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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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>> No.30233054

I just want this ride to end

>> No.30233077
File: 352 KB, 436x455, 1593097088314.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but it's just starting

>> No.30233110

we are all pretending to be kajibro tomorrow to fuck with the hedgies, get the .jpegs ready

>> No.30233117
File: 178 KB, 1200x1286, the ride's just started though.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30233120


>> No.30233123

dem trips

>> No.30233143
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>> No.30233147

nice trips to start us off OP. can you trim the fat from your post tho

>> No.30233202

>$130 stablecoin

>> No.30233212
File: 682 KB, 1439x1109, Screenshot_20210225-091555_Gallery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are AH fags selling at only %2 gain?

>> No.30233242
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>> No.30233246
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check out cramer crying


>> No.30233256

double sevens confirm the obvious
first poomp then squeeze

>> No.30233262

The ride never ends my friends. Even if you cash out with a million bucks you'll be bag holding your suffering and sorrows for the rest of your life.

>> No.30233272

Only start selling at 100K a share or you're a pussy. Citadel can take it they are insured for trillions.

>> No.30233275

Am I gonna make it? I have 21 shares, 244$ average. Should've sold when it hit the 525$ peak and use the profits to buy when it was at 50$ but alas. If I knew what was going to happen I wouldn't be here.

>> No.30233276

yesterdays anon was right, GME is and will continue to crash the market. GME $1000 soon no doubt about it.

>> No.30233285

i'm ngl i keep sleeping through market hours. it crabs often but i regret when i miss the rush of the ten minute pumps. i need to fix my fucking sleep schedule.

>> No.30233294
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>> No.30233316

Anyone doing a limit sell at 3x just to see what happens?

>> No.30233329

It’s called manipulation

>> No.30233353

i just wanna know if the larper came back

>> No.30233362

This. All or nothing. Cash out if you can't handle it.

>> No.30233383

%50 limit sell cap ftl

>> No.30233412

based watamate

>> No.30233433

You mean the schizo from last nights thread?
Haven't seen him.

>> No.30233449 [DELETED] 
File: 296 KB, 673x533, 1614896445522.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You bought at 120, right anon?

>> No.30233451

i don't know if i could handle waiting till 100k even if that were possible -- and i'm not sure i believe it'll get there. i can believe as high as 10k. my hands are gonna get real fucking shaky once it hits 2k, because at that point i'm in six figure territory.

>> No.30233455


>> No.30233505

I wonder if it has to do with the fact that its a cash account and not a margin account.

>> No.30233518

checked. there was someone shilling right at market start in the morning. idk if that was him or not though.

>> No.30233549


>> No.30233658
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>> No.30233666

have you noticed we don't have halts anymore

>> No.30233669

Thanks anon. I need to go wash my eyes now. You fucking madman.

>> No.30233680

Why is EVERYTHING tanking on after-hours?

>> No.30233704

You should have averaged down when it was $50. Best DD is never FOMO all-in on this garbage reddit meme.

>> No.30233789

so i got a real question instead of just shitposting. bruce was talking about how shorts might try to cover through deep ITM options, effectively transferring their risk to moneymakers, right? so, i got two questions about this.
first, let's assume they're selling these shares without already owning them. so as i understand it that means they're delta hedging. this isn't a short squeeze, right? that's a gamma squeeze. isn't there less potential for growth with a gamma squeeze than a normal short squeeze? so shouldn't we still be worried if shorts are passing the buck to MMs? at least as far as diminishing the high.
second, i've seen people say since MMers are the type to make money off spreads and not take on risk, there's no way they'd accept these deep ITM calls without already owning the underlying shares. so, doesn't this mean that this gives shorts a way to cover with a premium cost (that still loses them a ton of money) without actually affecting the price? should we be worried about this?
My only guess is that there's just not enough call options like this to go around to bail them out. anyone more educated than me able to inform me? thanks

>> No.30233836

>garbage reddit meme
This garbage reddit meme closed +10% while the entire rest of the market is bleeding :^)

>> No.30233847

thanks satan

>> No.30233875

at least I'm normally around a computer, so I can always pull up my shit and sell.

>> No.30233907

Its not rising fast enough to trigger a halt anon, relax.

>> No.30233911

I did, it was even higher before ahah. Problem is that I bought too many shares at 300$ which made it hard for me to average down. I was also stuck in other meme stocks

>> No.30233942

I have noticed Satan. I do believe that the shadow government/elite that sold their souls to you for wealth are sacrificing Melvin/Citadel to the masses via strong arming the SEC.

>> No.30233991

Yeah, but that's my point.

If anything it shows longs have the situation under control and rise the floor.

>> No.30233992

There are no emergency brakes on this chinese elevator

>> No.30234012
File: 345 KB, 871x718, Wufei.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

126.70 in AH

>> No.30234064

I see.
Smart anon, or maybe im just dumb.

>> No.30234101

If you didn't average out that means you went all in on this with all your spending money.
Bad move.
If crypto and GME has taught me anything, it's to decide how much you're willing to invest, but don't put ALL of it in at once, just in case you fell for fomo and got the rug pulled from under you.
Let that be a lesson for next time.

>> No.30234187


>> No.30234207

idk anon. reddit might be more informed
I was under the impression that they(hedgies) are fucked because they shorted more than their is company
meaning that if we just hold they either have to get the shares, which we won't sell. price continues up. but honestly I don't know shit and only initially put $500 into gme. Avg @$121.37.

So I am just treating this like a casino at this point. Also the market is dumping the past three weeks and GME is kinda the only thing staying positive. hmm

>> No.30234236

Buying as it spiked in late Jan was the right move for sure.
Not his fault they shut off buying, he was winning by the rules.

>> No.30234302

Money isn't everything sometimes, you are fomoing into the same shitty reddit meme that literal trannies and niggers support, you are literally selling out your dignity for cheap gain

>> No.30234326

If you have any AMCrap it mirrors GME so you can dump it a less of a loss when GME is peaking. Don't wait for the other memetrash to moon, you may want to factor it into your GME position.

>> No.30234337

Yeah my eyeballs are glued to ATP.
Their site sucks but their app is pretty decent.

