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30252848 No.30252848[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

You rightoids were tricked into being racist by the chinese, the saudis, and the russians to distract you from the fact that republicans sold off our entire economy.
>Reagan era
>Chinese manufacturing deal (sold US manufacturing economy to the Chinese)
>Commodity crisis
>USD unpegged from gold (fiat currency, pandora's box opened)
>blame mexicans, blacks, russians, gays for the shitty economy that was actually a result of selling our workforce to china and going in debt/creating fake money

>Bush Era
>Get 9/11'd by the saudis, proceed to fight a war to help the saudis immediately after
>Financial crisis
>Print money to keep US from defaulting
>Blame afghanis, iraqis, gays, mexicans, blacks, muslims for shitty economy that was actually a result of selling our last valuable domestically produced commodity, oil, to the saudis and then going in debt

>Trump "Era"
>""petrodollar"" (actually petrosaudi but still priced in dollars until we inevitably default or hyperinflate)
>Get hacked by russia, get our soldiers killed by russian mercenaries, give away our power in europe (crimea/ukraine) to russia, allow them to encroach on our territory in the middle east, etc
>Allow Russian OPEC to sell shittons of their own oil to europoors and indochinks priced in rubles/euro/rupee
>Covid-19 crisis
>Print money to keep US from defaulting as the last little bits of our economy fails (pandora's box can never be closed)
>Blame afghanis, iraqis, gays, mexicans, jews, blacks, trannies, chinks, euros, muslims, atheists, white people you don't like, and magic satanist DNC pedophile glowie boogiemen to distract you from the fact that we sold our entire economy and we're going bankrupt

>Why are we crashing!? Must be the gays. Trump said we could print money forever!!!
You were conned. The money you think you have is in the pockets of picrel, and the fake money you own is about to rapidly become worthless. You are fucked, and it's not the boogieman's fault, it's yours.

>> No.30252879

Fuck man I just hope we still have enough money to send to Israel after all of this

>> No.30252897


>> No.30252969

rightoids were unironically tricked by the jew to start hating trannies and mexicans instead

>> No.30252991

literally just watched Inside Job which goes through all of the bank execs that Obobo elected to every single potential area that would regulate the sector. King Nigger literally killed the dollar.

>> No.30253059

>Bush prints money
>Trump prints even more money
>Why did obama do this
take the redpill

>> No.30253203

get the fuck off my board poltard

>> No.30253210
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>source missing

>> No.30253338
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Jes jes, good goy, blame blacks while I loot your country

>> No.30253455

Not a poltard. Racism is retarded. Selling off our entire economy and then wondering why our economy's sucked dick since the 60s is even more retarded.

>> No.30253523

>source missing
>stale jew card
>has faith in politicians
no, still ngmi

>> No.30253776
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Who do you think was president during the GFC? Who do you think started the wars in iraq? Wasn't obama.
Who do you think was president when we unpegged the dollar from gold, sold our manufacturing to China in the 70s/80s, and then had a commodity crisis and 10% inflation? Wasn't Obama.
Who do you think was president when we ramped up QE because of the covid crisis? Wasn't obama.
>Still blames obama
Good goy. Israel is one of the countries with the most to gain from this exchange, unironically.

>> No.30253852

kys kike

>> No.30253946

I'm no kike, not my fault yall voted for someone who prefers to line the pockets of israel, russia, and china rather than US citizens.

>> No.30254004

Go back to Mexico

>> No.30254096

It's not mexico's fault you're poor. It's yours.
You will never make it.

>> No.30254120

Ok, Jose

>> No.30254152


>> No.30254208
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Enjoy your wheelbarrows of weimar germany monopoly money retard.

>> No.30254252
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>tricked into being racist by the chinese
If anyone believes that my racism stems from ANYTHING other than being forced to tolerate niggers then they can just neck themselves for being totally delusional.

>> No.30254290

What if I’m not American, Jose?

>> No.30254302

Screenshot this, and then kill yourself in 6 months when you can't even afford groceries with fake defaulted debtdollars

>> No.30254385

This is why I fucking hate poors, no matter their race. Most of you guys on this board are who I'm talking about, if you weren't poor, you'd realize you are the exact same thing as these niggers you claim to hate.

>> No.30254386

If you're not american and holding fiat you're still fucked. Only people who own real assets in healthy economies, ie gold/crypto owners or owners of foreign companies, are going to make it.

>> No.30254389

>critical of deindustrialization
>supportive of US imperialism

You do realize that this basically makes you a fascist, right? Wtf are you doing blaming "rightoids," you are one. The people you're mad at are Neocons, who were jaded Trotskyites who decided that capital was undefeatable in the 70s and switched teams. They're scum (nearly all of them a certain type of scum if you catch my drift) but I genuinely doubt many of them are actively racist. Fucking George W. Bush said that Kanye calling him racist after Katrina was the low point of his entire presidency. Neocons don't care if the country is white brown or black as long as it doesn't ask for a minimum wage increase and doesn't organize boycotts against Israel. The people who come on /b/ and /pol/ and convince people to be genuinely, unironically racist are wignats and trolls, neither of which are powerful political factions in America.
I said that if your actual beliefs are the ones you posted, you'd be a fascist. But you aren't even that. You're just a liberal. You're putting redacted MSNBC talking points in your OP. You probably genuinely think that America is seething with Neo-Confederates and Race Warriors. You probably think Qanon's a racist movement instead of the millenarian copefest that it is. Just go fucking post this screed on facebook and get 48 likes on it from people you met in college and don't talk to anymore. gtfo.

>> No.30254493
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>It was all the republicans
>the democrats were good boys who dindu nuffin
go back to plebbit and kys you worthless faggot

>> No.30254510

The dollar being dumped will not increase nor decrease my level of racism, you fucking twink.

>> No.30254526

>You probably genuinely think that America is seething with Neo-Confederates and Race Warriors. You probably think Qanon's a racist movement instead of the millenarian copefest that it is.
It's both you moron. It's a millenials using racism as a copefest for a failed economy that we've sold off to other countries.
>>critical of deindustrialization
>>supportive of US imperialism
>You do realize that this basically makes you a fascist, right?
I don't know where you got facism or support of us imperialism from. The US got into this position specifically because they couldn't handle the idea that other countries could have more than them in the future, so they sold everything and went into debt to pretend they have money. Of course that's all going to evaporate.

>> No.30254609

Democrats don't exist without republicans. Without aggressive racism there is no defensive acceptance. You created a worthless racewar and it's your fault that it makes you poor while israel and china profit. >>30254510

>> No.30254632

>but muh racism
post hand nigger

>> No.30254758

>created a worthless racewar
This country goes further to shit every single time we bend over backwards for the baboon tribe. China and Israel have nothing to do with it. Demorats is just a term we put to these people that do the same shit everywhere and then wonder why everything goes to shit.

>> No.30254777

>I don't know where you got facism or support of us imperialism from.

>give away our power in europe (crimea/ukraine) to russia
>allow them to encroach on our territory in the middle east
>our, our, our

If we're as fucked as you say we are, and we probably are, retrenchment is the only viable path. Don't say that we're overleveraged in one sentence and then bitch about us reducing our obligations in another. If you want us to both have domestic industry and an expansionist foreign policy, and from your phrasing in the OP I can only conclude that you do, you want fascism. Autarky, or at least autarky-lite, and military adventurism, or at least maintenance of the imperial positions.

t. paleocon

>> No.30254794

>it's always about race

>> No.30254889
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>> No.30254919


>> No.30254928

ahh yes the old "Republican break everything and Democrats fix everything" schtick. only literal npcs believe this crap.

>> No.30254936

>If we're as fucked as you say we are, and we probably are, retrenchment is the only viable path. Don't say that we're overleveraged in one sentence and then bitch about us reducing our obligations in another.
That's the thing. We didn't "deleverage" ourselves from the middle east. We sold our stake from the middle east and now we pay rent to the saudis for it. Why would you sell your house to rent that same house from someone else?

>> No.30254969

the fuck does this has to do with racism lmaoooo. literal brainwashed by JP Morgan NPC.

>> No.30254992

Do you have a non deformed one?

>> No.30254998

Republicans break everything and democrats fix nothing. You blame someone for shattering the vace, not someone for not being able to glue it all back together.

>> No.30255045

Nigger what the fuck does this mean
It doesn't have to do with racism, however, republicans make it about racism and blame blacks and mexicans instead of themselves for electing someone who sold off our economy.

>> No.30255071

I wholeheartedly kek'd several times. This is what happens when a NEET incel with no education tries to explain the economy.

