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30079308 No.30079308 [Reply] [Original]

>Job is now asking for Covid shot forms

So this is where I get fired & go on Unemployment, & make Crypto my full time job

>> No.30079343


Get the vaccine schizo

>> No.30079374

t. moshe

>> No.30079398

my body my choice

>> No.30079404

post nose

>> No.30079440

Imagine getting a vaccine for a disease that only kills 90 year old hamplanet smokers

>> No.30079465

the truth is, jews are the ones who are trying to prevent people from taking the vaccine, they want the western nations to suffer

>> No.30079469


>> No.30079555

post proof or fuck off, faggot

>> No.30079597

Except your putting other people at risk by staying unvaccinated. Also fetus aren’t born yet that it’s not heir body so not comparable.

>> No.30079614

Imagine bullying people into getting a yellow star, I mean vaccine, for a virus with a 99% survival rate that "might not even work."

>> No.30079647


>> No.30079665

Can’t tell if bait

>> No.30079747

stay away from me than u biggot. it's because I'm black dats rite aint no nigger care bouts any vaxxine

>> No.30079825

so it should be fine to headshot them with an ice pick or slowly poison them to death cause they're inside and not outside like us (even though we were inside too)

>> No.30079841

Imagine thinking you’ll qualify for unemployment denying the vaccine

>> No.30080096

Really? I'm expecting it too. No idea what to do. I'm a poorfag, but I really don't want to take the vaccine. Crypto trading is not for me, I'd just lose all my savings.


>> No.30080240

They can't legally mandate vaccines, talk to a lawyer

>> No.30080417

no, they're willing exposing themselves to the virus by being in public. If you don't want to expose yourself to germs, you are completely free to live inside a bubble and never leave the house.

>> No.30080536

the truth is only the jews have the rights not to take the vaccine

>> No.30080557

ok rabbi

>> No.30080621

lmao pussy you're afraid of a vaccine
i got it, it's fine dont even notice it. Dont be an idiot

>> No.30080811
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Vaccines approved under the emergency expedited criteria cannot be made mandatory.
It's in the law.

>> No.30080931

How the fuck do you even get the vaccine

I asked my doctor for it and they told me I don’t qualify

>> No.30080977


Niggers upset that they will be the first to die from mRNA complications when all the smart anons did everything in their power to avoid the jew poison.

>> No.30081053

Lol. Imagine actually believing this.

>> No.30081171


>> No.30081334


>> No.30081407

Work in a sector that gets priority

>> No.30081461

That's exactly what I'll be doing if they try and force this shit on me. Already told them to fuck off with their masks they tried to make "mandatory".

>> No.30081472


Basically this

>> No.30081633

It's ironic, if they wanted to get as many people as possible, they shouldn't have panicked and overreacted to this pandemic the way they did. Treat it like nothing special and most people probably would have gotten the vaccine like they did most other vaccines. But they had to make it such a shit show and raised way too many eyebrows. Not getting it, sorry. Don't give a fuck if I put others at risk, they will never not be at risk if they fucking go outside into the public. Covid aint the first and won't be the last.

>> No.30081782

This. If all these hypochondriacs are so scared of an alt strain of influenza then how about they fuck off from the world and bolt themselves inside their homes whilst the rest of us continue to live.

>> No.30082008

pretty true, had they reacted the way ebola then most people wouldve taken it. But brainwashing and waging war by proving misinformation made it very suspicious

>> No.30082051

You wouldn't want to infect vaccinated people with covid, now would you?

>> No.30082168
File: 22 KB, 557x550, 99151078-13C5-471B-B5B1-31E7669993B4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can the /pol/cels on here explain to me why I should lose my job and my ability to participate in other things with other humans because I am scared to take a vaccine that has a 99.99999999999999999999999999% survival rate?

If you’re so scared of the vaccine then stay home.

>> No.30082262

Take your meds schizo.

>> No.30082274

you realize how insane you sound right?

>> No.30082277
File: 144 KB, 1249x1253, oh boy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>getting an experimental mrna vaccine
btw if you wanna see some shit go to /r/covidvaccinated and search for "period" or "menstruation"
pic related

>> No.30082316

This is fourth generation warfare.

>> No.30082330

Demonrats are increasing unemployment payments to august 2021 and pushing the extra bux you get up to 400, plus talking about a fourth stimulus. With the amount of inflation that's happening right now you'd have to be a fucking retard to work in any non-work from home job. Shit, my state is a purple state/fraud state and they're planning on making all community college free and legalizing weed so when that passes I might just get hvac and mechanic certified and start a business selling weed accessories/handyman work and make bank in the new retardworld created. In fact it's so fucked I specifically didn't do this before because I knew I'd be paying for classes that would then become free. Fuck that.

Take the leechpill, let jewmerica bleed out.

>> No.30082343

Based. Don’t give in, anon

>> No.30082382

I got it, I’ll let you know if I develop a sudden taste for human flesh or something

>> No.30082445

>mental gymnastics

>> No.30082475


I'll be pissing on your grave in 4 years tops, mark that on your calendar faggot.

>> No.30082496
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>> No.30082526

go back to sleep, you shouldnt be here

>> No.30082546

LARP, even 1/3 of health care workers denied it no way it can be mandated this soon

>> No.30082550
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>comrade, any infinitesimal benefit to the collective justifies rape of your individual life and liberty

>> No.30082593
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Absolutely 100% based. This is exactly what I intend to do as well. Just waiting for these faggots to demand I get vaccinate.

