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File: 369 KB, 1652x862, bunker.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
30264758 No.30264758 [Reply] [Original]

buying land is the most important financial decision of your life

if you're paying over 2000 dollars a month living in a city you're literally a retard

the second I get 100k, possibly 50k I'm going to buy some land out in the middle of nowhere that has like a 3 dollar property tax per year set up some solar panels and just chill, keep trading, and keep building

it's insane to me that people throw so much of their capital away on the most idiotic shit

>> No.30264838

No man is an island.

>> No.30264859

faggot tranny shill get out

>> No.30264910

mowing the lawn is fkn annoying tho

>> No.30264952

grass doesn't really grow in the desert

if you just chop down those little shithead shrubs where you're going to live then you're good

>> No.30264966

Hey nevada poster

Did you study plants?

>> No.30265030

which ones

I'm pretty confident I could grow shit in central nevada

but I've been looking at new mexico and arizona lately

not ideal for finances but better for solar power if one wanted to mine crypto and cheaper in general

>> No.30265220

im doing this too check out andrew camarata on youtube he bought land and bought excavators and shit and built a post apocalyptic shop bunker castle out of shipping containers on it to live in and then started an excavation business using the stuff he learned from maintaining his own property. im pretty sure he has autism too

>> No.30265240


>> No.30265307

>property tax
Do Americans really have to pay forever for land they outright own?

>> No.30265387

no you dont have to pay property tax if youre over 65 at least in my state

>> No.30265571

>I'm pretty confident I could grow shit in central nevada

You haven't grown any food your entire life.

>> No.30265688

just move to rural alabama its good for solar and growing shit and cheap as fuck and its not a fucking desert

>> No.30265690

Then I'll go to town for a grocery run

>> No.30265691

Good for you OP, don’t listen to the faggots in this thread who are solely dependent on the systems and supply chains.
It’s hard work but it can be done.

>> No.30265694

redpilled. OP is a sheltered urbanite and a fag

>> No.30265720

forgot to mention you can buy raw land that has been logged for like $800 an acre there and clear it off yourself

>> No.30265755

But anon he watched a couple of yt videos and shieeet how can you be so cruel
He'a GOING TO yall know, he WILL do everything,

>> No.30265825

yes but it has an infestation

>> No.30265868

disagree with that notion

I've helped my mom in her garden when I was younger

but potatoes aren't hard to grow

you just throw the shit in the ground

what's so hard about that big smarty fag boy

>> No.30265904

player hater

destined to fail

I'll just keep winning bitch nigga

>> No.30265931

yeah when I realized if I moved to the middle of nowhere that there’d be no more amazon deliveries and personal shoppers and eating out, I just said fuck it. The only way this would work for me is if I had for-real fuck you money and could incentivize non-brainlets to come live work and breed on the land around my citadel

>> No.30265999

Bugs are not a big deal anon believe me I have colorado beetles and chafers fucking up my potatoes, its annoying but i think desert is much worse, carrots and cucumbers do just fine, tomatoes suffer a lot too but i don eat them as much

>> No.30266038

I'm saying another infestation much more dangerous than those

>> No.30266097

>potatoes aren't hard to grow
Relatively, but true
Know what's easiest to grow? Mushrooms
But they need a humid dark place its not really an option for a desert

>> No.30266156

Like what? Air? Anon ive been doing this for a few years and genuinely have no idea aboyt what infestation you mean
I have no health problems plants are mostly fine..?

>> No.30266195

If you move near somewhere that used to be a big KKK hub like Cullman AL there wont be too many niggers. I live in rural MS and land and shit is even cheaper here but there's way too many niggers. I'm planning on buying land in AL, some of the other SE states in the Appalachia area might be even better though.

