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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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>> No.30193425
File: 109 KB, 1600x1200, payne.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You want the gaynes?
You gotta take the PAYNES.

>> No.30193441
File: 2.96 MB, 1280x720, nope.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw bought SOXL at $39

>> No.30193462


>> No.30193472

Buy value

>> No.30193476
File: 180 KB, 735x1100, 1606995009435.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what do ta haters trade with? Their expression? Their style?

>> No.30193483
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>> No.30193490


>> No.30193495

What’s crbp

>> No.30193499
File: 60 KB, 693x663, 1592232062605.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tqqq bros how you holding up?

>> No.30193503
File: 107 KB, 720x405, 1614708149420.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

still happy about your AH "pump", PLTRannies?

>> No.30193544

Why didn't you buy SKT yesterday?

>> No.30193550
File: 68 KB, 750x498, 1406AE8D-4AED-4999-847E-666EE2706C72.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OPEC announcement soon

>> No.30193552

Shut up you insufferable faggot. You absolutely, positively, do not trade based on fundamentals. I know for a fact that you don't do that.

>> No.30193583

Mr Meme Stock here. Oil's gonna die, what else should I kill?

>> No.30193592
File: 16 KB, 680x395, 1611095776344.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So whats the prediction for today and tomorrow lads, we going DOWN DOWN, or are just gonna crab slowly downwards? Im sick of the uncertainty, there are no winners here except algo fags

>> No.30193594

Come on biz, pull yourself together, what's your plan if things crab all March, what cheapies are you buying, how are you gonna capitalize on red market, what's that one stock on your hotlist you can get in on now that you couldn't buy last month cause it was up 400%, who's buying LEAPS...please cheer up everyone ;(

>> No.30193603
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>> No.30193605


>> No.30193608

Been in the market since September and I made 15k profit from a 10k investment up until three weeks ago when it started to shit the bed.
I'm now going to open at around 2k profit.

What do I do in these situations? Hold and wait long term or pull out and have learnt my lesson?
This is my first experience of all this red

>> No.30193616

technical analysis + fundamental analysis + sentiment analysis = $$$
>imagine not trying to get as clear a picture as possible

>> No.30193621
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>> No.30193624

rip in piece oil bros. Sold GUSH yesterday after holding since October. When /smg/ starting getting into oil I knew I had to get out soon

>> No.30193661
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Yields are down, so Powell bought bonds

>> No.30193662
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Only Melvin wins.

>> No.30193666

So you also use horoscopes for an even clearer picture?

>> No.30193672

Just bought 1 share of GUN and 2 shares of AMMO. Thinking of moving them into my TD Amerimouth account if this dip continues.

>> No.30193675

The next 2 years for oil are gonna suck

>> No.30193680

>biomemes finally in the dump phase after weeks of getting squeezed
I bought a damn strangle and this piece of shit better not crab back to where it was earlier this week

>> No.30193686
File: 42 KB, 337x499, 51vdOLc+o4L._SX335_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

apparently this is one of the most based books for share trading, despite its meme title. has anyone here read it?

>> No.30193687
File: 634 KB, 1118x1546, 2384718234.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

crbp shill show yourself

>> No.30193691

I’m buying as much tmo as I can afford whilst it’s in the low 450s and then ignoring the market for a month

>> No.30193714
File: 1.03 MB, 1280x720, 1614167729507.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly despite the fact that I use ta I don't disagree with you, I'm not a ta cultist who says everything is in muh graph like a crystal ball, I tend to swing fundamentally solid companies only, as insurance against mistakes, both are important so why hate on ta that's the point

>> No.30193721
File: 144 KB, 1080x2340, Screenshot_20210304-064218.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lmao what the fuck is wrong with Pepsi?

>> No.30193723

If you aren't holding meme shit, then hold through and possibly increase your positions. If you're holding memes then dump and get cheapies of solid holds.

>> No.30193725

why did they fire him? was it because he didnt play werner as a CF?

>> No.30193730

Do you know the first thing about TA? Ever notice how stocks seem to somehow magically bounce off of particular numbers repeatedly?

>> No.30193733

Well I guess the answer you’re looking for is to TAKE SOME PROFITS OUT NOW AND THEN but you won’t get rich that way and you probably don’t need the money just sitting around in your bank as cash. You didn’t do anything wrong. It’s the market jews who wronged you

>> No.30193744
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>> No.30193759

Unironically yes, you should also look at astrology and have it weighted in your 'calculus' at 1%
What you seem to not understand is that if other people think it is true, it doesn't matter if it's true or not. It matters what other people think is true. Traders believe in TA, algos run on TA. The market runs on TA.
Stop thinking like a retard, pls

>> No.30193760

here's all you need to know about "investing":
A) you buy TQQQ and keep buying with every paycheck and don't look at the account for 20 years
B) you gamble memestocks and avoid FOMO as much as possible
here's your "based" tutorial
that will be $19.99 plus tax plus tip

>> No.30193776
File: 66 KB, 225x225, 1599170183587.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He wasn't ready anon, he will be back stronger i believe

>> No.30193779

he dumped his bags on you and booked it

>> No.30193780

>he genuinely thought Jerome would let the market crash

>> No.30193791

why the fuck would you b in stocks right now, lmao.

>> No.30193800

nah, I got out when he refused to piss in his own mouth
now I'm just watching

>> No.30193801

what'd you buy in at
im holdin some bags at 18.50

>> No.30193804

why wouldn't you

>> No.30193819
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>> No.30193821

Oilbros, Im starting to doubt
Whats happening in OPEC
Is it already starting?

>> No.30193825

there are many ways to make money in stocks than just trading shares

>> No.30193840
File: 2.91 MB, 1000x562, buyPLTR.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, buying more.

