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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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30099377 No.30099377 [Reply] [Original]

Large investor
Onboarding banks

>> No.30099408

$2 by June?
Or $20 by June?

>> No.30099477
File: 6 KB, 352x86, HOWIEYES.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

10% of aave

>> No.30099541

We are going to fucking make it, Howie wills it.

>> No.30099753

More like 1:1 aave, and then some. unFederalReserve will have real, established financial institutions using the platform, not just autistic neets like aave).

>> No.30099815

somebody is paying attention...good

>> No.30100152

Howie thank you, I'm sorry for doubting you at 1 cent. Can you forgive me Howie?

>> No.30100163

So what are your realistic price predictions for eoy and eo22

>> No.30100233

4$, 20$.

>> No.30100241

only if you load up now
we will see $40 dollars by end of the year
2022 see >>30099753

>> No.30100284

I have a small bag of 25k. How much do I need?

>> No.30100508

you will be happy I can assure you

>> No.30100597

nice dubs
also check em we hit 1$ EOW

>> No.30100651

Is it gonna godown at all, or should I grab as much as I can now?

>> No.30100698

Go ahead and buy. There will be more big news coming soon

>> No.30100707

idk man i dont think it will go down till atleast 30 cents ish

>> No.30100892
File: 69 KB, 1078x630, howie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just bought 70k more Howies. don't even care if it's the top, feels good.

>> No.30100927
File: 66 KB, 458x715, hghg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dam out of all my altcoins, it's literally the biggest one.

>> No.30100980

i wish i wasnt so poor i bought 150$ worth and spent 60$ in gas not realizing how fucked i was getting on uniswap but atleast we mooning

>> No.30101070

True I bought 1 ETH worth at 6 cents didn't really have high hopes at all. I'm just happy I got on the next GRT/PRQ early.

>> No.30101081

With $150 a month ago you would have almost had a 100k stack

>> No.30101148

got in at 9 cents this morning or whenever

>> No.30101160

DESU it was looking like the coin was dead, it used to be at 3 cents and then tanked super hard so I don't blame anon.

>> No.30101253
File: 55 KB, 1085x371, TheFUGGER.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he tried to help us

>> No.30101255

who the hell is pumping this and how high can this go? WTF?

>> No.30101304

1inch bought 135 eth worth today banks are coming

>> No.30101326

Kek this is amazing, even small buys are pushing it higher and no one wants to sell.

>> No.30101389


>> No.30101526

First timer here bought in November on a shill thread held when I should of cut losses now I'm up 10x thank you so much Howie we're all gonna make it bros remember to take ur profits

>> No.30101537

watch the ticker as we easily cruise 19 overnight