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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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300519 No.300519 [Reply] [Original]

investing is for people who hate their lives and jobs and dream about escaping "the rat race"

news flash, if you're in the rat race you're an idiot. You should've majored in something you actually care about or acquired skills you find interesting and meaningful.

If you do what you enjoy you never have to work.

>> No.300523

>You should've majored in something you actually care about or acquired skills you find interesting and meaningful

agree 100% with the condition that those skills enable you to be self-employed. that is the golden rule.

>> No.300524

I don't enjoy working. So what do I do?

>> No.300527

And then one you grow up from being an idealistic child, because adulthood means assuming responsibilities, and those responsibilities cost money.

>> No.300528

>I don't enjoy working. So what do I do?

reflect on what you value in life, what you are curious about and what you want your purpose and aim to be.

Once you figure it out mold it into a career.

If nothing interests you then you might have some sort of depression or brain damage, seek a psychiatrist.

>> No.300531


>And then one you grow up from being an idealistic child

You don't grow out of it, you actualize your goals or at least work towards them.

>adulthood means assuming responsibilities, and those responsibilities cost money.

And you will pay those costs with a career you enjoy. Simple.

>> No.300534

That's still an idealistic view of the world. The fact is the vast majority of people aren't going to make a living doing what they love. Otherwise you're just going to end up with a society of musicians, athletes, and pot smokers.

>> No.300537


Not making it (already tried, hated it), playing it

>> No.300538

>The fact is the vast majority of people aren't going to make a living doing what they love.

good thing I'm not talking to the vast majority of humans.

the vast majority of humans live in poverty in underdeveloped countries.

>> No.300540

It's all relative to whichever society you're talking about.

>> No.300541


professional competitive video game players, streamers, youtubers, game reviewers, bloggers, etc.

Tons of people are making a living just by posting youtube vids of themselves playing games.

Some guys make money just by buying and reselling video games on ebay, buy low sell high, look for good deals using your vidya knowledge, etc.

>> No.300638
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you know its true

>> No.300648


>all very original ideas which generate so much money

>> No.300655

This retarded "follow your heart" point of view is the cause for people spending 100k+ in womens studies etc. You have to give something of value in order for society to give you its money. Grow up fucking fags

>> No.300668


Actually you can do both.
what many people fail to realize is that unless you have the resources and can handle the risk of doing what you love, you can always start off doing something else. do that other thing in order to build up capital, experience, professional network. And then pursue your passsion on the side, until you are able to make the full transition

>> No.300810

underage or idealistic retard with no understanding of supply & demand detected, not sure which one.

>> No.300811

>thinking a major determines your future
>implying it doesn't do anything more then get you your first job and the rest is up to experience and networking

American teenagers need their own /biz/ board.

>> No.300812


The problem with this philosophy is twofold.

One, it assumes that everyone has a love or a passion that has economic value to the rest of society.

Two, and more importantly, it assumes that everyone can sustain a level of passion and enjoyment for something even when their economic livelihood depends on it. I love to cook. Thoroughly enjoy it, and I'm good at it. I'm also not naive enough to believe that I would still love it as much if I had to run a restaurant and deal with the rigors of a commercial kitchen every day.

tl;dr: Some hobbies are meant to be just that...hobbies.

>> No.300817
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>Throw over $100k at a degree
>Get out and lucky to find job making $30K a year
>Any job worth it requires graduate degree
>Pull out more student loans
>In more debt than you can pay off
>Interest rates fuck you in the ass
>Happy to walk to work everyday because although you can't afford a car, you are pursuing what you love like what OP suggested.
>Everyone gets off shift and heads to TGIF Fridays to celebrate their amazing careers.
>Just kidding they are going to work tables to pay off student loans.

>> No.300863
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>You should've majored in something you actually care about or acquired skills you find interesting and meaningful.
yeah because life always works out exactly as planned

>> No.300867

i wanna ban you so hard

>> No.300918


Unless you get your degree in finance and learn how to use technical analyses and actually become a broker or financial adviser.

>> No.300932

Its funny people always say shit like this I guess your just young or something. Im 25 so not super old but when i got out of high school right before the housing market crash it wasn't a big deal to get a communications degree or whatever because any good job required advanced education and it really didnt matter in what. Housing market crash changed everything.

the teachers would call the people going to votec (early starting technical school) stupid because at that time college was a way better choice if you could hack it, money wise.

