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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 74 KB, 852x1136, 20813347_1253320478111920_1817606734_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3025208 No.3025208[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I'm the guy who fell for the OMG airdrop phishing scam.


tl;dr: Went full retard and gave away my private key and lost 8.2 ETH (which is a fortune where I am from)

So here's my hail mary: If anyone here is willing to throw some ETH or anything my way I would be willing to do anything at this point. I'll mutilate myself or shove a massive dildo up my ass and record it for you, anything. I'm pretty desperate right now as the timing of this couldn't have been more catastrophic for me.

>> No.3025226

I despise people like you and I know most of people here feel the same. This is not fucking /r9k/ where people are full of feelings. Fuck off, we don't care about you.

>> No.3025245

I feel sorry for you but I'm a nocoiner

Have some dignity tho

>> No.3025248


I'm not asking for charity, I am willing to perform any service in the hopes of getting out of this hole I just dug myself into. This is entirely my fault.

>> No.3025260

What country are you from? How old are you?

>> No.3025263

I can't get people like you. You're obviously not a retard 'cause you can type in English, but how the fuck could you be so gullible?

>> No.3025282

What country are you in?

>> No.3025284

If you give me your BTC wallet private key I can help you out

>> No.3025285

I noticed people from third world countries are pretty easy to scam. They are so desperate to get out of their shit situation where they fall for stupid shit like this lol. Nice one ya big marooon.

>> No.3025290
File: 14 KB, 495x495, SP05675-BK-ZZZ-Sharpie-Permanent-Marker-Pen-Fine-Black_P1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I am willing to perform any service in the hopes of getting out of this hole

you know where this is going dont you?

>> No.3025294


Been dealing with a lot of financial stress and got tunnel vision. If this had happened to someone else I'd have the same reaction as you right now, as I never expected this to happen to me

>> No.3025302

since you aren't a girl... whatever.

>> No.3025314

Put a sharpie in your asshole, all the way in kek

>> No.3025316

Put all your life savings into ICN right now and you will be richer than you could ever imagine.

>> No.3025320

Wait was the whole omg airdrop thing a scam? Lol

>> No.3025322

I sent .5 ETH into a scam ICO once. It rustled my jimmies...

But, dude... giving your private key away? I'm sorry. No one on /biz/ could be that stupid. I think this is an elaborate ruse on your part to get free money.

>> No.3025330


25, live in a village in Germany near the Poland border but piss poor with dysfunctional psychotic family

Hold on

>> No.3025345

I believe there's proof of this guys funds going into the scammers wallet

sorry I'm not rich OP, i feel sorry for you

>> No.3025390
File: 1.40 MB, 1720x1700, 1452099922608.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't do it faggot money's not worth your dignity

>> No.3025406

Yes, it is. But a chance to get money sure isn't.

>> No.3025408
File: 207 KB, 692x960, 1474784400593.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

begging is not allowed
suffer the consequences of your own fuck up, nobody else is obligated to help you

>> No.3025421
File: 31 KB, 500x500, 1502320079001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Went full retard and gave away my private key

>> No.3025458

bro dont do anything stupid, it may seem like alot but its nothing 2 or 3 months of a shitty job wont fix stop bein a puss

>> No.3025467
File: 434 KB, 480x238, 1394917387591.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have some Doge coin. Do you have a doge wallet?

>> No.3025488
File: 85 KB, 704x1034, sharpie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here you go

Being dumb enough to fall for this scam has left me with very little dignity unfortunately

>> No.3025499


>> No.3025511


>> No.3025512
File: 9 KB, 220x283, champ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'll send you exactly 1 NEO cause pic related

post address

>> No.3025516

lmao, you are desperate

>> No.3025531
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>> No.3025532
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God damn it man

>> No.3025535
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>> No.3025546
File: 3 KB, 114x125, 1407185693797.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't even own ETH

>> No.3025549


>> No.3025550

kek post your btc address ill send you a few dollars, not your private key btw

>> No.3025553

send me ur btc address
i'll send u 0.01 btc... thats not much but i hope it can buy u alcohol at least

>> No.3025561

shit, somebody please give him some coins. I don't want to see any other pic of his ass

>> No.3025568

I have an account on coinbase too

BTC address: 174WfP1J5PQbgJv488nydKt6gwqsdPm8or

ETH: 0x5B07832cAfe20FC90F3770ff4Cd26dd0F5Ba58f8

LTC: LWkPi8CwNRp9hSah33vXR2VJizUnvxwRss

Couldn't care less about my dignity if it helps me get out of this mess. It's not just about the money, it's that this couldn't have happened at a worse time financially for me

I will take any request

>> No.3025574

Anyone have more sharpie pics? Other than the DGB one and this.

>> No.3025581

I'll send you something to buy dinner with but stop being so dumb.

>> No.3025583

Someone should do a compilation that is captioned "faces of biz"

>> No.3025586

>millions of third worlders struggle to survive working 14h a day
>privileged german fucks up and then begs for money
>biz would rather help the german than the real poor

just lol

>> No.3025613

Niggers can't be helped with aid

It's like giving a hungry rat food and expecting it not to come back for more

>> No.3025614


I'm not German, just some polack whose parents immigrated to east germany after the wall came down

>> No.3025626

sent you $5, good luck anon