>> No.30255100

>Racism is the reason kikes are destroying the country
This is your brain on reddit, republicans and democrats are on the same team controlled by the same (((masters))). You're almost correct and then fall back into the left vs right bullshit, you're just as dumb and naive as the 'rightoids' you're talking about.

Anyone who thinks any politician in the US is your friend and isnt a jewish puppet should commit sudoku immediately.

>> No.30255111

Post non deformed hand, the one you posted is deformed and belongs to a non white person

>> No.30255129

You have heard of "dixiecrats" before right? You know the Tulsa Riots were mostly democrats right? You know historically the DNC has been more racist than any republican stance right? from segregation to women's vote.
>muh parties switched

>> No.30255144

this. also OP is a larping tranny

>> No.30255145

13% over 50%

no one needs to make up propaganda for facts to be facts

>> No.30255230


You're a retard and completely misunderstand me.
No politician is on your side. You can't claim you support no politician and then also support racist institutions propped up by politicians.
My skins literally bright fucking white LMAO. Delusional. Everyone who disagrees with you is somehow wrong. Enjoy your monopoly money in 6 months poorfag.

>> No.30255252

die nazbol cucklord

>> No.30255303

>rightoids were unironically tricked by the jew to start hating trannies and mexicans instead
how do you know about the jew and everything but still think in left-right politics? of course we know that ZOG runs both parties retard

>> No.30255314

Reveal your ancestral background, non white

>> No.30255346

>we know that ZOG runs both parties retard
Then why do you keep supporting them and making yourself poor? This is peak autism.

>> No.30255363

why cant i not like both

>> No.30255406

the left went off the deep end first. when one side (left) is entirely bought and sold by the one-true-opinion shone down by mass media, globalists, huge banks and companies, riled up through the public by countries looking to destabilize the west like china, and any resistance is labelled racism, sexism, bigoted, patriarchal, white supremacy, privileged, or any other now-meaningless word, it's not a surprise normal white humans no longer give a fuck about bought-and-sold opinions like yours

>> No.30255409

>dox yourself or else you're not white
You can never win with schizos, they will always conjure a new boogieman. This is why we're in the situation in the OP in the first place.

>> No.30255420

>he still thinks theres a right and left

>> No.30255422

>Then why do you keep supporting them
i dont support any of it, its fake and gay all the way down

>> No.30255434

did you see who was running? there was no choice.

>> No.30255464

this is how delusional american republicans really are huh
dumb fucking burgers think left = globalist neoliberalism KEK

>> No.30255473

>non white can’t handle a simple question

>> No.30255498

remember lads:
No and
Ask about
Zionism and

>> No.30255516

Then clearly you agree with what I'm saying and have no reason to argue with me or support right wing racist propaganda. YGMI.
You shouldn't have voted for trump in the first place. You voted someone in who broke the economy and there's literally nothing anyone can do now to fix it.

>> No.30255543

All votes post-Biden will be for the Unibuttplug party where all your votes will go to pro-zionoglobalist Giant Douches and Turd Sandwiches forever.

>> No.30255576
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>support right wing racist propaganda
depends who it's against, i am still a racist i just dont buy into the gay left-right catch all due to it being fake

>> No.30255592

weird, you are suddenly changing your stance here. You start a thread accusing "rightoids" of fucking everything up. In bipartisan (well, more like, unipartisan) system like the US that implicitly means you are ok with the other side. That's how american politics behave.

Everyone is shitting on you and now you say "no wait, I meant both sides, both sides suck!"

No shit sherlock. Your government is bullshit. It's a den of snakes each one trying to fuck to population for a power trip and for money. It's a literal uniparty that uses idpol to make people fight each other: the right with the borderline bigoted BS, like you said, but you conveniently forgot to mention the "left" (kek) uses the boogeyman of systemic oppression to keep you idiots fighting each other too.

Congrats on telling us the obvious man.

>> No.30255610

no, the left is a hollow shell that gets told what is righteous and just, thats the point. that's why their opinions are constantly changing. the right is stuck in time, but at least doesn't keep marching further towards ruin

>> No.30255637

reddit spacing. go back cocksnatcher

>> No.30255645

clinton would have been worse on all fronts

>> No.30255656

>noooo you can’t just force the planet to accept bitcoin by dumping the currency of the worlds most powerful economy

>> No.30255692

your brain is so fucking deep in burgerland propaganda that you couldn't define the left if you made three rights.

>> No.30255705

>system like the US that implicitly means you are ok with the other side. That's how american politics behave.
You trapped yourself in that identity politics cage. Not me. Those of us who don't are the ones who are gonna make it out of this mess without becoming poor zimbabweans.
Of course, what the democrats and republicans promise are fundamentally different.
Republicans break the economy and promise that racism will make it better. It doesn't.
Democrats try to fix the economy and promise that anti racism will make it better. It doesn't.
Of course both sides are going to fail. That doesn't mean one side isn't at fault.

>> No.30255713

no' raycis jus' don' loik 'em, simpel az

>> No.30255725

>the right is stuck in time
obama was against gay marriage ten years ago and now you've got republicans supporting tranny shit

>> No.30255734

>muh racist institutions
WTF does racism have to do with any of this you brain dead retard? Nobody needs to be tricked in to hating low IQ violent niggers, it's human nature.
>If we all just pretend niggers aren't subhuman and allow millions of spics to flood the country the kikes will stop selling us all out
Are you really this fucking stupid? The kikes have spent the last 70 years indoctrinating retards like you, they control all these racist institutions you are kvetching about. the only way to fix America now would be putting the hook nose parasites into camps.

The wrong side won WW2

>> No.30255774

why do you insist "democrats try to fix the economy"? lmao.

>> No.30255796

>9/11 by Saudi

That’s where you’re wrong kiddo

>> No.30255826

>our territory in the middle east
what the fuck are you talking about?

your entire post is israeli propaganda

>> No.30255881
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I hate to give them out so freely, but that’s gonna be a (Based) from me

>> No.30255885

Because they do. They try to tax the rich to give it to the poors. They try to get unemployment back up. They try to undo the racism that served no purpose from the previous administration.
Of course it's fundamentally a fools errand, cause everything's already broken.
You keep falling for the racism trap, you keep falling into the hands of the jew. This includes falling for racism against jews. Jews aren't bad because they're jews, jews are bad because they are spreading your asscheeks and fucking you and you're allowing yourself to take it.
I only use jew because it's a more relatable boogeyman to schizos AND israel does have a lot to gain from this exchange. But it's not just israel. It's germany, china, singapore, japan, korea, everyone in the OP picture. They are all fucking us because the US is a broken economy and we sold out of our manufacturing economy.

>> No.30255912

here's the difference in how i see the left-right if we have to get into it
>Republicans break the economy
disagree, its an oligarchy controlled by corporations - the admin doesn't matter at all other than public messaging or minor tweaks (these dont make or break economies)
>promise that racism will make it better.
disagree (you only have to see any of their literature/media to see that they specifically stan for anti rascism even harder than leftoids do
>Democrats try to fix the economy
disagree as noted above, only make minor tweaks that the other party may or may not have done while also running country
>promise that anti racism will make it better
agree on this one, it doesnt make anything better and they do push it a lot

>> No.30255926

Ok China might have out smarted us burgers, but we unironically will still beat them in a war and if we can’t we’ll just nuke the planet and be the last empire to ever exist

>> No.30255954

>republican kikes sell off economy
>somehow this excuses nigger foolishness


>> No.30255980

>now you've got republicans supporting tranny shit
They're grasping at votes. You do realize that with the sham and fake election that over half the country completely lost any voice it had in US politics forever? I can't wait until people wake up and see this... hopefully shit will hit the fan as it fucking should have already.

>> No.30256032

the people and money were supplied by saudi arabia, training by israelis

thats why the israelis showed up before the planes hit and cheered, they were proud of their students for a job well done

>> No.30256051

>I can't wait until people wake up

don't hold your breath

>> No.30256063

>disagree, its an oligarchy controlled by corporations
Corporations don't control the FED. Politicians do. And you voted for politicans that are sold out to china, russia, and israel. US corporations are honestly the ones who are going to be the most fucked from this. Just like 2008.
>disagree (you only have to see any of their literature/media to see that they specifically stan for anti rascism even harder than leftoids do
How is the party of literal white supremacy and putting mexicans in camps anti racism? That's a delusional rightoid cope.
>disagree as noted above, only make minor tweaks that the other party may or may not have done while also running country
They do nothing for the economy because you can't close pandora's box after it's already opened. It's done, it's broken.
>agree on this one, it doesnt make anything better and they do push it a lot
Racism is inherently useless. They're right on that. Purging racism doesn't change how fucked we already are. That's where they're wrong.