>> No.30193843

You unironically should kill yourself for this fraud post
Someone will read this and sell thinking that this is real
For anyone invested in CRBP (I am not myself) this is the report from many months ago. Do not fall for this.
>imagine trying to make your fellow /smg/ lurkers lose money
you're a faggot
Note: I am not saying they succeeded.. only that this is not the current results..

>> No.30193850

stable, value company with low growth
like KO

>> No.30193852

that is not what I said you dumb fuck, you don´t even know how bonds work, so gtfo

>> No.30193854

Where my my /bhs/ boys at?

>> No.30193859

Why not shop a fake date into the image too if you want to stir up trouble?

>> No.30193870

you type like a pajeet, rajesh

>> No.30193871

I'll buy if it goes below 20

>> No.30193873

the entire market has been dumping for 2 weeks, what did you expect??
even the safest of safe blue chips is down the same amount

>> No.30193875

ARK innovation ETF. That shit started tanking ever since I bought the top and is almost hitting $100 again. I sold everything yesterday which means it's going to recover soon. I believe that's a cheapy for you guys.

>> No.30193880

>I am not invested
>takes time to look into it

sure thing pajeet, i can smell you from a mile away, faggot

I am from the future

>> No.30193886
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>> No.30193888

That's a man

>> No.30193908

Until they don't. Then you say it "broke the support", and then it bounces of another magic number and you assign all sorts of make believe bullshit to it. Its all imaginary, and you dont make money with it.
If that's the case then its already priced in and you can't money of it. You're arguing that other people perform TA but only to a certain level and you perform a deeper TA which can profit of predicting their TA. Except those other people aren't as dumb as you think and they're also trying to predict your TA and you just dance around in a circle while the people that trade on fundamentals earn money.

>> No.30193914

i have only spent 8999 hours in ms paint, i do not possess the skills. pls halp

>> No.30193923
File: 803 KB, 1979x1196, soijack-poster-is-a-faggot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon, I'm literally spergposter. I am literally CRBP soijack pajeet faggot poster's arch-enemy
kill yourself, you faggot
you're just as bad as he is, trying to make people lose money

>> No.30193930

nigga didn’t you bet on increase of interest rates and stock market gettin diarrhea this month?

>> No.30193940


>> No.30193946

I am financially ruined

>> No.30193949

Fuck sake just lost my entire account buying weekly RKT calls

FUCK this toxic site I’m done, seriously done, you guys suck worse than reddit

I’m going to r/WSB at least they make money racist losers

>> No.30193952

Welp time to average down my calls so I can get out of these fucked options.

>> No.30193954

You could have reduced your cost basis to around that already over the last two weeks with a CSP entry on one week and CC on the next.

>> No.30193955

You won’t be getting any

>> No.30193983

>soijack poster
>implying the stock will go up

fuck off back to curryville

>> No.30193985

Bros I cannot wait for the market to open and see if these puts print....

>> No.30193994

What the fuck do you think TA is?
Seriously, what do you think TA tells you?
I don't even know what to say to you man, lmao. You're clearly a retard
Do you really think that people trade solely off TA? That they ignore everything else, only trade on TA?
Please anon, explain to me what TA is - tell me what you think TA is. I would enjoy an early morning laugh

>> No.30193997
File: 58 KB, 786x719, peppy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is america...

>> No.30194001
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anyone care to share their outlook on real estate stocks.
US and Europe?

>> No.30194017

It's a comfy divvy stock. That chart plus 4% divvy yield is pretty boomer tier comfort.

>> No.30194023

buy SKT asap

>> No.30194025

just buy a house lol

>> No.30194026

on what?

>> No.30194028
File: 908 KB, 619x723, gregory.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's imaginary
You're so fucking stupid mate it's painful. Yeah it breaks support which allows you to make decisions based off of that. Nobody intelligent says that TA is entirely predictive, it's a tool that greatly increases your odds of making a successful trad and making sense of movements. I wish Gamestop never happened

>> No.30194034

Isn't JPow speaking today?

>> No.30194035
File: 211 KB, 1000x1250, 1611523332069.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes but how are your stocks looking?

>> No.30194037

You're a retard, and a newfag. You don't even know who I am. I don't give a fuck if the stock will go back up
I only care that you're deliberately spreading misinformation to try and lose people here money
You're a faggot. You're a top tier faggot.

>> No.30194050

It likes to give people a chance for entry. Nothing wrong with that.

>> No.30194064
File: 234 KB, 1200x800, 9797a2d2ea8b79dd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just got 1.5k from my insurance, what dip do I buy?

>> No.30194067

Maybe check Texas developers arent commies trying to flee there?

>> No.30194074

Yes 12:00pm EST

>> No.30194076

I can't buy I need to consumeeee

>> No.30194086
File: 381 KB, 600x655, bdc22c65-32b9-40da-ab91-d504c27f9a1a..png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone please shill me a penny stock that'll go up today. I just want enough for food bizbros...

>> No.30194091


Price Action

>> No.30194096

Buy CureVac (CVAC)
Their superior vaccine is about to be approved by the EU

>> No.30194101


Announcement in about 5mins

>> No.30194114

JPow will announce that he is rugpulling the NYSE before a helicopter picks him up and heads for the cayman islands. DOW Jones $0 EOD

>> No.30194121
File: 619 KB, 730x790, 155780503_1791587231009059_6702681517129739280_n.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

see my plan in this image

>> No.30194124
File: 1011 KB, 928x1544, 1613482562001.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

REIT that is not recovered yet is not a bad bet but remember corona is forever because it's the new whip to demoralise the population, it'll have a million strains like the flu and blah blah, baiscally it's gonna suck ass until people go outside again, which may happen depending on what they own, so consider what is likely to open and in what states and try to find something, look at Texas reopening for instance

>> No.30194131

Reminder to buy NAT. Rates are up and fundamentals are good. With american oil getting clamped down and keystone xl canceled tankers will be more important than ever. They're on discount due to a poor 2020 from the rona.