>> No.30082662

Women are so fucking stupid and oblivious. They know they're fucked but go on reddit looking for social validation.

>> No.30082720

Its almost sad , they never even had a chance

(((they))) sure did a number on them

>> No.30082728

Find someone that got the shot, make a scan of their card, change the name to yours, print it out on white card stock, and boom. You just certified you got vaccinated. At least that's what I did. No one is going to question it.

>> No.30082794

You have a 99% survival rate from covid. If you're so scared of the virus then stay home.

>> No.30082920
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>> No.30083143

>faggot thinks covid vax prevents transmission

Stay retard, retard.

>> No.30083385

What’s stopping them from using blockchain to shut down those who refuse to sterilize their future children?

>> No.30083541

Thats where Chainlink comes in

>> No.30083908

i dont see why everyone here is so obsessed with "making it" im getting 1000/mo on passive income with crypto enough for a room and food. i can retire. im not going to fucking wagecuck to have a nice house at 60. i either get it through gambling or not at all

>> No.30083983
File: 121 KB, 1274x1005, oh jeez pt 3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sure they'll be fine.

>> No.30084008

please let this vaccine kill normies and women

>> No.30084184

But if everyone else has the vaccine then who cares? They are safe anyway whether I get the vaccine or not

>> No.30084232

Based on getting fired by refusing vaccine rather than quitting. At least you can possibly get unemployment benefits that way.

Either bait or you belong with a group of soi's

>> No.30084289


>> No.30084592
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>> No.30084760 [DELETED] 

>Muh periods
>Muh periods
If they don't like periods, they should get pregnant like nature intended.

>> No.30084849


>> No.30084899

Just get a manual labor job


>> No.30085185

were sheeple in israel more than anywhere else, literally pushed the green vacc pass to the mainstream. no gym memebership for you if no vaxx no work that involves in person interaction etc
stop this hatespeech

>> No.30085281

fuck off monkey

>> No.30085345

>99.9% chance of NOT dying

>> No.30085363

>Just get a manual labor job

I did that in my 20s. Saved all the OT money & now just work a salaried sales job

>> No.30085596

I have no intentions of getting the vaccine (taking version 1.0 is retarded), but I'm honestly amazed by how many retards think COVID is fake. It's overblown as fuck, but it's real and the symptoms can be harsh.

>> No.30086341

that's the vaccine talking

>> No.30086383

Jewish hands typed this.

>> No.30087485

>any infinitesimal benefit to the collective justifies rape of your individual life and liberty
That's what the Japanese believe fyi.

>> No.30087587


Legally you don’t have to because it’s an EUA vaccine. Your employer can’t force you to take a vaccine that hasn’t gone through full testing abs if they fire you, you could sue them

>> No.30087676

Did you see how mad everyone got? Their inner cringe /pol/ came out.

I got the vaccine last month. Schizos gonna schiz. Enjoy being paranoid, maybe you fags can try to storm the capitol again

>> No.30087692

i hit my 1 year anniversary of unemployment next week, every week i select an option from a drop-down menu that says "i quit my job as a direct result of COVID-19" and then $505 comes into my account 4 days later

>> No.30087822


>> No.30087981

I’m sure it’s fine for 99% of people but the fact that they want to force everyone to take an untested vaccine is bullshit and morally that should be opposed.

What happens if we find out years later it makes 5% of the population sterile or something. You can’t trust these globalists who look at you like cattle

>> No.30088017

they're doing Children of Men aren't they. population control in 20 years...

i wonder if
a) a more deadly pandemic will come out soon
b) some kind of mass casualty event/coordinated rash of mass casualty events will happen
c) birthrates will plummit as a result of the vaccine

or all 3

>> No.30088095

Quck Qff Qaggot

>> No.30088212

That may possibly come back to bite you anon.

>> No.30088724

I love how they "believe in science" but then they just pull comforting stories out of their ass about what the vaccine is doing to them that have no basis in science

>> No.30088786

post nose

>> No.30089098

Ironically those same people are the least likely to take it.

>> No.30089301


It’s sterilizing women.

>> No.30089383

I am not a COVID denier, it exists.

However, it mostly effects people over fucking 65+. I have been basically asked to put my life and career on hold for a virus that likely doesn't effect me for a year and a fucking half and now people are trying to mandate that you can only participate in certain aspects of society with a fucking shot for something that likely will never have any negative effect on me.

I have no idea how people don't look at this with absolute fucking insanity.

>> No.30089692


My uncle just died this morning from it, this isn't some fake shit nigga

>> No.30089952

>My uncle just died this morning from it
shouldn't you be grieving with your family instead of shitposting on 4chan?

>> No.30090098
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how am I putting people at risk if they already have the vaccine?

>> No.30090336

Holy shit you need to go back.

>> No.30090381

Only met him twice in my life, he lived in another country. Point is, he had it and died from it. if any of your loved ones get it, don't let the hospital put them on a ventilator, that's what killed him.

>> No.30090460
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>> No.30090589

>wonder if
>a) a more deadly pandemic will come out soon

There's already a Britain, South Africa, & Brazilian variation of the Covid

>> No.30090669


how do you know he died from it?

>> No.30091265

these are all white women too arent they....
we're fucked

>> No.30091313


>> No.30091319

oh noes da chyna virus is gonna get me!

>> No.30092117


Posted on tik tok right before