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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 59 KB, 1280x720, NEO2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3004136 No.3004136 [Reply] [Original]

$23.46 and rising.

>> No.3004145
File: 9 KB, 304x339, ONobEP7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are barely any resistances left, people wanna buy and not many wanna sell

>> No.3004165

Remember all the FUD this coin got just months ago? I'm not talking about the recent FUD, I'm talking around the time of the crash, what are these people doing now you think?

>> No.3004173

This is pretty good, I bought 250 at 4 bucks.

>> No.3004179
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i have never witnessed such BTFO


>> No.3004194

>sold 180 ants at 360k to buy back in at the dip
>used the proceeds to but SIGT at 4200

literally just GAS my shit up senpai

>> No.3004207
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Free tip: Don't panic buy NEO now.

>> No.3004216

that would be heavy fomo buy right now. wait until a dip at least, which will come. thats how markets work, look at any chart

>> No.3004229


do you guys really still don't get it

this shit is not even close to being done, you will make money buying now even if there is a dip in the next few days

>> No.3004236

>buy 1000 at 6-7 dollars before big announcement in june
>conference was a bust
>panic sell at a loss
Im getting justed right now

>> No.3004247

Dude, be real. It still has no projects on the platform, listed on one exchange and only just starting up like you said.

No doubt it will moon hard to crazy numbers but not yet, when the above things start to roll out that will be the big breakout. Look at ETH all time graph. Shit doesnt happen overnight, platform still has a lot to offer

>> No.3004267


oh really so just wait for these things to happen and it moons, then buy in? genius

>> No.3004271
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>> No.3004275

Actually it does have a project already, Pulse Red or something

>> No.3004280

You are insane, this thing will shit the bed within hours, expect a 40% pullback

>> No.3004284
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Thyroid cancer anon here (Yeah I'm not dead and I've been around, and I'm not sure if it's cancer still, my appointment is finally coming up on monday).

I fucking remember all of it! Never sold a dime and only kept buying, and I've made the equivalent of over three month's pay so far. I feel like I've finally fucking found a reason to be happy in life, if ironically, considering my circumstances. My net worth is higher than it's ever been in the last 25 years. Every day I wake up and I've made more money, and seemingly more good news comes out of NEO. Put another $500 in after the first ICO based on neo launched yesterday, because that pretty much solidifies it as a valuable asset long term now, save for something catastrophically bad happening.

>> No.3004300

So by your logic it will never dip before these things roll out? Are you new to trading?

>> No.3004305


>> No.3004316

Announced, nowhere near complete. Look guys im a neo holder myself so i have no idea why you get defensive when i try to discuss realistic things. I swear this board is just DURDURDUR MUH MOON, BTFO, LELELE kids.

>> No.3004329





>> No.3004338

God bless you, neomarine. We are all gonna make it

>> No.3004349

Thats not even timing, its just following trends and basic things like RSI. No idea why youre flipping out about this.

Im not saving pennies, im doubling my position because i believe in neo longterm.

>> No.3004372
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Dip incoming
Hold onto your dicks lads

>> No.3004377


To an extent you can (Buy in whenever it dips, standard affair) but at the same time


If you factor in all of the momentum this has going for it now, even when it does dip, it's only going to dip so much. The salad days of $5 and under NEO are over. You'd be better off buying during the dips it does have and not holding off thinking it's going to drop to some mystically low number. It's just improbable, and if it does dip back to $5, it's probably because it's likely straight up dying and wouldn't be worth buying into.

>> No.3004399

You guys don't get it. It already dipped to 490k sats yesterday. That was your last chance:)

>> No.3004403
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That's great man

>> No.3004410


Can I get some advice here? I shorted to soon. If I bought back, I would have 60-100 fewer ants depending on my re-entry, based on best scenario to worst.

I have made about 3k off trading ANS, and would be losing like a third or more to get back in.

I don't want to FUD myself on triple digit NEO by waiting for a magically low dip like >>3004377 is warning

>> No.3004423


prime example! you may win and win but its one bad timing and you could miss out and LOSE more than you ever gained

>> No.3004443

I don't day trade so I'm probably not the best person to ask. You just got to way how low you think it could possibly go if bitcoin the market takes shit again like it did in July, and also the likelyhood of such a crash coming soon and use your best judgement. I buy and I hold unless it becomes obvious that the coin's dying and not coming back anytime soon. That's actually how I got into ANS. I bought in with my DGB, XVG and ARK losses, and came out well ahead at this point.

