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[ERROR] No.30179092 [Reply] [Original]

>be world famous cryptographer
>retire in 2011 after helping create the RSA foundation
>publish updates ever 2 years on efforts to destroy Discrete Logarithm Problem / RSA
>label each update "work in progress"
>post a final update on March 3, 2021 at age 77 removing "work in progress" from title and adding a single line to the end of the abstract:

"This destroys the RSA crypto system."

>> No.30179143

77 years old and gay as hell

>> No.30179240

>be world famous cryptographer
>NSA pays me and grad students $60k to introduce weakness into RSA
>It gets sold to Chinese
>They hack defense systems, steal military tech
>Stop making advanced computing parts for world
>Sip brandy and don't think about it

>> No.30179271

The security of RSA relies on the practical difficulty of factoring the product of two large prime numbers. This takes exponentially longer as the bitsize increases. This method reduces it to polynomial time so instead of (2^800)/2 brute force operations you can now break RSA 800 bit keys is roughly 7x10^10 operations, or 70 Billion. Given a desktop computer with a decent GPU could do that in a couple hours, it's fair to say RSA encryption is functionally dead.

How this applies to Bitcoin is a bit of a stretch but it's there. Finding P given Q on an elliptic curve shares the same computational complexity as the factoring problem. The DLP is just a special case of the Factoring Problem. So the same lattice based methods they used to destroy RSA will shortly be applied to ECC, and before you know it cypherpunks will be emptying the hotwallets of all the big crypto exchanges.

Bitcoin died today. Or at the very least it was diagnosed with a terminal illness.

>> No.30179273

bitcoin uses ecdsa, not rsa

>> No.30179305

not so fast, don't think so

>> No.30179554


I would call bullshit.

finding factors still can't be solved by anything, but brute force

cutting the search space with primes is impossible, so no

>> No.30180113

>not peer-reviewed
hold your horses

>> No.30180118

BTC and every other system based on ECC are in grave danger. These lattice methods are a hop skip and a jump away from being used to unravel DLP problems. It took from 2016 until 2021 for them to crack RSA once the attack vector was understood. It'll take then much less than that to crack ECC. Fortunately for most people, Public keys are not exposed on the blockchain until spent. The people who will be fucked are people operating live hit wallets with exposed public keys (like crypto exchanges). Before long all trading will grind to a halt due to the ridiculous measures they'll need to take to protect their public keys.

BTC needs a DSA algorithm update NOW. Or it's fucking over.

>> No.30180177

4096, but that's kicking the can down the field - so it takes 1000 GPUs instead of 1, and it takes 3 months instead of 3 hours... How much further do you want to go? There comes a point where the computational overhead of encrypting and decrypting this data is too much for the SSL off-load mechanism available to datacenter infrastructure... we can't just keep doubling the RSA key size forever... the hardware can't keep up.

> cutting the search space with primes is impossible, so no

He proved he can crack RSA with lattice based methods, reducing them to P some of the time and getting them pretty damn close all of the time. These lattice based methods can be viewed almost like a multidimensional binary sort. Sometimes you just guess wrong and have to try the other chain. So there's an element of chance that keeps it from being purely P.

>> No.30180245

Man this can be the china fud type dip that i love. Its safe to go all in if this crashes now

>> No.30180292


>> No.30181110

Nice just bought 100k

>> No.30181151

>He proved
Again, not yet peer-reviewed.
This is just a bobo thread wearing a big hat and baggy coat.

>> No.30181226

>>NSA pays me and grad students $60k to introduce weakness into RSA
It's a fundamental mathematic principle. That's like saying 2+2=4 is a weakness in how calculators work

>> No.30181351

This thread is filled with copy pasta from another thread on pol. Shills or bots are literally copy pasting there fear mongering

>> No.30181415

Yeah, same one on /pol/ at the moment

>> No.30181496

>It gets sold to Chinese
>They hack defense systems, steal military tech
That's not what happened. USA gave monety to Israel, Israel uses that money to buy US military tech, Israel then illegally sells that American millitary tech to China, and goes completey unpunished.

Look it up. China doens't need to hack or steal anything, they can just get it from Israel. Israel runs the show and USA is just a vassal state.

>> No.30181934

are they wrong tho

>> No.30182038

Don't care. Still buying Cyberpunk 2077

>> No.30182081


>> No.30182115

you keep reposting this fuck off nigger

>> No.30182123

Convert all your BTC to HBAR now.

You have been warned.

