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30258832 No.30258832 [Reply] [Original]

>slavs: I’m white despite having gray skin, asian features and anglos calling me subhuman species
>also slavs: you’re cucked white boy. I’m ugly as fuck yet still rail your white women
Why are slavs like this and why do they hate white people so much?

>> No.30258895

i'm slav and people always think i'm french

>> No.30258979

Slavs, just like jews love to change their race to White or ethnic depending on the situation

>> No.30259017

Race is a jewish concept.

>> No.30259020

Because you are arrogant and ignorant in general and laughed at us when we were under communist rule. Now you idiots wont learn from our experiences and while still smirking at us for apparently being drunk or stupid, you do the same mistakes as the people back then in the east but in a much more destructive matter (speaking about western Europeans btw). People back then in Eastern Europe wanted to become "western" because of that, but more people are waking up about being "western" by the week and see it as it is - just a globalist farce to fuck with you for fucking with the gentiles.

>> No.30259119


>> No.30259134

And now you slavs shit on the white mans democracy just because insulting someone is not allowed anymore? Also beating your women in white democratic countries should never be allowed, but you won’t find that appealing eh? Go back to your own country if you don’t like the evil white man

>> No.30259170

We brits won many wars, but you slavs didn’t. All that happened was either fighting other slavs or the white man and only winning with lots of casualties and allies

>> No.30259187

>be literally from the Caucas mountains
>people on the internet say you're not caucasian enough
also what does this have to do with business

>> No.30259252
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>t. insecure ugly, probably fat westener

Where in the earth does Slavic people have gray skin and asian features? You lack basic genetic knowledge.

I'm from a Slavic country, and only darker skin tone people here are shitskin gypsies. Come to see for yourself.
and what this has to do with a fucking biz?

>> No.30259325

Caucasian is just a 18th century assumption that white might come from a certain region, but it was never proven. Yet you gray skinned, round skulled slavs still think that your asian features aren’t black, so you must be white. Why do you think that anglos voted brexit and many western countries vote nazis? Because they will never see you as white people and don’t want that you invade their countries with your eastern european mentality

>> No.30259348

You are not from russia, russia is from the you us all

>> No.30259360

>Where in the earth does Slavic people have gray skin and asian features? You lack basic genetic knowledge.
>where did you read that water is wet

>> No.30259391

We yeeted Nazis out of Yugoslavia with minimal help from the west.

>> No.30259463

Slavic women are hot as fuck, I don’t give a shit what other westerners say

>> No.30259472

I'm not from Russia indeed. Actually, more than half of Europe is Slavic. With small exception basically everything to the east from Austria and Germany


Well educated mate.

>> No.30259517

You don't understand, anon. Women want and like to be beaten. If you have ever had any experience with women you'd know that it's the necessary thing to keep her around.

>> No.30259524

Not all europeans are white gonzalez

>> No.30259540

russians aren't white
slav is central / east europe

>> No.30259553

>Slavs stronger than blacks
>Slavs smarter than Asians
>Slavs more beautiful than whites
Don't worry, it's fine for you to have inferiority complex towards them.

>> No.30259579

Israel has no right to exist.

>> No.30259674
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Slavs are unironically based as fuck compared to the average westerner, the fact that they're not prone to guilt tripping and rampant multiculturalism is a bonus


>> No.30259734

>caring about the opinion of anglos
I cant understand why anybody would.

>> No.30259736

So are we white or not? If not, where do I get my free gibs?

>> No.30259769
File: 1.26 MB, 3000x1755, slavs nazis.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.30259800
File: 1.14 MB, 4000x2700, slavs nazis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30259820

Is that why slavic countries hate each other so much?