>> No.3004450

Please ignore my intoxicated grammatical errors

>> No.3004488
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I similarly sold off my ETH when it was looking like it would plummet past my entry point, which it did, and I dumped into ANS and held for months. It treated me so well, I don't know how I fudded myself into thinking I could short it at 430k right on the eve of this event.

So yeah, if you're day trading at least don't go all in, I am not dealing with a huge amount of money so I have depended on exponential gains to accumulate more NEO, and now I am looking at not being able to even come close to breaking even if I want to get back on.

I have a really bad feeling I am essentially looking at $16 ETH right now. Going to have to find a new angle to turn 1.3 BTC into 100k

>> No.3004490
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>mfw only green IDs
truly the chosen children of KEK

>> No.3004502

>no green id
w-what did neo mean by this?

>> No.3004511

You getting assfucked

>> No.3004514
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>> No.3004527

I'll buy when it goes back to $18.

>> No.3004531

These fucking buy orders. This is liftoff. $400 neo.

>> No.3004534


>> No.3004539

Gas is looking like a pump and dump that will bring neo down back to .005.

>> No.3004552


Buy back at 350-450k

>> No.3004575

Not happening :)

>> No.3004583

The gas pump and dump has no effect on NEO

>> No.3004593

That explains how every dip rockets back.

>> No.3004603

NEO is never going to touch 5k again.

>> No.3004620

Welcome to /biz/

>> No.3004631

With all these gains happening I was wondering what was going on with you. here's hoping it's not cancer my fellow neomarine.

>> No.3004637

Chinks are waking up.
I wonder what they're gonna do...

>> No.3004651

Dropt a buy order at 0.003

>> No.3004653

Laugh at stupid white boys and steal monies.

>> No.3004654

Ah yes, the chinks are waking up meme

>> No.3004658

going to drop to .006 in a matter of minutes.

>> No.3004663

Love this new meme

>> No.3004688

50$ by end of year
500$ by 2020
screen cap this

>> No.3004720
File: 1.02 MB, 1439x1194, 911wasaninsidejob.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got bull trapped by GAS. Guess i'm a neomarine now.

>> No.3004770


>> No.3004785

this is like digibyte and bancor all over agin

>> No.3004791

Comparing neo to dgb is retarded, copers. Lmao

>> No.3004880

Sold now I'm going to sleep, can't wait to accumulate when I wake up

>> No.3004887


GAS floor is 18, don't sell

>> No.3004966

Sorry mate, you'll awake at 800k and cry

>> No.3004968


>> No.3004980



>> No.3005028

NEO, because NEO can generate GAS, then you have both

>> No.3005050

that's been said twice when it hit 390k and 590k yet here we are it still hasnt crashed

>> No.3005075

No brakes on this train my fellow Pedes!

>> No.3005088

>mooning this hard
It's gonna crash hard, guys

>> No.3005095

>broke 700K

>> No.3005110


>> No.3005111

This FOMO is insane. Like holy shit there's no actual reason for it to be this high right now. It has a single ICO coming (not here yet) and the platform largely hasn't been established and proven yet

>> No.3005115

Anywhere i can short neo or gas? Asking for a friend

>> No.3005121

sounds like ETH when it exploded

>> No.3005126

i sold at .0066

where those wojaks at?

>> No.3005136


Multiple ICOs had come to ETH when it really started up if I'm remembering right. I think this is mostly people trying to get on 'the next ETH' and wanting to get in earlier than they should

>> No.3005137

>considered selling at .0067
>now over .007

wew lad

>> No.3005150
File: 39 KB, 540x540, t2i6z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw had 200 NEOs
>heard about the fork and went into usdt cause i was a bitch
>missed out on BCC gains and altcoin pumps
>see BCC mooning and think the flippening is upon us
>spend all my 200 NEOs worth on BCC at $1100 think there was still more mooning to be done
>went camping with some friends for the week and came back august 5th
>BCC is down around ~$200
>mfw JUST
>don't sell immediately because think it might pump a bit, it doesn't so i sell
>see that ANS has been going up but don't buy in because i think there might be a dip
>dip never happens
>buy back in yesterday at around 590k
>only around 26 NEOs worth
>mfw this was the one the whole time

>> No.3005170

this is why you set up Stop-losses before vacation bro

i feel for ya I made the same mistake back when ETH hit ~$350, learn from mistakes etc.