>> No.30194139

You’ll just swing it and ruin my gains, eat shit

>> No.30194145

Calm down boy. No need to get yourself a heart attack. Your TA doesn't suddenly become profitable because fractionalize its influence on your decision-making. Its fundamentally not predictive, so it doesn't matter if its 1% or 100% of your decision. Its useless.

Show us an example of a successful trade you made due to TA.

>> No.30194153
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Shouldn't he and his friends have gotten the dips by now? Surely he says something to pump now?

>> No.30194165

Since you asked, I'll throw a nice bone
ILAL is gonna make some moves, easily a $1+ stock.

>> No.30194180
File: 616 KB, 1600x899, 19574620-0728-4bba-9cde-2961204b80a9..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I promise I'll just deduct ten bucks for a burger or something, have mercy

>> No.30194184

>Reduced to a sputtering sperg who asks your ideological opponent to define your horoscopes for you instead of just calmly explaining your views and how you profit from them
This man is unironically calling people redditors in the other thread while arguing in the exact same manner as a retarded leftist fresh off of /r/politics.

>> No.30194185

>You're arguing that other people perform TA but only to a certain level and you perform a deeper TA which can profit of predicting their TA

have you ever played a fighting game where you go to block an attack but instead they throw you? But now that you know they can throw you, you jump attack the throw? but now that you know they're going to jump you anti air them instead of throwing but now that they know....

>> No.30194190
File: 323 KB, 400x504, faggot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lel that's Cystic Fibrosis not the LSE results.
But you almost got me you sneaky cunt.

>> No.30194192
File: 1.18 MB, 544x1997, SecretsToSuccess.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.30194203

>Market capitalization is the total dollar value of all outstanding shares of a company at the current market price
>current market price would hold if everyone dumped
is there anything that prices in the massive price drop to zero (0)?

>> No.30194216
File: 418 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20210304-075509_Finance.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God fucking damnit if it wasn't for this wage slave job I would have been able to sell by atos calls this Monday but instead im about to lost a shit ton

>> No.30194239
File: 71 KB, 811x865, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All day long dickhead

>> No.30194240

Why's everybody trying to catch a a falling knife?

>> No.30194244

>Its fundamentally not predictive
>Its useless.
Jesus Christ.
I'm done talking to you
You're clearly a retarded redd*t newfag
Post your portfolio, larger than $10,000 to prove me wrong
This conversation is the equivalent of someone asking why should you check the weather report before going on a picnic

>> No.30194257


No that’s why GME was a huge buy

>> No.30194271

>TD Amerimouth
Okay that made me smile, thanks anon

>> No.30194274
File: 244 KB, 900x900, ilya-kuvshinov-headshot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>predicted COVID would go into 2021 back in February 2020
>predicted the most bearish event for the markets would be COVID ending back in June

They should really pay me for being such a high IQ big brain ESP hyper soothsayer.

>> No.30194281
File: 145 KB, 678x800, 69E200AA-7A15-4F05-A837-154BE955DEF5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yup. It’s a shame too since I got in after the rona dip when it was just a few cents a gallon. Put in only a thousand but now my stack is at a comfy 8k. Hopefully I’ll be able to dump it back into some smart money stocks in the bear market.

>> No.30194288

>CTRM at 0.90 pre market
>goes to $1 and back to 0.90 every day
>people aren't putting at least $1k in every morning and making an easy $110

>> No.30194303

>Show us an example of a successful trade you made due to TA.

I have a bunch

>> No.30194305

>just calmly explaining your views and how you profit from them
I'm not his fucking teacher. I'm not his fucking mother. I don't need to teach him shit. He's clearly a lost cause, and I'm not going to take the time to explain to him technical analysis. Why would I go to a farm and try to teach a donkey technical analysis? The donkey will not learn a damn thing.

>> No.30194323

That fat fuck better deliver, or else I'm converint his ass into renewable diesel

>> No.30194327
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Yes some are memes and pennyshit.
I wish I had invested safer, but I was making so much from memes.

Thankfully I did take out my initial investments in drone stocks and CCIV, but didn't take profits.
I don't feel too emotional by it all, so I can hold. Just don't want to baghold for 5 years

>> No.30194329
File: 623 KB, 1280x1290, 1603348216038.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Except covid is not ending, it is never ending

>> No.30194338

looked like it would only fall to 35 or 32 to me

>> No.30194344

meant 10 but yaknow

>> No.30194347

Was hoping to hemorrhage the bleeding with CCs. Didn't think it would keep bleeding out. Oh well, only in for 100 so it's not breaking the bank, and semis will recover eventually.

>> No.30194349

Coming in hot, today'll maybe bring cheapies

>> No.30194355
File: 8 KB, 251x201, download.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where does all the money I'm losing go to?

>> No.30194369
File: 23 KB, 720x747, 7d41d931-9107-4027-932e-a330df2f4550..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Prove you're high IQ by giving me a penny stock that will save me from starvation

>> No.30194372
File: 76 KB, 785x1000, wojak soy EXTREME SORROW_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are unironically a massive retard and should probably just kill yourself.

>> No.30194376

stop asking questions, goy

>> No.30194378

T might do something after GvK comes out. But don’t hold your breath.