>> No.30182161

I always buy more when stupid shit like this gets posted. Did the same with Craig Wright and made gains. Thanks for posting

>> No.30182223

uh, bitcoin is dead the moment there's a war between the u.s. and china, and each country isolates its internet from the rest of the world for national security reasons.

the risk of this happening over the next 20 years is not zero, it's actually pretty significant, and therefore bitcoin is not a store of value.

>> No.30182821

wtf since when are there people that actually know any computer science on /biz/?

>> No.30182850

Questions: can't miners immediately implement this to gain a massive edge before the news becomes more widespread? Should we expect to see a jump in hashrate in the next few days/weeks? What's practically going to happen?

>> No.30182891

Bitcoin doesn't use RSA

>> No.30182907

sick larp bro

>> No.30182970

Pretty sure if RSA is broken, the world will have bigger problems than Bitcoin dying. Entire world economic system would collapse.

>> No.30183199


totally irrelevant

by the time bitcoin starts dropping, it will be too late to get out. the big money will take a while to process the information, some may even wait for proof of concept work to undermine bitcoin, but i suspect they'll get burned.

>> No.30183219

Isn't this just like when senile old Michael Atiyah proved the Riemann Hypothesis and it was just gibberish, then he died the next day?

>> No.30183339


>> No.30183562

he looks like costanza

>> No.30184343
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>> No.30184478
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>> No.30185013

O'brien: That's it! I'm gonna do it!
Satoshi: Do what?
O'brien: Destroy the crypto system! Goodbye Bitcoin.
Satoshi: You can't just destroy the crypto system, it's incredibly secure!
O'brien: That's just what they want you to think. But I've found a way!
Satoshi: Oh, you've found a way? And what is this way you've found?
O'brien: I've been working on it for a long time... here it is!
Satoshi: This says work in progress. There's even spelling mistakes...
O'brien: Oh, I mean this one! See, I've cracked it Satoshi, I've cracked the code. No coming back from this one. Black swans as far as the eye can see.
Satoshi: You do realize Bitcoin uses ecdsa, right?
O'brien: Do I know bitcoin uses ecdsa... of course I do. Did you think I didn't know that... That's why the crypto system dies in a month! One month!

>> No.30185820

And 3 threads on /biz/ with this shit right now

>> No.30185900

the risk of a rogue asteroid made up of 2x the world's gold supply crashing into earth is non-zero too

>> No.30185979
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>> No.30186070

Smells like bullshit

Yes, short answer for us brainlets is that if Schnorr's new supposed algorithm actually worked, he or someone else doubtlessly in the next 48 hours will have broken some smaller level publicly available decryption challenge and posted the prime factorization to show it can be done quickly enough

But then the price of gold only halves, no?

>> No.30186220


So where are the news? Why is there only one post by some autist on a racist frog forum?

>> No.30186491

>doesnt give proof of it working
>flaws in equations
>uses other flawed equations
>literally no one in this space is phased by this paper
nice try rajeed

>> No.30186746

Top kek

>> No.30187320

lets do some quickmaths, fren.

total gold ever mined; 190,000 tons. you say 2x. so we're at 380,000 tons minimum for this asteroid.

average speed of an asteroid impact on earth is 18 kilometers per second.

gold's density is 19.33 grams per cubic centimeter.

380,000 tons is 344730201 kilograms.

given such a mass and density, we can calculate the volume to roughly 17833947284 cubic meters. it follows from this that the diameter of our golden sphere of 2x the total known gold supply is 3240 meters.

the average impact angle is 45 degrees.

this all comes together to form a probable impact event yielding 13257 gigatons, or basically fuck you everyone goodbye.

>> No.30187395

same principle applies for elliptic curve

>> No.30187577

divide by 1 million, it's actually only 0.013 gigatons noob!

>> No.30187615

It doesn’t work like that

>> No.30187621

thank god one non-retarded reply, how are you guys throwing your life savings into crypto without even understanding cryptography

>> No.30187805


That has always been a thing to monitor, yes. There are 3 or 4 potential technological/mathematical breakthroughs that may be on the horizon that could pay bank by allowing vastly faster hash rates, so you should be damned sure every major power is keeping an eye on it. It is both a bounty and an alarm system.

>> No.30187850

>Bitcoin Died Today & No One gave a fuck
Not in it for the tech. Im in it for the MONIES !

>> No.30188102

He's like that priest who was convinces that his "math" calculated when the end of the world was going to be. 2012 came and went and that only man and his "math" now just look ridiculous.