Now we have a simple over saturated market of degrees, a shitty economy which puts a downward pressure on wages and a lack of jobs. Its not exactly these peoples faults that they took out these loans because even with a 80kish loan if you have your average government job paying like 45k your still doing real well as long as you rein in your spending.

the problem is that we have a system which perpetuates this myth that there is a shortage in this field or that field, that you need college and that your going to fail without it.

Its pretty much being mad at people for not being able to predict the future. To anyone in this thread now that is a bit younger I give this advice to you unless your getting a nursing, engineering or pre med dont bother going to college its not worth it currently

>> No.300933


AKA multiple bosses telling you what to do instead of one boss telling you what to do

>> No.300957

That's why you always make
money in business and your earnings always make your efforts.

>> No.300966

I find it hard to take this kind of advice from someone who is NEET or in the rat race himself.

>> No.300981

>implying I don't love not being in the rat race and making mad dosh not doing any real work

life's a zero sum game kiddo, there are winners and losers and it sounds like you're just rationalizing your failure

>> No.300995


I'm in school for engineering F/T. I picked up serving and eventually bartending to pay for rent and such. But you know what happened?

One day I realized that I love bartending!

However, I do realize that engineering is more money in the long run. I mildly enjoy Eng, but do I love it as much as I love tending?

Am I therefore wrong before myself for picking Eng over bar for the simple reason of financial stability and growth?

We all make choices
> To sit home or workout
> To eat broccoli or to eat cake
> To read a book and educate yourself or jerk off

These choices are a thing because we have limited time and opportunity. And I intend on getting the most out of my limited time and opportunity

>> No.301104
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>yeah because life always works out exactly as planned

it works out for those who really try. For you maybe not

>> No.301112


>hurrr I had no goal or direction in life so I just did an easy Communication Degree while living off student loans and partying

>Why can't I get an existentially fulfilling job that also pays really well?!!?!?

Wow Gee I dunno....maybe cuz you got a useless degree and don't even know what you want in life

>> No.301155

I didn't get a communications degree I studied economics. I wasn't speaking to my situation, I was talking about your average person that left for college when I did.

I went to school with the intention of being a labor economist but I found my true calling which is brewing so I got an internship and am going to school for that.

So don't "hur due" me you fucking catamite

>> No.301165



another useless degree

>ended up working manual labor in some brewery

lol, what a future

>> No.301169

Haha economics useless, that's pretty funny.

I'm happy for the manual labor job, enjoy being a desk jockey because lord knows if you don't move that paper around the world will surely stop

>> No.301278

Tell that to my cancer patients

>> No.302951

>f-follow your heart, don't invest or be a wage slave, do/get a degree(lol) in something you love for a living and everything's peachy
>idealistic underage kiddo, git responsibly and contriboot fucking faggot

If you only share one of these plain views, that's full baka. Why intentionally restrict yourself so much? You're playing on Vanilla.

>> No.303006
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What if I majored in something I cared about and invested?

When exactly did putting off immediate gain for long term goals become some kind of great evil?

So you take out consumer and payday loans so you can afford air jordans, ithings, BMWs and holidays in hawaii, then you look at people who study on friday night or don't have fashionable clothes and say "hurr what a creeploser". When you complain about being poor or in debt and people explain to you how your personal choices are the cause, it feels bad, so you pretend it isn't true and use mental gymnastics to escape it. You come up with theories about "equality", how people who work and save are evil and just trying to get the better of you in a zero sum game, why it is justified to pilfer someone's savings and investments, why economic power should be taken from the responsible and given to the irresponsible. Of course this is all aimed at the top 1%, neurosurgeons, groundup entrepreneurs, highly talented people who do what they do nearly all day, not the top 0.01% who might actually be involved in some nefarious activities.

You know what? It's obvious what is happening. You're an idiot. You're not a moral authority on this issue. Fuck you.

>> No.303040 [DELETED] 


>> No.303077


Also, nice upvoting.

>> No.303078

How is it idealistic to pursue what u care about....its basic common sense

>> No.303107


>I can't do what I want so why should everyone else?

Classic wage slave right here.



>> No.303114

>The problem with this philosophy is twofold.
>One, it assumes that everyone has a love or a passion that has economic value to the rest of society.

Stopped reading.

You can make money from almost anything that another human being finds interesting.

If more than 10 humans on the planet find something you're doing interesting and 1 of those people have money you're a success.

More often than not even with a niche product/idea the viable market is usually millions of people.

