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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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30265577 No.30265577 [Reply] [Original]

This game will become the WoW of Metaverse.
Square Enix, Atari, and Ultra are already on board.
I know biz doesn't get a lot of quality shills anymore, so here's one.
It is currently in Preseason, Season 0.
Be ready, it's going to take the world by storm.

>> No.30265810
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>hey vsauce

What kind of sois made this

>> No.30265884

ovr had a pretty good week too, dyor
>gaming tho

>> No.30266035
File: 232 KB, 1080x1784, Screenshot_20210305-193954_MetaMask.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Idk I think my char is pretty cool.
The way the game is built, there are many different worlds. So all kinds (unlimited) characters, items, land, environments. (Which are all NFT's)

>> No.30266168
File: 246 KB, 1080x1804, Screenshot_20210305-194420_MetaMask.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now keep in mind - I'm going to spoonfood your fuckers.

Land, items, everything- will be bought and sold using $Sand, available on Uniswap.

>> No.30266851


does this run on ETH main net? how much gas you have to pay for creating items?

>> No.30267149

Isn't that basically a voxel version of decentraland?

>> No.30267292


It's trash

You may purchase Lands within The Sandbox. Within your Land, you may edit your Metadata to adjust title, description, URL link, preview image, and logo. All Metadata (and any URL, images, or logos to which it links or that are uploaded) must comply with these Terms and specifically cannot link to or contain any material or content that is pornographic, threatening, harassing, libelous, hate-oriented, harmful, defamatory, racist, xenophobic, or illegal. We reserve the right to moderate and/or delete any Metadata that does not comply with these Terms.

>> No.30267336

Normies love that shit

>> No.30267413

Normies can suck a giant dick and kill themselves

>> No.30267439
File: 296 KB, 1080x1460, Screenshot_20210305-170025_MetaMask.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good lmao. You want this shit tucked into some autist corner of the internet instead of blasting into the mainstream as the world's first official taste of Metaverse and gaming as an income?

>> No.30268080

It will never take off.

- Adults are interested to make money by buying and reselling NFTs in the hope it will gain values because it has a utility in the game

- Children would actually play the game, but they will not because the price of a single character is at least $5000

>> No.30268391
File: 128 KB, 514x832, tinified-c899ea2061954d6df82a98cda2d013f3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I know biz doesn't get a lot of quality shills anymore, so here's one.

>> No.30268474

imagine playing a game and getting taxed on every single action!

>> No.30268480

ok fuck it I just bought some

>> No.30268535

how do I make money off this shit?

>> No.30268618

>You want this shit tucked into some autist corner of the internet

>> No.30268625

>It will never take off.

Yeah that's what they all say..

I signed up for early access to the UFC version 1 of this.
Can't WAIT to snag myself a Gen 1

>> No.30268948

Underrated post

>> No.30269002
File: 303 KB, 1080x1080, 1411571538866385_232674980701948_1373486427651702784_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread peaked my interest, but now someone tell me why /biz/ should care. How do you make money off this game?

>> No.30269048

how do I profit from this?

>> No.30269554
File: 343 KB, 1080x1821, Screenshot_20210305-211022_MetaMask.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Well, you buy Sand.
After the game launches and it starts gaining more and more popularity (I have reason to believe it will) then your Sand will appreciate wildly in value.
Then you can do like I'm gonna do, and use your riches to buy Land and become a virtual real estate tycoon.
Or buy and resell skins, idk.

>> No.30269606

And how do I cash out?

>> No.30269650

Sell your Sand for Eth??
Are you new to crypto?

>> No.30269832

And where the fuck can I do that? Don't tell me the game is going to act as a crypto exchange or that Sand is going to be featured in crypto exchanges.

>> No.30269942

Do you know what Uniswap is?

>> No.30270010

>this game will become the wow of
Stopped reading. Wow has been shit for years and no mmo has still beaten it lol

>> No.30270076

Anybody playing this already?

>> No.30270080

this is what i think will be the future but it wont be these games imo. this shit looks awful, thr art is bad, theres no imagination.. fuck its awful, but i appreciate these startups for laying the foundation for this for us all.

blockchain entrepreneurs arent gamers really. they have a vague understanding of games and what games can be but this is basically cryptokitties: garbage proof of concepts that will hopefully lead to real games adopting nfts

>> No.30270283
File: 283 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20210305-210942_MetaMask.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are few early access worlds that are playable but the play-to-earn doesnt start yet. Its still in preseason season 0.
But its getting bigtime coverage already and has hella partners and Sand is on every major exchange already (Binance, Crypto, Bithumb, Uniswap, Huobi, etc)
Its gonna fuckin slap dude Im telling you.