>> No.3005173

Thank you for your kindness

>> No.3005175

keep coping, no neo :)

>> No.3005180

Plz neo gib me a green id let me be chosen

>> No.3005190

I had 4800 which i sold. Feeling suicidal right now. Going through a bad spot in my life and this is the last thing i needed.

>> No.3005192

No wojaks anymore man, I'm literally crying, I sold everything

>> No.3005194


>> No.3005197

>keep coping, no neo :)

That doesn't answer what justifies NEO's current high popularity outside of a group consensus to try and get in on 'the next ETH'

>> No.3005207

I just came back from the countryside with no internet access for a week and HOLY FUCK! lmao. Also, what is this GAS you are talking about?

>> No.3005209

just sold

wtf are people thinking

>> No.3005213
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>> No.3005214

Where r the fudders waiting for the dip?



>> No.3005227
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>> No.3005229

I love how everyone is watching the next Eth grow in price and instead of hopping on and making gains, theyre scared for their life and desperately want it to fail because they lack the balls and knowledge to buy into THE ONE coin.

Keep FUDding noneos LMFAO!


>> No.3005230

It'll go down eventually, nothing goes up forever.

>> No.3005235
File: 90 KB, 600x800, 1485030819032.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all these retards will have pink wojaks when they dont get in. LUL

>mfw neo hits 100 and all these 4chan retards are getting in now

>> No.3005236

It will dip from 122 dollars to 114 according to TA.

>> No.3005243


Except it wont? LOL

How many said itd go down when it was $17? Now its $24.

Timing the market doesnt work.

Neo isnt a shitcoin. This is the next eth. Im telling u now. Hop on or regret it

>> No.3005259
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>Biz is always wrong
>NEO goes up forever
>People sell out whenever they feel they've made enough to buy literally everything they ever want and will want

>> No.3005264
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Sold at 680k waiting for dip.

>> No.3005285


>> No.3005318


dog, its not good to try and time this. ok you get bitch slapped down to .0061 next correction

>> No.3005327

yeah im just gonna HODL

>> No.3005332

Can you buy things with NEO yet? I need some whores who accept this currency that i now have so much of.

>> No.3005335

Why no dips?
Why nobody selling this shitcoin?
Is literally a chink ETH clone, pls kill yourselves if you think this coin has any potential, pls....

>> No.3005352

salty no NEO fag detected

>> No.3005362

guys i'm new to cryptocurrency and just bought 5.5 Neos over the weekend. Could have bought a lot more, but I didn't want to gamble with more than I was willing to lose.
However the gains look really promising. Wat do?

>> No.3005369


Get in now because in a few months itll be over $40. Itll be over $100 by next year.

Dont buy if u have weak hands and cant hold

>> No.3005371
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I told them to get in.
All they had to do was listen.

>> No.3005376

try and wait for a correction we're in bubble right now
I'd say set a buy order for however much you're willing to spend at like 550k or 600k, and just watch the charts

>> No.3005382

I don't give a fuck about it's potential. I care that other people think it has potential.

Loved waking up today to see that I made another lambo today.

>> No.3005388

why aren't bigger walls being put up on this coin by whales? If it really was the next ETH, they would be all over this shit. I'm starting to think they already accumulated a shitload and we are gonna get fucked boys.

>> No.3005401


I am not going to bed until the next mile stone, eith 25 or .00800

>> No.3005407


If you watch order books a lot of large 1000+ stacks of ants have guy up for sale, steadily get eaten up, while a trickle of sub 200 orders comes in constantly. Any smart whale is holding right now.

>> No.3005408

Gas just hit .009 it's only a matter of time.

