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3019191 No.3019191 [Reply] [Original]

Should I put my money in this ICO ?

>> No.3019285
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Yes, anon-sempai! Obsidian is one of the more undervalued and (for some reason) unnoticed ICOs currently ongoing!

It's an entirely new C# blockchain platform based off of (but not being part of) Stratis, with a focus on privacy. Like other platforms, it'll be used to built dapps and services, though without the focus on smart contracts (which the developers believe is still a roughly unproven concept). Their first dapp (currently in beta) is an encrypted messenger that is as secure (if not more) as Signal app.

Other neat facts:
>the main developer of *Monero* is onboard as a technical advisor
>the Obsidian dev team (very friendly and reachable on slack!) is currently offering a 5% token bonus for the next few hours (I bought when the bonus was still at 20%)
>the current exchange means the token price is a low $0.08 (lower than DNT is right now)
>they're listed as "Low Risk" by ICOrating)
>they'll be announcing new services and other neat things from here to the end of the year, and have set aside a good number of tokens just for that purpose

Oh, and one last thing anon-sempai: platforms, on average, do quite well in the crypto space. They tend to end up over the $1 valuation! Think about what that means if you put in, say, $10,000 now and hold to $0.8.

>> No.3019298

everybody fuckin buy obsidian ico now. this anime girl knows her shit

>> No.3019405
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>the current exchange means the token price is a low $0.08 (lower than DNT is right now)


>> No.3019414
File: 100 KB, 400x264, ObsidianLamboLand.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This coin has a ton of potential. This coin will put most platforms to shame, read the white pages.

>> No.3019425

Oh. Right. I forgot to account for the decrease in the bonus since I bought at the 20% mark...

Well then, that would bring up the initial token value to $0.13.

>> No.3019431

No point buying the ICO, the price is always lower once it is on exchanges
>but what about Metal!
Exception to the rule

>> No.3019447

Yeah at $.08 it's a no brainer but at $.13 nah m8 nah

>> No.3019474

Where can you buy this shit coin?

>> No.3019478


>> No.3019575
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Now now, anon. Sure, the price change may be a bit upsetting, but try to keep some perspective.

Would you have bought Stratis for $0.13 when it came out? Because it was at $0.138 upon trading it and reached $0.25 a mere three days later. Now it's at $8. Lisk, which we know is unfit even for a dog, was trading between $0.13 and $0.17 earlier this spring. Now it's, what, $2.20? More than it deserves given lack of progress. Heck, look at DNT: it's also a platform (though for markets and communities instead of dapps) and its price is now shooting up (more due to listing hype, sadly, than faith in the actual platform potential).

My point being anon that platforms tend to do well. From "mid $0.10s to over $2" range well. Isn't best to diversify your holdings? And wouldn't buying in early into a platform be a smart choice, especially if some of the experts rate it as "low risk" and they have projects in the pipeline? If you want to wait until it's being traded, go ahead! But at least keep it in mind then.

Anon-san, if I wanted to *actively* shill something, I wouldn't need to fake some unrelated OP post to do it. I can just deliver the pitch myself.

>> No.3019744

Nah I'll most definitely buy it if it stays pretty cheap once it hits the exchanges, I was just being a stinker haha

Unfortunately my money's tied up in fucking SIGT at the moment, hopefully Obsidian stays cheap long enough for me to get a chance to buy

>> No.3020215


What would you do with 1ETH to invest ?
I'm hesitating between 0x and Obsidian
fifty/fifty ?

>> No.3020585

When ICO hits the exchanges, they lose at least 50% of their value. So no, dont buy any ICO.

>> No.3020672


their messenger looks fucking slick. I'm buying it

>> No.3020696

You guys realize that ioc is coming out in like a month with this... Like they are already done with it...

>> No.3020704


>> No.3020746

What, is IOC the same thing as this?

>> No.3020760

Does IOC even have perfect forward secrecy relying on Elliptic Curve Diffie-Hellman? No? Thought so.

>> No.3020820

are you sure?

i made 600% profit with Lisk ICO

>> No.3020937



>> No.3020938

I'm reding the Terms &Conditions of the 0x (ZRX) ICO

>You are purchasing ZRX solely for use in connection with Protocol Utility and are not purchasing ZRX for any other purposes, including, but not limited to, any investment, speculative or other financial purposes;

I think i'll pass.

