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File: 26 KB, 964x284, 1614736831816_10yr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
30090576 No.30090576 [Reply] [Original]

You guys watching this shit like a hawk? You should be. It matters more than any TA or FUD you are reading about your shitcoin or stock.

>> No.30090634

It's true, unfortunately. The fed controls whether or not we pump or dump

>> No.30090638

Omg 1.4% so high

>> No.30090653

Why should i care about shitty US manipulations?

>> No.30090691

What’s the significance of the chart you posted?

>> No.30090740

Because if that number starts rising again you will see a 10-15% dump in equities. And 50-75% drop in your shitcoin of choice.

>> No.30090852

Rising bond yields are bad for equities. The more speculative/risky the worse it geta affected.

Bond yields rise when inflation is expected and nobody wants to buy bonds.

>> No.30090853
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>1.4%!!!!! Amazing yields!!!! Dump EVERYTHING

>> No.30090877

Do you have any opinion on what could be to come op?

>> No.30090923

Operation twist starts soon doesn’t matter long alts

>> No.30090928
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>> No.30090991


>> No.30090999

I think they rise, i think you see a dump. The fed will jump im and try control yield with blank check bond buying. Hopefully it works. If not invest in pink wojacks.

>> No.30091398
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I think we're going to see a mass panic coming & the talking heads are starting to show it subtly but I'm not sure what the end result will be.

I've seen people say those investing in fundamentals will be rewarded, people suggesting the dollar will collapse but the influx of silver will be a return to a silver backed currency so the panic will subside, & the worst case scenario being that our money will be worth nothing and we're set for potentially one of the worst historical global collapses...

I think things will get really messy, really soon, and I've been preparing for that... I've been right with my intuitions thus far and what I thought would be the end result of all this was prosperity we haven't seen in a long time... I hope that's the case and i'm to stick to my original bet, but my opinion is just that, an opinion based on hope.

>> No.30091517
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I spent 5 min reading about bond yields and I still dont understand why a bond yield increase is bad for the economy. There are also so many articles claiming it is nothing to worry about which is making me even more anxious.

>> No.30091521

Nah i think it will be a decade of lost growth. You will see lots of crabbing. Honestly id prefer armageddon.

>> No.30091596

Its bad for equities and speculative assets like crypto. Rising bond yields are partly due to the fact that people are optimistic about the actual economy

>> No.30091687

Why are you commenting when you don’t know what you are talking about? The yield curve is a fixed price the market is not involved. The FED is already doing yield curve control. The only reason the yield curve rises is if the FED stops buying enough paper

>> No.30091815

Fixed by who you faggot? The bond market determines the rate.

The FED is not doing yield curve control its doing QE. Similar but not the same.

>> No.30091830

Not just equities but also MBS and housing.

>> No.30091863

I'm interested to see his take just as I'm interested to see yours.

>> No.30091948
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YCC confirmed

>> No.30092044

That shit goes to 3%+ and its game over, bud

>> No.30092128
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They are doing YCC without announcing it. Not sure if permanent or temporary just to calm down the bond market after last week, but they have been doing it the last. It’s obvious.

>> No.30092171
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>The FED is not doing yield curve control

>> No.30092254

is there anyway to look at the volume of bonds traded

>> No.30092256

Thanks for auction calendar sir, I appreciate it

>> No.30092306

QE on longer maturities IS YCC you mong.

>> No.30092378


Its not. Im not saying it isnt buying bonds and affectung the yield. Yield curve control has a specific definition they predetermine a yield and print and buy as much as possible to keep it there.

Clearly not the case as the yield has been up and down past few days.

>> No.30092385
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>Its bad for equities and speculative assets like crypto
So does that include stocks or just shitty investments? I heard there is a massive bubble in the stock market. Wouldnt a crash be catastrophic to the economy?

>> No.30092452

Well in that case it isnt working. Thats very bad.

>> No.30092462
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YCC does not require a yield target, but can also simply be a yield cap, as is completely fucking clear that is what has happened.

>> No.30092561

They appear to only be targeting the 10Y due to the disorderly sell off last week and the spooking it gave markets. I’m not sure if it’s a permanent cap or only temporary, but it’s there. They may make it temporary and hope no one notices, but it’s too late and it’s too obvious. That’s why the market didn’t boom today, while gold miners went 3-5% today.

>> No.30092697

>original bet,
Which is?