>> No.30256163

each day we move closer to eating the bugs and owning nothing

>> No.30256281

>Corporations don't control the FED. Politicians do. And you voted for politicans that are sold out to china, russia, and israel. US corporations are honestly the ones who are going to be the most fucked from this. Just like 2008.
are you on crack? where do fed chairs work before and after the fed? where does their loyalty lie? their fealty is to corporate power not the state or the party
>muh mexicans in camps
it's 100% normal to put illegal immigrants into detention before deporting them, we've done the same in Australia for years and you can go fuck yourself if you don't like it. it's the only thing that deters illegal immigration
>They do nothing for the economy because you can't close pandora's box after it's already opened. It's done, it's broken.
doesn't make sense, economy doesn't have a start and end date, it's a living entity which can be nourished or ignored at will. not sure I understand this point one bit.
>Racism is inherently useless.
riddle me this then, if racism is useless, how come it'e the human condition? dont you believe in evolution?

>> No.30256284
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>Democrats try to fix the economy
Ah yes I remember when Bill Clinton fixed the economy by signing NAFTA and allowing China in to the world trade organization. You are nothing more than a useful idiot.

>Oy Vey Goyim stop falling for the racism trap the jews are good boys, niggers arent violent criminals and flooding the country with millions of unskilled workers is a good thing
Post nose

>You voted for this
You're vote doesnt matter when every politician in the country works for the same """""people"""""
>Muh poor illegal immigrants in cages
The cages Obama built?
>muh democrats want to fix the economy but its too late
nice leftist cope you delusional faggot, Bill Clinton is the one who sold out US manufacturing and help China grow into what it is today
>muh racism again
racism has absolutely zero to do with any of this, racism is human nature, what isn't human nature is multiculturalism.

>> No.30256335

This anti kike rhetoric is so overblown, is every single jew out to get you? I don’t think so.
I’m australian so maybe I’m biased, I have to sit and watch both parties in our government sell off infrastructure, assets and our workforce to the chinese on a daily basis.
But I’m sick of seeing this partisan bullshit that it’s either Red or Blues fault. The entire structure of government is corrupt, rotten to its very core. For every complaint we have against one party, there are just as many misgivings committed by the other. How long will we see these bureaucratic ghouls who are groomed and picked to “lead” our countries fail us. Serve interests of their lobbyists and corporate donors. They don’t care about the consequences of their actions, why should they. They serve only the interests of those putting money into their pockets. And when the mess is made, when the mess comes back to haunt us, it’s blamed on the individual. There is no reform, no fixing it. Just excuses and words. We are the foundation for the elites to live their lifestyle, and are burdened to carry the ones who leech.
Whoever it was that invented democracy was a fucking genius, the facade of power in the hands of everyone. What a fucking joke. I’m not even a godless commie. But what’s the difference, what’s the end game.
I sit and watch these Labour shills champion that they support workers rights and the every day man. Yet they sold everything they could to china. They watered down our tradesmen, they sold out our workforce. Nothing surprises me anymore, there is no hope, not with the supposed leaders we have.

>> No.30256377

>Bush Era
>print money

That was Obongo

>> No.30256574
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i can define it in one picture

>> No.30256577

>are you on crack? where do fed chairs work before and after the fed? where does their loyalty lie? their fealty is to corporate power not the state or the party
Who do you think appoints the fed chairman/chairwoman? It isn't the banks. It's the party.
>it's 100% normal to put illegal immigrants into detention before deporting them, we've done the same in Australia for years and you can go fuck yourself if you don't like it. it's the only thing that deters illegal immigration
Normal for US schizoids maybe. Not for the rest of the world that's eating the US's lunch.
>doesn't make sense, economy doesn't have a start and end date, it's a living entity which can be nourished or ignored at will. not sure I understand this point one bit.
No it can't be, because the economy is already ruined. Don't you see? We're in DEBT. Debt that's about to default from world shattering deflationary crashes that lock everyone inside for a year. Our economy is nothing but debt, our real non-debt economy has been sold off for decades now. There's no way to get it back from china russia israel or any other creditor nation now that we're fucked.
>riddle me this then, if racism is useless, how come it'e the human condition? dont you believe in evolution?
It doesn't mean it's not retarded. Rabbits are a part of natural selection too. But rabbits are fucking retarded, and so are you if you actually fall for the racism meme. Evolution doesn't select for the "best" candidate, it only selects for the "good enough" candidate. If not, every species would al ready be optimized by now and nobody would have different IQs, beliefs, opinions, DNA, or anything because we'd all be perfect. The world doesn't work that way, and there's nothing that makes a retard like you inherently better than a nigger. That's why you will stay poor forever.

>> No.30256600

fucking christ man, that fat orange fuck did more for the wellbeing of minorities than any democrat has done in 50 years. you are fucking idiot, or just baiting.

>> No.30256647

This is the gayest nigger kike thread on /biz/ and you all are getting baited by a discord wannabe lesbian.

>> No.30256661

>give it to the poors
how the fuck does this "fix" the economy you faggot
giving poor people money doesnt make them smart, they just piss their money away. fuck man.

>> No.30256686

Try reading retard. I've been explicitly saying this doesn't fix the economy.

>> No.30256742

>that fat orange fuck did more for the wellbeing of minorities than any democrat has done in 50 years
Delusional. Trump literally called in the military on blacks that were complaining that cops were abusing them too bad. How is that helping anyone?

>> No.30256751

im not reading your blog, shut up fag

>> No.30256802

K then stay poor faggot, no skin off my back. Screenshot this and then kill yourself in 6 months when you need a wheelbarrow of money to pay for your amerilard burgers.

>> No.30256842


>> No.30256860

>"reagan sold the jobs"
why are chinks taking nigger jobs away? It can't possibly be because they're lazy and stupid
where's that documentary comparing an american windshield factory to a chinese one?
chinese one has sleek process and rollers, people working like robots nonstop. american one has niggers strolling along at a leisurely pace, most not even doing anything. they're manually carrying windshields 50 ft from one station to the next one.
no one tricked anyone, customers notice when you can buy one windshield at the same quality for 20% of the price. if it was only 90% that'd be a different story tarrifs could solve.

>Financial crisis
jews gave loans to shitskins who bought mortgages they couldn't afford on small salaries. but only because the government forced to give them the loans.
this is well documented but glossed over as "racism" in documentaries. again leftists blaming the right for their own retardation.

it requires an impressive level of blindness to actually believe "muh right side of history"

>covid shutdown
red states opened up pretty quick and dumbocrats are still thinking an economy can survive forever on printed checks. again shooting yourselves in the foot over a flu

>> No.30256933

As long as El prezidente supports the confedafags, helps'em sleep better at night. Doesn't help anyone else tho

>> No.30257081

>red states opened up pretty quick and dumbocrats are still thinking an economy can survive forever on printed checks
Remind me who started up massive amounts of QE during 2016 when the markets were fearful and again in march when the crisis hit?
Lemme check my notes. Must've been obama, he's black.
Oh wait, it was trump you poorfag.
>why are chinks taking nigger jobs away? It can't possibly be because they're lazy and stupid
If america kept its manufacturing economy, whites would be able to make good money on shitty factory jobs that require no education. Obviously you couldn't compete with black people for those positions, or else they would've never found a job. If we use your logic, maybe it's because whites are lazy and stupid?
Or it's just because republican voters voted to whore themselves out to other economies instead of keeping their own. Which ever one suits you better.
>jews gave loans to shitskins who bought mortgages they couldn't afford on small salaries. but only because the government forced to give them the loans.
Who was going bankrupt in 2008 until bush swooped in with free money? It wasn't the chinese, it wasn't the jews, it wasn't the euros, it was american banks and corporations. Money printing doesn't work forever, and now you're about to see the ramifications when you can't afford food anymore.

