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File: 107 KB, 424x424, BAT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3016210 No.3016210 [Reply] [Original]

BAT Announces Expansion of Global Community and Calls for Regional Leaders

Get in boys


>> No.3016229

Nice. Just bought 100k

>> No.3016234

anon? if you actually read and understood their post, they are literally asking for shills.
Like, do you actually think or do you just see the words "expansion" and "global" and think "MOON!!"
they are literally asking you to shitpost for them on fb

>> No.3016243

>a marketing campaign is a bad thing

>> No.3016275

the problem is that they are asking you to do it for free with buzzword titles. It's no different from an unpaid internship, it's a scam.
Why the fuck you would treat this as a moon mission is beyond me.

>> No.3016310

>Why the fuck you would treat this as a moon mission is beyond me.
almost nothing and i mean nothing about crypto makes any sense

>> No.3016321

they are basically asking whales to get it rolling, since they have the highest stake in this.

>> No.3016384

yeah, which is fucking pathetic to me.

>> No.3016394

who gives a fuck about your feelings? why project that about the value of internet bean memes? more exposure by pajeet wageslaves means more money for us BATholders.

>> No.3016484
File: 50 KB, 1024x576, 1497152110328.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>to me

>> No.3017219

It's cranking. Sorry you didn't get on-board this rocket in time

>> No.3017236

I'll always remember my first moon ride.

>> No.3017359

Will you guys ever listen?

>> No.3017510

looks like it is pumping. When will BAT be worth $5?

>> No.3017711

$10 by sunday, just buy 100k already

>> No.3017775


>> No.3018123


thanks anon just got 250k

>> No.3018138

? about what? It's still a call for shills lmao