>> No.30092734

Bonds are purchased at auction. More people want to buy means bond yields are low, less people want to buy you raise the yield to entice buyers. You can think of the yield as the apr we pay for debit and because we have a lot of debit and (((they))) want even more debit they want to keep this yield as low as possible. The problem is no one is buying them, so to keep yields low the fed buys them, all unofficially of course but this is kind of an open secret at this point. If the yield increases that means even less people want to buy them so the fed needs to buy even more to push it back down. It's the complete opposite of a free market and it's completely fictional. Once the fed announces ycc, yield control curve, that means they are officially acknowledging they're purchasing bonds to keep the yields low and admitting no one wants to buy our debt. Then people begin to lose confidence in US bonds and try to sell them and I'm not sure what happens next but it won't be good.

>> No.30092768
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Everyone is dodging the question so here it is
Government bonds rise to adjust for inflation
When inflation rises it is harder to make a tangible gain in stocks
When government bonds rise, corporate bonds rise
This is due to risk free rate plus risk rate, and the government bond is risk free rate which is higher now
As these rates rise investors switch to them because they are safer than stocks
Because they do this, others do this because stocks are falling while inflation is rising

>> No.30092826
File: 74 KB, 1249x703, I digress....jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't lose unless you sell, and there is still value in the market that I think has been unfairly affected with the craziness. I'm a new investor keep in mind, one stock I liked a lot was MP Materials. They're was a lot of speculation about if it'd be worth the risk based on foreign partnerships for rare metals. With Biden's recent executive order to bring home microchip investments, that certainly helped the value of that stock. JP Morgan came on today and gave it a buy rating because of electric cars & wind energy, I call bs on that reasoning but since november it's had a great return and I can see that continuing if we stay the course. Keep in mind, there were still stocks that boomed during the great depression, and I think there's diamonds that won't turn to coal. RTX maybe another good one... just saying

>> No.30092906

australia and japan did ycc last week, no ycc from usa

>> No.30092928

You lose by having your money hostage in a security rather than pulling it out and turning it into gains lmao. Time value retard stop spreading Reddit memes

>> No.30093069

>announced YCC
I didn’t say they announced it. I’m saying the Fed has been DOING it since aftermarket on Thursday all the way through today.

>> No.30093120

bc the 10Y lost a little steam while ramping up for 6months?

>> No.30093207

it's what wallstreet jews pay their useful idiots to use as an excuse for blatant market manipulation that magically peaks every time they got caught in one of their illegal short attacks

>> No.30093209

I dont think theres enough evidence of full blown ycc

>> No.30093234

>yield makes a multi year high then dips a little and crabs
>you think this is unusual and is evidence of a conspiracy

>> No.30093298

As a not new investor, you do loose if you don’t sell lol.

Why every professional trader utilizes stoplosses.

>> No.30093342

I think you know what you're saying. They definitely don't want to be fast to come out and say they're doing it, and especially won't be up front about hard number values targeted.

I have a hard time they've not been doing it for years so that zirp could work.

>> No.30093383
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>inflation is bad for bitcoin

>> No.30093493

rising bond yields and interest rates restrict free money and that is bad for bitcoin. saylor is only buying bitcoin because he gets 0% interest loans

>> No.30093519

> bad for equities
If people arent buying bonds to weather inflation what are they buying. Ill give you a hint

>> No.30093522

that's what kills me. 1.4% is so absolute dogshit

>> No.30093542
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I’m not buying it, kike. This is blatant.

>> No.30093563

Not really too different than QE, what's the big deal?

>> No.30093576

Whatever you want to call it. It is just hovering st the same rate, you're telling me price discovery just stopped and everyone agrees on a price all of a sudden? Please.

>> No.30093589
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Ok you fucking faggot

>> No.30093630

It signifies we are in the next phase of the Fed losing control. It’s a drawn out process.

>> No.30093646

reminds me of when I use to check all the European 10 years all day everyday during the European debt crisis.

>> No.30093651


>> No.30093677
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what happens next?
what do we do to not get just'ed?

>> No.30093751
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>believing the yield meme
the common theory for yields rising = bearish equities is circular logic if you think about it. yields rise to attract more buyers towards bonds which means that equities have a better outlook than bonds in the first place. if anything, yields increasing is indicative of inflation which is bullish for equities. no, the real reason why equities dumped last week despite rising yields is to allow market makers even out the leverage in the market, and to accumulate inventory to fill the spreads which they have no hope of doing at the rate the market was going up. simple supply and demand.
dont believe me? zoom out on the yields vs equities: yields have been increasing consistently since the crash last year, and we're supposed to believe a little jump in yields suddenly caused a massive dip in the stock market last week?