>> No.3020951

like anyone is going to hold you accountable for trading this shit.

>> No.3021025

Bought 830 Obsidian coin
My biggest investment in crypto yet.

But what I really look forward is 0x

>> No.3021090

But Poloniex and other exchanges may refuse to List ZRX because of that.

>ZRX are intended to be used solely in connection with the 0x Protocol, and Company does not support or otherwise facilitate any secondary trading or external valuation of ZRX. This restricts the contemplated avenues for using ZRX, and could therefore create illiquidity risk with respect to ZRX you hold.


>> No.3021201

they are just covering your asses. There will be trading for this coin just as there is trading for gas.
if you can send and receive it you can trade it, all it takes is a platform to do so and a market value attached.

>> No.3022063

its gonna be weird though because 0x say they will not seek out listing by any exchange

>> No.3022875

Where do you store your ODN?

>> No.3022953
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Well anon-kun, let's remember what 0x (ZRX) is: a protocol that facilitates the exchange of ERC20 (read: Ethereum and Ethereum-based) tokens. Anyone or a company can utilize 0x in the backend to operate a decentralized exchange. So basically, if Aragon is to decentralized governance and DNT is to decentralized marketplaces, then ZRX is to decentralized exchanges. I'm pretty sure someone here on /biz/ could quite conceivably use it to build a version of EtherDelta that is *actually* user-friendly and doesn't look like something from the late 90s. Finally!~

As for the token itself, it's used for two purposes: 1) governance, in which like with DNT, you can stake your ZRX tokens to vote on changes to the ZRX protocol; and 2) relaying fees, as relayers will host off-chain order books and matching engines to match orders of buyers and sellers. When they're matched using the service, they'll pay a fee to the relayer using ZRX. So basically, transaction fees.

Now, since ZRX is operating as an open source project that doesn't really want to make a profit (just provide infrastructure), some people are iffy on how they'd money from this, especially if they're not going to seek listings. In fact, many people don't know how ZRX is going to rise in value!

To that, I say, there for are reasons for short-term trading and long-term holding.


>> No.3023011


For the former, the hype surrounding the project (including a partnership with Ethfinex) means that the $24 million ICO hardcap will be met pretty quickly (lots of demand). And given that the tokens will be distributed right after the ICO concludes, we could see them trading on exchanges (certainly on EtherDelta) within an hour or so of the ICO finishing. An opportunity for flipping!

For the latter, since a fee in ZRX will be paid for every transaction, then the more transactions are being done on the 0x protocol, the more valuable ZRX should be. Plus, 0x's protocol is better than a lot of existing concepts (centralized exchanges, cheap and hard-to-use decentralized exchanges like EtherDelta). And still only in the early days of tokens. Give ZRX a few years, and this thing could go to Mars!

Though it seems you've already made a choice >>3021025 anon-kun, so I wish you best of luck!

The Obsidian team has been working on a lite version of their wallet for release before our ICO concludes. It's an interim wallet so you and exchanges can trade/use ODN right after the ICO. It's currently on GitHub:

The full version wallet is also in the pipeline, and according to the devs will be released in the winter.

>> No.3023037
File: 16 KB, 497x437, wespers crap logo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dears it come to my attention someboody is trying to steal espers meme and make wespers.

do not buy wespers dears ok, go to you bit and buy espers.

Look at wespers logo, it is shit and a copy of espers.

>> No.3023059

Fuck off pajeet

>> No.3024085

Thanks, I knew of the interim wallet but you cleared up some things. So will I have to keep ODN in my profile (?) on their website until they release a wallet?

>> No.3024187

I think (though I may have to check) that you can for a time. Though I figure most people will just get the lite version of the wallet.

>> No.3025383

Is the bonus still up?

>> No.3025446


>> No.3025786

How do you transfer ODN after purchase?

>> No.3025972

Just short a portion and invest in obsidian

When NEO droped and i saw OMG rise i sold for a loss but made more than the doubble amount from that trade

I don't know how much money you have in there but 100-200 dollar can't hurt

>> No.3026033

There will be a wallet after the ICO ends.

>> No.3026820



>> No.3027214

Thanks for this, will check out the project further.

>> No.3027365

You laugh now, but it's crypto technology like this that made BTC great...