I live in the middle of nowhere, I couldn't even get internet here other than dial up or satellite until 2015, I still got amazon deliveries and eat out you don't have to move 100 miles from any civilization like some alaskan bushman to find cheap land

>> No.30266207

Start with paying your windows licence poorfag

>> No.30266220

this infestation kills people

>> No.30266249

>buy land
>actually own a piece of paper stating that you own it
>civil society dissolves
>3 armed trucks arrive on "your" land.

oops :^)

>> No.30266251

why though

I think it's paid but I just haven't activated

no idea

>> No.30266299

easier to defend a remote position and attack it

you really think city cucks have the resources to raid your land

they'll be dealing with mass murder and riots in the cities

they will not have the resources to come find me

that's assuming they can even make it out of the traffic jams and city gangs

>> No.30266344

*than attack it

>> No.30266379

That's true but you need to have community
You will understand when you have children
Also animals etc.
What shitcoins are you in to get you there?

>> No.30266467

I've made an 8x increase in my total funds since september on betting

but I'm also holding like 2k in crypto

when and if bitcoin crashes, I'll pull some of my balances off betting sites that I'm not using put it into bitcoin

50 dollar bets

>> No.30266521

what are you betting on

>> No.30266556

>$800 an acre

tfw you live in the UK and a 25 square yard plot down the road from me sold for £35,000 recently.

>> No.30266584

So what is it, can you finally tell me
What infestation

>> No.30266609

recently joined mantradao cream, details about it? all the DeFi benefits like staking/lp/governance open

>> No.30266631
File: 467 KB, 1500x1125, 6eaf6f97c6519d754a16b9e3a44b-obuv-ruchnoj-raboty-valenki-na-podoshve-casual.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly anon, I really think cheap sunny desert is great for your finances, but you are limiting yourself
You cant dig out a basement as far as i know
You cant grow mushrooms that replace meat
You dont have medical plants growing around you
No timber (anon just lets be real tent is not a longterm solution)

But you have money, and what for if you are here to survive?

No wood = no loom = no clothes
No sheep = no fur = no felt boots for winter
No shrooms = no emergency food
Also no basement, no shed, nothing

I cant imagine how a man can live like this

>> No.30266639

sports simulation

imagine you could bet on a video game you can simulate yourself

I've also made pretty good money on the nfl nba and mma

but fulltime everyday I bet on sports simulations

truly a hellish existence, I think the eu and the uk are some of the worst places to live if you want to build wealth, it's a fucking disgrace

over populated too many people competing for the same patch of land

>> No.30266647


>> No.30266691

I think solutions could be found for all of those, using the power of technology of course

you also get unlimited power with solar which is the huge benefit which offsets the negatives

>> No.30266700

Well you may not need felt boots but jesus man its just sand all around
Ehat are you gonna do, go shopping? Stusy cars than at least so you can maintain a truck

>> No.30266777

You still cant get wood out from nothing, and windmills works as well as solar panels but still im talking more primitive lifestyle

>> No.30266814

don't really need wood

most of the usa you can't get wood without going to home depot

how is this any different

I'll just live in a fucking tent makes no difference to me

>> No.30266842

if you move somewhere with running water you can create your own hydroelectric dam out of a washing machine, it will put off way more power than solar and it will do it 24/7 so you dont need to worry about building or buying big expensive battery banks. check this out:


this guy has several videos on his setup, he uses programmable logic controllers to switch the power to his hot water heater and shit once his battery bank is full and etc.

>> No.30266868
File: 179 KB, 1080x1080, 049735e7869a587185d1a98fe8d01755.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>buying up land with the money i made on sports simulations
does it get any more absolute state of the west than this

>> No.30266928

this is extremely high iq

I'll have to check this out

of course I'm sure you know that desert land is way cheaper than land that probably has a stream going through it but I'll have to check this out

wonder if you could do that with wellwater, and then set up an artificial version of that, even in the desert

>> No.30266962

yea this society we live in is a shitshow

I'm just happy I found something to exploit

>> No.30267017

also battery banks are fucking expensive but if you can find some e waste recycling place that will sell or give away lithium laptop batteries you can break them open and get the 18650 cells out and test them and build your own battery banks like this for much cheaper


>> No.30267050

Just bought 2 acres In the mountains. Fees really great

>> No.30267139

Man you’re fucking dumb as rocks

>> No.30267145

do you mean stuff like virtual racing?