>> No.30257090

>Who do you think appoints the fed chairman/chairwoman? It isn't the banks. It's the party.
but we just got done agreeing that the parties are one in the same controlled by corporate money and power - hence the selection of fed chairs is done by which entity?
>Normal for US schizoids maybe. Not for the rest of the world that's eating the US's lunch.
every country in the world that is "eating America's lunch" detains illegal immigrants and deports them, China, Russia, Israel etc.
>o it can't be, because the economy is already ruined. Don't you see? We're in DEBT.
im not bullish on the USD either, but compared to other countries globally US govt bonds are still a stable asset and are traded in the largest volume out of all their counterparts globally. the debt itself isn't sustainable and im not here to defend the solvency of the American Empire but you still can't see the forest from the trees if you think this can be both blamed on one party and solved by the other lmao
>there's nothing that makes a retard like you inherently better than a nigger.
how can one understand you? you go on this diatribe about how racism is bad and then say there's nothing about me that's inherently better than a "nigger". very interesting tactic to go about discussing something so nuanced, one thinks you probably just wanted to say nigger.
>That's why you will stay poor forever.
i am not poor, nor do i foresee any outcome in which this happens. seethe harder faggot

>> No.30257257
File: 271 KB, 570x2538, Jews DNC GOP.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you lot were tricked based on this strawman argument I've presented that I cobbled together from excerpts from the Jimmel Kimmel show and "Last Week Tonight" with John Oliver

eat a fucking dick faggot

>> No.30257288
File: 382 KB, 542x2538, Biden Jews Media.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.30257330
File: 274 KB, 925x3740, Biden China.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.30257363

>im not here to defend the solvency of the American Empire but you still can't see the forest from the trees if you think this can be both blamed on one party and solved by the other lmao
I'm not. I'm explicitly saying that democrats can't solve this problem. I've been explicitly saying that for several posts now, but you can't comprehend that someone doesn't follow your identity politics to a T.
You can't close pandora's box. Do you blame pandora for opening the box or someone else who tries to close the box and fails? You blame pandora.
>im not bullish on the USD either, but compared to other countries globally US govt bonds are still a stable asset and are traded in the largest volume out of all their counterparts globally
Fiat currency and debt are going to undergo a crisis. This means that the US economy is going to go insolvent, because the only economic worth the US produces is debt and fiat. All country's fiat is going to feel pain, but every creditor nation other than the US is also going to see their markets have a massive bullrun as the economy resets to valuing fundamentally good economies rather than fake debt economies. The value of us companies will fall but foreign companies will rise, but the value of all fiat will also fall without the USD. This benefits the non-us elites the most, ie the chinese, israelis, saudis, russians, etc who already own lots of assets and not cash.
>very interesting tactic to go about discussing something so nuanced
>but we just got done agreeing that the parties are one in the same controlled by corporate money and power - hence the selection of fed chairs is done by which entity?
The difference is that US corporations have zero power. They're in debt just like the rest. Foreign governments have far more power.

>> No.30257368

who started the QE? who built the cages? who even said I supported trumps QE? he merely continued obongo's trend.
>Obviously you couldn't compete with black people for those positions, or else they would've never found a job. If we use your logic, maybe it's because whites are lazy and stupid?
the fuck? god damn you are desperate to make a point while having nothing.
white people have higher paying jobs and you say that's losing because its not a nigger factory job?

>Who was going bankrupt in 2008
who cares? GFC "global" financial crisis. when we fart everyone smells it

>can't afford food
oh yeah, the country that exports food to a dozen countries won't afford food but everyone else will.
you're a fucking dumbass

>> No.30257373
File: 270 KB, 760x3913, Biden China Sensitive Industry.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.30257418

You fell for jewish identity politics. It's not the democrats fault you fell for it. It's not the jews fault you fell for it. It's not the republicans fault you fell for it. It's your fault. And you're going to be poor because of it.

>> No.30257425

>Lincoln Era
>13th amendment
Just face it Republicans have been a scourge on this nation since inception.

>> No.30257440
File: 763 KB, 2932x3086, China Israel Military.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.30257482

Racism? I prefer “group preference”

>> No.30257559

>white people have higher paying jobs and you say that's losing because its not a nigger factory job?
No. Whites *need* a higher paying job now to have the same lifestyle they would have had in the factory job in the 50s. If whites could keep the factory jobs instead of selling them to blacks and then finally to china, they wouldn't be in this situation. But they did, either because whites are retarded or because republicans are retarded. Again, pick one that suits you better, I don't believe in racism so I don't believe whites are inherently retarded.

>> No.30257621
File: 301 KB, 1460x3243, China Iraq Oil.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a "religious" minority of less than 2% of the population is responsible for over half of one of the two major party's funding
>identity politics

Is the fact that China and Europe both are getting more oil from Iraq than we do and have spent the last 40 years putting up anti-competitive trade barriers without response "identity politis" too?

>> No.30257678
File: 1.34 MB, 1640x2523, Arriba McEntire.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>whites were better off when the country was 90% white

Wow, what a revelation

>> No.30257695

>Is the fact that China and Europe both are getting more oil from Iraq than we do and have spent the last 40 years putting up anti-competitive trade barriers without response "identity politis" too?
Sounds like normal capitalism to me. What are you a commie? It's a free market. What do you want, a great reset so we can institute socialism and have everyone be "equal"?

>> No.30257755

>Wow, what a revelation
Think about it man. If whites could keep those factory jobs, then immigrants wouldn't have been able to take jobs from them. Why couldn't whites keep their cushy factory jobs?
Either because whites are retarded and got outdone by mexicans, or because republicans are retarded and sold out our economy to the chinese/OP picrel.

>> No.30257756

Financialization of the US economy post WWII was a siren song. Wildly appealing in the beginning, but it slowly kills your nation and economy over the long term as you can’t keep up profit margins to cover your increasingly growing debt without resorting to more and more extreme tricks, because it’s a fucking Ponzi scheme. Women in the workforce, massive amounts of immigration, offshoring of manufacturing, reduction in trades, consolidation of banks, and rock bottom interest rates all lead to a point where we are today. Our economy now is basically reduced to over-leveraged assholes pumping up the price of real estate and stocks to keep this whole thing afloat.

>> No.30257762

that's mostly bullshit. when population density is low as fuck home building will be cheap.
boomers had it lucky, they weren't doing their economic policies better, its a simple case supply and demand.
there were 200 mil people, now there's 330, with 3 million mexicans that hopped the border every year in between now and then.

sure, "conservative" boomers failed to stop immigration. no one denies the republican party is a joke that failed to conserve anything.
but you're an idiot if you don't see democrats pushed for all the things that cause problems, the republicans simply failed to stop them.

same with jobs, no shit when you have an extra 100 million people competing for them wages go down.

if we added another 600 million to catch up with china our wages would plummet more.

>> No.30257768

I agree with you, doesn't make me any less racist though. Have you lived around nigers before? they suck.

>> No.30257772

>right wing racist propaganda
ooo had me until starting spewing zog propaganda

>> No.30257939

>there were 200 mil people, now there's 330, with 3 million mexicans that hopped the border every year in between now and then.
>sure, "conservative" boomers failed to stop immigration. no one denies the republican party is a joke that failed to conserve anything.
You're still not putting the pieces together. Why did immigrants want to come to the US in the first place? Why go to the US vs any other first world country? If all of our jobs were taken by whites, and paying well because whites are better than mexicans, then mexicans would never be able to take jobs away from whites. How did they do that?
Other countries don't need retarded border policies to keep immigrants away, because their economy is structured in a way that keeps new players out by making their population rich. This is how the economy functions in a real economy and not a debt economy.
The US couldn't do this because republicans sold their economy to the Chinese. Then blamed mexicans. It's simple.

>> No.30258117

there's a few factors going on here you're purposefully ignoring to make your dumbass libtard quip.

if you run a lawn mowing company and do a great job, but charge $20/hr. but then paco, juan, and pablo move in across the street and offer to do it for $5/hr. it doesn't matter if you're better. and whites are a only few IQ points higher you're exaggerating the difference.
if you're a customer do you really care that the mexicans cut corners? No. you saved $15/hr by hiring them. now apply this to home construction. you really don't care they cut corners, you want them to to save money, and dump the problem on the new homeowner.

>why don't you just compete with infinite foreign labor

>> No.30258254

>Why are we crashing!? Must be the gays. Trump said we could print money forever!!!
redditor discord leftists love to cling to things that nobody actually believed

>> No.30258390

>if you run a lawn mowing company and do a great job, but charge $20/hr. but then paco, juan, and pablo move in across the street and offer to do it for $5/hr. it doesn't matter if you're better. and whites are a only few IQ points higher you're exaggerating the difference.
Sounds like the mexican is smarter than you for undercutting your wildly overvalued lawnmowing cost.
Now, if this practice wasn't a viable business model, then pablo would be homeless and not be able to survive on $5 an hour. There'd be no point to immigrating to the US if it didn't give a better life than mexico. If the mexican was less efficient then you, then the pay might be cheaper but the costs would be higher. They're not.
Now in a real economy, pablo goes homeless if he pays $5. In an efficient market, the expenses that go into that labor cost have to account for housing, food, the cost of maintaining the lawnmower etc. If whites were more efficient than mexicans, then the costs at $20 would already be at max-efficiency.
They aren't, because the actual economy was rugpulled under the white person's feet, sold to the chinese, and he's worth far less than he realizes.
This is the situation you are in right now.
>why don't you just compete with infinite foreign labor
This is why places like Japan do not have immigration crises. The only people who can afford to move to japan are those who legitimately provide higher economic growth to the japanese GDP than before. They have to be able to cover all the japanese expenses AND do things more efficiently. Only the few who are already rich and citizens already a part of that system can achieve that, and that's why other first world countries don't need to worry about ridiculous border problems. Because their economy isn't fake.