>> No.30234379

We need some deerposting

>> No.30234409

yeh. ATP is pretty cool. If learning how to read and understand stocks at a basic level is all I get out of this, then so be it

>> No.30234414

I'm going to get some girl underwear and maybe a dress when the stock moons. I dont have much but itll be nice to get some new things

>> No.30234433
File: 281 KB, 1439x756, Screenshot_20210304-082819_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yup. He's the scapegoat. That's why they paid him to fuck up GME.

>> No.30234452
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Anyone smart can answer my previous question?

>> No.30234473

Based and cutepilled

>> No.30234609
File: 6 KB, 646x119, image[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the source

>> No.30234627

True we couldn't know RH would do that.
I also bought at $320 but I bought all I could at $45 and averaged to $110.
WAGMI anon theres room on this rocket for everyone.

>> No.30234673

we're bleeding sats

>> No.30234686
File: 338 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20210304-174947_Robinhood.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wtf you redditors said today was the day the squeeze was finally going to squooze.

>> No.30234689

amc and gme dont mirror anymore
amc functions closer to a normal stock now

>> No.30234755

Same I've learned a lot in my first three months as an investor lel
Talk about a crash course.

>> No.30234765

They said the 13th

>> No.30234805

19th. 13th is a saturday.

>> No.30234830

I really don't care anymore at this point.
I just want to get rich.

>> No.30234845

honestly it going down in ah is good that means people are gonna fomo in tomorrow morning and well probably have action all day
im excited i cant wait

>> No.30234863

>you will rape plotkin in your lifetime

>> No.30234869

It will never end. Shorts will never fully close and we'll start this entire cycle over again on Tuesday when we see the start of a massive dip and the normies that will FOMO in on Monday panic sell Tuesday and a bunch of greedy fellas try to wash trade.

>> No.30234877

Get a new script shill its 2021.

>> No.30234988

That doesn't mean that people who bet everything they had on it at $200+ weren't retards, doubly so for people who bought after RH halted trading.
They can be relieved knowing they currently have a pretty good chance of making profit now, but an uniformed and risky bet doesn't become any less uniformed, risky, or retarded because it worked out.

>> No.30235026

Kek imagine having no foreskin like you

>> No.30235033

If you own $GME you bought a ticket on Mr. Bones Wild Ride.

>> No.30235078

>own the libs by staying poor

>> No.30235113


>> No.30235130
File: 69 KB, 317x742, GME.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Averaging down was definitely the right move. Pic related was pretty painful at times.

>> No.30235213

>you are literally selling out your dignity for cheap gain
Take gains but don't get caught going all in at the top and hodling indefinitely for the moon rocket with apefags

>> No.30235249
File: 2.68 MB, 366x558, 1614177220225.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone have an answer for this

>> No.30235268

i feel blessed i was born in the right time for riding the gamestop dragon

>> No.30235291
File: 77 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What if hedgies truely are screwed?
Would you ever sell?
Would you sell for $100k even if it meant hedgies would then be able to hedge another day?

>> No.30235310


>> No.30235316

haha, they ask how to have profit with this gas, taxes, dumps, etc

haha what a fags! they will always be homeless

I am not so stubid to trust this shilling shit on /biz/

>my way is fucking top yield staking and vaults on YVS! They burn 0.75 % tax on all transactions. Profit is fantastic!

>> No.30235343

I'm not selling until 300k

>> No.30235372
File: 389 KB, 488x492, 1588400464350.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm back from the shower
>first, let's assume they're selling these shares without already owning
you mean contracts? yes they are almost certainly doing that.
>so shouldn't we still be worried if shorts are passing the buck to MMs?
I don't think so look at this old post of mine >>29947221
If they can actually cover with the calls, it should be around the same as them buying.
>there's no way they'd accept these deep ITM calls without already owning the underlying shares.
I think there is, personally, this is an unlike event after all, might happen once in history.

>> No.30235389

>crabbing since the 2 x
just put the money in crypto, lads
I made +30% just today

>> No.30235396
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>> No.30235413

Why is everyone so sure that it will squeeze again and higher?

>> No.30235426
File: 354 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20210304-180214_Robinhood.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is 500,000 * $25?

>> No.30235507

अपने आप को भाड़ में जाओ, कोई भी आपके चमकदार स्टॉक को खरीदने नहीं जा रहा है।
Fucking Pajeetis.

>> No.30235527

I'm not in this to screw hedgies like all of reddit.
I'm in it to make money, I'm going to ride this until it reaches a noticeable top. Be it $100 or $100000

>> No.30235536

Why don’t you just buy GameStop tranny? What the fuck is wrong with you? Seriously

>> No.30235558

thanks watamate. always the smartest in these threads

>> No.30235572

When you buy calls like that you push up the price of calls. I don't know options that well, but one of the greeks goes up and makes them more expensive, similar to how the stock price would go up if you were buying it on the open market. You can't just get infinite shares at market + small premium.

>> No.30235595

I'll leave reddit to fight le ebin class conflict.
I want money for a comfortable early retirement, fucking over kikes is just a bonus.

>> No.30235601
File: 1.30 MB, 1242x2369, A9EB7C27-C609-43B1-A162-CD5381C69169.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is the media so scared of GameStop?

>> No.30235652

>What is 500,000 * $25?
a lot

>> No.30235666

I see hedgies getting screwed as the cherry on top, and the memes are great but yeah I just want to make a couple million so I don’t have to work again. I’m so fucking tired of my shit wagie job. I just wanna get comfy and play d2 resurrected every day and do all the stuff I never had time to because I work every fucking day

>> No.30235677

Based and smartpilled

>> No.30235731

>GME the only one green
They contradict themselves

>> No.30235741

how does monke get big brain like smug anime girl?

>> No.30235791
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Satan has given you his blessing.

>> No.30235793


>> No.30235797

I admire your persistence.

>> No.30235832


>> No.30235927
File: 39 KB, 1034x267, wen moon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

will next week be boring if Friday isn't uge enough to leave wreckage for them to cover?

>> No.30236093


I'm also sitting at about avg. $128. I'm normally a pretty conservative investor but I figured fuck it, If this thing goes x2 it's worth my time, and on the outside chance it goes x100, there's just too much upside NOT to take a chance

>> No.30236107
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heh, nothing personal kid

>> No.30236198
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How many "new gamestops" have we had this week? two? three?

