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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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3018463 No.3018463 [Reply] [Original]

Listen to me, goddamnit. Pic relevant. You think this isn't going to 250 million market cap asap! Cause it is!

If you're a crypto newb, you need to get in on the ground floor of something GOOD.

Try Obsidian.
Try 0X Project.

Those will grow 5 to 10 x from the ICO price no problem. I promise you.

>> No.3018482

This has been my biggest gain ever. I just tripled 1 BTC.
Is 1 BTC the perfect amount to play with?

>> No.3018498

thanks just bought 100k

>> No.3018501

jesus christ

Biz is always right. Ill never doubt a post here again

>> No.3018511


If you have that much money, then yes, because if you pick a good project with a strong use case and a professional team, and it goes 15x the ICO price, that's a year's salary for many, many people. And all you did was invest in the ground floor of something.

The problem with being middle class ( which I am, no question) is that we arent used to being in on the ground floor of anything. So we think "scam!" but it's real. Its just that the middle class is also terrible at picking investments as a general rule.

I would strongly recommend 0X token, you have to register and it ends in like 10 hours or less. Tkes 5 minutes to register. Do it!

>> No.3018522

would you mind shilling me on this?

>> No.3018526


I doubt the vast majority of the posts here. I have no doubt most people posting are trying to atke advantage of people who are desperately trying to get a bit of extra cash to make life a bit easier.

You might want to buy into District0X you might not now. It IS a solid project, it is one of the foundational pillars that can support blockchain. But I am recommending 0X token as that also has a pro team and will easily 5x the ico price. I will be investing about 1 btc in there.

>> No.3018538

I registered for 0x the other day. I heard about DNT from a trustworthy source outside of biz and knew I was in for a ride after biz caught on.

>> No.3018554


wtf is all of this shit

>> No.3018560

You mean convincing you?

District0X uses Aragon to essentially create decentralized services. It's a framework. Think decentralized newspapers, think decentralized social media, think decentralized job posting/freelancing websites (which they already have working).

This is one of those services that creates a foundation for other people to build off, the way ethereum did with programming language. Try to name coins that will honestly be worth anythnig a year frmo now. For me, it's bitcoin (like USD, need it for anything "foreign" like altcoins), ethereum (smart contracts), makerdao (stablecoin), district0x (foundation of decentralization effort), internet of coins (exchange any coins amongst different blockahins), and i/o coin (completely under the radar blockchain for business, read the bitcointalk thread last ten pages, you'll be horny for it in no time).

These coins are settnig the stage for crypto, not pumping and running away with your money.

>> No.3018576


Good, I'm sure we'll do well.

>> No.3018600

thanks, got a link for the bitcoin talk page on i/o?

>> No.3018617
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>Selling DNT, Obsidian, and 0x Protocol

Good man, OP.

Especially Obsidian, which has gone *painfully* unnoticed by /biz/.

>> No.3018632

Where can this be bought?

>> No.3018651


>> No.3018657

Is it a good time to buy now or wait a bit for a dip?

>> No.3018664


DNT is at etherdelta.


>> No.3018668

you mean obsidian platform on the stratis network?

>> No.3018675

He's right....
These are what fucking 250mill coins looks like...
DNT is about to wreck.

I am gonna sweep up that weekend DIP
>remind me when the dip is happening

>> No.3018676


I can't answer that, I don't want you to lose your money and be responsible for that. But what I will say is this:

do I think a 50 million market cap is its height? no.

do I think you'll get 10x gains on the coin now? probably not.

I think people who want another strong pick should get into the 0X project, or Obsidian, but those are my only two recommendations right now.

>> No.3018707
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Correction: they've based themselves off of Stratis, but they are their own platform.

Albeit one showing an interested in privacy-related projects and having the main developer of Monero as a technical advisor.

>> No.3018717



>> No.3018730

Are bittrex rumours true?