>> No.30093775

So many people have no clue what this means. Take an econ class

>> No.30093787

No anon. Im not denying the fed is buying bonds. Or that the reversal wasnt due to the fed buying bonds.

Im saying there isnt enough evidence to conclusively say that the Fed has set a policy where it has decided what the rate shiuld be and revved up its printers to achieve this rate.

The scariest posssibility is that they have set a rate and theyve just lost control of the market.

>> No.30093820

so how do we prepare anon? What do we do?

>> No.30093838

thanks for this

>> No.30093865

how does the fed control this yield percentage on the 10-year, anon?

>> No.30093904

No one wants to buy bonds. If the fed wasnt intimitely involved yields would be much higher

>> No.30093917

what are these lineess?

>> No.30093961

Sorry i misread your post

>> No.30094015

Rising yields = rising interest rates on all private lending. That would assrape the economy, equities, housing everything.

>> No.30094042

it's as safe as it gets, "either the US government collapses or I get my money"
attractive to people with a lot of money who want to be absolutely sure they will continue to have a lot of money

>> No.30094054

the countries that do YCC are generally providing liquidity to a market and the buy it up otherwise their banks fall apart. The USA does QE which isnt touching the open market, they just buy from a bank and give them cash.

When the markets correct countries like canada and australia will be bagholding their own worthless bonds and come up with a way to sell them back to citizens directly, while FED will own much nicer assets.

>> No.30094150

What about negative yields? Is tha possible? Cheap debt makes sense in a crisis, and it has been after each one to prop up the economy

>> No.30094162

They are putting a cap on a very important yield for market sentiment. This isn’t about liquidity, this is about signal control.

>> No.30094182

>all unofficially of course
Uhh... no, it was 85 billion open market repo or some shit a month and they stopped it recently. Thats why yields are going up.

You think they can't keep yields low? Look at Japan.

>> No.30094388

What do treasury bills that sell like dogshit at auctions have to do with the FEDs set intrest rates.

>> No.30094463

They are negative real yields already anyway. I think its possible but its a bad look and FED is image concious

>> No.30094509
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Ok fags hear me out. Rising 10 year bonds is bad for equities bcs it makes short term borrowing expensive, therefore corps will be refinancing at a higher rate pushing some of them to bankruptcy. It’s also bad for speculative investments. You are welcome frens

>> No.30094516

The doesn't set private interest rates.

>> No.30094593

except rising yields hasnt impacted interest rates in the past 6 to 8 months at all

>> No.30094613

I don’t believe in any of this made up bullshit

>> No.30094639

And treasury bills somehow do? Also isn't the yield of those going down once enough people buy because of the high yield? The 10Y FUD makes zero sense to me.

>> No.30094670

Why don’t you try doing some critical thinking instead of peddling lies some guy with a big nose told you on TV? If the FED is buying bonds and can buy or sell as many as they want then logically they are able to set prices within a range that they want aka YCC. There is no free market in government debt. Japan’s CB owns 80% of their debt and the FED is not audited

>> No.30094686

Why would they refinance into a higher intrest loan?

>> No.30094724
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It’s the real yield that’s negative not the yield. Study some finance and economics for god sake

>> No.30094862

No the banks will set their rates higher.


Thats literally what I said. The real rates are negative.

>> No.30094931
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For the people asking why is it so low. In finance the higher the risk the higher the reward and vice versa. The bond yield is so low bcs they are “supposed” to be a safe heaven. It’s as safe of an investment as it gets . Basically the gov is guaranteeing that u gonna get me paid at maturity. U are welcome frens

>> No.30094939


Because they have to. Everything is hugely overleveraged.

>> No.30094970
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It's also how fast it rose which is worrisome.

>> No.30095003

The thing about QE is that it's a specific amount of bonds purchased on a regular basis, very predicable. Official YCC means that is no longer enough, they have no real solution or alternative plan in place so they no longer have a set monthly limit in their purchases. Basically a change in a hard limit on the debt they can buy to no upper limit, from "almost" unlimited purchases to defacto unlimited purchases.

>> No.30095047

The classic
>I've been preparing
Then doesn't say how.

