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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 199 KB, 1080x1905, 2xCoinsMaybe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
30140786 No.30140786 [Reply] [Original]

Newfag here, just been lurking on biz, I hold nothing. I have $1000. Don't really wanna lose them for first investment.
What shitcoins should I go for. Wanna atleast 2x till the eom or next month?

These are my picks based on what's most shilled here and least shilled and dyor. Pick 2. Or gimme your best.

All in on BAT?
Did I miss RUBIC..
Or is it BOG?

So many good coins so less money to burn, maybe if I did make a 2x i can come back to really make it. :'

>> No.30141013
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Thats stupid, you should go for projects that are legit and starting. Never lose that 1000 and double it anyways.. like prq dexg algo ren albt bond ocean api3 inj or project that mooned with room to growth link btc ada iota dot avax

>> No.30141050

AKRO and/or BAT. 2 solid projects with great Dev teams and long term outlook for growth and partnerships. These are NOT get rich quick (wen muun) shit coin P&D scams.

>> No.30141085

Dexg is riskier, its chinks, i just used it to explain j curve.. pick only 1 coin tho

>> No.30141155

Just keep in mind a lot of people accumulate on the low and the come to /biz/ to shill their bags in the hope newfags just like you pump them

Which board do you come from?

>> No.30141278

Oh yea u listed dexg.. well rsr ersdl are best.. ersdl is probably best shot from what YOU listed

>> No.30141290

This is true. That is why you MUST DYOR and only invest what you can afford to lose.

>> No.30141404

You forgot Coti
>Project that mooned
+Atom, Luna, Kava

>> No.30141427
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>> No.30141436

put that 1k into btc right now and lurk for months while getting a wagie job or something so you actually have real money to put into btc, not a useless amount. and whatever u do, dont risk it on some random altcoin in hopes it will moon

>> No.30141520

EYE seems the best pick.
Then maybe RSR but it is not close.

>> No.30141594

These, OP. Read it again and again until you won't forget.
If everyone's crying to sell, they just want to buy your bags. We are all selfish together here.

>> No.30141619

I dont know coti but thank you ill check it out.. rsr might be forever crab like pnk

>> No.30141699

Just buy AKITA for a quick x5 we pumping soon

>> No.30141767

You missed MUSE, too late, but try $SOTA

>> No.30141771
File: 310 KB, 1182x887, 15284188.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

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>> No.30141844


>> No.30141853

Dont buy eye akita asko bat

>> No.30141961

Its a legit project with really good roadmap, working with ADA, they are releasing many things in March. Coinmarketcal has the dates listed.
Today they had ApplePay implementation (check twitter) so mooned a little.
Really shilled in the last few days but for a reason, saw it shilled back when it was like 0.06$ too... As its ~200 mcap it has really room for growth

>> No.30141995

Harmony and LTO
but you're not going to hold them long enough so it doesn't matter what anyone here suggests. You will panic sell and you will lose.

>> No.30142017
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>> No.30142062

>working with ADA

>> No.30142158

ASKO and RBC. They are the most useful ones, and will gain the most traction this year.

>> No.30142310

Whatever, people who see the potential will invest, if you dont want to invest dont bother responding kek.


>> No.30142406
File: 335 KB, 1080x1076, Link.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Real answer, throw that 1000 in LINK. Out of everything you posted, LINK is the most developed and largest project in crypto. If they do half of what they are trying to do they will be the biggest name in crypto hands down. LINK is not a shitcoin like the others you listed, and it won't just 2x in whatever timespan you give it, but if you buy and hold it will continue to grow over time. Most of the gains it has made have been in a bear market. If you really want to DYOR, I recommend going on youtube and searching "Sergey Navarov" and watching all the interviews with him from oldest to newest. There are only about a dozen, even if a few are over an hour or so.

>> No.30142411

BAT is by far the best choice

>> No.30142458
File: 31 KB, 1280x720, 1CA207BF-734E-432A-AF0C-87FE5ACBA0EE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Asko is the multi chain lend platform with tiered pools and rubic is the multi chain DEX with lower fees. I also like UNN long term but it just pumped so I would wait for it to settle.

>> No.30142486
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>Sergey Nazarov*

>> No.30142500

Bros I understand that when shit is shilled here it's already mooned. My issue is that I have no idea how to find coins that haven't mooned. Can anyone give me any resources?