>> No.30236219

When is it going to dip again bros

>> No.30236224

F for everyone who put all their savings and sold at $40

>> No.30236261
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>> No.30236276

Was gonna tell you to go back from the pic but then I saw it

>> No.30236282

it’s literally dipping right now

>> No.30236324
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I miss deer anon. :(

>> No.30236394

GME is my comfiest hold.

>> No.30236409

so fucking smart to do it like that...wish ud have posted weeks ago

>> No.30236424
File: 647 KB, 1000x1650, 1614560838518.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im always here bro, you dont need me. You boys have already won. Now just be patient and wait for the day of your retribution

>> No.30236514

>the virgin "investor" cuts their losses
Bigballs Chads never sell at a loss because they never lose.

>> No.30236534

you go back kike nigger

>> No.30236578

absolutely based

>> No.30236606

This reminded me of that episode of king of the hill of the hill where ladybird is racist

>> No.30236711
File: 162 KB, 1280x720, wild.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OK, I've reread the posts a few times and there's bits I don't understand. So, as I understand it, they were probably selling naked calls because they were just printing free money earlier in the year when it seemed like the money wasn't gonna go so high. For example, if I were a Market Maker and Sears were still a thing, it would be like I was selling call options for Sears to go to $500. There's no way it'd go up there, so it's lots of money for no work. And there's a good chance lots of them did that. On that note, are Market Makers subject to the same margin call rules as other institutions?
Second, the one thing I don't understand is -- let's say the offchance they do actually own those shares and are delta neutral. I know that this is probably not the case but I'm just trying to work out the mechanics in my mind. This is supposed to still be good for the squeeze because it means shares are locked up. But if someone is purchasing ITM calls and buying them, doesn't that mean they're not locked up? It's the same thing as someone covering their calls, right? AKA, MM owns 25 million shares and then Shorty buys 25 million shares at a premium. I feel like I'm missing something here because I don't understand what makes them locked up if they're selling call options.

>> No.30236819

anons I need some hype as fuck songs similar to https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V1j5lzT2pVU for when this blasts off

>> No.30236891

Hero we need.

>> No.30236910


My personal hype song for when it kicks off

>> No.30236973

does sminem know about his following...

>> No.30237016

the only one i can think of right now. not exactly the same but this song gets me pretty fucking hyped.
besides that the kaiji soundtrack is completely boss.

>> No.30237032


>> No.30237081


>> No.30237095

Money shifting. The writings on the wall it’s just a matter of when it happens. Gme is going to suck the value out of everything to cover

>> No.30237098

now that i think about it the lyrics for to all tha dreamers fit GME pretty well

>> No.30237192
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Perhaps in the mañana like it's dipped all week.
There he is. Just glad to know you're not banned.

>> No.30237348
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Cause GME is a financial singularity that is sucking money out of the market. You have 63 ETFs that contain GME shorted to extreme levels. XRT alone is shorted upwards of 150%.

>> No.30237369
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>> No.30237370

Correct me if I'm wrong, but the circuit breakers don't apply after 2:30 or so? Is that right?

>> No.30237390


>> No.30237435
File: 61 KB, 435x501, 14CE7F00-212D-48B0-9E21-F82772D8F588.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. Unless you’ve had the best possible outcomes of every possible permutation for every single situation you’ve been in your life then you are indeed worthless, and maybe even less than that and should unironically invest in rope futures

>> No.30237438

Still waiting for a shill to post the fourth one but that'll probably be next week.

>> No.30237519
File: 22 KB, 500x385, 1548851962998.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thx frens. I liquidated my entire Roth full of Vanguard funds in order to keep the buying going. Ran out of what I was comfortable shoveling in right about the time we bottomed.

>> No.30237578

or https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lbyU6n5blLc

>> No.30237594

if youre out of funds youre comfortable putting in its time to start putting in the money youre not comfortable with

>> No.30237616

Actually I think it'd be the third one
RKT and SKT are the two I can think of, and I managed to bank on SKT.
What's next? TKT? does that even exist?
Either way I want to cash in on the obvious derail attempt.

>> No.30237658

is it worth transferring my stocks in RH to webull?

>> No.30237682

I recommend checking out all of their albums

>> No.30237768
File: 442 KB, 777x777, 1d3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine if the squeeze happens while your stocks are in transfer limbo

>> No.30237818




>> No.30237839

Not now, you might miss it at this point. Should've done it on 1/30. Now RH is 100% going to cuck you on this somehow.

>> No.30237863
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I still kinda regret not liquidating my portfolio at 45, but I had no idea how bad they made GME at that point in time. But I will make back the money I lost at this rate, I already made back a good chunk of cash from it going 130, and I am just going to hodl till I can be financially independent cause I am gonna need it.

>> No.30237866


>> No.30237880

that’s exactly what i’m worried about lol. how long does it take? a week or something right?

>> No.30237915

Might be getting there. My position is relatively big for my personal situation, but if we get the gibs promised along with some sort of tax refund, might ramp up the buying again.

>> No.30237929

Will check these guys out they're metal as fuck thanks anon.
I miss the mosh pit so much. :'(

>> No.30237959
File: 955 KB, 916x654, very spiky lad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello fellow 4channel users! I'm here to say I don't like this stock! Its going to zero for reasons I will not detail any further! Bye!

>> No.30237985
File: 358 KB, 851x972, bobo-laughing-tears-in-eyes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hope you go bankrupt faggot

>> No.30238010
File: 23 KB, 408x344, 1533102460405.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are you still on RH when they pulled those GME BS back in January? You had a month to find a real broker.

>> No.30238071

cool glowy

>> No.30238085

i bought some gme on my fidelity account also but that’s boomer mode so i wanna love my rh to webull. and idk dude i’m kinda retarded

>> No.30238098

Reminder that it wasn't only RH that pulled that shit....

>> No.30238119
File: 42 KB, 750x216, FA960C1D-7F06-4623-AA4F-7F8FD0CCB004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek, time for you to show yourself retard.