>> No.30270401

Any other related games like this? Like decentraland etc?

>> No.30270409
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Yeah but look at all the other crypto games. They are complete shit and still have billions in volume.
This one atleast looks like an actual game. Even Binance is shilling it.
Personally, honestly, I think it looks awesome. I actually cant wait to play it especially after stacking the currency so early

>> No.30270424

I sold diablo 3 swords and stuff back in the days on EBay. I made actually thousands of dollars per month. when trading wasn’t possible anymore I switched to selling ingame gold.

Some guys bought like daily for a few hundred bucks unidentified items. it was like gambling for them. I bought them dirt cheap from Chink Bot-farmers.

>> No.30270565

and I bet it is run on ETH, lmao

>> No.30270578

this all seems too good to be true. It can't be that easy. Just buy sand. I would never pay to play anything like this but a lot of kids will. I'll look into it.

>> No.30270671

Good job, any ways to turn video games into real money these days? I wonder wich games offer good opportunities

>> No.30270708

How do I make money off this? Kids love this kinda dumb shit on FIFA

>> No.30270713
File: 130 KB, 514x832, tinified-afc2212fd0d885997f9e0ee20db03e78.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

travel back 1 week and buy cards cheap, then sell at inflated prices.
also, the ubisoft game uses common cards so you dont need to buy. just signup to sorare and login ubisoft with your sorare credentials.
idk about sandbox, but i made 0.5 eth just last week selling literal trash on sorare. i estimate my total profit around 1-2 eth plus ~50 good cards that i havent sold. i should really keep track of my cashflow...

>> No.30270799

yeah i dont doubt it can fly, in terms of $$$ but i dont see myself or anyone talking about this game longterm

>> No.30270851
File: 42 KB, 540x771, ahahaha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wtf is this shit anon

>> No.30270897

I think it's going to put Play-to-Earn on the map. Heres the site if you wanna look into it more tho


>> No.30270950

tfw you bought this by accident last month then sold it five minutes later

>> No.30270993

The future, anon. Now stop being a dumbass and change to Mainnet.

>> No.30271082
File: 108 KB, 514x832, tinified-65082ce08ec16201d0e20d22c8d7e877.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

see >>30270713
you are 1 week too late to the party, this is only for whales and early adopters since gary vee started shilling it.
but you can participate on the ubisoft game, its free.

>> No.30271181

i'm not touching mainnet until the normies go away
xdai for now

>> No.30271283

It's piqued. Learn how to spell you illiterate fuck.

>> No.30271446

I don’t play things like video Games anymore so not sure. This sandbox thing doesn’t look too bad tho. Also NFTs in General are a big thing. Just scared when it comes to eth fees.

>> No.30271473 [DELETED] 

>Gas is growing
>Try to be alive
>fail everything

Go BSC, don’t spend your time
Lol, I hold SWG and use their marketplace, like zero tax

>> No.30271618

looks fucking awful

>> No.30271726

BSC is a joke. The whole advantage of blockchain is decentralization, which Binance Shit Chain isnt.
Notice how Ethereum ecosystem has all the development (still) while BSC had shitty, barely functioning knockoffs of Eth projects for like a week max until people realized it was a scam.
Also, EIP 1559. Get fucked.

>> No.30273143

When EIP1559 comes, ETH and ETH projects like uniswap easily 10x

>> No.30273466

gay af

>> No.30273573


>> No.30273636

fuck nope

>> No.30273902

The 'game' engine is shit. There is no scripting engine, only a tard friendly point and click system which doesn't even allow for conditional logic.

>> No.30274004

yea this is vaporware at best, scam at worst

>> No.30274102

Have you seen Axie Infinity?

>> No.30274236

Ultra never delivers. I think it’s a scam like sky coin

>> No.30274275

Uniswap is ERC 20 dog shit

>> No.30274341

Extreme dick licker detected
Congrats on being a legit faggot

>> No.30274947

and btc will lose dominance which makes xbtc more worth it

>> No.30275764
File: 66 KB, 567x416, 1553902419281.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Boring ass stupid game

>> No.30276755

Look into socios.com.

>> No.30276837

i see where this trend is going, thank you OP

>> No.30277046

Its crypto trading with soccer tokens. A lot of big teams are on the platform, like AC Milan. Constantly has fiat pouring in to buy, token holders are said to be granted special privileges.. shit will take off soon