>> No.30267177

know any rocks that post on 4chan big boy

>> No.30267179

Your choice. I personally just cant bear it if i know i cant repair/restore something
Anything can happen, what if your tent will tear you know
And again you have no loom to patch it, very bad circle

In your situation id say its really best to learn how to fix and maintain trucks and buy one, have some maps of nearby cities and villagies yknow
Much better than sitting alone surrounded by sand

>> No.30267191

>not ideal for finances but better for solar power if one wanted to mine crypto and cheaper in general

Idiot tier

>> No.30267215

madden, nba 2k, shit like that

2 computer teams play each other, and you bet on the outcome like a normal sporting event

but bookies aren't perfect

>> No.30267226


You must go back.

>> No.30267244

>most of the usa you can't get wood

You cant be real
Just go chop a tree

>> No.30267245

hey retard explain what was wrong with this statement

arizona and new mexico get more sun

nevada has no income tax

so that's the tradeoff

are you fuckin stupid kid

>> No.30267250

What is the benefit over going to a physical casino? In a casino, you know how it's rigged against you.

>> No.30267251

You dumb faggot. We have a huge generational garden on our family estate in a fertile land area. That shit is still challenging and takes 8 hrs a day per person to tend to. You’re an extreme faggot

>> No.30267277

the benefit is I have an 8x times september to prove that my strategies are winning strategies, and I know what the fuck I'm doing


>> No.30267283

And how is it related to redditors? Can you answer the question about infestation?

>> No.30267289

Have fun with a potato diet you dumb nigger. You couldn’t even grow those tho. You need an ass beat down big time.

>> No.30267310

since september
maybe if you fucking losers worked harder it wouldn't take so long

a bunch of lazy fucking leeches sounds like

>> No.30267323

This is great if you're up for the trailer park life (not hating, it has its advantages) but beware that there are a lot of downsides. There's a reason people are willing to pay so much for those suburban cucksheds.

>> No.30267351

one fucking headbutt you go down like a sack of shit

just for that statement my entire yield will be potatoes and I'll fucking post it in a few years from now

>> No.30267382

$BTC, $ETH pay for living in a city and other stuff. Best investments this year $FRM and $RUNE

>> No.30267385

I've owned land since my teens, mostly planted trees on it, came from a family of stonemasons and foresters. It's a lot of work and the returns aren't that great. only own a couple of spots are zoned for construction so I can't really do much else with it.

>> No.30267427

>I live in the middle of nowhere, I couldn't even get internet here other than dial up or satellite until 2015, I still got amazon deliveries and eat out you don't have to move 100 miles from any civilization like some alaskan bushman to find cheap land

This. 4 chaners are so fucking annoying and stupid. They watch all this bs survivalist shit and think they need to be in bfe. The place we live seems very remote but we are less than 30min from a really cool regional city.

>> No.30267507

lmao without even looking much into it I just know that this would be illegal in my country
or you have to go through bureaucratic hell before, and then you would have to pay a shit ton of taxes

>> No.30267510

They get blasted. What’s your point? You’re projecting. You consider yourself a meek and helpless individual. That’s pretty funny but most aren’t like that. We are prepared and ready to defend against a random 3 person gang of retards and niggers. They won’t even make it to the base of the mountain. You’ll be among the first to perish.

>> No.30267573

Just listen to yourself. You’re shit. 2k? Some betting crap? That’s pathetic man. You’re so worthless to society. Why are you even here posting? Go the fuck away

>> No.30267580

buying land is illegal in your country

>> No.30267636

will surpass you in a year tops retard

the more predictable game the better it is

what's more predictable than a video game

>> No.30267642

>my strategies are winning strategies
If you think you have a winning strategy, really go to a casino. They love people like you.
Or you're LARPing and full of shit.