>> No.30258481
File: 117 KB, 935x1048, beaner barracks.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why did immigrants want to come to the US in the first place?
Because the Hart/(((Celler))) act allowed this arrangement.


Because, being unestablished here, they have the mobility to live barracks style in rental houses and send remittances >>30257678 back home while collecting welfare and evading taxes


>> No.30258586

so you're just pretending to care about wages while celebrating their fall as you prefer cheap labor
right should have picked up on that when you call people poorfags.

>muh efficiency
also no shit, people want to keep their high wages while in a comfy low stress job. but mexicans can't run a country so they have to ruin it here too.

>> No.30258618

That doesn't change my point here. They can only move to the US because they're more efficient than the white population that was there before at their jobs, and because they have a higher standard of living like that than in mexico. If the US had a real economy instead of a debt economy, the expenses for running a business would already be at max efficiency, and a mexican wouldn't be able to move in there without already being as rich as an american.
This isn't true, because the markets are priced inefficiently (ie we are in a BUBBLE), and the actual economy was rugpulled and sold to China, the sauds, israel, and japan long ago.

>> No.30258666

>so you're just pretending to care about wages while celebrating their fall as you prefer cheap labor
I'm not pretending to care about anything. I'm describing to you how the markets work and how the white american was conned into allowing the rug to be pulled out from under them by abusing white racial fearmongering.
If racism was true, then mexicans wouldn't be more efficient.

>> No.30258679

oh goodie now we can live in tiny cardboard huts like the chinese, muh bubble. its not efficient to live in comfortable settings
except not me of course i will rule over the masses.

>> No.30258694
File: 1.54 MB, 1756x5618, Libya European Migration.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that's why other first world countries don't need to worry about ridiculous border problems.

Yeah it couldn't possibly be shit like "the ocean" and other natural barriers you fucking pedantic ignoramus. France was spending BILLIONS bribing Gadaffi to keep blacks away for decades.

>> No.30258736

>oh goodie now we can live in tiny cardboard huts like the chinese, muh bubble. its not efficient to live in comfortable settings
It's not sustainable to live in comfortable settings... in a debt economy. The chinese are going to have a wild boom like we've never seen before, because all that economic power that was consolidating into the US is going to default and redistribute among creditor nations.
The US is going to be in mud huts. China is going to profit off of that.

>> No.30258773

France is a debtor nation too. I'm talking about real first world countries -- creditor nations. The countries in the OP (except mauritius idk what the fuck is up with them)

>> No.30258782
File: 298 KB, 680x680, 1613455678653.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this gay shit belongs in /pol/

>> No.30258801

omg you mean neither party cares about anything but their own interests? who could have guessed?

>> No.30258843
File: 406 KB, 2324x1489, China.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes as China has liberalized their economy and we've taken the opposite approach in every metric that matters they are succeeding and we are failing, and a big part of that is because people like you think that it is our moral imperative to take in millions of english illiterate homeless boomers from South America every year without the slightest bit of pushback.

>> No.30258915

>Yes as China has liberalized their economy and we've taken the opposite approach in every metric that matters they are succeeding and we are failing, and a big part of that is because people like you think that it is our moral imperative to take in millions of english illiterate homeless boomers from South America every year without the slightest bit of pushback.
No you fucking retard. This is why you're poor.
If you didn't let republicans sell your economy to the chinese, you wouldn't have to care about immigration.
Just like how none of the countries in the OP care about immigration (other than maybe israel because they're literally at war)

>> No.30258968
File: 498 KB, 1346x1381, Balance and NATO Contribution.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also don't stop letting France and Denmark upcharge our consumers and insurers 5x on insulin for which they maintain a near 90% market dominance! We wouldn't want to upset our "European Allies"®!

>> No.30259040

>Also don't stop letting France and Denmark upcharge our consumers and insurers 5x on insulin for which they maintain a near 90% market dominance!
sounds like the free market at work to me, commie.

>> No.30259141
File: 617 KB, 1072x2369, China Jews Control USA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We shouldn't end any military occupations either, European countries need American soldiers to continue spending money (https://www.express.co.uk/news/world/1304557/Angela-Merkel-news-Germany-economy-US-Army-base-withdrawn-Donald-Trump-warning)) to stimulate local economies and we need to continue to spend trillions to ensure that China and Europe can continue to get free oil they tax at 30% to help prop up their contrived welfare states

>> No.30259246

>We shouldn't end any military occupations either
Military interventionism is an inherently rightoid policy. See: iraq, nam, korea, actually pretty much every military campaign since the nixon has been started by a repub president.

>> No.30259280

Also, you call these other nations welfare states. Yet the US is the one in massive debt. We could afford to have our military actually do things in the 40s -- when we had manufacturing and a real economy on our side and before reagan sold us out.

>> No.30259393
File: 134 KB, 782x652, stop oppressing me bigot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The FDA preventing consumers from purchasing medicinal goods from abroad (which would put downward pressure on our prices and upward pressure on European ones) is not "free market". "Licensure" schemes in the doctorate profession aren't "free market". Centralized banks being given blank checks by the government passing on mortgage-tier loans to zero credit score midwits to go to commie rats' nest colleges that would otherwise be less than a quarter of their current cost based on historical inflation rates isn't free market.

>> No.30259489

>The FDA preventing consumers from purchasing medicinal goods from abroad (which would put downward pressure on our prices and upward pressure on European ones) is not "free market".
Idk seems to work for europe, and we're the ones getting scammed here, not them. Sounds like you're just mad because it's becoming increasingly obvious to the rest of the world how unexceptional america actually is?

>> No.30259558



>> No.30259607



>> No.30259633



>> No.30259668


>> No.30259698

Data mixed with so much schizophrenic delusion that it makes any legitimate analysis indistinguishable from the insanity.

>> No.30259709


>> No.30259738

back to /pol faggot

>> No.30259755

literally all of this was made possible by jews:
>forming a central bank in the US
>removing physical backing of currency, converting to FIAT

all siphoning of value (GDP, Assets) from this country were made possible by jews.

>> No.30259786

more like every boomer in presidency printed money because they were raised with
>line goes up
for parents

>> No.30259812

$MCM Mochimo for the legends

>> No.30259819

another refugee from redddit here to tell us orange man bad

>> No.30259827

based and redpilled.

>> No.30259857

Jews didn't make the US do it. You all voted for reagan, trump, and bush because you cared more about racism than the economy. If racism was true and valid, the world wouldn't be moving on from reliance on the US.

>> No.30259892


>> No.30259909

They need money for dem space programs.

>> No.30259989
File: 39 KB, 644x500, zy8u9akn2zz21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>going through an hours old thread to samefag every post you agree with
peak rightoid retardation. Sigh, I almost feel bad for yall. Oh well.

>> No.30260014

I was old enough to vote for reagan? are you a boomer? people are not defined by those they put in power.
Let me give it to you straight, most of society is its culture. America had a white european western culture for the majority of it's life. whether it had fucking horrible socialist policies or great libertarian capitalist ones didn't matter, it still won because of its culture.

There is no more culture, and you can thank those in charge of culture
>pop culture
>music producers
> movies

now I wonder, there wouldn't be a nepotistic ring of people that control all of these, would there? hmmm, that's a tough question!


>> No.30260046

it's because threads aren't moving fast at night, and I'm just looking at the first page of the catalog. and it's funny that you define

>> No.30260112

>I was old enough to vote for reagan?
There are people alive who aren't you that voted for reagan and continue to vote for bush and trump. You voted for any of those, you're just as responsible as reagan voters. Or you should at least already be able to see why reagan era democrat-republican identity politics are a joke and how worthless racism is.

>> No.30260229

>muh racism and ebil republipukes
You will never be a woman. When you die, your death certificate will read male. Now go dilate and neck yourself, you mentally ill degenerate subhuman.

It's all so tiring. It's like these leftypol faggots can't put together a good larp and strawman even after all these years of them shitting up every board with their commie shit.

>> No.30260283

>Let me give it to you straight, most of society is its culture. America had a white european western culture for the majority of it's life. whether it had fucking horrible socialist policies or great libertarian capitalist ones didn't matter, it still won because of its culture.
It lost because of its racism culture.
Racism culture is what goaded retarded white americans to keep voting republican while they rugpulled and sold off the actual economy to china. With racism comes antiracism, and that's how we get stuck with democrats who're trying to fix an solvable problem, the economy, when it's already broken and the pieces have already been shattered and bought by japan, korea, china, etc.