>> No.30095068
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QE is completely different than YCC. Anons

>> No.30095118

Fed is having to print ungodly amounts of dollars to buy bonds to keep rates down. This all when they stopped making the M1 chart public. Seems like hyperinflation is 100% guaranteed soon.

>> No.30095225

based jerome about to back up the truck and buy

>> No.30095382
File: 38 KB, 425x283, 9087A4B5-13E5-4FD6-A876-65A73A753B27.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is the conclusion for u anons: the feds can do whatever the fuck they wanna do . Print and inject as much liquidity as they want to implement their retarded fiscal policy. Free Market and Market laisser faire my ass. Don’t worry anons they just gonna keep manipulating that shit like they have always done. U are welcome frens

>> No.30095456

This. It’s monetary escalation, signaling everything they have been doing is not working.

>> No.30095533

Worth it to hold equities long through the sell off?

>> No.30095616

burry is selling a shit ton of stocks and hes buying calls to hedge against it

basically just buy calls with a really low strike and if shit hits the fan you just exercise that call and pay the premium and then you buy a bunch of stocks at a low price and youre set. hes buying GOOG calls

>> No.30095676

To defend your capital from inflation a quite sensible thing to do would be to diversity into:

Preservation of value of capital = gold (yep, Schiff is kind of right)

Preservation of value / invesment = BTC

Investment = dividend stocks (they get pumped along with other assets but since you get dividends payouts it mitigates the effect of inflation)

>> No.30095709

what about staking stable coins? good or stupid?

>> No.30095775

Once the fed announces YCC it's game over, that's the captain of the ship telling everyone to abandon ship. YCC in the US is pretty much an official announcement from the jews that no (((fiat))) currency has any real value anymore and to get out as fast as you can. Granted by this point the jew has already positioned himself and his assets in the most favorable position possible.

>> No.30095811



>> No.30095815

what do i do if that happens? just sell all my stocks or what? doesnt inflation get raped when that happens too? or just markets?


>> No.30095844

Go back to basics anon because you don't know what you're talking about

When yields reached 3% in 2018 equities world wide crashed 25% and the FED immediately stepped in to resume QE. At a certain point at any given time, yields cause major capital flight out of incredibly overvalued, speculative equities and into the safer bonds.

>> No.30095920

But unlike crypto and stocks we can't start changing this shit. It's a govt set rate, not some free market shit. Best you can hope for is a fair election but aside from that it's hurry up and cry.

>> No.30095998

long run stocks only go up. i went cash but will buy some dip next couple days.

>> No.30096061

Yield control curve

By that point it's already too late, selling your stocks will get you nothing more than an IOU for worthless fiat. Granted it would be very high, just look at the stock markets in venezuela or weimar germany during hyperinflation, they went to the moon in terms of worthless paper currency

>> No.30096082


>> No.30096109

what the fuck do i do now? i made decent gains off stocks and crypto and cashed almost everything out because the yield started going up and everything is going down so much

>> No.30096147
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This . Why would any investor take a risk if they can get a nice yield risk free.

>> No.30096165

Japan has been doing YCC for a while and pulling it off.

>> No.30096209

3%? When I was a kid, they paid that on Savings Accounts at the bank, bonds were at 5% or more.
Get this jewish ponzi shit out of here.

>> No.30096221

LOL no. When this bubble pops equities are going down by half.

>> No.30096293


don't listen to these retards

diamond hands > paper hands

>> No.30096306

>pulling it off

Japans economy sucks

>> No.30096339

Now? Aquire physical assets like land, gold and other PMs, firearms and ammo, or other physical assets that can generate capital. Really anything you can physically posses. Crypto i have no idea, it's never been around for these financial meltdown scenarios so whatever would happen in that space is anyone's guess. Granted i don't think this scenario will play out in the next few months but before the decade is over we'll see some shit.

>> No.30096405

family is the only wealth that matters. get a woman, make children, work to grow your allies and your skills.

>> No.30096422

After they got assfucked in 1991/2 it took years before they crawled back.

>> No.30096447

im thinking about it im a poorfag. im like half crypto and half cash right now with a little bit in stocks. im thinking of buying gold but i wanted to use my money to move out soon fuck

>> No.30096475

The world doesn't revolve around the value of the yen. if japan had the worlds reserve currency I can tell you things would be different. When someone asks how much the yen is worth they're quoted a price on a dollar basis

>> No.30096533

Plus you can eat them when things get rough :^)

>> No.30096538

I stand corrected, this should be your highest priority. People you can trust will always be the best asset of all

>> No.30096572
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To reiterate, the global equity market is now so overlevered and so absurdly overvalued, as a result of government intervention, that yields of even a historically pathetic 1.5% are enough to cause a market sell off. What do you think would happen if the went back to just 3% like they did in 2018? It would be game over.