>> No.30238148
File: 1.44 MB, 640x422, 1591599607570.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>when it seemed like the money wasn't gonna go so high.
that's exactly what I think too.
>are Market Makers subject to the same margin call rules as other institutions?
I don't get exactly what you mean, if the call is ITM and the contract holder executes it they have to buy the shares (if they don't already have them, which they most likely don't).
I you mean a margin as in they have to buy the shares if it seems that it's now likely it could get to that once ridiculous price point, no.
>because it means shares are locked up
ok, so if the MM is delta neutral, so holding shares, I believe they wouldn't sell it now, and unbecome market neutral, until the contract is expired; because their decision of not selling naked calls is proving to be the correct one, the price is actually rising.
having that as an assumption, it means they are holders like us, tightening the float %, ever since they first sold the contract.
When/if the contract expires ITM they just give the shares to the contract holder. Now, if the contract holder is a shorter, he can cover his shorts with that; if the contract holder wasn't a shorter he might hold the shares a little longer to see the price rise or sell immediately.
>But if someone is purchasing ITM calls and buying them
can you rephrase that?

>> No.30238165

are you really that fucking obsessed that you screenshot random posts

>> No.30238185

145 was a pretty good showing, but yeah 180 or nigger you Sudoku

>> No.30238333
File: 1.56 MB, 1243x747, 545708BC-19B6-4A25-AD42-8F25E2235A36.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where are you hiding the retard? He needs to be bullied. Just like who ever believed pic related.

>> No.30238369

Hold up, are you the same guy that shilled SKT yesterday?

>> No.30238372

holy kek wasn't expecting that snoot.

>> No.30238380
File: 67 KB, 267x280, 1614888393164.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly why is it so bad what they did? sure it killed the momentum but now all the paperhands bitches are out of the game since they all sold right away when they saw they couldn't buy. You wouldn't want a below 50 iq retard getting money too, would you?

>> No.30238391

So let it happen let the whole market crash

>> No.30238416

so for the margin call I mean that if a hedgie's margin levels get too low, their positions are forcibly liquidated right? since MMers have all kinds of exemptions, and I don't know exactly how they work, i was wondering if that same thing applied to them -- where they can find themselves at such bad leverage that they have positions forcibly liquidated. i need to study up more on how MMers exactly work.
as far as the last thing, "But if someone is purchasing ITM calls and buying them" I guess what I meant is if the hedge funds are purchasing ITM calls and exercising them isn't that the same as the shares being liquid? AKA, I'm short 25 million shares. the MM owns 25 million shares. so I purchase a bunch of ITM calls paying a premium to the MMer, and end up getting 25 million shares to cover my position without actually causing the price to rise. doesn't that just end the short squeeze?

>> No.30238421

/smg/ isn’t even talking about GME. They probably all fomoed into rocket and tanger outlets lmao

>> No.30238473

are you the larper?

>> No.30238487
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>> No.30238517


Even real brokers like TD Ameritrade shorted Game stop stock he and refused to cooperate with people who bought calls.

>> No.30238531

Straight to $1300 when this shit pops.

>> No.30238547

Yeah I’m here. Congrats anon. Idc because I’m still making money

>> No.30238577

Yeah, a week, I think. Why not just buy GME on WeBull and then Sell your position on Robinhood?

>> No.30238578

I don’t know what that is.

What was I LARPing as?

>> No.30238579

Everyday my life is destroyed by the fbi and their torture. They beam radio waves at me causing pain/discomfort. They shock my jaws when i eat. I hear loud noise when i sleep. They send incest into my dreams. They spy and watch me. Please help.

>> No.30238627

Surprised Boomerdelity didn't do shady shit.
Don't they have the most shares out of any institution?

>> No.30238634

Post portfolio then. Let’s see those gains.

>> No.30238641
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I know Robinhood and Webull pulled the buy option. I know I am using a broker that has actual liquidity so I can wait.

>> No.30238680

Nah he’s not the LARPer. I remember this guy. He still gets btfo by gains
>b-but you didn’t predict the exact numbers
Still green faggot

>> No.30238687


>> No.30238698

Ryan Cohen tweet from Feb 26th. Ann Hand.

>> No.30238741
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>I'm not crying. its allergies.

>> No.30238796
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I’ve made back the 10,000 dollars I lost last year and I’m about to make a lot more

>> No.30238797

I stated on the reddit that my stop loss is at $105
And they fucking downvoted me.
Sorry niggers if my only two options are definite profit, or holding bags hoping for mega profit.
There's shitcoins I can be buying with my measly 4 share's worth.

>> No.30238868
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Am I doing this right?

>> No.30238870

why are you so obsessed with what obvious retards post

>> No.30238901

The fbi is heating me up with radio waves. I am sweating a lot for no reason. They torture me with loud noise in my head and ears. Please help me. #RIPSPB I get molested and forced to sweat. They shock my organs as well. Please help

>> No.30238916

I meant post your GME position. Let’s see how much you’ve made off that.

>> No.30238955

I can buy happiness. Suck a cock, nigger.

>> No.30238992

I am going to be watching this thread like a hawk when the squeeze starts. Will you guys tell me when to sell?

I don’t want to sell at 400 if it could go up to 1400. I can’t set sell limits that high due to Fidelity.

>> No.30239007
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/smg/ is so cucked right now. From people getting screwed over by SOXL to just the market tanking.
Last time I was there and brought up GME, I got told to go back to WSB. So far I am outperforming the average /sgm/ portfolio by consolidating into GME.

>> No.30239017

Probably won’t happen tomorrow. Too many people expecting it, I expect to see something like today again. Then next week it really starts to take off

>> No.30239093

Enjoy "alt season" fren.
You'll fomo back in when this shit 3x's again anyway.

>> No.30239111

It will happen next week, a bigger spike needs a bigger run-up, of course

>> No.30239112

Wait until you can sell no more than 10% of your shares to cover your entire buy in price, after that sell another percentage of your shares at a price you're happy with and hodl onto the rest. That's my plan at least.

>> No.30239121

It was likely going over a thousand on the last squeeze that got killed. It’s only intensified with them kicking they can down the road. I’m really beginning to think multiple thousands is in the realm of possibility. But sell whenever you’re comfortable

>> No.30239147

Will $120.00/125.00 Whale Chad come to save us again and put us at 130? That would be ultimate levels of based.