>> No.30260293
File: 118 KB, 666x2163, Non-Citizen Welfare Census.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Obama funneled weapons to cartels in Mexico, terrorists in Syria and helped France kill Gadaffi; he had 8 years to end the occupations in Afghanistan and Iraq and he didn't. Clinton bombed Serbia and Iraq, just because that snaggletoothed british faggot John Oliver never sat you down and talked to you about this doesn't mean it didn't happen.

>Idk seems to work for europe
It doesn't. Norway has stolen so much money from its people they could buy every man, woman and child a house with their surplus, but they won't, nor will they lower taxes. It's an inefficient system and it simultaneously relies on American military hegemony and political weakness to perpetuate itself. Despite the US being responsible for the development of 60% of novel pharmaceutical drugs worldwide and Europe getting these drugs ostensibly for free or at cost these drugs still make up a significant portion of EU countries' healthcare budget. In other words they are our dependents.

>we're the ones getting scammed here
No shit, I've spent multiple posts explaining the many ways our politicians' policies have primarily served foreign interests.

You aren't American, Jew Chink, but if you were you'd understand how amazing this country is to still be standing despite enduring both demographic and market conditions that would have long since crushed any major country in Europe.

>> No.30260349

>You voted for any of those, you're just as responsible as reagan voters.
I didn't read OP that hard so it comes off as you being hyper focused on one issue shared by all three.
Not too familiar with reagan
Bush was a neocon not interested in upsetting the status quo. sat by while israel had the WTC hit by planes to pump foreign oil with a war
Trump is a Neolib that is socially liberal and fiscally conservative, but with the exception that is pro-mega quantitative easing because he's a salesman and wants the economy to look good even if it isn't (I hated that about trump)

Oversimplifying things as left-right is what you are doing, anon.

>> No.30260449

>It doesn't. Norway has stolen so much money from its people they could buy every man, woman and child a house with their surplus, but they won't, nor will they lower taxes.
Yet Norway's median middle class income, medical expenses, education costs, and worker's rights are all better than america. Because they are rich and america is in debt. America would not be in debt were it not for reagan, bush, trump etc selling off our economy to the rest of the world while taking on higher debts.

>> No.30260467

everyone is racist. There is a stupid goalpost of the republican party trying to prove to moderates how non-racist they are because democrats keep gaslighting them as racists. but I am slowly hating R v D politics just as you so this discussion will go nowhere for both of us. Point blank, you believe everything stems from racism. stupid. China is racist and now owns our shit. Japan is SUPER racist and now owns our shit... list goes on. does your argument only work in Occidental places with western culture? It doesn't apply to the orient!

>> No.30260496


>> No.30260504

>I didn't read OP that hard so it comes off as you being hyper focused on one issue shared by all three.
>Oversimplifying things as left-right is what you are doing, anon.
No, you are oversimplfying things because you skimmed what I wrote instead of actually analyzing the nuance.
Adding buzzwords does not change the fundamental problems our culture and policies have.

>> No.30260516
File: 89 KB, 1125x839, leftistsgeneticdisorder.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Leftism is a genetic disorder. Antiracism is a pseudoscience that denies genetics. It is both immoral and wrong and all antiracists need to be punched in the face for what they have done. biden lost. china will win. Leftists don't deserve free speech and are a threat to humanity. Politics is objective.

>> No.30260526

actually norway is mega racist too, I forgot that one.

>> No.30260550

Okay say one thing that is the fault of democrats.

Under Biden we are going to see massive inflation. Prices are skyrocketing. But oh no, it's still somehow republican's fault.

>> No.30260589

I think OP is illitirate in political jargain and means neocon when he says republican despite many newer generation republicans being neolib and libertarian.

>> No.30260593

>everyone is racist. There is a stupid goalpost of the republican party trying to prove to moderates how non-racist they are because democrats keep gaslighting them as racists. but I am slowly hating R v D politics just as you so this discussion will go nowhere for both of us. Point blank, you believe everything stems from racism. stupid. China is racist and now owns our shit. Japan is SUPER racist and now owns our shit... list goes on. does your argument only work in Occidental places with western culture? It doesn't apply to the orient!
No, you're not getting what I'm saying.
You hate minorities because you think they're inferior and because they're taking up the US economy.
But if they were inferior, they wouldn't be able to displace whites in the economy. It's the white americans who have fucked themselves, not anyone else.
No other country has to deal with immigration beacuse immigration is unsustainable for anyone other than the people rich enough to move and participate in the economy. This is why japan, china, and all these other countries don't have an immigration problem, it's because the US fundamentally fucked themselves over. Not mexicans, americans, fucked americans over.

>> No.30260628

>You hate minorities because you think they're inferior and because they're taking up the US economy.
strawman, no I don't. J

>> No.30260655

If you don't personally hate minorities, then you know of others who do who created this situation we're in.

>> No.30260678

it's like you create the argument I would make in your head, then continue the argument of your point.

Jewish billionaires controlling our world =/= statement about impact of minorities on economy.

if you are one of those "diversity is our strength" dolts, you should invest in every company that is doing that right now and put your money where your mouth is.

>> No.30260714

>neocon when he says republican despite many newer generation republicans being neolib and libertarian
I mean republican. Republican presidents are the ones who sold off our economy. I don't care about their political beliefs, just their alignment, because that alignment is what sold our nation to the chinese, russians, saudis, etc.

>> No.30260715

Others who hate minorities who caused a credit bubble
>who is Joe biden
oh it has to be a republican? isn't that a bit biased?

>> No.30260745
File: 2.26 MB, 1872x3037, Endowment.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>middle class income
So what, purchasing power is what matters, not raw numbers.

>medical expenses
Already covered that subject, it's easy to have cheap healthcare when you're the population size of Wisconsin, located at one of the northernmost habitable land masses with hundreds of miles and dozens of borders separating you from the scrabbling brown masses and you're living under the military-economic umbrella of both the USA and EU-and are getting free medicine developed at great expense from at least one of them

>education costs
Already covered. Get rid of grants and loan guarantees and our tuition drops to less than 25% of its current, much better than a 40% income tax rate and less overeducated midwit debtors.

>> No.30260749

So uh... what if we just took all the foreign assets back and declared them property of the USA. Is anyone really gonna challenge us on that? With what army?

>> No.30260763

literally fucking stupid. pass cash between business A and business B
both show revenue from it
get big fat loan
lose the money

>> No.30260767

Joe biden didn't sell our economy to the Chinese, Russians, Saudis, etc. Reagan sold our economy to the Chinese and put us in the fiat system. Bush sold our economy to the Saudis and ruined our petrodollar. Trump sold our economies to the russians and ruined our saudi-dollar. Not any other political leaning. You guys did this to yourselves.

>> No.30260830

*ahem* see
and he already started selling off our energy industry to israel and the middle east by initiating his plans to end domestic oil and pump the pockets of foreign oil with wars and foreign policy.
>we did this to ourselves
really? we includes you. we're all in on this Zog scheme.

>> No.30260850

People think the petrodollar thing is some crazy all encompassing thing, but it’s only one piece of the puzzle and doesn’t have that much to do with how China cucked us for the last decade or two

>> No.30260917

>When China entered the World Trade Organization, a Democrat was president.
>Democrats put in place the welfare state on the 60s.
>Democrats have opened the borders of the United States to 100 million foreigners since 1965, which has suppressed wages (not to mention everything else)
>The majority of hedge find managers and billionaires donate to Democrats.

Its cute you think only Republicans are bad. Both parties in the USA have been complete shit since the 1960s.

>> No.30260924

to be fair, I do believe it is wrong that America as a whole sold out for the cheap products in the short term in exchange for market and asset share long term. it was the consoomerist culture that did it. and consooooomerism spans all political idealogies in the US.

And you give way too fucking much power to the president if you believe they did everything bad. most irreversible political things are done by the Senate, historically.

>> No.30260959

>what if we just took all the foreign assets back and declared them property of the USA
What foreign assets? We don't own any. We're in debt, not in credit. China used their manufacturing deals with the US to create their own manufacturing empire and indebt the US, for example.
We'd basically have to do what the nazis did after their economy was ruined by the same things. Try to go for world domination. It didn't end well for them, because world domination isn't sustainable when your nation has no economic power. Plus there's nukes now.
Petrodollar is one piece of it, yes. An important piece, but one of many.

>> No.30260969

>Both parties in the USA have been complete shit since the 1960s.
based and redpilled.

>> No.30261023
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It was a Clinton legislative "victory" but I think it went into effect during Bush's term

>> No.30261063

>And you give way too fucking much power to the president if you believe they did everything bad. most irreversible political things are done by the Senate, historically.
Foreign economic policies are done by the president, domestic ones are done by congress. This is the difference between trump's china trade war, which required no authorization, and joe biden's stimulus plan, which needs to get passed by the senate.
Reagan, bush, and trump used these powers to sell the US's real economy in exchange for debt.