>> No.30194379


>> No.30194385

Exactly. And performing TA while algos exists is like playing fighting games against a bot that knows all move sequences and has 1 ms reaction time.

you're joking right?

calm the fuck down man. If you had to bet on whether the weather would be good for a picnic, do you really believe you can make money by checking the weather report?

>> No.30194393


>> No.30194410

My conservative portfolio of 100% sqqq

>> No.30194416
File: 56 KB, 1056x196, 83266485-3DE7-4BD9-B2D7-0ACF662F0969.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

“Crown Jewels”

>> No.30194424

Is it time to buy SQQQ shares and calls?

>> No.30194431
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>> No.30194457

Is SKT just another "EBIN SQUOZE" shit that will just pump pre and dump during the day?

>> No.30194461

If someone doesn't understand even the basics of technical analysis, how to use it to make more informed trades, thinks it's astrology, yes, they are a newfag redd*tor and a lost cause
There are countless resources out there to learn - there is no excuse for ignorance in the age of internet

>> No.30194462

Bought more ACEV at 10.28 for a 10.77 average. Pretty good. It's basically like SOXL without the current downturn :^)
Amazing how everything just tanks in such an orderly fashion. I would have expected -20% days by now. Hoping this shit ends soon so I can go back to being rich though.

>> No.30194475

Listen we're all just really tired of this ever since le epic gamestop happened

>> No.30194476
File: 603 KB, 1080x2280, Screenshot_20200508-141327_MetaTrader 4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Show us an example of a successful trade you made due to TA.

here's one

>> No.30194479

the day of reckoning

>> No.30194485

Thank you fren

>> No.30194505

Is the reason why you get so upset maybe because deep down you know that you can't explain or justify why you believe TA helps you?

>> No.30194512
File: 339 KB, 610x380, 13per10.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>performing TA while algos exists is like playing fighting games against a bot that knows all move sequences and has 1 ms reaction time.
This is actually a great take.
Algo trading killed TA back in '80. Everything else is confirmation bias and bullmarket geniuses.

>> No.30194524

DNN, you better not dump you fucking nigger

>> No.30194530
File: 177 KB, 1200x1187, 1613974363816.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My BTC ETF is the only thing being green now. Thank god I can sell covered calls on this shit and BTC has been durdling between $44k and $52k.

>> No.30194533

How are schizos gonna cope when COVID ends and we aren't sold to government lactation farms to give us hormones and harvest our breast milk because we wore a mask like predicted?

>> No.30194541
File: 570 KB, 997x984, 1592992160193.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im going to invent an ETF that holds every inverse ETF leveraged and not in existence and call it Bobo Ultra Pro Short 100x leveraged Bear ETF, it'll be like a black hole that sucks in all of bizs money

>> No.30194548

>do you really believe you can make money by checking the weather report?
This is how I know you are a dumb newfag
There are literally weather futures, and agricultural commodities trade based upon weather reports
Just go learn the basics of technical analysis anon. It's not as complicated as you think. Add it to your arsenal to help you make more informed trades. Do NOT base your trades solely on TA. Likewise, do not base your trade solely on fundamentals or sentiment. Combine all 3 and make as informed trades as possible

>> No.30194567

Why the fuck aren't the saudis talking yet?

>> No.30194568

>And performing TA while algos exists is like playing fighting games against a bot that knows all move sequences and has 1 ms reaction time

talk to any fighting game player and asks them if it's easier to beat humans or bots.

this isn't chess. it's not solved. Bots in fighting games are pretty easy to abuse.

although to be fair the AI bots in games like Dota are really good

>> No.30194571
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Dazed. Reeling. About to break

>> No.30194582

This is how I know most people don't understand the purpose of TA. The trades the majority of people make aren't competing with high-frequency bots.

>> No.30194584
File: 136 KB, 600x631, 1614466528017.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was debating whether to cut my loses last night, and just woke up to see I'm down ANOTHER 3.2%. Fuuuck fuck fuck

>> No.30194603

I get upset because /smg/ used to be comfy, full of knowledgable people
Ever since the GME squeeze, we have been flooded with redd*t retard newfags who think that technical analysis is palm reading astrology
Fuck the newfags, and fuck you

>> No.30194608

Those things exists because people who's income relies on the weather want to hedge themselves against it. Not because they believe they can profitably predict the fucking weather. How ignorant are you?

>> No.30194618

That one was so obvious I dared not foray into it because I got so used to being rugged by JP Morgan when I traded gold in 2019. There was a very similar setup that never happened in December 2019.

Really should've played that.

>> No.30194624

Never mind. Some sweet trance music just played on the feed. A club girl danced up and gyrated at me. So horny now.

>> No.30194626

>CRBP keeps crabbing down.
fucking hell CRBPajeet! at least give me a good curry recipe or something

>> No.30194634

Waiting for $BOBO to be listed thanks fren

>> No.30194642


>> No.30194648

Is Corsair a meme?

>> No.30194655

You can make informed judgements about future price movements based off of sentiment just like you can make informed judgements about the weather. It's really simple and I don't understand the violent pushback that is so prevalent among pseudo-intellectuals

>> No.30194665

>used to be full of knowledgeable people

Newfag detected

>> No.30194671

What is the purpose of TA then if to not find a good entry or exit points? Because when the algos are done with the price action, nothing but noise remains, which will definitely not help in finding an entry point.

>> No.30194672

I promise you that those bots are limited in their reaction time. Oh and chess isn't solved.
TA has always been considered a joke by the majority of posters here.

>> No.30194676

Dude you only invested in memes, you need solid stocks that limit your downward potential (Coca Cola, Walmart, Apple etc.). You build around the solid stocks and sectors and add growth stocks around it. A small percentage like 10% is for pure speculation.

