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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 417 KB, 2048x2047, 02JACK-1-superJumbo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
30214204 No.30214204 [Reply] [Original]

You have 10 seconds to give me ONE good reason why you aren't investing in this man.

>> No.30214260

Only cucks don't invest in themselves

>> No.30214309

Heroin addict

>> No.30214440

looks pretty dumb, genetics better for physical labor

>> No.30214459

more handsome than me

>> No.30214533

He honestly seems insane

>> No.30214549

closeted homosexual

>> No.30214573

he banned president Trump and follows Communist Cuban president on twitter

>> No.30214577

Post pic without beard and see why.

>> No.30214578

he's a liberal faggot

>> No.30214617

pretty sure he isn't closeted

>> No.30214740

changed my mind, investing my life savings into LGBTQ corp

>> No.30215069

I'm not investing because Facebook is waaay bigger than Twitter. I know it's obvious that square is behind Zenon Network, but that doesn't matter because it's not an ERC-20 token, ERC-20 is the future anon if you haven't noticed that yet.

>> No.30215077
File: 224 KB, 2560x1080, 26rvdhyg78q41.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is a zenon thread right??

>> No.30215335

Doesn't let me give him anal in the butt but tells his friends he lets me.

>> No.30215566

Works for CIA

>> No.30216013


I hate Communists

>> No.30216280

Dead eyes

>> No.30216389

ngl bretty cute and i like his nose ring.

does he have a crypto now? id buy

>> No.30216655

Jack Dorsey is a fucking double agent, anonss. The deep state ate his creature and he keeps up the appearance with a forced smile while getting his ass handed to him thinking of his sweet revenge, ZNN. In fact every time he shows his face defending Twitter he does it so pitifully and always implying that a small team of his is working on something new that he is clearly boycotting his own blue bird...

And he's not the only one in on this shit either, anon... The alliance of top guys that are stealthily moving behind this project is so powerful that when they start to show their cards it's going to be a real earthquake.

To the fucking moon with Dorsey & ZNN

1 2 7 2 3

>> No.30216811

but anon, i did. i hold a comfy pnk stack

>> No.30216945

I don't think TWTR or SQ are bad companies, I just don't think they'll grow as fast as other opportunities. America is still a decade behind Asia in terms of mobile banking/finance.

>> No.30217063
File: 1011 KB, 1080x2212, Screenshot_20210304-185114_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what does he do?

>> No.30217067

I don't invest in pedophile commie faggots.

>> No.30217149

I am and I want him to cum in my ass

>> No.30217251

Rasputin desu

>> No.30217273


>> No.30217320

He supports pedophilia that's actually enough for me.

>> No.30217444

fuck this kike. I will never invest in tw*tter

>> No.30217764
File: 22 KB, 160x70, Skärmavbild 2021-03-04 kl. 19.59.36.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30217815

Cause he's a fucking faggot commie retard like you.

>> No.30218048

Twitter doesn't do anything.

>> No.30218108

What are you gonna do with mochimo?

>> No.30218208

he isn't black

>> No.30218743

gay + fag = gayfaggot

>> No.30219252

supperior eyes than most people on /biz/
still looks a little off to be a "good" guy

>> No.30219275

Leftist shitbag

>> No.30219418

jew worshipping faggot?

>> No.30219467

>nose ring

>> No.30219791

dear OP.
He's a drug addict, social justice fucking freak.
He's designed a website in which the whole world can sign up too and he can silence the most powerful people. Before Trump got on twitter, it was dying.

I don't care how you do with investments, you can't make money by kicking everyone off your platforms and banning everyone. It won't work. So his shitty little website is going to die. It's just a matter of when.