>> No.30261071
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>> No.30261072

based retard. we got 3 years of government surplus for that.

>> No.30261112

Its just semantics. There was no real opposition to it from either side. Just like there's no real opposition to endless war, open borders, from either side. Both parties suck and are controlled by big business / special interests, this is not complicated stuff

>> No.30261156

I'm hearing you,
but at the same time,
you keep sticking to the republican side of it like all the dem president options at those times would have done differently.

The deep state is real, whether it is or isn't how Trump claimed it to be. It does exist, and it does keep moving things forward according to the plan. The movies Joker and followed up with The Dark Night help conceptualize this item, but I'm sure you get it.

you know, "the plan".

>> No.30261167

There is no race war idiot. We live in one of the most tolerant societies on earth.

>> No.30261172

>And you give way too fucking much power to the president if you believe they did everything bad. most irreversible political things are done by the Senate, historically.
Also the debate over whether who has these powers was settled when the supreme court decided the louisana purchase was legal even though congress wasn't consulted.

>> No.30261196

>big business
40% of billionaires are jewish. big business is owned by billionaires. You're almost there, it's sad.

>> No.30261225
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And a coming century of humiliation

>> No.30261235

>you keep sticking to the republican side of it like all the dem president options at those times would have done differently.
They would have, if we had voted in democrats during the reagan era. Obviously once the (debt) economy is fucked there's no getting it back. Truman for example had far better economic policies than reagan and was one of the people responsible for the US's postwar dominance when we were the manufacturing hub of the world.

>> No.30261236

I forgot to mention that statistic gets higher when you exclude APAC billionaires from china and dubai

>> No.30261250

>job outsourcing bad
>mass immigration good
Why are neomarxists such retards?

>> No.30261273

you found another based retard politicion.
Based, because they are accelerating things to a point they cannot take back.

>> No.30261294

Are you retarded? If we hadn't sold off and outsourced our economy and indebted ourselves, mass immigration never would have happened. This is why none of the countries in the OP have to deal with mass immigration despite being world economic hubs.

>> No.30261321

if Mexicans were so great, why would you not invest in mexico's economy. I'm sure there are some areas of untapped potential.
>nah, let them all come in here instead
based retards, I tell you.

>> No.30261340

Statist thread. Nobody really cares. They just want more comfy OXENs

>> No.30261347

If mexicans were so bad, why were they able to overthrow the US economy, according to you?

>> No.30261440
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Because of generational welfare, remittances and currency exchange rates. We've already been over this, Jew.

>> No.30261507


>> No.30261546

China treats its citizens like dirt, immigrants worse. immigrants don't want to go there because wages are already as low as possible. They are improving in cities now, but are still dog shit everywhere else.
Japan is unironically race-nationalist. It's unspoken, but true. They don't have an immigration problem because they don't let any foreigners in. And they had a HORRENDOUS credit bubble in the 90's that popped so hard, they lost their position as tech leader of the world to Korea. Pretty much same story in Korea... racial nationalists. Norway, again, racial nationalists. you can't get their welfare unless you are Norwegian, again, requiring racial blood from Norway.

I'm not retarded to think they overthrew it. strawman arguments are bad, anon. I believe that uncontrolled immigration causes uncontrolled downward pressure on wages in blue collar industries (average american) while making products cheaper for white-collar industries (90% and up americans).

I forgot to mention, Reagan only gave amnesty as a tradeoff for decreasing immigration policy. I wasn't around, but I heard it didn't produce results as advertised.

>> No.30261553

>tricked into being racist

You can tell someone is a ivory tower leftist when they have zero experiences with niggers and believe someone may hate them out of pure ignorance. Unless its a DBZ nigga its BAD NEWS!

>> No.30261589

Currency exchange rates? LMAO.
Lets assume you're right, and lets assume the white race is the inherently superior race to all others. Whites are just so exceptional, lets pretend that's true.
Then, when reagan put the US into debt (generational welfare), the US would NEVER be at risk of ever defaulting on that debt. This is because whites are so exceptional, that money just flows right back into their hands as it should be because they're inherently more valuable than mexicans.
What actually happened was America went into debt, and mexicans were able to move into the US and replace white americans because both the economy was weak and they were just as good as whites. In other words, because they're equal.
Instead, the US is about to collapse as the rest of the world soars past it. Isn't that funny? Yet you still cling onto your hopeless beliefs when the rug's been pulled out from under you.

>> No.30261645

t. OP never lived near, never grew up with, never worked with, and never spoke with, a real down-on-their-luck POC to understand what their culture is like.

a culture that is perpetuated by inner-city welfare states.

>> No.30261653

>still falling for the repubs vs democrats meme dichotomy
Nice case of twitterbrain you've got there, however if you looked at reality you'd notice that Reagan, Bush, and Clinton all supported policies that pushed jobs overseas and brought in low wage replacement laborers. The uniting factor is that these people are rich and from/associated with power families.

>> No.30261676

I live and grew up in a major city.

>> No.30261694

So the monetary stock didn't go up under Obama, Clinton, or Bush 1 or 2? Funny, because the Fed's own balance sheet disagrees with that.

>> No.30261699

>they're equal
I can't think of any Mexican industrial and technology firms from the 70's to today.

>> No.30261728

>I’m a midwit faggot

>> No.30261729

but was it in a built up area, or in an area with majority welfare housing?

>> No.30261743

Once you start QE, you can never ever stop. This is the trap that countries like zimbabwe and weimar germany fell into. This is the trap that america fell into because it cared more about being racist than nurturing our economy. Clinton or Obama or Biden can't close pandora's box when republicans already opened it, it's done.

>> No.30261755

Itt: europoors that are angry about americhads plowing their economies while they cuck themselves in the corner

>> No.30261762

I'm hanging up the towel. it's pretty late here in Amerimutt land.
I'm hoping op was genuine and not bait this

>> No.30261781

>I can't think of any Mexican industrial and technology firms from the 70's to today.
US technology firms employ mexicans.
Yes, that's what a city is.

>> No.30261797

>This is the trap that america fell into because it cared more about being racist
yeah this is starting to sound like obvious bait. why would anyone care about proving this point. such angry steam, very little substance

>> No.30261827
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>Reagan only gave amnesty as a tradeoff for decreasing immigration policy. I wasn't around, but I heard it didn't produce results as advertised.

Yes, the Reagan amnesty was a very consequential rugpull event

If the economy was weak the Mexicans wouldn't have moved here to begin with, dummy. A Mexican makes about $16 a day in Mexico


So they move here, politically and until recently physically unopposed into rental houses with dozens of their friends, splitting the rent in as many ways

>>30258481 (https://www.chron.com/news/article/Two-face-charges-in-stash-house-case-with-15964962.php))

Get tax loopholes (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RxJ3Lsi3Vgk)) and welfare and are thus able to undercut domestic laborers at the bargaining table.

Anyway, seeing as you're operating on Israeli time you're probably just getting started whereas I have to go to bed. Later

>> No.30261837

no, I want a company that came from mexican culture. or brazille. or any then-Native-now-colonized country from south of the border

>> No.30261876

>If the economy was weak the Mexicans wouldn't have moved here to begin with, dummy. A Mexican makes about $16 a day in Mexico
Yes they would have. The US economy weakened while the mexican one stagnated. A weak economy is one that's rife for undercuts and devaluations -- and that's exactly why mexican mass immigration happened after the 60s and not before it.

>> No.30261885

>If the economy was weak the Mexicans wouldn't have moved here to begin with, dummy.
there's a problem, though, because this thread is touching on issues that span too large a time frame, where that statement is mostly untrue. it is only recently true, what you have said.

>> No.30261905

>no, I want a company that came from mexican culture. or brazille. or any then-Native-now-colonized country from south of the border
Why? Any smart mexican would just go to the US because their assets are in a bubble and pay more, despite being worth about the same as mexico because the rug was pulled from under them. So of course mexicans would move to the US, they only wouldn't be able to replace whites if they were actually inferior, which they aren't.

>> No.30261946
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>there's a problem, though, because this thread is touching on issues that span too large a time frame
No. When we are in a bubble, the economy is weak even if the valuation are high. The economy doesn't die when a bubble pops, it was already dead.

>> No.30261954

Imagine being dumb enough to think Russia hacked the election or something lmao. Also bountygate was a complete hoax, they had to silently retract statements afterwards but the point was just to get rid of Trump

>> No.30262015

cognitive dissonance.
suspension of disbelief.

you are a well trained good goy. Hard to get you to agree that Mexico's culture is not one of industrial tycoon. And therefore, immigrants from said culture are going to be at a cultural disadvantage to those that grew up in a culture that promoted innovation. It's not a bad life, just enjoying life, but that isn't the western culture that America was founded on to gain as much value as it did, before being sold off, as you said.