If you don´t care about potential losses, just continue with momentum and growth stocks

>> No.30194695

Nothing schizo about it friend, the overreaction is done, never in history has a civilization reacted in such a way to a disease, not even the black plague, corona will stick around like the flu seasonally and do you think peoples opinion will suddenly change after a year of indoctrination and YOURE GONNA KILL GRANDMA YOU EVIL WHITE DEVIL IF YOU EVEN THINK ABOUT HAVING A NORMAL LIFE, the problem is everyone wants to hand wave and say no it's conspiracy theories, but it's not a theory if you're watching it happen, what is there to dispute, is covid not mutating now? Is there not booster shots required now? Is there not MSM saying we need masks even after the vaccine, don't he a retard

>> No.30194696

Dude. You really think that there are not speculators? You really think that every trade is just hedging?
You're a retard.

>> No.30194709

It's almost 200 pips. you would have made a killing

>> No.30194711
File: 46 KB, 600x600, 89f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cash Gang ,Cash Gang, Cash Gang, Cash Gang, Cash Gang, Cash Gang (Cash Gang)

>> No.30194713


>> No.30194715
File: 73 KB, 1086x992, 1D6CA025-3E22-4FD6-82C4-63458BF54548.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone else uses IBKR?

>> No.30194724

You should've invested in AQB. You would lose money more efficiently

>> No.30194732 [DELETED] 

>not solved

Goodluck beating hugh level bots

>> No.30194737

They will just move the goalposts anon

>> No.30194736

You cannot determine sentiment from price action alone (which is the definition of TA). Actual current sentiment is almost always already priced in.

>> No.30194751

Is today gonna be ok frens?

>> No.30194753

You can't predict the future change in sentiment based on current sentiment. That doesn't make sense. Nor does the weather change because enough people want it to.

>> No.30194766

>TA has always been considered a joke by the majority of posters here.
>he thinks the quality of poster has not decreased SUBSTANTIALLY since the GME squeeze

>> No.30194773

>promise you that those bots are limited in their reaction time. Oh and chess isn't solved

doesn't matter. can't react if you're getting whiffed punished while in recovery animation frames

>> No.30194780

Until you sell? Nowhere. Embrace the life of the HODL.

>> No.30194783

Yeah but when you realize all of what you said was silly nonsense, what happens?

>> No.30194805

Oil is probably fine
Doubtful on the rest

>> No.30194809

the straight ugliest pepe I've ever seen

>> No.30194810
File: 6 KB, 300x168, download (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nothing but noise remains
Seriously, honestly, unironically, you don't understand the purpose of this. Most people aren't trading 1-minute candles. Also, again, nobody thinks that TA accurately predicts the futures. It's a useful tool to make informed judgements about where you think a price will go. You're more accurate using it, simple as that. I guess don't use it, be less accurate, make less money? At least you get to feel "smart"

>> No.30194820

You really think anyone has ever consistently made money speculating on the fucking weather?

>> No.30194837
File: 42 KB, 800x450, oogaboogaaa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Grug no like sketchy paper stocks. Grug feel uncomfortable around odd numbers and charts. Grug get rid of stock and fomo into rocks. Shiny rock never lose value. Grug feel connection to rock.

>> No.30194846

Literally everything he said was true and has happened, learn reading comprehension

>> No.30194849

Yes. There are entire firms dedicated to just trading weather futures.

>> No.30194866

Buy and hold these in the long run


You'll thank me later.

t. Pennyfag

>> No.30194865

you're an idiot and have no idea what you're talking about, when it comes to trade or this general.
seriously just lurk more.

>> No.30194870

It's impossible to judge the quality of posts from before and after the GME squeeze since it hasn't even squoze yet.

>> No.30194878
File: 54 KB, 567x531, 1551588701314.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought the soxl dips. fucking end my suffering

>> No.30194890

Good morning Baggie

>> No.30194893

"to such extent" = right. "this way" = wrong. It was the same during the spanish flu, but people quickly said 'fuck it' and went on with their lives (hence not 'to such extent').

>> No.30194895
File: 23 KB, 653x566, 1612394619108.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The oil fud is setting in bros...
Thinking of selling GUSH and SU
Buy high sell low?

>> No.30194908

You can mate.. you can make judgements about the future actions based on past actions. You won't be right every time but you'll be more right than not if you combine such an approach with every other technique and good trader has. As I've said it's honestly really simple. There's not much more to say

>> No.30194934

They make money as provider of the hedge. NOT on speculating on the outcome. You are absolutely braindead man.
Answer the question or stfu

>> No.30194941

he's probably just taking a loss and so coming up with excuses like "no one can predict anything ever because i sure as shit couldn't"

>> No.30194942

I hate pumpers. They ruin every stock ehh

>> No.30194944

I showed proof of a TA trade and no one hasn't disproven it yet. It's also a rather fine trade if I do say so myself

>> No.30194948

Right there with you, I thought it was gonna pump after the split. Feel kinda silly in retrospect, well it’s only money...

>> No.30194967
File: 43 KB, 401x575, retardeddd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"nothing but noise remains" applies to all timeframes. If it wouldn't, bots would already be on it. It is literally impossible to judge with any certainty where the price will go based on previous price.
The price nowadays only change based on change of information (news, reddit momentium cahnges, etc.).

You are just swimming in your own confimration bias. If you ever seriously looked back at your trades, you'd realize that you didn't actually pick better entries and exits than you would have at random. You are just evidence that everyone is a genius in a bull market.

>> No.30194974

Its originally a ram company and expanded into "gamer" peripherals. If you think competitive gaming is the future and RGB lights are gonna be in for a while, then its not a meme.