>> No.3005439

Reminder it's going to dip after all this hype, just like last time

>> No.3005443

Here comes the dip. Get fucked you FOMOing faggots

>> No.3005453
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>Oh no a small fraction of my gains were lost temporarily before hitting a new ATH

Oh noneos, when will you learn that it's over for you!?

>> No.3005470

>oh fuck he was right

>> No.3005476
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begone ye, salt golem

>> No.3005479


can you imagine I bought my 1340 antshares for about 4.5 BTC? I don't mind if it goes down a little.

>> No.3005496
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How is this sustainable?

>> No.3005501

And yet, it already recovered in less than 5 minutes. The FOMO is strong

>> No.3005531


where is this going to land?

>> No.3005537


All it takes is a strong and long enough correction to break the newbie weak hands and send everything spiraling down, especially at this level of gains many people have already made

>> No.3005560

That sounds like a reasonable spot to pick up.

>> No.3005574

>below the price of GAS
>GAS is stable


>> No.3005581

Is NEO the same as ANS?

>> No.3005623

legitimate point

>> No.3005626


>> No.3005632

I'm thinking dip to 550-570k, then a rally to 650 or so then down to your range.

>> No.3005674

My blockfolio says it's at $15.94, weird.

>> No.3005679

You need to synchronize your blockfolio and add NEO and delete your ANTS. Re-enter it your purchases.

>> No.3005691

It's alright dude, more good coins will come along for you to invest in early. Live and learn

>> No.3005697

good luck mate hope you get through it

>> No.3005704

Awe, there goes some old numbers.

>> No.3005746

This is it. I just transfered all my savings into Coinbase, tomorrow I'm going all out on NEO.
Later I will build an altar to the chinks who created this coin

>> No.3005763

My tip for you friend, keep calm and buy DNT.
Right now can only be bought in Liqui and other autistic exchanges, very underpriced right now.

It wont be the next NEO, but if you buy now you can sell it later for 10x or more.

>> No.3005782
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W-will I make it /biz/ been trading since April and made some gains but this is my first real moon.

Just hodl for dear life?

>> No.3005784

>buying at the ATH

>> No.3005787

nice sold at 590 then went to sleep, of course it instantly moons

>> No.3005793

>Buying the ATH when all the news about NEO is about to be over for a bit

Anon no

>> No.3005834

you can just take note of the date and amount you bought and sold and transfer it to the new one.

>> No.3005843
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this guy gets it

>> No.3005846

I know this doesn't amount to much but stay strong.

>> No.3005989

>Sold btc at 2800 before it mooned waiting for weekend dip
>Sold NEO at 590k waiting for dip
nice first week in crypto, at least im100 up

>> No.3006018
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Not a bad day, gents, had my first $1000+ day today. Is this what it feels like to be a bad ass?

>> No.3006026

I fell for the fudders and sold 340 ant bought at 380k stats for loss. I dont even have a wojak for this

>> No.3006036

you FUDers just got your dip. 650k. got bought up in seconds. lol

>> No.3006221
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>> No.3006491
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who cares you made 160% lol

>> No.3006610

hurr durr chinck coin

yeah those fucker are assblasted right now

500 euro turned to 3.2k euro in just two month
They thought BTC and ETH would flip but they didn't expect NEO to be the next ETH

>> No.3006623
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>he still doesn't know about the NEO ICO's

>> No.3007339

Congratulations to the guys who stuck to this coin. I sold like a dumbass after that big dip.

If there's a new big dip I'm gonna buy NEO as well.

>> No.3007490

What's that now? Another ATH?

>> No.3007510

There's a lot of coins being sold off at the moment

>> No.3007517

just bought ATH fuck this shit

>> No.3007524

almost sold @740k but stopped at the last second

>> No.3007527

>buy in
>it immediately drops 3k

And by immediately I mean immediately, within seconds
Why does God want me to suffer so much?

>> No.3007541

a perfect time for a /biz/raeli to buy in
sell target: 550ksats

>> No.3007542

not meant to be rich even if free money sits right in front of you

>> No.3007550


>it literally drops 0,4% right after I buy!!!! Why can't I catch a break and buy something that will only go up!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.3007552
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If I can't be happy then nobody should be happy
I'm pulling all my crypto and buying an arsenal

>> No.3007553

>Sell walls are still being bought up


>> No.3007561
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>> No.3007605
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buy low sell high acquire more.