>> No.3018740


good anons are a rarity in biz based on what ive seen since coming here the last month lol! gotta counter the bad pnd stuff happening here, and maybe save a few poor anons from losing their hard earned dough!

>> No.3018750

Thanks for being honest. Too many times when I ask the same question regarding other coins, I get the same obvious FOMO inducing response.

>> No.3018754


Its not a rumour, District0X didnt want to pay a 5k mandatory fee to bittrex tohave the token listed there. They are running a vote for DNT holders that they can vote on, if the yes wins (which it will) District0X will pay the 5k fee to bittrex and get listed. And then it will be even easier to buy and probably go up more.

Im not a compsci guy and i got into crypto 5 months ago but even I had to spend 15 concentrated minutes figuring out ether delta.

>> No.3018774


There is too much dumb money in the space, thats why the SEC is going to come down hard on it all eventually. But in the meantime, there are good honest people working on projects and attaching their names to them.

Someone asked a member of Warren buffet's team what it was like working there. They said " we just read 12 hours a day".

Keep reading, keep trying to put it together and it will come together is some more advice.Dont read what you want to believe, read to understand the space.

I wish I coudl help more. If I do ever see any other good coins I will be making a post for sure. Dont know how I'll prove it's me but w/e.

>> No.3018799


You don't need to. Go to the 0X token page and register. I had to install Civic on my phone, make an account, adn then install metamask (chrome addon) , import my ethereum account, "sign" the registry (can only use that ehtereum account to contribute to get tokens), and then its done.

You may need to read up on metamask for five minutes, just write down your passwords and store somewhere safe and you'll be fine, and I assume you already protect your ethereum private login so you'll be ok.

here is the site:


>> No.3018801

>thats why the SEC is going to come down hard on it all eventually

pls explain how can they regulate crypto


government faggots in jewmerica can't figure out how to and they never will...can you imagine, a clampdown on some blockchain based exchange


cohenbase maybe but who's dumb enough to play there

>> No.3018804

Nice post. Might get myself some IOC.

>> No.3018819


Find the developers, punish/fine them? There's too many people losing money to pnd here to make it avoidable. At some point there will be some rules. The weak point is always the same, getting your fiat cash into bitcoin to play with, that's the weak point.

>> No.3018840


They have a past president of IBM Mexico on their team. They are meeting serious people to discuss it. They've been working on it snice 2014, read the bitcoin thread I linked to, yeah it's real. Don't know WHEN the payout will happen....but it WILL happen.

Like Buffet says, the market is a means of transferring money from the impatient to the patient. If you can make it a part of your portfolio and not sell, you'll be rewarded in time. If you need faster gains, 0X Token and Obsidian and for a double or triple, District0X asap before it gets onto Bittrex is my honest take.

>> No.3018842
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Crypto times are changing, alas.

First it's the institutional investors, then it'll be regulation, then it'll be "protections" to keep non-accredited investors out.

Gotta earn *now*, not later.

>> No.3018850


Well said. Millionaires see 133% returns in 24 hours and get the same idea as all of us. It's just the way it goes, and yet some projects still fly under the radar as discussed in this thread, because people dont read enough or widely enough to see the gems like District0X (9million valuation after ICO).

>> No.3018854

Never done an ICO. You just need an ether wallet and then send to theirs? Want to play with my 1 btc profit after today's pumps

>> No.3018856

alright i registered for this 0x shit.

how much ETH do i need to put in to make me a millionaire?

>> No.3018859

oh shut it. there will always be sick gains to be had. jews can't stop us now

>> No.3018881

Looks like registration is till Sunday

>> No.3018882


You need to convert your BTC to ETH and withdraw to your own prviate wallet, use myetherwallet,

obivously write down/protect/hide your private key and password and json file etc.

Then install metamask for Chrome and start a new Den and save that login informaton too. Topright import , select the json or the private key to add your ethereum wallet to metamask.

Then install Civic on your phone, register, and then access the link I posted.

All you're doing is registering today.