>> No.30096609
File: 299 KB, 1242x758, lyn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you expect that to happen you would go into durable/defensive markets (commodities, energy, gold) or foreign to safer waters (India, Russia Singapore ETFs or something). I'd check out Lyn Alden's free newsletter portfolio for some ideas. When things are going well money goes to different places than when it's going poorly- think of it as risk and return on, vs safety and security on.

You could use BlockFi or something like it for crypto or M1 Finance for cash to essentially borrow your money from yourself.

>> No.30096673

>lending money for 10 years to some nigga who already owes 27 trillion

>> No.30096740

They did it during WWII to pay for the war and it sent inflation to 20% by 1950, it's pressing the big button

>> No.30096818

You'd be better off to cash out those stocks and buy back after the dust has settled.
Good as long as the stablecoin remains stable, and the liquidity/interest source you're using doesn't rug you. But I would still diversify.

>> No.30096820

Debt levels are in orbit compared to when you were a kid. 3% crashed them in 2018 and we are even MORE levered now in 2021. It won’t take 3% to crash everything. It’s even lower.

>> No.30096902

>It's also how fast it rose which is worrisome.
what does that mean?

>> No.30096982

theyre up like 150%

>> No.30097037

Lol. Why are you even here?

>> No.30097066

>3%? When I was a kid, they paid that on Savings Accounts at the bank
Holy fuck I miss those days. Back when you had your own bank pocketbook that was stamped with transactions and balances. Dad took me to open my own account as a kid to deposit 20 dollars lmao
At least we can make 10%+ on stablecoins now.

>> No.30097161
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>physical assets that can generate capital
>gold and other PMs, firearms and ammo
What? Are you going to rob someone or what is the mechanism which generates capital from firearms and ammo?

>> No.30097985
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Have you not seen price inflation on guns and ammo over the last year? These things appreciate very well during times of uncertainty. They're kind of like watches, you buy the right ones and they appreciate in value. But also ammo is going to stay expensive there aren't many domestic lead refineries

>> No.30098113

why do people buy guns? do people really fucking think a bunch of people are gonna come raid their house and the whole grid goes off and its wartime? kek

>> No.30098184

lol what do you think will happen if food becomes scarce?

>> No.30098216

>food scarce

>> No.30098238


>> No.30098247
File: 564 KB, 1029x832, Reddit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

HAHHAHAHAHA I make that in a fucking hour! THIS MARKET WILL NEVER CRASH! Fuck all these BOBO bitch ass FUD munchers. I'm gonna buy more TESLA, and there is nothing you can do to stop me.

>> No.30098330
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I dont care why they buy them demand makes them appreciate even more. They've been performing well against inflation for a while, great investments if you want something physical that isn't PMs or something like jewelry

>> No.30098351

Wouldn't you buy puts? Why buy call contracts to hedge on stocks tanking? If stocks tank the price is low , you can buy them up. Aside from locking in a specific price when you want to buy millions worth and don't want to shoot the price up as you buy. I assume I'm retarded but I don't see it.

>> No.30098397
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you could pay nerthlans the privlage for using a banking system instead?

>> No.30098435

only pity is that felonious nigger wasn't put down 40 years ago

>> No.30098437

But in theory wouldn't this cause people to flock to crypto? Fuck going back to silver or gold, 1913 was a long time ago.

>> No.30098472

Imagine being this naive. Literally the embodiment of "it may happen to others, but it could never happen to me!"

>> No.30098494

i dont know a whole bunch about it either but the game is a little different when youre talking 8 figures worth of investments

puts you are basically fucked unless the market goes down but if it doesnt you lose out on all the money. with calls if the market goes up you sell the calls and make money or you just lose the premium and nothing else and you have the right to buy 100 shares of google at the strike price any time you want

so if you google crashes 50% you have the right to buy shares at $40 or some shit and then sell them higher or hold them. calls are meant to hedge a crash not be traded like candy by reddit kek

>> No.30098541

ive heard about that shit forever load up on canned food and ammo and at the end of the day theyre always just dumb asses with beans and bullets. i would like to hedge against inflation or a market crash though but i dont think were going to get fucked

>> No.30098618

shooting is a lot of fun, but yes clown-world has tapped into the market and made paranoid schizophrenia a fashion statement. any accountant from alburqueque can acquire an AR to get that nice warm feeling that their solipsistic existence will outlast whatever boogeyman they imagine to get out of bed in the morning.