$100 NEO is coming soon, then higher.

don't be cucked nocoiners

>> No.3007639

>I've made the equivalent of over three month's pay so far. I feel like I've finally fucking found a reason to be happy in life

And when it dips, you'll fucking leap from the nearest high rise.

>> No.3007664


>gas is easy to accumulate

Having 1k ans gets you 5 dollars a day at current gas prices

>> No.3007732

ayo dawg, so i heard about ur full-green ID thread

>> No.3007737

>And when it dips, you'll fucking leap from the nearest high rise.
Unless he sells...

Jeez some people are such morons.

>> No.3007742

What if I have 500 ans, I get nothing ??

>> No.3007755

Around $150 a month at current gas prices. Pretty fucking decent honestly.

>> No.3007775

And the 750k wall falls

>> No.3007779

These sellwalls are getting fucking demolished

>> No.3007782

NEO is going full vertical.

>> No.3007783

Grats on gains guys, sold 2k at 58k cause been bag holding since june, really thought this would come crashing down to 45k or so but now who knows. Put all the gains from NEO in OMG a bit ago, hopefully that gets a portion of the NEO rocket fuel

>> No.3007792

And I thought a 35$ Neo was only going to happens in December.

>tfw my two main investments are Neo and Qtum and they both are booming

>> No.3007797

I only have 6 NEO..

>> No.3007799
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I-I beg you pardon, k-kind sir?

>> No.3007822


Oh hello satoshis big cousin.

>> No.3007826

Been fallowing since .0025 convince me to not FOMO

>> No.3007833

I sold half of my ETH 2 weeks ago, all my shitcoins (ESP, SIB) and and bought more NEO @ 7 and OMG @ 1.5 usd. Thank you jesus oh my god.

>> No.3007856

Sold at around 580, bought right back in when it shattered 600.

I have no idea where this coin's roof is anymore

>> No.3007885

When the Chinese buy, new markets are carved out. Should have seen this wave coming.

>> No.3007913

Guys when is the conference? Will this dump after the conference?

>> No.3007947

Will there be a live stream?

>> No.3007952

Just found out there is a neo reddit with 10k subs and a daily thread with thousands of posts. This is getting fomoed to the fucking moon.

>> No.3007962

This will not dump anytime soon so youre good

>> No.3007968

>bought ans when biz shilled it at 4 dollars
>sold at 10 dollars
>made good profit but missing out on even bigger gains just because i wanted some fiat
>tfw no money until payday in a month so i can't get in on these gains

>> No.3007994

All resistances get eaten like nothing, so i think it will go to 100 by end of august, you still have time

>> No.3008095
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Same here, I sold at 395, then somehow I forgot the next morning that the reason I sold was to catch a dip, so I ended up selling my BTC for fiat. At $2850, 5 hours before it mooned to $3000+. I timed my sell perfectly too, NEO did dip the next day. Then this ridiculous moon happened while goybase had my money in a transfer. I was an antmarine since the fucking beginning, and I fucking jump off the rocket the night before launch. I made 15% on NEO, around $150. My missed gains at this point total around $2000. I'm fucking seething, that's a shitload of money for a poorfag student. Guess I'm just destined to be poor.
Pic is the setup I had for watching the ant conference, to prove I was an antfag since the start of the /biz/ shilling.

>> No.3008114

you have your computer tell you 'hello!' and have an anime girl on your screen. I think you have bigger things to deal with than missing out on 2k

>> No.3008122

What is it gonna crash to do you think?

Think 570k within a day or two

>> No.3008142

is neo not on block folio ?

I still have my ants there , but the price is wrong

>> No.3008153

Tempted to drop my 2 btc onto this right now - disregarding short term gains.. this coin is sticking around right?

>> No.3008159


>> No.3008163

update app ever?

>> No.3008187
File: 52 KB, 741x960, ANTX8149b8218aab2e8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you have your computer tell you 'Hello!'
It's a clock that lets me input a custom time string, the 'hello!' at the beginning was just an afterthought that I typed in when I was ricing my OS. That's a fucking odd thing to nitpick about my screen anyhow.
>anime girl on your screen
Sometimes it's an anime girl, other times it's the 4chan clover or a video game character. It's a function of my 4chan userscript, the image is randomly pulled from a database.
Also this is an anime imageboard, so fuck off if you feel the need to bitch about anime.