You have the option of contributing for 24 hours on August 15th. Currently, you'll be able to contribute 24 million / 7000, so like 1 BTC equivalent USD (3400 or so USD) max.

>> No.3018891


No itt's ending today (its Aug 11 in EST itme zone), read here:


>> No.3018903


Well, you can only put in about 3500 dollars. So you'd need it to increase 29x to a 696 million dollar valuation and then your stake would be worth 1 million USD

>> No.3018946

You say that, but look at some of the recent events.

ICOs are now treated like securities, so the amount of shitty ICOs and memecoins have notably decreased. Don't want to piss off the SEC, so the chaff is out and the wheat is careful.

Filecoin offered their "advisors" (rich investors) their tokens early for only $0.75. Plus a 30% discount if they commit to holding it for a long period of time. Meanwhile, they changed the terms for the people who wanted to buy into the ordinary ICO so they had to buy somewhere between 1 and 6 dollars. You became an automatic bagholder to some millionaire who can sell for porfit the moment of listing. And it still sold out in 60 minutes.

Enigma won't allow you to contribute unless you're an accredited investor ($100,000 min). Omega One is being said to consider likewise, as are other big ICOs.

The IRS will eventually get their shit together (see how they're going after Coinbase) and start chasing after people who don't pay capital gains on crypto earnings. You can't really hide either since the blockchain *is* a giant visible ledger, and most people will sell their crypto through an exchange for fiat.

Crypto is the Wild West for now, true. Like its forebearer, it has myths and legends and tall tales, and you can make your fortune overnight (or lose it all).

But eventually, the West was tamed anon.

>> No.3018953

Are we talking about the same thing?

>> No.3018976


Did you read my link? It's closing today in like 8 hours or whatever. Check the 0X twitter the link is posted there by the team to the article. Your article is Aug 5, out of date.

>> No.3018995
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>finally get into the registration site
>civic app keeps freezing at the launch screen

>> No.3018997

Got it , thx

>> No.3019160


damn :/ keep trying

>> No.3019235

Why the hell are you talkin about token and shit, why cant you just go to Liqui and buy DNT?


>> No.3019273
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Ah shut the fuck up nigger. quit you're shilling

>> No.3019309

They are talking about dnt's token 0x or some shit. I think.

>> No.3019351


Can't I just make a wallet on meta mask? then send eth to that metamask wallet? Pretty sure I did everything right without doing the etherwallet.com part of your instructions

>> No.3019379

laughing at all the people who probably saw the shilling threads for dnt and went "oh, it's not on polo/bittrex, it's only on some shitty exchanges, guess i'll skip this one, it was probably nothing anyways"

>> No.3019429

Is obsidian not a scam? Convince me please. What can this do that stratis can't. Stratis ico barely did a million round. They want more than 3M. Why

>> No.3019483

Yes I was just explianing my way.

>> No.3019490


Look up stratis, 600x return.

That was a golden one.

Some ico's fly under the radar for whatever reason. There's too much information, too many ico's, too much FUD, too much FOMO, too much shilling from retards on 4chan. Some stuff slips through the cracks.

>> No.3019494


There is Ditrict0X (DNT token) and there is another ICO for a project called 0X.

>> No.3019611


you need to be put down, puddycat!

>> No.3019670

If the goal is liquidity, what makes 0x token seperate from bancor? is it just a failsafe exchange?

>> No.3019677

Hey OP, do you have a discord?

>> No.3019747

See >>3019191

>> No.3019805

So district0x going down now. Just a dip or crash?

>> No.3019951

I registered for the 0x sale. You guys say there's a maximum for buying but I'm a cryptobaby with just 0.044 btc, is there a minimum for buying?
And if not, should I go in with like 50% of my total or keep my game plan with always investing 10% ?

>> No.3019991

i'm expecting a somewhat hefty dip but not to "worthless shitcoin" levels

>> No.3020470

is civic still a good buy do you think?