>> No.30098679

s&p dividend is 1.48% so ya thats why this number is important to watch you mongrel fucks

>> No.30098725

So I should buy bonds?

>> No.30098784


>> No.30098787
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In the 80s, you could get 15% 10y Bonds. If you had a million dollars, you could extremely safely make $150,000 per year on it. Sounds extremely comfy

>> No.30098793

Ya I guess that makes sense. I just assumed the premium on call with really low strikes would be expensive. But from my experience with trying to make Puts it makes sense. When shit tanks it does hard and fast. Almost impossible to call, even when I did call local highs and lows with insane accuracy I didn't make shit on puts considering the level of risk.

>> No.30098930

if i get rich thats exactly what i wanna do though. id stock up a couple guns and boxes of ammo, id get some gold and silver bars to put in safe somewhere and own land stocks crypto everything

i think stocking up on silver coins as a poorfag is kinda pointless tho lol

>> No.30098964

yeah but hes burry. his whole life is managing shit loads of money he doesnt look at cost he looks at safety

>> No.30099056

>theyre up like 150%
this is an old news
btc is mooning

>> No.30099144

Were you not paying attention over the last year? Did you not see how incredibly fragile our food infrastructure is? We had meat shortages in areas of the country, the polar vortex that just rocked our bread basket. When the USD starts getting fucked the whole world economy will get fucked. We won't be able to import food because the world's producers will also be hit hard.

>> No.30099248

im a vegan and people dont touch my food. might start a little garden come spring though i guess

>> No.30099283

Yes Mr. greg you say that every video.

>> No.30099284

yea ive been hawking this

>> No.30099332

>People don't touch my food
They will when its all they can get.

>> No.30099344

hahaha ha. dumbass
every single 401k is hugely invested in bonds as a hedge against correction or even collapse. bonds aren't supposed to go up much, and when they do it's a sell signal

>> No.30099372
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>> No.30099428

>That shit goes to 3%+ and its game over, bud
explain? cause when i zoom out it has shit like 15% in the 1980s and the world didn't end then

>> No.30099531

looks like March 4-March 9 will be decisive. i'll be watching this closely, Greg Mannarino put me on to it. thanks OP

>> No.30099917

The 80s didn't have us over leveraged to this degree.

>> No.30099922

Implying people who eat meat don't eat vegetables or carbs , God u vegan retards are completely disconnected from reality. Choosing an extreme while projecting that mentality on to everyone else. I'm not a meat eater I only drink horse blood and semen and fill my ass with carrots.

>> No.30100050
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Daily reminder of what the purchasing power of PMs looks like in a hyperinflation scenario.

>> No.30100098

The issue is, its the % interest the US government will pay on new debt issuance for that maturity. Right now, payment of our interest on outstanding debt is $378 billion for 2021; thats 8% of our budget spent on interest payments. Because the gov will run such yuge budget deficits the treasury will have to auction out new debt to pay the difference. If the new debt has 3%+ interest rates, it will cost something like $7B next year just to pay interest on outstanding debt. Eventually it becomes like Argentina, eternal debt, living just to pay debts, or defaulting.

The gov can get around this by issuing a shit ton of short term debt which is at 0% interest, and for some reason banks want to hold and trade these.

>> No.30100150

when that shit happens do people want silver more than money because the value keeps going up over time so its more safe?

>> No.30100188

>he didn’t buy UUUU

>> No.30100280


>> No.30100446

Would you rather hold a silver coin that can buy you 6 months of food today and six months of food tomorrow, or six gorillion local currency that can buy you a single loaf of bread today and a slice of bread tomorrow?

>> No.30100683
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if you want the doc

>> No.30101448

I just wanted to grill and play vidya and now I've had to learn all about yield curve control and the bond market fuck this shit

>> No.30101508
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Kek this

>> No.30101583

Its simple anon. You buy and hold bitcoin. Bitcoin was created to solve this problem. Why do you think we are here?

>> No.30101616


Question: could it help someone who is cash rich and desperately wants to buy a home?