>> No.3008197


>> No.3008204
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Good goy

>> No.3008235
File: 954 KB, 1330x1148, am i retarded(UpRGB)(noise_scale)(Level2)(tta)(x2.000000).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>good goy
I don't follow. What did I say that makes me a good goy?

>> No.3008260

You need to remove ans and add neo. It is not automatically updated in blockfolio.

>> No.3008261

Shit on Neo, ETC is going up again, chasing after ETH buy in now! 20$ soon

>> No.3008283

What the fuck why is it stalling

>> No.3008296
File: 1.12 MB, 268x374, comfycutie.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just amused by the fact that weeaboos like us are making $ trading shitcoins. What a time to be alive

>> No.3008368
File: 56 KB, 1280x720, internet friends.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuckin' A, man. I may have missed this train by a hair, but there will be other shitcoins that'll go lunar. Here's to making it rich, anon. I don't know what I'd be doing if I hadn't found 4chan nearly 10 years ago. You guys introduced me to some cool shit, and as of this January, tipped me off on bitcoin and crypto as a whole. I can honestly say I've only benefited from my time here. I still can't believe a chinese cartoon imageboard helped me make money.
>tfw eventually the normalfags will catch on to crypto and a bunch of weebs on the internet will take their money
The weebs will inherit the earth.

>> No.3008394

You'll be fine.
t. all-in BCHer at 0.1199

>> No.3008558


>> No.3008596
File: 53 KB, 1024x576, 1486544768577.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cringe : the post

>> No.3008597

lol sell at your own risk. I learned my lesson when I sold earlier and the thing bounced back so quickly I nearly rebought at a loss.

>> No.3008624
File: 140 KB, 384x428, f49d81b691f468e1d47d965a3b8dc6ec.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whatever you say faggot. This thread will die, and you'll never see me again, so I don't really give a fuck.

>> No.3008768
File: 375 KB, 600x800, 1486623992950.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of course i will see you again. Because you're the kind of human turd that relies on feels and emotions when it must take a decision. Soon, you will create a new thread in which you will ask how and why you fucked up and lose all of your money in shitcoins because you thought it was some kind of meme powered magic money.
See you soon kid.

>> No.3008778
File: 272 KB, 1700x2200, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3008788
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>> No.3008793
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>> No.3008801
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>> No.3008819
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Yes, but you'll still be cringy

>> No.3008829
File: 48 KB, 924x560, pshhh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wont fuck up faggot, I don't make my decisions on feels, I make decisions based on risk/reward. If I really made emotionally based decisions, I would have FOMO bought back into NEO at 500k. Granted, that would have been the right call this time, but still.
So yeah, you'll see me again.
At the lambo dealer.
Nothin' personnel kid.
Not really. I try to limit my faggy feelsposting to once a month max.

>> No.3008843
File: 351 KB, 1252x1252, miU6IAJs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Once a month max

Do you also bleed on that day?

>> No.3008857

Glad I'm not the only one who's seeing the red flags. Although I'm still invested in it.

>> No.3008906
File: 97 KB, 600x600, IMG_5158.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It never ceases to amaze me how you faggots can find the smallest bit of a post to nitpick and insult someone over.
Also, stop reddit spacing you tremendous faggot.









>> No.3008938
File: 24 KB, 400x245, majutsu - 02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>It never ceases to amaze me how you faggots can find the smallest bit of a post to nitpick and insult someone over.

It was a joke anon, not a dick, don't take it so hard.

















>> No.3008952

I couldn't be cringing harder even if I was sucking on diarrhea shit and fresh lemons at the same time. Fuck off spergs.

>> No.3008963
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I'm simply fighting spergs by larping as a sperg.

>> No.3008969
File: 67 KB, 821x960, IMG_5253.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it was a joke, not a dick so don't take it so hard
Ok fuck you, you win. That shit made me giggle like a retard.
And line breaks go between paragraphs, not individual sentences.

>> No.3008984
File: 53 KB, 256x256, man.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I imagine you both bitchslapping each other wearing cat ears and those toe-socks. Enough 4chins for today.

