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File: 69 KB, 1280x960, Union.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
30082088 No.30082088 [Reply] [Original]

It looks like someone from Compound is buying a lot of UNN
This wallet has been sent coins from the compound team wallet in the past. Maybe there is a partnership in the works? It would make a lot of sense if Compound, a lending platform, uses Union's Collateral Optimization(C-OP) and Collateralized Debt Obligations products (CDO), as this would lead to less overcollateralization.

Collateral Optimization (C-OP) protects your collateral. When prices gap up, C-OP is triggered. This gives you more borrowing power. When prices gap down, C-OP is triggered. This reduces your risk of liquidation. C-OP has non-linear cost savings to liquidations: the bigger the gap down in asset price, the more the C-OP saves the borrower

Collateralized Debt Obligations (CDOs) are a complex structured finance product that is backed by a pool of loans and other assets and sold to institutional investors. A CDO is a particular type of derivative because, as its name implies, its value is derived from another underlying asset. These assets become the collateral if the loan defaults.

>Collateralized debt obligations will greatly increase the lending capacity of the maturing DeFi space and create opportunities for purchasers to earn active yield.

>> No.30082385

I'll buy if this shit ever goes back to 4c range

>> No.30082515


>> No.30082590


What are you talking about?


>> No.30082597


I can't wait for this shit to hit $1 soon

>> No.30082638

Lots of people won’t buy unless it drops to that price, I guess it’s a high risk token with no use and the confidence for it to pump is low.

>> No.30082678

Please buy so I can feel comfy putting more money into it

>> No.30082742


Anons waiting for a dip on this chart kek this shit is going straight to 10cent this month with no dips

>> No.30082929

Undervalued under the radar gem, today's AMA with Unilend sent the price from 5 to 6 cents.

Fucking bullish on UNN

>> No.30082985
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>> No.30083075
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yeah, i haven't heard that one before. This time it's different, right?

>> No.30083074

Fun fact: Most of the companies partnered will buy UNN in order to make the product work

There's 8 current partners, and almost a new one every two weeks.

Anon... This is the most bullish shitcoin you've ever shilled

>> No.30083100
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Keep sending it

>> No.30083334
File: 93 KB, 600x749, 1580863159169.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel like Union is a made coin. Their market cap is so tiny but their partners are so big. If there is something here with compound then...

>> No.30084045
File: 68 KB, 1100x825, 55f6af55bd86ef0e008b9f92.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based project (pic unrelated)

>> No.30084186

Unironic pajeet posts like this have single handedly stopped me from buying this coin

So many posts in these threads are so unnatural

>> No.30084555
File: 9 KB, 220x220, smoking.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just wait a few more months for the Crypto ban to go into effect

>> No.30084626

Does the token do anything?

>> No.30084860

Get your fingers out of your mouth, piggy.

>> No.30084928

If you consider Governance a use, yes. They have a partnership with FinanceOin that will allow you to use your UNN as collateral and in return you receive a stablecoin. You will be able to use C-OP.

>> No.30084982

literally with every coin that moons you get excited bagholders and pajeets who buy the tops and then shill some more.

>> No.30085057

How much $UNN to make it

>> No.30085081

You'll stake your UNN and earn a piece of every policy underwritten. They're doing a thing with kleros for dispute resolution too that should, in theory, have a synergistic effect with proof of humanity for ODR; something unlike any other provider can offer. Nexus mutual holders on suicide watch.

>> No.30085160


>> No.30085535

>proof of humanity

>> No.30086068
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>> No.30086309

its fucking happening!!

>> No.30086418
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>> No.30086519

OH wow

>> No.30086590

10c EOD boys wagmi

>> No.30086702

I only have 80k IM NOT READY TO BE PRICED OUT :(

>> No.30086950

We broke out lads

>> No.30087225

It's a good thing you're not buying. I'd hate to have a midwit on the rocket ride with me.

>> No.30087344

I'm at 400k and still staking in the geyser, average buy $0.025. I wish I'd bought more still.

>> No.30087544

i was just thinking about buying into this yesterday when it dipped a little to the high .4 range

>> No.30087591

Tell me about staking with geyser. What's the risk involved?

>> No.30087858

Feels bad with only 30k. Poor anon status right now but maybe with the Union gains I can put it into a promising low cap coin

>> No.30088216
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Oh bOysss!! We het 7c and keep forcing, maybe 10c tonight...
It's too late to put more in?

>> No.30088220

We'll just have to hold longer to make it

>> No.30088228

UNN can 10x and still be a psomising low cap. it wont even be top 100 yet

>> No.30088590

this pump happening too fast load ze UNN fud!!!!

>> No.30088691

38K stacklet here. I'm probably going to DCA more over the next few months until I reach 100K.

>> No.30089035


>> No.30089077

i would have to pay like 1.7 eth to buy my original stack back. might just bite the bullet

>> No.30089276

This gonna give me a purple lambo

>> No.30089489

UNN is singlehandedly saving my portfolio right now, keep poomping to 30c please

>> No.30089591

guys we need to start fudding. cant let the horde get ahold my ourcoin

>> No.30090355

$100 EOH kindly please sirs.

>> No.30090490

Almost a hundred rupies now praise vishnu

>> No.30090654

seriously fuck off
fudding is a perpetual culture that will only keep noobs apprehensive and their money in the bank
if you didn't acquire enough of this project, just fucking live with it

>> No.30090830

Did I miss the pump?

>> No.30091642

Yes. My pajeet larp reverse psychology fud was successful in killing the moonshot.

>> No.30092444

20eth dump and price still stable bruh this isnt gonna correct back to 5c anymore holy shit

>> No.30093190
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>> No.30093990