>> No.30194989

I just recalculated my position and found if I had waited to EOD yesterday I could have bought 10 more.

>> No.30194998
File: 48 KB, 798x809, 1614601496828.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Denying it won't change reality, this has nothing to do with satanic cults or whatever you think I'm talking about, it's about society, everything that had lead to this point and where we are headed next, if you can't see that something is wrong with the general attitude and atomization of individuals then you should read Houellebecqs books, this is a regular topic in french media, atomization is what led us to this point

>> No.30195006

It's just gonna be red all month then huh

>> No.30195017

>t. pro traders with more than 3 months of experience

>> No.30195024

hey just cause you're shit and eating a loss these last couple of weeks doesn't mean the rest of us are boomer.
good luck buying the obvious top again because the P/E tells you to lol

>> No.30195026

Anon. I literally know someone who trades weather futures for a living as a speculator. There is a lot that goes into it, from modeling, forecasting - having access to all the different data from different weather stations across the United States.
He trades weather futures and agricultural commodities. He is wealthier than I am.

>> No.30195033
File: 2.64 MB, 3024x4032, PXL_20210304_131426909.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bros, I finally figured out how to make money on the stock market

>> No.30195041

yes, but only for stocks. Their interface is absolute garbage and I get eye cancer watching it.

>> No.30195043
File: 15 KB, 233x216, enough.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

some anon said rio tinto is something I should dump asap, why? green memergy and china wanting iron ore makes them a pretty sound choice.

>> No.30195051

You can say that again. I am stuck in some fucked options that fell way out of the money.

>> No.30195065

some faggot company is offering me to buy my exxon for some shitty above market price

>> No.30195072

>It is literally impossible to judge
That's correct, it's what everyone has been saying this entire time. The fact that bots cannot predict the future is no news to me, I'm aware that robots can't predict the future actions of humans with utmost certainty. This is pointless because you seem to have a misunderstanding of what TA is.

>> No.30195084

yeah i trade 100% off TA and have had one red in the last five

>> No.30195085

I once rolled two dice, and I rolled 12.
Thus, dice rolling is actually a profitable method and everyone should do it.
I can even show proof.

Obviously the best proof would be posting your portfolio performance over the last 1.5 years so that it includes the rona crash at least. I'm reasonably sure it is worse than a 100% TQQQ portfolio.

>> No.30195086

>you can make judgements about the future actions based on past actions
Except you can't.
> You won't be right every time but you'll be more right than not if you combine such an approach with every other technique and good trader has.
Sounds real fucking easy. "I'm up a little bit but that must have been because of TA and not because of the other things I did". Its an unfalsifiable claim at that point.

>> No.30195087

I held that for a few weeks and all it did was bleed me.
I don't even think it's a bad company financially but all that stock did was hurt me.

>> No.30195116

Post portfolio

>> No.30195119

Post your portfolio

>> No.30195122

>copper back above $4
thank you Jesus

>> No.30195139

Yes my dad also works for Nintendo and he said there's a secret level if you press start and B in the right sequence.

>> No.30195151

What is TA then, if not trying to predict the future? "More likely to go up" is predicting the future. And if it can be done consistently (!!!), the bots will be all over that method unti lthe point that its not consistent.

>> No.30195157

Post portfolio

>> No.30195168

>Except you can't.
imagine making this statement unironically.
just wow.
i guess the whole scientific method is just bullshit you guys, pack it in! time to go all in on berkshire and divvie stocks so i can retire with 5% when i'm 70 lmao

>> No.30195186

You understand that there is a difference between making a judgement that's more accurate than chance and claiming to have certain prediction?

>> No.30195191

retards who think they'll make it big by being contrarian
>hurr you bought the top lmao
>wow is this equity dumping hard? I need to go all in right now, it's bound to go back up right after I buy it!!

>> No.30195193

u first, sweaty

>> No.30195195

I'm not sure what you mean, what fud?

>> No.30195199
File: 120 KB, 1080x1504, FB03292B-587E-4B2A-BDE8-5F6E48F7D941.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Diamond hands Oilchads. We will be vindicated while everything crashes around us.

Screen cap this

>> No.30195210
File: 34 KB, 823x406, Screenshot_2021-03-04 Portefeuille.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

as you wish

>> No.30195212
File: 48 KB, 500x375, bettleket.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I get the feel that I shouldn't open my portfolio today...

>> No.30195218

I’m just gonna hold and only check my portfolio for once a day for awhile lol

>> No.30195234

What time is the OPEC meeting?

>> No.30195241

Honestly I think he's autistic at this point, he doesn't understand that judgements aren't a binary between certainty and randomness

>> No.30195245

Pretty sure workhorse is going to get a piece of that contract in the end

>> No.30195258

TA is basically "IF something will happen, it will happen in this price zone". The game when trading off of TA is to wait until the thing that may or may not happen is starting to happen, usually indicating that bots have taken the bait. Ride the wave up and dump before they do, which again is based on the same principle as above.

>> No.30195261

>preaches about scientific method
>never actually backtests his strategy
>does not accept tons of actual public scientific evidence
Your method is worse than a 100% TQQQ portfolio over 3 years. Guaranteed.

>> No.30195262
File: 2.85 MB, 445x247, very funny.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>crops out percent change
very cool

>> No.30195268
File: 78 KB, 800x1200, 1540958667085.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

seethe, your shitposts end today bobo

>> No.30195270

Damn, just hold out until 2041 bros if their past progress is any indication of future milestones

>> No.30195277

>scientific method
what the fuck are you on about? You think TA is science?
Your judgement is not more accurate because of memelines. You have no evidence for that either.