>> No.3008995

I dont get why its mooning so hard

>> No.3009007
File: 118 KB, 511x1125, d18d083468247cac7ddd4fcf47f424ee0cf43dd7c6d28526544a322e69ca0e7b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


all dis reddit spacing

>> No.3009017

I think the key lies in shills calling it 'chinese eth', 'next eth' and shit like that. Once this sank in, it was a self-fulfilling prophecy. Search for fundamentals only gets you so far in this market.

>> No.3009037
File: 70 KB, 454x809, IMG_5230.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no u

>> No.3009042

800k SAT

>> No.3009053
File: 34 KB, 480x480, 1497756140985.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people waiting for a dip

>> No.3009064

This. The meme became a reality. The early group of memers set this truck in motion.

The funny thing is Ethereum is already huge in China and NEO is shit in comparison. I say this as a NEO holder and not an Eth holder. Let the moon begin

>> No.3009642

Wrong. NEO is the superior tech, they learned from the mistakes done in ETH and improved on it.

The only advantage from ETH is the stabilished market and the tons of ICO done for it.

But listen, ETH is fucking unlimited, NEOs are capped to 100 million. This shit is going to overtake ETH in a few months, you've been warned, buy it now or prepare a noose for later.

>> No.3009714

one coming up rn, actly

>> No.3009942
File: 41 KB, 460x459, 1490633236778.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

get ready to buy in if you so desire

>> No.3009955

>NEO is the superior tech, they learned from the mistakes done in ETH and improved on it.

Do you honestly believe this

>> No.3009961


Ethereum is inflantory coin, is NEO inflantory coin?

>> No.3009962

Yep. Switching my LTC bags to NEO as soon as I can and might even do a little bit of trading on the swings

>> No.3009972


This is really low quality bait, the question makes a statement and asks how it **is** possible, this has to be fake

>> No.3009974

Fuck off condescending faggot .. u mad u didnt get in at 3$ like me?

>> No.3009977
File: 144 KB, 341x512, 1367080519923.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you sold all your ANS to buy CFI during the ICO

>> No.3010002

The market to sell is low because most want NEO to hold and get free GAS which has also shot up and both will continue to grow.

>> No.3010034

In one week, NEO will be worth 0.01 BTC each. Get in. Consider this current price cheap as it still has more growth

>> No.3010087
File: 72 KB, 600x900, neooo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

FUCKING KEK!! been buying all the way since 3$, didnt listen to biz faggots saying sell .. now i can retire. ANONS, you missed the boat.. maybe digi will treat you right.

>> No.3010106

Sure thing noob. Wheres your proof?

>> No.3010112


Damn bro

It's all over for you when this scam coin crashes then

>> No.3010163

>constantly doing nothing but bragging about literally getting lucky
If only all of you could get thyroid cancer

>> No.3010192


>> No.3010199

Hold strong. You will regret selling.

>> No.3010202

I have 1 NEO on neowallet.cn and I cand fucking send the god damn thing. Bug or what?

>> No.3010210

Decline looks to be slowing, I haven't stopped hodling I don't think i'll stop now

>> No.3010307
File: 37 KB, 960x540, 803529290.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

some huge bags being dropped rn, but price is doing ok. Stay sharp

>> No.3010375


I shorted at 430k and didn't buy back at 450k because I didn't want to lose 30 shares.

I'm now out $4k and 150 shares.

>> No.3010398

same thing brah :) NEO gon make us rich. NEO haters, keep waiting for that dip. LMAO

>> No.3010469
File: 22 KB, 500x333, baldmanimpressed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and that was that dip

>> No.3010538
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>> No.3010565


So, 28.4$ anon

>> No.3010911
File: 11 KB, 300x300, 00391.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

finally, it has come to a stop

has been a nice ride, gg

>> No.3010929

it's just the marketcap is faked by the scam exchanges. you think there are a lot of btc into this but that's not the case, everyone who enters get his order eaten ans the price drops instantly. It's being faked pumped with the complicity of the exchanges.

>> No.3011606

Neopets was recently bought by a chink company. Think we could see NEO implemented there?
I could finally buy that desert paintbrush