>> No.30142569

SHIB. No I'm not kidding. For a new investor you'd be fucking stupid to listen to me and not invest in safer fundamentals until you get your feet wet, but this shit is a powder keg right now. Get a little stacklet at least, trust me, you won't regret it. Google analytics showing a HUGE increase in shibaswap searches, devs primed to launch on the 10th.

>> No.30142631

Rbc, trac, sota

>> No.30142671

You could check the dextools hot pairs. But if you are new then you are going to get absolutely wrecked trying to trade brand new tokens.

>> No.30142690

ERSDL is the only real answer

>> No.30142728

Thats not true.. many projects here are in early stages, dumdum

>> No.30142746

Many of those have already pumped and have limited potential to do so again. LUKSO was a good buy a week ago. BAT is pumping today. Rubic is far from a sure thing. MATIC has better odds. ASKO is another longshot.

>> No.30142809


Check out NFT protocol. It and SOTA have the best tokenomics of the NFT coins

>> No.30142971
File: 268 KB, 668x813, IMG_20210303_143912_631.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In the desert I saw a creature, naked, bestial, Who, squatting upon the ground, Held his heart in his hands, And ate of it.
I said, "Is it good, friend?"
"It is bitter – bitter", he answered, "But I like it Because it is bitter, And because it is my heart."

>> No.30142990
File: 75 KB, 1278x721, Welcome to the citadel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To start with you don't need more


>> No.30143360

I only hold AVAX with a small percentage in IOTA at the moment though

>> No.30144186

Terra's token LUNA or the cheaper Luna coin, there is 2 luna's?

>> No.30144578

Terra? Other is just wrapped

>> No.30144657

ERSDL, MATIC and ETH = win

>> No.30144871

woah yea i have mentioned dexg but it looks risky at $230?

LINK..again expensive shit. wont double in acouple of months i guess? for me to reinvest in some altcoin..:/

>Never lose that 1000 and double it anyways


ersdl is legit?

BAT will take years to 2x :/

yep. thanks.


quick 5x .RISK 5x.

SOTA hmm..
suicide stack? give mea number.

i guess this is it.


missed accumulating BAT anyways. feels bad people are literally holding 100k. dont even feel like buying that even if it seems promising.

LTO idk.
whats a suicide stack of harmony look like?

didnt look. dont shill its not moni we can lose here anon.

whats a stacklet look like? how much?


nobody shilled LUSKO here and it literally trippled here. was searching or NFT shitcoins. Saw LUSKO but its too late i guess or too early until nike releases their NFT sneakers or whatever that is.

litearally most hated ones here..


what you think about PPAY + LINK.

>> No.30145078

eth doubling will take ages.

>> No.30145565


>> No.30145595


>> No.30145751 [DELETED] 

Check out Mochimo.org

> Post-quantum Coin

>> No.30146006


Most hated coz everyone FUD on it and then miss the pump

>> No.30146105

$BOG is a great short-term high-gains option right now, no irony. If you compare marketcaps, it can go well over 5x

>> No.30146186

COTI easily.

>> No.30147569

shib will 100x your shitty stack
go in
this time everything pumps


not like before

>> No.30149012

Unironically, I'm all in on bogged.finance - you're not as early as some buyers but its still a pretty easy 10x at least from here

>> No.30149378

FoundryDAO sir $FRY be early, don't jump into pumped shit

>> No.30149523

Of the tokens in your image i hold link and rsr. Fwiw2u

>> No.30149631

ersdl was shilled here when it was below 1 cent. In fact thats how I got in the project and still holding.

>> No.30150019

No mention of EnergyLedger?
It's sign is ELX, check it out, BIG potential.

>> No.30150024


>> No.30150504

Sota suicide stack about 4000 I reckon. I expect an x5. As a starting poorfag maybe get 2000 stack which is plenty to churn up a bit of profit.

>> No.30150620

Also, NFT similar, 2000 would be plenty right now for you

>> No.30150841


All those coins are garbage

You need Bitcoin BTC,ETH,Lite coin and Monero

>> No.30151073

i second BAT, im all in and i dont have anxiety when i wake up anymore. Bought in at 50c and continue to keep hoarding until $1