>> No.30239211
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>> No.30239237
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I've got some BAO to farm anon.
I'm up 50% still on GME. I'm getting off the train at $200, unless it shoots up pretty fast.
This bitch ain't making it to 1k. Not even 800.

>> No.30239290

It's your TKT to ride.

>> No.30239319
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Made 9k off GME options as well but I sold them so they don’t show here

>> No.30239372

There's a lot of niggers in it now, read through r/GME.

>> No.30239385

If it hits pay-off-my-mortgage levels I'm selling. Owning a home free and clear makes kikes seethe.

>> No.30239393

Meant for >>30238916

>> No.30239423
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She got dumped so hard by a man she went to a simp to get small pp gains.

>> No.30239427


It is totally possible that shorties are trying to pass the bags to the MMs, however, regardless, the squeeze is inevitable. Why, there are so many fake shares for GME on the market right now. The institutions alone are holding more than 110% of GME shares.

Since they can not close out their short positions, as no share belongs to them legally, they have to pay the borrow fee ever since.

Market makers can borrow the shares from ETFs or brokerages to print options, however, if they do not have enough shares on hand, this is called naked calls. And if the $5-$100 calls are exercised by whomever (retail, long funds, shorties play both ways), the fact that these MMs have to go to the market to buy GME at its current price is undeniable. When do these MMs decide to go and buy the GME? Usually within 21 days after the contracts were executed.

If they fail to fulfill their transactions, then it is called Failure-to-Deliver, and you will face fine and sanctions by the SEC.

And when they go to the market, as they shall, to buy GME shares, and not many people want to sell GME, then the price will go higher, it will spike up, that is the gamma squeeze. Since those who previously shorted GME had lost so much money, they would try to make it up during this squeeze.

When GME rises to a certain price, depending on which firms are still in the short positions, they will receive a margin call. Just like if we are buying shares using margin, if the your portfolio goes down to 25%, below the margin maintenance, the brokerages will liquidate any or all positions from your account to take back their initial margin loans. Brokerages have no other choice, otherwise, they would be the one who holds the bags, too.

Hence, the gamma squeeze could trigger the short squeeze.

>> No.30239445

Anon I don’t know what country you’re in but there’s no escaping the property tax jew here even when you own your home

>> No.30239447

so that’s what redditors mean when they call each other apes?

>> No.30239472

Does the MM have the shares?

>> No.30239519
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Tomorrow GME spikes to 175 to trap longs then gets pushed to 70 by end of the day and opens at 50 on Monday where it gets pushed to 20 by next week.

Goodluck timing your exit tomorrow

>> No.30239553
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>margin call
I don't know if that applies here, they already sold the contract, they'll have to comply if it ever becomes ITM anyways.
but I also don't know much about MMs.
>hedge funds are purchasing ITM calls and exercising them
well you'd have to have purchased the contracts in the past, assuming they weren't naked the hedge would buy the stocks then as well, raising the price and tightening the float %.
I don't think it's what you mean, but the MMs wouldn't have 25M shares before selling the contract, they would have at most bought them after selling it. Actually buying the shares is against the interest of the hedge fund because buying 25M would certainly raise the price and make the contracts self-fulfilling prophecies, especially in these amounts.
The more I think about it the less likely I think it is for the MMs to be neutral.
>without actually causing the price to rise
well the MM would have to have bought the 25M and raised the price somewhere in the timeline. maybe from other shorters themselves who didn't hedge their bets with calls.
There's so many calls that a ridiculous part of the float % would have to be just MM's holding.

>> No.30239570

If it breaks 200 what makes you think it'll stop there? Robinhood testified in front of congress that they will not pull the buy option so their hands are tied. Dont you wonder why the SEC hasn't done anything about GME at all even though it's so volatile?

>> No.30239640

>that fucking thread
bearish and I hold GME

>> No.30239644

For now. Banning property taxes is first on the agenda if I get elected.

>> No.30239649

It doesn't matter if a bunch of niggers get rich from this, all the money will go to Gucci, Mercedes-Benz, Cadillac, their local weedman and liquor store and they'll be broke again in 3 years.

>> No.30239668
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Bobo spotted

>> No.30239700

So will this gamma squeeze lead directly into the big squeeze? I was under the impression that the spike last month was the gamma squeeze? If not, what happened last month?

>> No.30239719
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If it goes past 150 tomorrow, the option chain will let it rip and then there is no real stopping it.

>> No.30239732

Check the early life section.

>> No.30239745

>Shills are now impersonating Kaiji-anon

>> No.30239752
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I feel like I'm doing this wrong someone rate plz.

>> No.30239757

Checked, you got my vote bud

>> No.30239765
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I am not selling so you can get your shorts covered.

>> No.30239778

yeah i mean, i think there's good reason to believe they don't (aka aren't delta neutral). but i'm just trying to understand the premise that we're still good even if they do happen to be delta neutral and people are exercising ITM options.

>> No.30239820




>> No.30239871

Sold for a 12% profit today B-)

>> No.30239914


>> No.30239947
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>> No.30239960

Shinji is probably good in bed. Still waters run deep

>> No.30239968


>> No.30239982

Yes, and?

>> No.30239984
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reminder the true Short % of float might have been leaked by a software oversight. which, if true, means these calls won't be sufficient to cover all the shorts, not even close lol.

>> No.30240003
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>> No.30240065

I see. makes sense. I was getting worried because I saw someone on reddit posting that exercising ITM calls doesn't actually affect the gamma squeeze which seemed to make sense to me. my reasoning was that if the price is 100 dollars, and I buy ITM options at 25 dollars, I'm at least paying a 75 dollar premium to own the call -- but if I exercise 1000 contracts and buy a million shares at 25 dollars, I was thinking it wouldn't raise the price.
but no matter what, now that i think about it, there's so much short volume that if the MM actually bought the share from a shorter... lol. no matter what it seems like they're screwed.

>> No.30240119
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Just make property owners the only one with votes. Want a vote? Don't be a poor nigger.