Just... fuck this board already. I'll be the first to suggest right now that we create a /biz/ for wage slaves and a /biz/ for entrepreneurs because it's two entirely different worldviews, two entirely different models of business.

I've had it with this fucking place.

>> No.303162
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I've never seen someone get trolled so hard.
OP must've mind fucked u m8

>> No.303228

>follow ur dreams!
Was your dream to get paid a lot for your poetry hobby? Or just the poetry? If you didn't care about the money why are you complaining about someone having more than you?
>being this rek'd
>99% BTFO
>u mad
I wasn't even mad. I'm just saying. If I'm wrong why can't you put a word against it?

Try to calm down. This is your life now. Come to peace with it.

>> No.303260

Like someone is supposed to magically know that they enjoy supply chain, or some other bizarre specialization within a business that they won't even know existed until they've been working in the field for 6 years.

What fucking hole do you idiots crawl out of? Did you come out from between the pages of a self-help book?

>> No.303267

I've made my millions three times already and gave the money away again every time. It has no worth for me and I could make millions anytime again. Why would I want to major in anything when I'm 26 years old and already have everything I want? I haven't even graduated from high school

>> No.303272

Because your farmville credits have no value

>> No.303274

we need more pros like you on /biz/

>> No.303305

You guys joke but I'm serious. Hell I could even tell you how it works.

>> No.303316

tell us more...
how did you "made your millions"
how did they gave you the money "over and over again?"

>> No.303353

I sold worthless shit. I bought lipsticks, toilet paper, toothbrushes and all that stuff cheap en masse and sold them to stores gettin more than three times as much money back. It actually started when I worked at KFC and my boss told me that one pack of ketchup costs 6 cents to buy (we sold them for 20)
So I asked the RGM what everything else costs so at home I looked up some prices and made a deal with my fucking employer. I sold him cardboard cups. Weekly.
When I had a bit more money I bought an old bus for 1500 bucks which didn't even have a motor in it. I paid a few bucks weekly so I could put that bus on a parking lot. (I already had a trading license which costs 15 bucks here) With a friend we took out all seats and put some pallets with all kinds of shit on them. Soft drinks, lighters, batterys, USB-sticks, CDs. Literally trash which we got for literally nothing. We have prepared the bus so that people walk in on one side into the bus, take what they want and walk out on the other side where they pay. I spent 2 days in my "office" writing letters and earned 700.000€ within 3 weeks this way by just talking to my phone and sitting on my ass.

Currently I'm building up a fast food chain and I will start with selling toast in an old construction trailer

>> No.303413

That sounds like a great story, no sarcasm intended. Where do you live? I'm surprised people just bought it, how'd you get them to sign for it?

>> No.303416

So you make millions and then give it away.

Can you give it away to me?

>> No.303441

why isn't it already priced in, why isn't everyone doing it etcetera

>> No.303443

why should he give it to you?

>> No.303451

Germany. I learned fast that people love the comfort and hate complicated things. That's why online shopping is so popular. I once sold a knife set to a workmate for 10€. He KNEW that he could buy the same knife set for 5 bucks but he still bought it from me. Because he didn't have to go anywhere to buy it and didn't have to stand in a line.

Of course when selling from pallets I always sold it cheaper than anywhere else. Instead of 1€ profit I made 20 cents but I always keep in mind that profit is profit. Doesn't matter how much it is.
I maybe also have a good eye for a good deal. I once traded a lighter for an old, blunt knife. I polished it, sharpened the blade and traded it for a watch for the watch I got a leather jacket. I kept going on for a month or so and in the end I was sitting there with 2 kilos of weed.

I donated my money last year to charity. I'm completely broke right now.

Some people are doing it but not everyone can do it. Most of the time you need a partner who will most likely try to fuck you over. Other people give their stuff away cheaper to their friends but if you're doing this there is a golden rule: You, your mom and your wife get shit for purchase price. Your brother gets discount and your friends pay minimum price. If doing business you MUST be a jew!

>> No.303471

Oh and another thing is: You have to know people and always be direct.

Pretty important when you buy shirts for 5€ from turkey and sell them to a turk here in Germany for 10€.
By the way: I really did this and the funny thing is that I got the shirts from the company who produce for Lacoste. It's bizarre that a Lacoste shirt costs 90€ here and a small crocodile looking patch doesn't cost that much

>> No.303499

700k in 3 weeks or 700?

Almost a million in 3 weeks selling crap?

>> No.303514


Where did u buy cheap stuff? Was it fake stuff you sold as authentic?

