steer away from JS environments when it comes down to handling your money. It's easy to setup, but even easier to fuck up.

>> No.3027010

trading on the 15M with a refresh rate of 1M

>> No.3027023

Whats your strategies, botbuilders?

I made one in python which would buy/sell on EMA crossovers and it proved amazing on tests BUT I didn't account for the taxes and the possibility of people not fulfilling my orders, so it lost some money on practice.

Stopped working on it during this small crash last months and now I'm motivated to try again.

>> No.3027035

I use and prefer node but indeed if you don't know what you're doing it is notoriously easy to fuck up money math because muh floats.

>> No.3027072

oh sick, can't believe I missed this... thanks so much.

>> No.3027142
File: 45 KB, 736x981, bot2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

where is this, under what tab?

>> No.3027194

I have been really interested in creating a bot for trading. Recently graduated with a degree in comp sci and know Python, C, and Java very well.

What do you guys who have coded bots recommend to learn how to do it? Any good strategies? Would love to talk on discord or skype or something.

>> No.3027225

Everything you need an be done in python pretty much. I know people who have programmed their bot only in python.

>> No.3027246

Hey I made a discord for bot making and discussions


Feel free to join, anyone

>> No.3027268

>started writing a program to trade crypto
>thought i was a revolutionary
>come into this thread
>everybody has already done it

>> No.3027298

Of course it has been done before, the thing is doing it in the most efficient way possible.

If we get together and trust eachother maybe we can build something amazing


>> No.3027329

I joined it

Yeah man I assumed. I meant strategy and such. I've worked with API's in python before so it won't be a problem.

>> No.3027340

Are there other undocumented ones?

>> No.3027546

Poloniex V2 API is poorly documented

>> No.3027620
File: 1.15 MB, 800x2798, toggl-how-to-save-the-princess-in-8-programming-languages.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

which one of you fagots are programing your bot in lisp?

>> No.3028609

Public API Methods

>> No.3028612

i can't even make consistently profitable trades without a bot

>> No.3028642

oh and i'm a software developer w/ network experience so if anyone wants to create something collaboratively (you give me your billion dollar idea, i will code it and share with you) post an email address!

>> No.3028670

actually. email me here:


>> No.3028683

Nice! Just sent 100k.

>> No.3029080

Look for gunbot anon

>> No.3029180

For backtesting: Why not simply backtest against the live data?
Simply pull the live buy and sell orders and order fill from bittrex via websocket, let your bot place faux orders, close them when a real order fill comes with the same price as the faux order you placed. Record everything and see how your bot performs.

Would that not work?

>> No.3029247

It would take ages as you would want to include different trends.

>> No.3029289

You're right, makes sense. A combination of tetsing on historical data and live data is probably best.
Anyway if you want bot training data try this:


>> No.3029489

Did you write this yourself or is it open source? Are you willing to share/sell it? pls anon

>> No.3029724

I'm subscribing to a bunch of market feeds using Poloniex's websocket API, and storing that data in influxdb. I want to use this data to detect anomalies in volume and price as they happen and send me alerts. A bot may come later, but I want to get the data in place first.

>> No.3029792


Do you use a huge leverage for your scalping? Otherwise your profit must be eaten by exchange fees, or I'm missing something?

>> No.3029817

Why would you test on historical data? Trade minimums are very small and the market is constantly changing, 2016 will never happen again.

>> No.3029827

What strategy are you using?

>> No.3029868
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How the fuck do I make a bot

>> No.3029877
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With anime.

>> No.3029889


I feel you man, I have no idea how to code beyond extremely basic things.

My friend does though, but he knows nothing about economics and trading..

Dno if we could build one together or it'd just be a total failure

>> No.3029893
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I'm using an original strategy.

>> No.3029971

Anyone here working with neural networks or just leveraging TA?

>> No.3029987

I know there's at least 1 anon who was getting good results with neutral networks in testing, I'd love to know how his bot is performing. Hopefully he didn't give up during the dip.

>> No.3029997

im building a framework with wrappers for multiple apis that can be used to implement arbitrage strategies... just havnt tested enough to start running strategies..... and dont know of any good strategies

>> No.3030085

I bought the 16 core Threadripper yesterday and have four 1080TIs to put in that rig. Can't wait to watch this rig chew up and shit out whatever neural net I code for it. Switching to four Vega 64s when that launches for muh 0.1 petaflop FP16

>> No.3030158

fuck it, I'm gonna start coding again. Though it will probably take me a while to get good again.

>> No.3030601

my trading algorithm flips a coin to decide weather to buy or sell.

So far it's doing better than me.

>> No.3030690

emailed you

>> No.3031584
File: 47 KB, 600x600, 60c0e75b181c9612880524dc4e026402--misadventures-of-flapjack-cartoon-network.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This guy~ Bahahaha

Mfw hundreds of crypted coins making millions of transactions a day. Don't rip off the gov't by all means, but dont go buying a house without proof of income. ya know what I mean Flapjack?

>> No.3032451

If you only test uptrend and all of the sudden there's a huge crash.. Well, you don't know how your algo is going to act.