>> No.30195301



>> No.30195304

yeah? how are those soxl bags treating you retard?

>> No.30195311

Hope we find out before my calls expire tomorrow

>> No.30195325
File: 67 KB, 1599x438, Screenshot_2021-03-04 Portefeuille.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

post your portfolio faggot

>> No.30195332

>GME steadily going up
You know it's not too late to get back in, right?

>> No.30195335

Get ready to load up on DRIP just in case.

Deep time will 99.999% of the time be on your side, yes it is. Unless you bought the absolute most obscure penny stock, you will always make gains over the long haul.

>> No.30195350

It doesn't matter. If TA worked only 51% of the time, you'd come out positive in the long run.
So would bots mechanically doing it with a lot more money than you.
But wait, they actually do it, bringing that probability down to exactly 50%.

Pro tip: you are not actually positive in the long run, you jsut haven't been doing it long enough.

Lel this post is just proof you haven't been doing this longer than 4 months.

>> No.30195356

Next earning report decides everything. If they still don't have really strong farm 3 news or budding large-volume sales, the right move is to dump them. If they do have strong farm 3 news or sales, better buy more.

>> No.30195368
File: 23 KB, 500x446, days.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no problem at all!
100% cash scalp trader off of 100% TA.
you wouldn't happen to have had a bunch of red days recently right?
why would you do that?

>> No.30195376
File: 222 KB, 500x379, tumblr_moxbdpdWfj1rg90tso1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am financially babaganooshed

>> No.30195386

Other retarded bagholders if you sold

>> No.30195396

>ANVS and a lot of actual diversity
Absolue chad.

>> No.30195402
File: 12 KB, 205x245, sheeeiit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

meth season

>> No.30195410

> bringing that probability down to exactly 50%.
Literally not how it works retard.

>> No.30195428

>doesn't actually post portfolio
lol. Where you even in the market last year or are you just some bullrun winner?

>> No.30195434

Ya that’s what I’m thinking the crazy bull gains were fun but I’m not hurting for cash so I’m not sweating it

>> No.30195435


stock market theme.

>> No.30195437

I'm not well versed in options, but are you able to roll those calls over to April?

>> No.30195440

Thoughts on dropboX?

>> No.30195443
File: 77 KB, 1024x768, ltcm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pic related, it's your account value in 2022

>> No.30195444
File: 436 KB, 675x601, 1614696079297.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The evidence is that I consistently make money and I do it for a living. That's why I'm here. Anyway, trade however you wish. Be less accurate, I've tried to explain to you why TA has its uses. Peace, mate

>> No.30195453

he just said he is all cash.. he goes all cash every day..
jesus christ
>retard alert

>> No.30195461
File: 3.46 MB, 200x200, 1600615433178.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SOXL will be fine if I just hold through this correction right?

>> No.30195467

>everything red
dump my whole portfolio and yolo it into GME?

>> No.30195468

>were you in the market
only if it was going my way. i then sold for profit, timing entries and exits using mean reversion, or "astrology" as you might call it lol.
did you know red lines are optional?

>> No.30195474

Sell oil today at open, buy back at close Friday after opec.

>> No.30195478

Do I sell my TSM and AMD on open? Down 11% now. This multi-day dip is scaring me and I'm worried others will sell en-masse.

>> No.30195486

>less than 3 months' worth of daily data
lmao everyone can have 2 whole weeks of high green gains, doesn't mean it's real. Clearly every green day you lose your money right now, when we're back in bull market you'll be losing your money in every red day if you don't give up before you're through the adjustment period. I'd love a little crab week, it'd easily bankrupt you.

>> No.30195500
File: 283 KB, 480x270, 1613207672555.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is biotech being hit particularly hard by this crash? All my positions have been going down for over 2 weeks now consistently

>> No.30195506


>> No.30195510

explain why the trade I posted is random lol

>> No.30195515
File: 140 KB, 500x502, nervous-17662042.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30195525

Can I just thank you for being the first guy who managed to stop gargling on his own cock long enough to actually try to spit out a moderately useful definition for the purposes of discussion? I don't even have a stake in this fight, I tapped out after Retard A >>30194372 started just straight up spending more time throwing insults than forming a coherent argument. We've literally gone through almost a full thread of some guy challenging some TA spergs and all they've done is get hot and bothered over it. I just wanted to take the time to appreciate someone trying to argue in good faith, is all.

>> No.30195529

might as well wait until it goes back to 10 although it won't be recovering from that so not sure what would be the point in buying

>> No.30195531

No. Panic sell so I can have some cheapies.

>> No.30195532

>Everything red
>Sell and put money into one of few things green

>> No.30195536

Pretty sure WKHS is going to get clapped by that class action lawsuit.

>> No.30195545

he is a shitty manager

>> No.30195547

post your portfolio tough guy
>no evidence

>> No.30195563

this shit is gonna be so fun.
stick around you guys that list is just gonna keep growing in front of your eyes as you keep hemming and hawing about your shit strategy.

>> No.30195565

I memed about it, but the market is literally

>> No.30195569

My theory is you have made 10 trades, and posted the single one that was profitable.

>> No.30195572
File: 3.90 MB, 1798x1200, 1614459261682.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Green Oil futures we are fine my fellow Barons

>> No.30195587

This seems brainful

>> No.30195589
File: 49 KB, 300x304, sweating frog.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>$3,457 account value
>$1,894 cash balance
>$4,479 "Overnight BP"
>$9,337 "Day-Trade BP"

What does this "Day-Trade BP" mean? Does that mean I can buy almost $10,000 of shares provided I sell them before the trading day ends?

>> No.30195591

Would OPEC really hurt us just by holding through it? Maybe there is a chance it could go well.