How did you advertise your sale bus. What about eBay? Alibaba?

>> No.303519

No reason why he should, just if he is, why not me, shit I want some easy money, would make life easier.

>> No.303695
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>$700,000 in 3weeks
>making just dollar in profit per sale on cheap items

so you sold around 700,000 items in 21 days?

so between 33,333 items per day? ppl actually believe this story

>> No.303702

>It's bizarre that a Lacoste shirt costs 90€ here and a small crocodile looking patch doesn't cost that much
so basically counterfeiting

I'm imagining sales might be the most difficult part of this. You will end up with a garage full of junk like Rodney Trotter that you can't shift, things you didn't pay much for but no one is really buying.

>> No.303755

i'm sorry but to make $700000 in one week you would have to earn ~$33333 per day... all that volume... on a bus... with two people...

i call bullshit

>> No.304960

I made 700k within 3 weeks and the bus was just one of the things we made. I sold several things at the same time. I sold to Fast Food chains, groceries, small stores, large stores, everyone.

>so basically counterfeiting
No. I sold them to people who faked Lacoste shirts but I bought them legal. EVerything I did was legit.
Yea It can happen that you end up not selling your shit but when you have enough connections it's not a problem. Also when you make 10.000 in one month and nothing the next month it's no problem, really. But there are always risks. I had lots of luck, tbh. I was never fucked over also despite having total strangers as partners most of the time.
As I said, I had lots of projects at a time. When I was 23 I even sometimes lost overview.
The thing is that I bought en masse. I got bulk discount but the main thing was that I didn't have to pay for storage (I used an old garage of a friend) and next to nothing for transport. Also I didn't spend a penny on advertisement and always the minimum if I needed a "store". It's easy to keep the price down this way.
My partner at that time was basically doing the "advertisement". We mostly sold to young people and women. Because they always come back with their friends.
It was a crazy time. I sold shirts by the kilo and I had a connection at this huge chain of stores called Müller. I sold lipsticks and combs to them. Almost everyone who sold something in this city got it from me

>> No.305022


you're delusional and have actually started believing your own lies.

> I sold several things at the same time. Fast Food chains, groceries, small stores, large stores

You said people just walked into your bus and bought $33,333 dollars worth of stuff each day. Now you went out and prospected clients?

Give us an example of a typical day. How you acquired and sold $33k

>> No.305028

I make 5 million dollars a month to do illegal stuff the government can't do. Like make people disappear. Also I sell safeways and subway sandwich shops everyday as my "legit" job.

>> No.305111

Alright let's say the purchase price for a lipstick is 1€. Müller sells them for 5€ but they don't get their products from the producer. They get it from a logistics company who sells a lipstick for let's say 4€. The logistics company has lots of costs because they have to pay their workers and drivers and all the storage room and whatnot so they aren't really able to play with the price. It's easier for Müller tho because they get everything from that company but when a guy like me buys 50.000 lipsticks. That's 50.000€ minus let's say 5% quantity discount the producer gets 47.500€ from me. But instead of selling it for 4€ I make a "non-recurring offer" for 2€ with 10% quantity discount.

I think you can do the math yourself.

I know you still don't believe me but I don't know how to prove anything. Maybe I'm a liar, who knows but I can tell you one thing for sure:
-The producer is always diligent
-The retailer is always trying to compete
-The consumer is always lazy

You just have to know how to exploit this.
The more you buy from a producer the cheaper you get it. The cheaper you get it the more you can sell. The more you can sell the more you can buy again.

>> No.305122


Explain how you moved so much product and sold directly to retailers on such a massive level.

>> No.305141

For small retailers I used a car or a van. I love taking Müller as an example because I didn't sell to the stores but to their warehouse which distributes goods to their stores. It's also a funny story because we had to drive 5 times there and back. It suddenly started raining but they didn't accept the goods before the shipment was complete so we had to let the pallets outside and they almost refused everything in the end. I'm thankfull to whoever invented the foil you wrap pallets in with.

Later on finding storage was pretty hard but I realized that it's a busniess where you start small and it gets harder the bigger you get. Every time I reached the millions I had to quit after a while because it was already too much work for too little money. The best times were when I made 100k in a month and didn't have to work for a year.

>> No.305150


I mean how did you contact and pitch your sale to retailers/warehouses? Not how you drove there.

Did you just call them and say "I have 500000 random lipsticks and products, wanna buy them for X?"