>> No.30240142

Fake but also somehow based.

And if you think black women don't lurk /biz/ you're an idiot.

>> No.30240151
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>bought at 145
i thought it would keep going. i work all day tommorrow so i can't watch it. no fucking WAY am i holding over the weekend. what do i put my limit sell at

>> No.30240157
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This is not the face of a satisfied woman. It's the look of 3 minutes tops.

>> No.30240241

>Just make property owners the only one with votes

I strongly support this idea. The landlord class will rule this land as we always have.

>> No.30240262

I hear so much contradicting information on calls, but honestly it is complicated because the MM can do whatever it wants.
there's even that thing where friday expired contracts actually raised the price on wednesday because of the T+2 settlement...

>> No.30240342
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>> No.30240353
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Incidentally now I see how I was being retarded. Because call options would be written for months in advance right? So the float is at least locked up until then.
This is the post that got me worried. I took a screenshot so hopefully I haven't doxed myself somehow. But yeah now it makes sense in my head. 1. There's a good chance they really aren't delta neutral and 2. These contracts are written for months in advance so if they are the shared would be locked up for months
Ok. Carry on

>> No.30240382

People from all over the world lurk /biz/, what's your point?

>> No.30240438

Damn that's a good post.
Explains the short squeeze scenario better than I ever could.

>> No.30240464

Just hold faggot. If you keep chasing pumps you’re never gonna make it but if you hold this one you’ll be fine

>> No.30240480

If short percentage really is 400 fucking percent maybe 100k isn't that crazy after all

>> No.30240500

when is the next congress meeting?

>> No.30240507
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wasn't this what this post was getting at?
i'll add the image
the comment in question
>It wouldn't be the first time a firm threw the rest of the market under the bus to limit their own downside.
>Conversely, it could be a combined effort by all the shorts to make this clusterfuck so bad that they expect a systemic bailout so that none of them have to pay.

and here's the dd it regards

i've not read thru your entire strand yet but just wanted to get that in

>> No.30240558

>And if you think black women don't lurk /biz/ you're an idiot
that would be like me browsing a website for BLM
why would you want to browse a website where everyone hates you?

>> No.30240624


>> No.30240627

Niggers aren't known for intelligence

>> No.30240633
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>> No.30240641

Will any ebony queenz in this thread please reveal themselves and volunteer to be my gf.

>> No.30240676

Because nobody knows who you are on this website, for all intents and purposes everybody on here is a white man

>> No.30240706

They probably don't though. Every time stats on this come out it shows that less than a quarter of day traders or crypto investors are women, what proportion of that minority do you seriously expect to be joggers?

>> No.30240741


Last month was a gamma squeeze, that all the calls from $1-$40 expired ITM.
it was cut short because of the halts.
When GME hits $483, more shorts came in and shorted GME all the way down to $40.
The problem is, they can't cover their shorts
this gamma squeeze is like a snowball effect. Each Friday, as long as GME is above $50-$100, more calls options will Expire IN-THE-MONEY. 21 days from last Friday will be the first patch, then 21 days from tomorrow, will be the next patch, its keep going.

>> No.30240753
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Is this actually the case though? Feels like the hedgies have zero desire to pay their GME denbts, and keep digging to try and get out of the hole they are in, so why would they be getting rid of their other investments NOW all of a sudden to cover their shorts?

>> No.30240766

I have sell limits at 500 (to recover my third buy-in), 1500, 3500, and if I see them being executed, I'll set some for 5000 and 8000 too. 15K for the fun of it if gets that high. If the price goes to 0, I still made a net profit so I don't give a fuck.

The only thing that bothers me is that I have a gay-ass broker that doesn't allow me to set stop-limit orders, and the max. prices for limit orders are also restricted. If I want to sell at 200K/share, then that's my fucking decision, you niggers.

>> No.30240829
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>a website where everyone hates you?
Dude, niggers hate themselves. Why do you think they project harder than a supernova? They get less racism from whites then their own kind and they hate it.

>> No.30240847
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squeeze GME is antisemitic goyim

>> No.30240872

Interesting, so it’s possible to get multiple gamma squeezes leading up to the main squeeze? Or can they circumvent a short squeeze by inducing several gammas?

>> No.30240951
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>they have to pay the borrow fee
>you will face fine and sanctions by the SEC
>Brokerages have no other choice
I really don't buy it. I would not put it past this administration to totally ignore the laws and policies in place or do some executive order where the shares disappear into a federal void and "go away" without triggering a squeeze. I just don't believe the Biden government wouldn't throw literally everyone under the bus to protect the people who matter: big time traders who keep the dollar appearing as if it's worth anything.

>> No.30240989

I’m retarded but I think because retail investors make up a very small percentage of holders, and since the big companies have bought up large swaths, they aren’t going to let themselves get shafted like we did the first time around

>> No.30241054
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Fucking christ this Q-anon shit annoys me.
>Hey guys Western governments are being manipulated behind the scenes by the wealthy elite for their own gain

>> No.30241076

>Having to tell yourself that everyone is just as racist as you soothe yourself
Low IQ.
Anyway, being here makes me money. And I've been on /co/ /v/ /fit/ and /m/ since before most current anons were out of elementary school so *shrug*

>> No.30241114

>he thinks niggers are people

ngmi lad

>> No.30241173

They won't have a choice, it won't matter whether they want to do it or not

>> No.30241202
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Yeah, we could see several gammas. like i said, snowball effect. There's no way for them to circumvent the short squeeze now

>> No.30241223

wow, so cool

>> No.30241227


>> No.30241246

I fucking WISH a nigga would. They do that shit its gas chamber time

>> No.30241278

It would seem this way. I remember seeing they held a long position on GME but I don't know if they still do. They've also benefit from the exodus from RH.

>> No.30241329

Brainlet confirmed. The shares will never just disappear for two reasons
1. The entire stock market is basically just bullshit confidence projections. That confidence immediately drops to zero (taking the market with it) if nobody can trust that they won’t just have their shares stolen from them
b. Firms like Blackrock have bought GME and they’re currently driving the ship toward squeezeland. Biden’s probably been told that if he does anything to mess up their money train it would really be tragic if videos of him and half of Congress fucking around on Epstein’s island somehow get leaked

>> No.30241338

smoking big ol stoniks in amish

>> No.30241357

I'd have believed you if you'd have gotten those quints. Too bad.