>> No.30195595
File: 62 KB, 720x762, 1614864581115.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only thing green I own is fucking GME

>> No.30195605

It's not our job to inform retarded newfags. I will continue to insult retarded newfags and try to get them to lurk moar before posting and/or leave

>> No.30195614

Is this the beginning of the rug pull? The move upward?

>> No.30195617
File: 19 KB, 360x360, Constant agony.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lads, I'm going to liquidate almost my entire portfolio, stick the capital in ACEV and PIPP, and ignore the market for the next couple of months. These bobo days are killing me softly.

>> No.30195635

Every class action lawsuit I have seen in the last year has resulted in nothing. If nobody got raked over the coals for GME then it sure as shit won't happen for WKHS.

>> No.30195646

Are you finally willing to admit that reddit was right?

>> No.30195667
File: 32 KB, 640x640, 421431432132.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

unironically AMC

>> No.30195671
File: 782 KB, 528x528, 1614188488828.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does nobody on the planet know when the OPEC meeting begins?

>> No.30195679

I lost a lot with RIOT calls, BTC was pumping like crazy and the fucking stock market kills all the momentum. Fucking boomers

>> No.30195698

Come back in 3 months with the same stats and I'll stop warning you that you're retarded, until then I hope you start trading with 50% of your money on the line via hubris and lose it all, because you desperately need a lesson before it's too late.

>> No.30195699

you dont even have a portfolio, do you?

>> No.30195714


It’s going on right now

>> No.30195722

Sell all your stocks and buy MTG cards

>> No.30195730

In theory yeah, but honestly I didn’t throw much money at it in the first place. Probably just eat the loss and reassess next week

>> No.30195731

gme is a boomer stock now

>> No.30195738
File: 10 KB, 275x183, 1574491944252_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who here is getting caught in the bulltrap we've seen every day?

>> No.30195746

Day-trade BP is the cost of a quality female(male) escort

>> No.30195750

Yes, I think 'day end' is just market hours also.

>> No.30195760

>GME green
>KTOS red
>TSM red
>UTZ red

Will someone exlpain to me why my sensible investments have been tanking for weeks while my meme shit keeps going up?

>> No.30195763


>> No.30195774
File: 63 KB, 500x385, 1614351880258.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>used to be comfy, full of knowledgable people

>> No.30195779

The fuck would they be sued for? The stock going down?

>> No.30195790

I did the same thing yesterday.
Liquidated my tech stocks and put almost all the money in ACEV and PIPP near NAV.

>> No.30195808


>> No.30195813

>Come back in 3 months with the same stats and I'll stop warning you that you're retarded
believe me i hope to. and honestly win or lose i'm just compiling it for data.
after three months either you'll have undeniable proof that TA scalp trading mean reversion on the S&P is a viable strategy, or you'll have a hilarious time lapse of a retard crashing and burning thinking he could time the market.
win-win for the thread frankly

>> No.30195821

They're going to open the spigots and we're already over supplied due to the pandemic. Last opec saw big oil companies drop around 7% each. XOM and CVX are overbought so how far they'll fall is anyone's best guess.

>> No.30195833

why would march crab
all indications point to continued dip

>> No.30195832


>> No.30195841
File: 181 KB, 724x764, opec.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30195843

if you're not holding leveraged shit then there's no point trying to time it

>> No.30195862
File: 153 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20191120-131613.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why did that one work and why did this one work?

>> No.30195871
File: 37 KB, 423x297, e218132c38[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then I suppose your opinions will continue to be viewed as having the same value as your arguments; none whatsoever.

>> No.30195883

The CFO lied to investors when he said they were the only bidder with a fully electric configuration.

>> No.30195887




>> No.30195895

Nice thread title bitch.

>> No.30195894



>> No.30195915
File: 135 KB, 2462x580, ok.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30195967
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>> No.30195987
File: 17 KB, 480x426, 1614611215974.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30196002

not selling below 40 CAD

>> No.30196017


>> No.30196018

Are stocks just a game for rich young boys to play?

>> No.30196037

Anon, there are things in life that just work. The midwit approach is the desire to definitively explain in a reductive sense how every single thing works, and the succesful approach is to just appreciate things that work and things that don't. TA works if your criteria is that it gives you a vague understanding of price movements. Just yesterday QQQ closed directly on low that formed about an hour previous. If it breaks and stays below that low today, expect to see massive amounts of selling. If it doesn't we should see some stability. It just works that way, that's the end of it. If you've spent any time trading Bitcoin you'd know that this is abundantly clear. TA helps your trading, either use it or don't (the reason for which I honestly can't comprehend)

>> No.30196044

Welp, I forgot the title at first, wasted time re-creating.

>> No.30196066
File: 605 KB, 1170x2532, 3919141B-85E0-45D0-A68F-B3EBBA95B14B.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30196129

buying Soxl at 34 to 35 is actually TA

>> No.30196168

It is a viable strategy, but it requires many tactics to make it statistically work. Also you're using far too high a stake in every trader, if you get """unlucky""" 10 times in a row you'll be pretty broke. 10 times is NOT a large stretch to be wrong in.
Once everything is ironed out, your win rate should over around 60% if you're good. 70%+ with your apparent R:R makes you the best trader the world has ever seen so I don't believe it.

>> No.30196235

t. brainlet

>> No.30196257

You're in the eclownomy friend

>> No.30196456
File: 39 KB, 474x314, 1B18704E-C56A-47A0-8F8E-BC9E4367EA69.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lil green shoots
I’ve been hurt before

>> No.30196501

buy VALE and be happy

>> No.30197073

100% PIPP as of close yesterday.