>> No.305151

>700k in 3 weeks
>Donated it all

The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

>> No.305163


ya but it's fun to entertain his idiocy, he's trying really hard lol

>> No.305168

No I called them, told them I might have an offer for them. They told me all the information I wanted and then I wrote them a letter with an offer. The trick is to write lots of letters to lots of companies. Out of 10 letter I wrote I got 1 answer.

But the best thing is when you are doing this business for years and people know you. A few years ago I was on what I call a "Coca-Cola-orgy". All kinds of business people, franchisers, partners and their mothers get invited to these events and while Coca-Cola gives free shit away like phones and tablets, people trade numbers and cards and connections. I was standing there with my 50€ suit surrounded by snobs but every single one of them wanted to give me money

>> No.305205

>But the best thing is when you are doing this business for years and people know you

You made it sound like you just did this for a month or two and made then made "700k in 3 weeks"...

Now you're saying you did it for years?

>> No.305217

Well maybe my English sucks too much. I have given you some examples. Maybe you should know that I always had several projects going on at a time but I was doing this since I'm 19. I'm 26 now and if you read my first post you will see that I already stated that I have made my millions three times this way. Maybe you should read more carefully.

And before I'll go now and you are going to ask me why I give my money away again and why I don't live like a god I'll tell you what I always say:
It's the only thing I'm good at. And it's the only thing I want to do. Making gold out of shit but treat gold like it was shit too.

>> No.305409

The only real way to make money with vidya is making them. If you are not smart enough to do it, then sorry, you are a failure at life, kill yourself.

I love vidya, but unlike you, I was not lazy and started learning how to make games when I was 15.
Now I have my own game company, we make around 100k per month, not that much, but the company is still growing.

>> No.305415

>if you're in the rat race you're an idiot.
>You should've majored in something [...]

stopped reading there

>> No.305417

Prove it faggot

>> No.305464
File: 170 KB, 902x866, march.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lurk more faggot, this is not the first time I write about my story in /biz/.

I have a CS degree and started my company 2 years ago. Having a degree is worthless in my opinion, unless you want to work for someone else.

Check screenshot, iOS march profit, we also have the same games of Android and Windows Phone. All in all my business makes around 100k per month.
Of course, by now I have two artists working with me, but still, I pay each 3k per month, I pocket 94k myself.

>> No.305472

what genre of games do you make?

anything one person can do on their own? i have no experience with sound or graphics, so doing that plus coding a game seems daunting

>> No.305477 [DELETED] 

link to game, i want to play

>> No.305481


sell me that game.

>> No.305497

Why I would sell something that makes such a big profit per month?
What worries me is that the mobile phone game craze won't last, but when that happens I probably already banked enough to never have to work again.

You don't need custom sound or music, buy them cheap from audiojungle or whatever.
For graphics, do what I did, in the beginning get a chinese or indian to work for you, but of course, find one that is actually good -> difficult part.

Total money invested in graphics and sound in first game was 200$.
Plus 500$ for a second hand macbook.

And in the next games, it was even less, I started reusing assets, reusing code etc.
Some games costed me less than 20$ to make (of course, I'm a coder, so that keeps the cost low, since assets can be used or bought for cheap).
Most of my games were failures, as you can see in the screenshot, there's one making 90% of the money, and dozens more in the bottom, most making zero.

To make money in mobile games you need either a combination of creativity, skill and luck.
As long as you have the first two, luck can be exploited by pumping new games as fast as possible.

Never spend more than one month doing a game. Flappy bird for example can be made in just one hour if you're skilled enough. And that game made millions.

>> No.305505

>Why I would sell something that makes such a big profit per month?

I mean sell me a copy of the game. Link it.
What's your company called?

>hurr durr it's a big secret

or do you just like to roleplay online?

>> No.305537

Show me one rich guy in /biz/ that voluntarily disclosed his real entity on 4chan.

Protip: You can't, no one in their sane minds would commit such mistake.

>> No.305559

>Show me one rich guy in /biz/

Implying there are any, ever.
Implying they ever bother to mention it.

Sorry only roleplayers make up "rich" personas for themselves on /biz/ you are one of them.

>> No.305571

We are all poor in way or another :^)

>> No.305577

>being happy is an idealistic view

It's too bad we have an irrational compulsion to live, it perpetuates so much needless suffering. I'd rather kill myself than assume a ton of burdens and responsibilities over my own happiness. There is no reason to live, there is also no reason not to live, so live when life is good, when life isn't good just don't live.