>> No.30219898
File: 86 KB, 1200x600, 4DCDCEE4-6D18-47E0-AD52-05839F166DD6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cocksuckers pajeets scammers just found this on bitcointalk :


"- zmnscpxj (squarecrypto confirmed account working on lightning network) confirms that Squarecrypto has nothing to do with Zenon Network. he even posts a weekly log that that can be verified
- Team lies about non-ICO, isn't transparent about how much money they raised in ICO
- calls premine -"personal investment"
- bans people that ask non welcomed questions
- has an explorer with no rich list
- has a roadmap full of wallet updates
- coin is listed on some exchanges known for listing shady coins


Why wont they provide full details about the two hacks? 1. Minting 2.5 million ZNN out of thin air. 2. Staking exploit that made the hacker an undisclosed number of coins.
- Exploits used
- addresses involved and coins blocked
- how many coins did the hacker managed to sell on exchanges and OTC before they blocked his coins from the second hack. In the first hack the hacker sent the coins to the team's addresses. I wonder why he would do that ? Did he got payed to do that? He says he got 30k ZNN as shown in the evidence above. Seems that some people in the zenon tg want others to believe that they made an update for the first hack and this is how they blocked the coins. Clearly a lie and the team bans you if you ask the right questions as shown above in this thread."

>> No.30219956
File: 1.23 MB, 270x480, 1614619651104.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Before Trump got on twitter, it was dying.
this has a lot of truth in it

>> No.30220177

This has to be pasta lmao

>> No.30220309

Because I'm anti communist and not investing the man behind antifa and jetting them around.

>> No.30220582


>> No.30220690

Has a nose ring

>> No.30220717

He looks like a goofy fucking twink.

>> No.30220828

Such a faggot

>> No.30220842

what do you mean by the bottom code

>> No.30220854


as a value investor I prefer stocks with PE ratios

>> No.30221362

why is investing in this nigger loving commie traitor better than all the others?

>> No.30222269

Censored the potus
Censored actual fraud
Censored any opposing opinion
Basically reddit but worse
Only worth is brand marketing announcements
>Where's your crown king nothing

>> No.30222733

Literally a vegan numale

>> No.30223397

where you around when /pol/ had word filter for twitter? wtf was that turks name? fucking faggot, kek kek

>> No.30223449

checkd and based. Can't wait for all the GME roaches to catch up

>> No.30223518

This man betrayed his “friend” Noah Glass and took twitter from him his entire life is fraudulent

>> No.30223537

he is a shizo like bill gates, everyone wpuld be better off if he gets killed in videogame call of duty

>> No.30223551

I have 1k PNK that isnt worth selling so I basically am invested in him

>> No.30223854
File: 98 KB, 842x709, 1614361606090.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The man knows what younormiefags want, knows tech

>> No.30223949
File: 121 KB, 960x960, 1614547339499.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.30223952

terrible weird looking genetics that scream 'i'm into the 'young' ones'

>> No.30224993

He has diamond hands! DYOR

>> No.30224997
File: 112 KB, 888x768, 1ACD5E64-E8D2-4CB4-8696-72B1900B5307.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cocksuckers pajeets scammers just found this on bitcointalk :


"- zmnscpxj (squarecrypto confirmed account working on lightning network) confirms that Squarecrypto has nothing to do with Zenon Network. he even posts a weekly log that that can be verified
- Team lies about non-ICO, isn't transparent about how much money they raised in ICO
- calls premine -"personal investment"
- bans people that ask non welcomed questions
- has an explorer with no rich list
- has a roadmap full of wallet updates
- coin is listed on some exchanges known for listing shady coins


Why wont they provide full details about the two hacks? 1. Minting 2.5 million ZNN out of thin air. 2. Staking exploit that made the hacker an undisclosed number of coins.
- Exploits used
- addresses involved and coins blocked
- how many coins did the hacker managed to sell on exchanges and OTC before they blocked his coins from the second hack. In the first hack the hacker sent the coins to the team's addresses. I wonder why he would do that ? Did he got payed to do that? He says he got 30k ZNN as shown in the evidence above. Seems that some people in the zenon tg want others to believe that they made an update for the first hack and this is how they blocked the coins. Clearly a lie and the team bans you if you ask the right questions as shown above in this thread."

>> No.30225375
File: 590 KB, 640x800, 1612566139052.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>platform of choice

>> No.30225450

I already gave some change to the hobo by the liquor store.

>> No.30225666


>> No.30227380
File: 76 KB, 897x683, photo_2021-02-08_22-27-19.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i am anon, thank you for asking.

>> No.30228054
File: 26 KB, 513x340, 05pg-vertical.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Twitter is an absolute pile of shit stock to own. Square bought the top on BTC.

>> No.30228995

Why would I support a piece of shit?

>> No.30229136

>implying you can get them to do labor