>> No.30262056

I meant that mexicans would still come here for the cultural value of America providing better value than mexico. not all mexicans come here, but many still would even if the jobs market sucked because it would still overshadow the mexican economy

>> No.30262063

>immigrants from said culture are going to be at a cultural disadvantage to those that grew up in a culture that promoted innovation
If they were at a disadvantage, why did they replace white workers who were supposedly advantaged?
You are delusional. Whites are not exceptional in any way. If they were, they wouldn't have been so easily replaced in their own country.

>> No.30262081


>> No.30262137

I'm prettt sure you're trolling but I'll bite. The policies that led to QE being implemented under Obama and Bush 2 came into being under the Clinton and Bush 1. Both of their administrations wanted to lower the barrier to housing loans in order to pump up bank balance sheets and they were aware that this was the monetary equivalent of hot potato as well. The democrats and republicans are both corrupt and the real problem is that we allow funny money paper notes to control the economy which lets this ridiculous scam organized through the fed continue.

>> No.30262141

if I can sell Widget A quality 4/5 for $3 or Widget A quality 2/5 for $2 but I have twice as many due to double the workers and cheap labor, I will choose cheap labor. I'm saying that labor itself is priced on cost of input, not revenue of output. Mexican illegals = cheap. Plus, they ask for less wages as well because they aren't taxed, so their realized wages could still be the same as an American from the 70's-today despite being paid less by the employer.

>> No.30262147

cheaper = more efficient = better.
Again, if whites were exceptional, the world would not be able to gain the necessary value from mexicans to replace whites. But they did, because they're equal. That's how economics works. Cheaper for the same job = better.
In other economies, this is avoided because as the economy grows, so does the barrier to entry while remaining profitable. But we don't have a real economy, which is why we're open to this kind of action in the first place.

>> No.30262181

side note, "the big short" known as the housing subprime loan credit bubble popping was just the black swan event. it could have been a multitude of things that popped that QE.

>> No.30262201

>he policies that led to QE being implemented under Obama and Bush 2 came into being under the Clinton and Bush 1
No. The policies that lead to QE being implemented under obama and bush 2 came into being under reagan and nixon. Fiat and chinese trade deals.

>> No.30262219

no, you don't get it. cheaper = higher income inequality, because the guy on top always makes the same relative to Gold standard, while the guy at the bottom always earns less due to QE and immigrants driving down wages.

>> No.30262242

Nixon didn't start that. that started with the founding of the federal treasury, a JEW scheme. are you perhaps a niggerkike?

>> No.30262268

>mexicans immigrated because the economy was bad
Ok this is so absurd that it's hard to even argue against it. It's like trying to prove to someone insisting that the sky is green that it is actually blue. Mexicans earn MORE in the USA than they do in Mexico, in other words they come here because the USA has a strong economy and that was true in the 80s as well.

>> No.30262273
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Fuck the US. I can't wait for it to burn.

>> No.30262324

I'm not arguing that. I'm saying that if the US economy was doing poorly, it's not the equivalent to saying mexican economy was doing better.

>> No.30262329

>thinking there’s a choice in politics
Naive little boy

>> No.30262332

No, you don't get it.
The price of something can't get cheaper if its value remains the same.
The value of the US economy died in the 70s/80s when the US decided to favor racist policies rather than economically viable ones when voting for reagan and nixon (southern strategy).
Income inequality happens because the biggest players are in debt and the smallest players are poor. They decided this was a better outcome than being fair to mexicans and they are getting FUCKED for it.

>> No.30262401

No, because mexico is mexico. Mexico isn't mexicans. The mexicans did better moving into the US rather than staying in mexico because they were primed to capitalize on an economy where the costs are falling. Why did the costs fall from the 60s to the 70s and 80s? Because of reagan and nixon, who were voted in for being racists and not for being economic geniuses, and subsequently put us into debt.

>> No.30262438

costs fell because valuation fell. Valuation is only being propped up by debt. What happens when debt defaults in deflationary events (2008, covid, and today). Hyperinflation. And it wasn't the mexicans that did it to you, you spread your own asscheeks for the saudis and chinese by electing republicans.

>> No.30262451

>being fair to mexicans
as in citizenry, the race, or the culture?
I'm confused anon. You're saying mexicans not getting treated well like other Americans during periods of US history lead to a credit bubble that only Republicans propped up, and all the wealthy are going to pay for it because they are in debt to china. I know I'm strawmanning right now, and it's a logical fallacy, but this has my head spinning.

are you hispanic? where's all this angst coming from?

>> No.30262486

The fed started under Woodrow Wilson , the US dollar became a funny money reserve currency at Bretton Woods in the 40s, and yes Nixon killed the gold standard. These happened under multiple administrations and leaders with supposedly different alignments, again the connecting theme is that they built up the wealth of international banks and billionaires. As for chinese trade deals well I dont think I need to point out how much of a hardon both parties have for chinese goods. Biden signed an order letting US powergrid monopolies buy electrical components from them just last month.

>> No.30262500

don't get me started on inflation and hyperinflation. A Hyperinflationary depression would be the end of it, but in a way that the poorest lose first, the middle class lose second, and the rich get to keep having fun until everyone else stops paying them.

it's the very worst kind of depression.

>> No.30262529

typo *hyperinflationary RECESSION

>> No.30262538

>as in citizenry, the race, or the culture?
the race
>You're saying mexicans not getting treated well like other Americans during periods of US history lead to a credit bubble that only Republicans propped up
Kind of. I'm saying that hate towards mexicans led to the election of reagan. The election of reagan led to the institution of racist policies (drug war) instead of the nurturing of good economic policies (putting us into debt and selling our economy to china).

>> No.30262546

Jannies, clean this shit up.

>> No.30262574

and then those bad economic policies had the opposite effect and made the US prime real estate for immigration as costs fell but valuation was propped up by debt.

>> No.30262575
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you're ideals are retarded, but because you get how economics work, for the most part, and because you're on 4chan being real while everyone during the day is a pajeet shill, I will tell you: you are a based retard, anon. you can be a fren.

>> No.30262593

I'd argue that a deflationary crisis is what the USA truly has to fear. Since the fed has allowed so much cheap debt to accumulate a deflating dollar would make this debt exponentially worse.

>> No.30262618

we are at the tipping point where our gov't can choose between mega depression recession, or hyperinflation recession. but true, it is getting worse, not better. Buy UVXY calls.

>> No.30262625

I've been intentionally not mentioning my actual ideals. The world I want is not something that's really relevant for /biz/, I'm just being real as to how we are fucked.

>> No.30262701

well you have a hard on for hating reagan and are taking the opportunity to having the same open opinion about president x, y , z... and since this is the web, and since it is an opinion, it's as good as a pinky violin solo.

>> No.30262714

Based op causing great amount of seethe

>> No.30262737

I don't hate reagan just because I disagree with his beliefs.
I hate reagan because he led to our economy being fucked. He traded our economy for racism, something that's clearly worthless, or else our economy would not be fucked.

>> No.30262738

I would prefer depression. I want to buy a house. have cash. would rather do so and pay higher interest rates than have my savings become worthless while assets run away from me in value.

>> No.30262769

>middle of night in ameribro-land
are you a brit-bong? having a hard time believing you're usa

>> No.30262800
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>> No.30262811

>Buy UVXY calls.
no comment?

>> No.30262871

oh timezones do work that way for California.
I bet you're from LA. reagan policies really caused LA to be perpetually hispanic. would explain your familiarity with hispanic political angst. definitely not the bay area. you wouldn't be on here.

>> No.30262895

I bought 500 shares last week
I like UVXY but at the same time I don't really like it. We're going into hyperinflation territory, so by the time UVXY peaks the dollars it's printing out are gonna be worthless. So the upside is really limited.
I prefer buying gold and crypto so I can capital flight to one of the countries in the OP. I already have valid visas to some of them from my work and a valid passport. Once it all dies I'm out of here fuck yall lmao.
Also foreign stocks (not currency).

>> No.30262943

Thanks anon, you got me to actually read about this. Obviously I'm just scratching the surface so far but seems you are correct about neocons.

>> No.30262957

Nigger I'm from san francisco.
I'm not doxxing myself any further than that.
I don't have latino political angst. Other people made it about mexicans, I was mostly on racism in general and bigotry, and it's more relevant to the reagan era 70s-80s policies than say, gays or blacks or trannies.
I am only criticizing it because it is genuinely fucking us economically in the past and present.