>> No.30241389

Stock market isn't run by the government. Only the SEC can investigate, halt trading, or liquidate. It's almost like they WANT to shut down the HF because they're letting this happen.
They could've stopped this at any point, even now.
Ask yourself why.

>> No.30241414

cramer is jew

>> No.30241443

This. Either way it's win/win. 1 we all make insane gains or 2 we don't and all the normies catch on to jewry because they'll just blame the rich/elite class which is predominantly Jewish by a wife margin. Hedgies/Kikes will be hanging from light poles where they belong. You know what now I almost WANT gme to fail.

>> No.30241496
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Yeah, you said that about election fraud. Just shut up man.

>> No.30241501

go on pol and ask but a lot of people dislike you because women and blacks can't ever admit when they're wrong or take criticism. And both groups just blindly follow celebrities and other media talking points. So basically you end up in situations like
>Black man with 50 felonies and high on drugs attacks police and police use justified lethal force. Both groups go out and burn down their communities and endanger civilians by walking into traffic and trying to detain random motorists

>> No.30241556
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from what I understood this might have been the other plan to get out of his mess.
selling puts to cover at low prices, and buying call options to cover if it went to high prices. The $40 play didn't work though.
I remember this $40 options post at the time, quite controversial. People started saying they couldn't cover with puts, and well you can't if you are buying them, and the reddit OP says melvin reported Put holding.
well, it's still there for now, 6,000,000 shares
If these 6,000,000 shares means Melvin bought these puts, it means reddit OP was full of shit and melvin was just being a retard again betting against GME instead of covering >>30229495.
If so he probably shorted the stock again while at around $50 since Jan.

>> No.30241575

i will be honest i'm rereading this post bit by bit, and while individual bits make sense i'm not sure i'm putting it all together. basically, 1. when the well was really dry a few weeks ago while things were crabbing around 40, he's saying that shorties were spoofing volume for optics to make it look like retail was fudding out. 2. something something Melvin managed to cover their position. presumably since we were talking about ITM options, and he's talking about a strike price of 40, is he saying that Melvin did what we were talking about and covered their calls with options that exercised at 40 dollars?
3. on another note, i don't understand how you can hedge a short with a put. isn't that just doubling down?

>> No.30241615

GME is really going to crash both the stock crypto market isn't it

>> No.30241616
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You don't seem to underswtand what is going on. With GMe's price going up, they don't want to pay up for thier shorts, causing FTDs which they pay interest on each day. If they do buy back, it will dramatically increase the price of GME because retail is sitting on 50-70 million shares of GME while institutions hold 120% which is mostly phantom shares. It doesn't matter if they want to do it or not, they will have to buy back in at some point.

Other way around, retail is in full control of GME, while most of the market movement we see right now is just based off phantom stocks. It's the reason why GME crabbed at 120 for a week because it could not possibly go lower. I do look forward to the gamma squeeze caused by options tomorrow.

>> No.30241620

Go outside, bud. Or back to >>>/pol/

>> No.30241665

bogbros are comfy atm

>> No.30241683

probs. i’m gonna gonna dump money in btc with my gme gains

>> No.30241687

>isn't that just doubling down?
buying shorts yes, selling them no. and as I understand those are bought puts, so yes he was doubling down, and lost lol.

>> No.30241696

>anon cannot into black crime statistics

>> No.30241714

No, actually I didn't. Don't put words in my mouth faggot

>> No.30241722

This is sound on the surface, yet partly bullshit.

We don't know whether there are any fake shares, or how many there are. I think it's likely, because the DTCC is a den of swindlers, but the short interest doesn't tell you this, even if it's >100%. Plus they will try ANYTHING to prevent share counterfeiting from becoming public.

>If they fail to fulfill their transactions, then it is called Failure-to-Deliver, and you will face fine and sanctions by the SEC.
The hasn't been doing shit about FtD since forever, and they can just keep rolling those over with various bullshit tactics. Even those fines are miniscule compared to what the shorters would lose in a squeeze. Would you rather pay 5M to the SEC or lose 100B?

The occurrence/magnitude of a short squeeze depends on non-public information, i.e. how many people are short. The fact a $4 stock went up to $483 does make it more likely that they haven't, for two reasons:
>this kind of price increase means that a lot of people got squeezed really fucking hard; this is insane buying pressure
>the loss of covering at >300, when you shorted at 5, would've been insane. While VW was a much larger company than GME, of course, VW's shorters had to deal with 400% increase (200 -> 1000). If someone shorted at 5 and covered at 300, as Melvin claimed, that'd have been a 5900% increase, unleveraged. It's pretty safe to assume that many were leveraged as well. People lost only 30B with VW.

My assumption is that, if they haven't covered, then this thing will spike, and exchanges will do force majeure cash settlement: "market's fucked, here's $X for your share". If they have covered (we all know how famously honest Jewish hedge fund managers are), then 200-250 per share longer term, provided Cohen succeeds with that company turnaround.

source(s): trust me bro

>> No.30241729


>> No.30241750

>buying shorts yes, selling them no.
*buying PUTS yes, selling them no.

>> No.30241770
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>That confidence immediately drops to zero (taking the market with it) if nobody can trust that they won’t just have their shares stolen from them
Nobody cares what small-time retailers do. You will "lose faith" in the stock market for a little while until you realize it's one of the few ways to accidentally make more than your plebeian wage slave pittance and actually do something with your life. Big time players will continue playing because they're already rigging things alongside each other and the federal government anyway. The election was rigged to "save democracy", GME will be quietly snuffed out to "save the market." Nobody will do anything.

>Firms like Blackrock have bought GME and they’re currently driving the ship toward squeezeland.
I'd like that to be true, but I think Blackrock is just so stupidly wealthy that they can throw a pittance on every option that seems even slightly promising. Them investing in GME doesn't have to mean anything, it just means their 1 chip will turn into 2 chips if something interesting happens. It's not steering anything, other than perhaps steering Redditors into further annals of delusion.