>> No.30267691

hey bro

I just told you exactly what I bet on

you could be a retard and deny what I've done

or you could use that knowledge positively and do it yourself

or you can suck my dick dry up to you pussy

>> No.30267709

I hate your guts. You’re also dumb and have zero self reflection. A true NPC. Leave

>> No.30267741

>you're worthless
Let me pay a man for digging a 1 sqr meter hole in a ground and then bury it again, every day
Labor, right? Hard work. Its ridiculous, in this clown world its pathetic to be in the working class

>> No.30267756

I'm a winner, you're a retarded citycuck

cry more for me

>> No.30267771

Yeah you. Dumb nigger. You’re so fucking stupid. Everything you type is garbage and has no Chance of working. You have no clue how to survive, yet you act like you have it all figured out. I really really just hate you so much

>> No.30267812

No-one is falling for your scam site, Naveen..

>> No.30267819

cry for me

I've won

I've already won

I feel myself rising

I'm literally floating right now

>> No.30267831

No faggot. I’m not helping your worthless pathetic sand tent living ass get fucked with barbed wire. I want you to execute your plan so you perish quickly and make the world a better place.

>> No.30267853

Just close this thread anon it doesnt worth your nerves if it makes you feel this way
Have a nice day

>> No.30267858

I'm literally walking on air right now

it's insane

>> No.30267903


cry for me

hopefully the river of tears saves your family

>> No.30267932

You see, people get envy
Its your fault. You need to hide the sucess to avoid this type of reaction, you may think you can tolerate it but youll get tired of it eventually

>> No.30267945
File: 259 KB, 2549x764, cabins.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You dont have to live in a trailer, where I'm at you can buy cutover land for like $800-1000 an acre and rent an excavator and clear it off yourself, then pay mennonites like 20k-80k to build a cabin like pic related on the land depending on how big of one you want. If there's no internet access you can call and pay like AT&T to run it to there, I called a few years ago and they said it'd cost like 40k to run the line 3-4 miles to hook up my current house, luckily I didn't have to pay it and they expanded to my place after a couple years anyway. I think 5g might be good enough to not even worry about that though

>> No.30267989

This so why no one likes you. It’s why you want to go live in the desert. You have no friends. They all hate you for being so fucking stupid. You think you’re being edgy with faggot ass lame insults but all it does is expose how fucking dumb you are. Growing shit is hard dude. That’s a fucking fact. Shit talk generational farmers but them claim your nigger cum filled ass will be able to have an oasis in the desert. The utter state of zoomers

>> No.30268031

in turn I also hate them because they don't have goals and waste money like you

citycucks will never fucking learn honestly

the dumbest mass on the planet

>> No.30268099

Kek. I’m sure you will dude. I’m sure you will. A whole 2k wow!! That’s 1 day salary for me lol. It counting my investments and other ventures. But you wouldn’t know anything about that. You’re here pounding your chest over pennies and think fake sports betting is legit. Ahaha haha ahahhaha


>> No.30268165

you're a moron

why are you trying so hard

>> No.30268169

Ok faggot

>> No.30268218

Lol I love being right

>> No.30268258

Thanks. Genuinely wish you well, please close this thread it doesnt worth all these negative feelings

>> No.30268259

about what

you haven't posted anything intelligent in this thread

I think you're just trying to bump it honestly

>> No.30268269

Insulting your pathetic shit ass is not hard dude. You make it so easy.

>> No.30268309

so what were those insults again

remind me because I already forgot

also learn english

>> No.30268313

Take your own advise dip shit. Imagine actually giving a f

>> No.30268359

if you have to pay proprty tax its not your land realy is it?

>> No.30268412

>im so fucked up with from losing miney
>hate everyone who talks to me
>i see graphene AIRDROP soon
>i put money in in PHR and get some graphene tokens
>i get profit from sharding tech
>i fuck you all

>> No.30268436

Spite potatoes are best potatoes

>> No.30268447

I used to be like you and rage over pixels on the screen
Calm down
I'll take my own advice now

>> No.30268464

3 dollars a year

vs citycuck 2000 dollars a month


this one is tough

>> No.30269012

you gonna use that power to run computers that operate oxen nodes so then you can further keep yourself private while still trying to sav eus?
i applaud you if so

>> No.30269136

>that operate oxen nodes so then you can further keep yourself private while still trying to sav eus

don't know what this means