>> No.30101645

hopefully this is months off since i don't have the capital to invest meaningfully.

>> No.30101981

Depends. Watch the flow of mortgage backed securities (MBS). The Fed is buying a hefty amount of those through QE, and if they suddenly stop, the rates on those will rise as well. Then I think it plays out like this:
>normies who FOMO'd in at the top get nervous
>plebs with variable rates get RAPED have to sell
>plebs selling sparks off selling from nervous normies
>feedback loop dumps lots of properties on the market
>those with cash swoop them up, turn around and rent them to the former mortgagecucks.
Happened in 2008, and its probably the same playbook, but keep in mind you are competing with firms & buyers with LOTS of cash.

>> No.30102141

>keep in mind you are competing with firms & buyers with LOTS of cash.
What I mean is, there is probably some mechanism to price YOU out. I'm thinking, inflation or regulations, something. Those who have planned this asset-grab will already have whats needed to trade for the properties: gold, options, yuan, something you don't have.

>> No.30102393

>basically just buy calls with a really low strike and if shit hits the fan you just exercise that call and pay the premium and then you buy a bunch of stocks at a low price and youre set. hes buying GOOG calls
I don't understand, do you mean he is hedging against hyperinflation and the stock increasing rapidly?

>> No.30102968

>what is population density?
>what is uncertainty?
>what is mass hysteria?

>> No.30103042

stock crash

>> No.30103061

lmao, they ask how to get profit with this gas, fees, dumps, etc

haha what a tards! they will always be poor niggers

I am not so stubid to believe in this scam trash on /biz/

>my way is fucking top yield farming and vaults on YVS! They burn 0.75 % fee on all transactions. Profit is enormous!

>> No.30103746

and how do they ensure that ?
by creating the next batch of bond ? and/or increasing taxes ?

>> No.30103771

do these bitches even know what they're doing?

>> No.30103980

That’s cherry picking anon. Those meat factories are cramped rooms and workers were getting COVID in droves. That led to the shut down of facilities. We’ll automate if we have to to slaughter livestock. The gov is building stockpiles they’ll suppress hysteria and the good goy report at 11 will tell you everything is fine

>> No.30104354

Because that's not food for humans, idiot.

>> No.30104560


>> No.30104824

Yeah. /biz/ is largely sleeping on this bond meltdown, though I have seen some anons with well formed opinions. Its apocalyptic out there.

We are incredibly fucked and the central banks have no tricks anymore (other than neg rats any YCC)

>> No.30104874

Just sell if it touched the top op the 40 year channel it's been in

>> No.30104878

You fucking idiot.
1.4% means yield is rising, so bonds are selling off in the belly and long end of the curve. Ie, people turned around and said "This amount is going to be worth fuck all in 10y when this inflation hits, better get out".

>> No.30105020

It won’t. The central banks already stepped back in. What do you think cause the Monday rally, a value play?

>oooo the P/E of these stocks is only -60 now vs -80 last week what a bargain!


>> No.30105026

>Yield curve control
Basically the fed buying bonds until the yield is what they think it should be. The final form of MMT

>> No.30105157

>the canary in the coal mine
i worked with a former trader who lost everything in 2008. he told me this.
A few month before the crash, the euro bond market started going crazy, everyone was freaking out. This was the start of the crash they thought. He pulled out everything and put it in cash. Then nothing happened. things went back to normal. Put all his clients money back in, put his back in. False alarm they said. everything sorta recovered and people took it as a sign that the market was healthy. Businesses as usual. Then months later, boom the crash that "no one saw coming".

Im getting the same vibes from this. I even saw pundits saying the same garbage. "this is a sign of a healthy market because we are recovering quickly" "this is normal everything is fine"

>> No.30105252

Well we are in a bull market that’s now nearing 2x the average time period and have been in a recession for months now with stocks making new all time highs almost every week.

Doubling the money supply helped....

>> No.30105366

In this and that case, the "new normal" is not normal at all.

>> No.30105736

According to this guy YCC has already started. There's a lot of articles popping up about it as well. https://www.bankrate.com/banking/federal-reserve/what-is-yield-curve-control/

They've already started, just no big formal announcement and everyone is keeping it quiet to prevent panic.

>> No.30105810
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You should use my chart that takes out may where the FED changed the formula for M1. It's not as dramatic, but it's a lot more honest, and it's still pretty terrifying.