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File: 117 KB, 888x768, Fuder really loves $ZNN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
30144035 No.30144035 [Reply] [Original]

How great will $ZNN be that it hasn't even released its NOM phase 0 yet and already we even have our own FUD copy and paste! LoL

And damn, no wonder... A killer DLT by anon team behind which hides...Who? Dorsey? Paradigm? Musk? Any of the crypto-anarchists that were behind BTC with their huge bags full of?

Shit, I'd be really screwed too if that train had passed me by and I didn't know how to recognize it when I could have become a mega whale, worse even, if I had chosen to bury all my money in some shitcoin...

Time is running out newbies! Alphanet is coming... iykyk 1K $ZNN retirement bag

>> No.30144242

This FUD is all real though, and you can verify the claims yourself. It unironically made me avoid buying this scamcoin

>> No.30144763

Sure we do! we will check it out very soon! Alphanet is just around the corner. Then, when they publish the Yellow Paper and some of the main partners are presented.... We will see how real is this FUD. And if those who claimed to escape the scam were not in fact stuffing their bags by leaps and bounds!

Very comfy and ready to HODL, anon.

>> No.30145393
File: 96 KB, 897x683, znnpepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30145669
File: 177 KB, 1280x851, 522DEC6C-D291-46F8-9C36-F15707892EFF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The FUD on ZNN was/ispretty intense. Some guy even made a website for this purpose.

Guess it is normal for a project that is guaranteed to go and stay in the top 5.

>> No.30145812

poo poo in the loo

>> No.30146152

Shit! People can have opportunities right in front of their noses and not take them. Then they will try to excuse themselves.
I'm in with my ZNN anon! Just hodl and relax.

>> No.30146214

The classic bullshit you say when you have nothing to say. Good luck my friend, I imagine you will need it!

>> No.30146257
File: 12 KB, 223x226, photo_2021-01-30_10-44-12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.30146277

been hodling since december 2019 and havent sold a single zennie. comfiest hodl of my life. biz doesnt deserve this. make it stack 1000. $12723 EOY

>> No.30146328
File: 118 KB, 720x778, FB_IMG_1614503708024.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.30146428

not to mention the cleanest website and visuals in all of crypto. With no ICO and no VC's while continuously developing ground breaking DLT tech i wonder who could afford something this slick?

>> No.30146544

How do I hire brown scum like you to shill my shit? Is there some Hyderabadian message board or site I have to visit to recruit you bug people? I can get mexicans by driving to Home Depot, but shitskins like you are proving to be more difficult to acquire. I have $3 ready and waiting to transfer to the account of the first street shitter to contact me who is willing to shill my latest BSC copy/paste token. Please let me know.

>> No.30147196

>Guess it is normal for a project that is guaranteed to go and stay in the top 5.

Statements like these drive people with IQs above 60 away from your shitcoin. I've been here since 2015. Do you know how many different projects made this exact claim? Literally thousands. How many of those ever made good on that claim? Realistically, two of them ever did-- ETH and ADA. How about that anonymous team behind ZNN? Give me one example other than BTC where an anon team has ever ultimately delivered on its promises.

TL;DR-- Newfags are going to lose ever penny they put into this. You've been warned.

>> No.30147343
File: 80 KB, 1018x742, Fred loves the green.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Excuse me anon, today on the moon we must not have the best coverage.... Or maybe it's your prepaid connection.

But don't worry, I have the solution for your $3 budget anon. Invest them in $ZNN and hopefully you won't have to keep flipping through shitcoins anymore.

>> No.30148797
File: 86 KB, 1200x600, B6963EFE-B7FA-4543-A224-5223DCE5F880.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cocksuckers pajeets scammers just found this on bitcointalk :


"- zmnscpxj (squarecrypto confirmed account working on lightning network) confirms that Squarecrypto has nothing to do with Zenon Network. he even posts a weekly log that that can be verified
- Team lies about non-ICO, isn't transparent about how much money they raised in ICO
- calls premine -"personal investment"
- bans people that ask non welcomed questions
- has an explorer with no rich list
- has a roadmap full of wallet updates
- coin is listed on some exchanges known for listing shady coins


Why wont they provide full details about the two hacks? 1. Minting 2.5 million ZNN out of thin air. 2. Staking exploit that made the hacker an undisclosed number of coins.
- Exploits used
- addresses involved and coins blocked
- how many coins did the hacker managed to sell on exchanges and OTC before they blocked his coins from the second hack. In the first hack the hacker sent the coins to the team's addresses. I wonder why he would do that ? Did he got payed to do that? He says he got 30k ZNN as shown in the evidence above. Seems that some people in the zenon tg want others to believe that they made an update for the first hack and this is how they blocked the coins. Clearly a lie and the team bans you if you ask the right questions as shown above in this thread."

>> No.30149439
File: 670 KB, 1434x1550, Don't be like Bill, anon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

FUDer! We missed you already! You have been losing steam lately.

You were cooler when you were compulsively showing up with your copy and paste in every thread,

Hope all is well with you, anon

>> No.30149787

Scam token sage

>> No.30150633

Already? That's all the ammunition you have against $ZNN. Well, wow. I actually understand you guys, a Killer DLT separarte blocklattice/DAG hybrid, smart contracts, Btc interoperability, fast & scalability payments, next gen dApps, scaling the legacy web.... And the best of all?

The best part is that I'm not saying it myself. Alphanet is just around the corner, anons, with the Yellow Paper and hand and some of the main partners presented we will see what happens. And no need to speculate! Isn't it a wonder FUDers? Here is a great illustrative article to whet your appetite, until Alphanet is released and $ZNN takes off.



>> No.30152192

Sir, you are fucking great. Cheers and $ZNN

>> No.30152466

this guy....