>> No.30241827

>well you'd have to have purchased the contracts in the past, assuming they weren't naked the hedge would buy the stocks then as well
That depends on the delta. They purchase the stocks for sold calls as the gamma approaches its maximum, hence the possibility of gamma squeezes.

>> No.30241859

I'm right. The other thing you guys are always wrong about is the police.

It's like you have no concept of having high levels of police interactions and why exactly there's so many police in those areas.

>> No.30241873

what is your view on this great reset angle
is this tied in to it or what

anons too

we might get rich, but blackrock is gonna eclipse that aren't they
full spectrum monopolisation
ho lee fuk

>> No.30241881
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>It doesn't matter if they want to do it or not, they will have to buy back in at some point.
But like, they should theoretically pay their taxes too, and they don't. Why can't they just drag this out until the whole thing becomes so big the government steps in?

I just don't trust these fuckers.

>> No.30241887

defiat scam

>> No.30241933

nothin but FUD

>> No.30241938

I think it remains to be seen how crypto responds. If people really believe the top MCs are essentially stores of value separate from USD, couldn't it accelerate movement into them vs other assets?

>> No.30241990

As long as you have some kind of purchasing power in a crash, be it with silver money or GME gains, BTC is probably the best place for your gains, its dropped right now but all that means is that you don't spend anything in it at all or cash in, you do the opposite and buy the dips.

The only way this is going to work is with loads of people taking GME gains and buying crypto en masse. This will push the price up and we can all go out happy

>> No.30241991
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>GME will be quietly snuffed out to "save the market
This is my fear. Remember GM bondholders? Pepperidge Farm does.

>> No.30242028

I literally ran police virtual training programs. I know firsthand how shitty and unprofessional they are.

But get it all out, bud.

>> No.30242041

It's the only feasible way I see a Biden administration handling this. You don't have a guy who is good with money and markets at the helm anymore, you have a 47 year old senile yesman.

>> No.30242051

yeah, we were making an oversimplification.

>> No.30242059

>Every time I see GME start going back up

>> No.30242065
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They have contracts that obligate them to cover. Yes they can delay, but there is specific regulations that force them to pay up as market lenders have to collect their loans and buy back into the market. Stop thinking like such a FUD and actually understand the market mechanic that is causing this whole situation to begin with.

>> No.30242086

>Nobody cares what small-time retailers do
Except that retail and IPOs are the only ways money gets injected into the market. How does the house make money if nobody visits the casino? Without retail funds just circlejerk the same dollars between each other forever
I don’t think the great reset necessarily plays a role in this as much as the /pol/ visitors think it does. This was a case of hedge funds doing kikey things and this time they got caught. The SEC etc can’t just shut it down because every way they could either leads to hyperinflation or complete lack of trust in the market

>> No.30242097

new thread

>> No.30242133

yeah i'm so rich i can just be a complete retard with my money and i'm just gonna let whatever happen and not care
makes real fucking sense

>> No.30242149

Christ, why the fuck can't that retard get a normal haircut, what the fuck.

>> No.30242346
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15,000 FTD for GME
20210201|36467W109|GME|10975|GAMESTOP CORP (HLDG CO) CL A|325.00

20210115|36467W109|GME|892653|GAMESTOP CORP (HLDG CO) CL A|39.91
^thats from the first half of 1/2021

So, almost 900k shares FTD at $39.91


I'm not sure about what the fine is per stock, I don't want to say bullshit and be wrong

>> No.30242446

>Nobody cares what small-time retailers do.
It's not about retail. If the fact of share counterfeiting comes out bigly, there's no stock market. It'd be the equivalent of hyperinflation.

>I'd like that to be true, but I think Blackrock is just so stupidly wealthy that they can throw a pittance on every option that seems even slightly promising.
They don't invest like you or I do, they have risk management. When you're asked "why did you buy 9,000,000 GameStop-shares?", you can't just say "dunno lol thought I'd go up XD".

>> No.30242454

Also, tomorrow theatres reopen in nyc... amc will see a nice Jjjjjjjumperooo

>> No.30242457

It's called patience you silly bitch. Wait for dump, buy, wait for pump, sell. And don't set buy/sell limits in advance, only use them when you're monitoring it very closely and you have a good idea of where the stock is going in the short term. Using limit orders wrong is a great way to catch a falling knife or miss out on gains.

>> No.30242477

thas my plan, after gme is over invest at least 50% most of it into crypto

>> No.30242575
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>> No.30242835

there was some criticism of the dd in question iirc

but the main point being, the comment regarding shorts attempting to offload some of this liability, passing off the toxic debt spreading it around attempting it to fall on multiple people's heads

which seemed to be what "bruce"'s angle on this was
i didn't hear it as being a complete get out of jail for the shorters, though he was framing it that way... he was only talking a million in his example
we're not talking simply a million shorts, so his theory doesn't really stand to reason in this, but for sure, could be playing 'a' part of the action taking place

>> No.30242863

Im wondering if its worth putting into mining equipment, like an ASIC as well, having one can't be too bad, must have some kind of benefit to it

>> No.30242998

Nah, those fucking chinks utilize whole hydroelectric powerplants for cheap electricity.

>> No.30243085

Yes. no one says they aren't. The problem is that your group thinks they ONLY target you. When the truth is the same things are happening to everyone and most of the time these people that BLM are rioting over can't follow lawful orders.

>> No.30243111

Yeah, still though GPU mining is doing me wonders right now, $20+ profit a day while my servers literally pay me ETH, I'm tempted to try and snag a load of the 6700's that are coming out if I can preorder any

>> No.30243203
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>If I want to sell at 200K/share, then that's my fucking decision, you niggers.
Same what the shit, mine caps out at $99,999.99. And this is my bank's brokerage platform too, not some Hungarian trannie's app. Like what if I held Berkshire Hathaway?

>> No.30243394

>The problem is that your group thinks they ONLY target you
No one says that. "Disproportionate" does not mean "only." As in, "The people people who riot over stupid shit like winning sportsball are disproportionately white."

>> No.30243559

Yes most of you do think you're unfairly targeted or targeted more often.

Do you have ANY IDEA why your group has a disproportionate of police encounters that go badly? Try to actually think about this logically.